Let see... where do i start...

First, thanks for the readers who Review, Follow and make this Fic one of your Favourites.

Second, please... someone, tell me how to make a good summary. It hurts when heard your own sister says 'Those readers were right. Your summary is suck.'

Third, this chapter is supposed to be released next week along but something happened, and it will be a serious one. So for you who expecting Sona and Naruto's past will be hilarious... Sorry if you dissapointed by it.

Fourth, for the readers that ask me questions through their PM, the answers is on the AN at the bottom part.

Now to the story...

~*In a certain memories of the Sitri heiress*~


A name of famous clan from one of 32 pillars in underworld.

A name that every devil in underworld known has the best medical facilities.

A former name that once bore by the current demon lord Leviathan...

But for me... for the old me, that name was just like a thorn in my heart.

It was because that name's fault... i had different childhood than other children.

Looking back, I still remember a scene where my bodyguards beat up a kid around my age when i was taking a walk in a town.

And the reason...

It's because he asked me to be his friend.

Ignoring my order to stop, they keep beating him while saying It's unbefitting, disgraceful, It's not right for a mere low class like him to befriend with me who a high class devil.


What a foolish reason.


The heiress of Sitri clan...

It was the title that given to me since I was born.

From the sounds, such a great position isn't it? To be the heiress one of high-ranking devil clans.

Such a noble title that makes you highly regarded, a noble title that could make you look up in proud.

But not for me...

Because it's the reason i didn't have a freedom.

From behind a window, i only could watching the workers who chatting or playing happily, showing a face that so different when i'm i stood in front of them.

Turning back from the display, i look what pilled on top the desk in front of me.


If someone seeing me that time, i'm sure they will say it's so ironic.

Separated by a wall, there are peoples who chatting and joking with the other to fill their day, meanwhile on the other side of the wall, is a child who accompanied by a friend that even never exist in the first place, a child who studying... study, study, and study with reason to reach those peoples' expectations.

I... really hate my sister, the one who gave me that title.

Why i have to born with that name...?

Why i have to born in Sitri's family...?

Why i have to born as high-class devil...?

Why can't I have... a real friend...?

Those questions were the one which leading me to the root of my problem.

Discrimination between devils because of the differences in their ranks.

On that day too i found my goal, my drive to erase those differences so there is no such a thing as a noble or a peasant.

To make them equal.


After i found my goal, I start putting a mask of cold and calmness in front of other peoples.

Lying to my own feeling so the others could approve me as the proper lady of Sitri Heiress, the high class devil who will lead them one day.

I decided to take my status as an heiress more seriously, having a high position mean could take a big step to reach my goal after all.


Even tough i found my goal, even though i kill my emotion...

The loneliness in my heart still not vanish...


Day by day i went through my lonely life with coldness, forcing and told myself that i don't need anyone to make my goal become true.

Because it is my problem, my alone, and no one could interfere it.

That is... until He came to my life.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki as in my family name, and Naruto as in my first name. Nice to meet you, Sona Ojou-sama."

A man in butler uniform and has looks in his early thirty is standing in the middle of hall, Interrupting my way to the library. He also has spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. A little weird for me who never saw someone with that appearance on the Sitri's house.

Ah, he also has unusual trait on him, three whiskers-like scars in each his cheeks.

"State your business."

Giving a nod to his greetings, i ask what he want's. Of course, not fogetting to put my cold attitude.

"I am hereby in order from Lord Sitri to become your personal butler, Ojou-sama."

I was confused that time. What makes this man special so that my father appointed him to become my personal butler, before dismissed it and decided ask about it to my father later.

"I see... follow me to the library. I have a study session in there"

"Hai, Ojou-sama"

For now, He's just another employee... was what i thought at that time.


As i said to him before, I had a study session at the library that time, to learn something from the best tutor that my parents hired.

Heh... The best they said.

The lesson was not that great, I could find a book that ten times more resourceful than what he taught. Most of the time that he used is wasted for boasting how great the high class devils are.

After two hour session, the tutor was left but not for me.

I'm staying in there with a reason to set an example to the supposed my new butler, about what the heiress of Sitri clan usually does.

I let him observe me to get another approval as the heiress like what i did to the other peoples.

Really, i hate that tittle.

Dismissing the thought, i keep focusing on my study.

That time, I thought he would keep standing while observing me like that the other did.

But much to my surprise... i was wrong.

The supposed to be my butler took a seat beside me before putting his legs on the table like some punk then sighed loudly.

"Hah... what's with that man and his gibberish. 'A high class devil is this' and 'a high class devil is that,' there's a TV show that five times more educating and fun than those things."

I frowned at him as i trying to tell I do not like his attitude.

"Put your leg down, butler. How could you show your master such a disgraceful attitude?"

With a serious tone that i usually use, I was sure the new butler would smile sheepishly while apologizing afterreprimanded.

But he wasn't.

"Eeeeh. It's fine isn't it, Sona-chan? I'm tired of standing for two hours you know?"

The butler whined as if we're an old friend.

"What did you just call me..."

I actually heard him clearly at that time.

Sona-chan he said.

Such a... disrespect way to call his master.

"Hm? I called you Sona-chan. Why, sounds cute isn't it?"

It's indeed sounds cute, but my pride won't allow it that time.

"Call me properly as your master while prostrating, and i will forget about this."

"Maa maa, why should i do that, Sona-chan?"

Decided it musn't be tolerated anymore, I rose up from my chair and look at him in the eyes, and makes sure to put disapproval emotion in my face.

Though even if my head still not reach his shoulder height, I'm sure i was looked intimidating at that time.

"Don't make me remind you, with whom you are talking to, butler."

Instead bowing in fear, he did something that never crossed in my thought.

"There there, don't be angry"

He... he pats my head, how dare he!

But it does... kind of feel good.

B-but I have an image to be keep!


I tried to slap him, only for hitting air when he dodged it.

"Whoa, Sona-chan. What's wrong?"

"Shut up and don't call me that!"

I shouted embarrassedly while still tried to hit him with either my punch or kicks, before start to throw books at him when it's all failed.

A gesture that become a habit in the future.

But even after everything that i throw to him, the imbecile blonde dodged it all perfectly.

It's frustrating... yet at the same time, I felt weights in my bodylifted.

Several minutes doing that makes me slightly calmed down, felt like free from my chains at that time... before the anger back again when the fool mocked me.

"Ne ne, Sona-chan. You need to put your weight on your throws. It's kinda boring to see how slow those books flying at me."

Again, i throw those books around me.

It was so annoying to saw that bored face of him, especially when he yawning while keep dodges my throws.

"Sh-shut up, you just a mere butler, do you know who the person you just insult!?"

I shouted loudly in anger, hoping for someone finally coming there to put this butler out from my house.

"Hmm... you are currently my master now, Sona Sitri, heiress of the Sitri clan and little sister of the demon lord Leviathan. You also a little girl who always locks herself in a library for studying to become a great leader of the Sitri, and currently doesn't have a friend... Pfft, somehow, that sounds pitiful of you, on the last part."

I was so angry at that time... when he laughed at my pains and me. What did he know about me anyway?

That's right.

What did a mere low class like him know about me? What I have been through, about how frustrated i was... for not have a friend.

"How... how dare you... someone like you... for someone like you..."

With focusing mana in my hand, i start to chanting a spell... i tried to show him, who was the person he just insulted.

"Oi oi, Sona-chan. Do you really want to use magic in here? It's the library that you love you know? The place where you always alone... Fufu. Always alone. That was saaad~."


I don't care about my surrounding anymore at that time. I could buy many books later to replace the damaged one, a small price for let my rage out.


"Ahahaha, you missed~!"

I throw spell after spell, but the... the stupid blonde keep dodge it with ease.

Then in my rage, iforgot to lock my bottled emotion.

"SHUT UP! ... Me too... i want to become like any normal children, going out and playing freely without care about this stupid status!"


That is my dream.

"Sharing our interest, competing about small things, having a nice chat about our hobby... I want someone i can talk to, not surrounded by books!"


That is my desire.

"I am... lonely. I want... a friend... and i am... always jealous of normal people like you!"


And that is... my true feelings...


All of those things that I buried deep in my heart; i finally said it to someone.

"For someone who has their freedom, what do you know about me?!"

Then It Hit.

My spell finally hit him. I was happy for finally got him and want to know what kind of face that he has at that time.

But sadly, the tears in my eyes make it difficult.


In that moment i saw a blur, before felt someone hugged me. I turn up my head to facing the person in anger, but I was surprised again when knew it's actually the butler who hugs me, with warm yet sad smile on his face

"There... Finally, i cracked your mask."


My eyes widened after heard that.

I was surprised when realized he actually purposely mocking me, to make me anger, to make me unconsciously say those things.

Never once all the people in my house mocked me before, because the employee always smiling and kind around me... to the little sister of the current one of Great Satans.

Never once my family scold me and always praising for how proud they are of me... to i who doing my best to become the heiress of my clan.

As i feel a hand on my head, my thought disturbted, and he spoke,

"Ojou-sama, it's enough, you don't have to put your mask anymore... at least when you're with me."

His kind tone makes my eyes moist, my body tremble, and the coldness in my heart melt.

"Shut up! What do you think you are doing?! Let go! I said, LET GO!"

I tried to struggling at his embrace, angered at how dare he doing something rude and embarrassing.

But, no matter hard I struggled, the warm that he gives make me hesitating at that time.

"Ne, Ojou-sama. It's true that I'm your personal butler now, the one who will serve you as long as i can."

Curiousity makes me stop the strugglethen decided to listening.

"But when i saw you at the first time, i was thought "Before become her butler, i have to become something else first to her," and did you know what is it?"

"... What?"

Turning my head, i face this manand saw how sincere those blue eyes of him.

Then he says...

"I... My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Sona Sitri, will you be my friend?"

And thus, that was how I found my one-sided first friend...


After that day, my life oddly turned becomes a wonderful... and hell at the same time.

One thing that I could say about Uzumaki Naruto is...


Always whining when we are alone, always did something outrageous when I was bored, and always told a story that I don't even want to hear before I sleep.

But despite those troublesome things...

It was fun.

To make my days less monotone, he dare to challenge me for whose better to keep their calm and professional attitude in front of other peoples, with the loser have to do one thing what the winner says as the bet.

Nine from ten, I lost.

Just... how much luck that man has?!

As the time passing, I remembered why he work at my place, and decided to ask it to my father.

The answer my father gave is... weird.

He told me no more than that he is a trusted man. That's all.

Deciding to trust my father's judgement that time, i let the matter just like that.

Another thing that i could say about Naruto is... strong.

I once saved from a kidnapper when i taking a walk in the town. And when he came to save me, i saw how easy he beat all those bad guys.

Then after thought i could trust him, i decided to tell my goal.

To make the devils become equal.

Instead being laughed or frowned, he just simply says...

"There's no such a thing as equal in this world. If it really is... where the place everyone has honor, pride, talent and same ability are actually exist, then we would all be rejected and suffered equally too in there."

I can't deny his logic, I even almost abandoning my goal on that day.

But could i do that? To throw away my effort these years just like that?

And then, I got my answer.

"Well, you don't have to think about those difficult things. It's a great goal you have there. I respect that. Besides, your term about equal is different from what i know. After all, you just want everyone happy, right? It's not like you would put every living things in the world on illusion, right?"

On that day too, I decided to open my mind and heart a little for him.

Sure it's awkward and embarrassing on the first day I try to interact with him.

But after that...

Whenever I with him...

Life is never dull for me...


...until... That day... the day where I most hurtful.

It was supposed to be a special day for me, when I was received my special chess pieces.

Unlike ordinary chess pieces, the one that i got is something that could give me a peerage like any other high-class devils.

It's called... The evil pieces.

After received it from my parents, I quickly leave them and running to search a certain blonde excitedly, already decided who will become my Queen on my peerage. Then after that, i will confess that i...

Anyway, I searched him in his room, Kitchen, and the library, but no matter how hard, i can't find him.

I also already asked the maids, the gardeners, the butlers, and even my parents.

Still, I can't find him.

While lost in my thought to find him, an earthquake shook me.

A big one that makes almost all the furniture in my house fell.

My body who can't take it also drop down because of the shook, but I saw something in the last second through the window, a strange light in north part of the Sitri's territory.

I don't know how, but my mind told me that 'he' is in there.

And so, I start running to the source of the light that I saw before.

I was running... running, running, and keep running while still carrying the box with the evil pieces in the inside.

After don't know how long I ran, I decided to stop when saw something amazing.

A field of swords, with golden lights that sparkling from the sword itself.

The amount of swords and so many lights that coming from it makes the place looked like a garden of lights, that oddly enough does not emitting holy powers.

It was so pretty, such a sight that unbelievable exist in the underworld.

I tried to touch one of the blades, but before my hand near the hilt, another hand interrupts me.

"Stop it, So-chan"

It was My sister... and there is something different about her that time.

Instead the usual childish attitude with that cheerful face, a calm and grimaced is plastered on her face.

"Nee-sama, why are you in here?"

I asked curiously, only for a sad smile appeared in my sister's face.

It's... so unusual for my sister to do that, and somehow, that smile brings fear in my heart.

"Come here. You are searching Naruto-kun right?"

Asked my sister, which i answered by a nod.

My Sister carries me before flight to the center of the fields, and makes me saw several people in there.

"Nee-sama, what are angel and fallen angel doing in there? And who are those people?"

I asked in confusion.

It is strange to saw two being that supposed to be enemy just stood without doing anything.

"Be patient, So-chan. You will findit out later"

"... Hai"

There's so much question in my head that time, but i keep quiet like what my sister wants.

And then... i saw him.

I ran to his place while ignoring all the people who surround him.


Tears leaked out from my eyes, along with the pains that suffocated my heart.

Why not?

Seeing my precious person laying not breathing in front me, with half of his body that glowing and start to disappear in golden lights.

"Who... WHO DID THIS!?"

In rage, i asked to the peoples behind me.

"... So-chan"

My sister hugs and trying to console me from my side, but i ignore itas I keep glaring at those peoples.

"So-chan... he's already dying when we found him..."



One of the men called me, it's the fallen angel.

"It's not like don't want to, we just CAN'T. We already tried anything, but no one in here can save him. What we can do right now is..."

Then i finally saw it, the expression on their face.

Sad, despair, and the helpless face because can't do anything.

Just seeing those face...

"No... There's no way... "

It made me understand what the fallen angel wants to say.

"Naruto... he..."

To accept his death.

My body felt limp, the shock for knowing my precious person is gone made my strength leave my body.

Then with an audible thud, the box that i held was fell to the ground, made me realize that i still have a way to save him.

"That's right... there's still a way."

I will resurrect him, was what I thought.

With opening the box and pick a queen chess piece, I put it on Naruto's chest and start the incantation.

"I, Sona Sitri, hereby order-"

But before I could finish it, an invisible force threw the piece.

My mind was blank for a second at the blatant rejection, before i dismiss it and tried using another pieces.

Rooks, Knights, Bishops, even all the pawns... it didn't work.

"We already tried it too, kid."

I could feel their pity gaze, but i just ignore them and try it repeatedly.

"So-chan, it's enough. Naruto is..."

"Be quiet, Nee-sama."

"... So-chan... I know how you feel, but... please accept it. We can't do anything."

That... made me angry.

"No... Nee-sama,you don't know what i feel"

"That's wrong Son-"


For She who even didn't know anything about the real me, what did she know how my feelings about him?!

"He always beside me, Naruto always playing with me, And Naruto is always makes me happy. He... was my friend... my precious person!"

Without facing her, I turned away and ignore my Sister to gather the piece that scattered.

"You, who always said that I am a genius, never know how hard i study. You, who always busy, never know how lonely i am. And you, who always thought I'm happy, never know that i am suffering. So don't ever you talking like you know me, Nee-sama."


Not bother how saddened my sister sounds; i put all the pieces on top of my dead friend's chest.

"My name is Sona Sitri. Here i plead to you, Uzumaki Naruto. Bring back your soul and body to this-"

Then another invisible force throws the pieces.

Again, it's a failure.


I ignore all the surprised gasp and murmurs behind me as i gather the pieces again, pushing my exhaustion aside for my pointless act.

No matter how many times i have to do it, no matter many times i failed, even if my magic drained to none...

I will not give up.


Brushing aside the call, i put the chess pieces and prepare the incantation again.

"Oi kid, stop it."

My focus faltering when he grip my shoulder. I turned arround and gritting my teeth in anger then decided to answer the fallen angel.

"...what do you want? Just go away. Unlike you, I'm busy in here. I have a friend to be resurrected."

"Heh, yeah i can see that. But kid, you're doing it in wrong way."

"Ha? What are you talking about?"

And the i realize at how different the atmosphere in there.

All the sad, the hopeless, and the grieve in the other people's face around her was gone, replaced by a grin and determination.

"Before now, we tried to resurrect him only with using one kind of pieces... and failed. But when you use all the pieces..."

A man who wears aloha shirt was the one who said that.

"It's also failed, is that what you want to say?"

"No, it makes us remember an important thing about that old fossil."

A one eyed old man joined the conversation. The way he calling my butler an old fossil makes me curious, but I decided it didn't matter at the time.

"What do you mean?"

"We realize the reason why we failed to resurrect Ojii-sama was because we only use one piece.For he who isn't only one person to begin with... we failed to see that"

The angel beside the fallen one also joining the conversation. Even with those sad eyes, i could tell that He has the happiest face among them.

"What are you talking about? Just get to the point already!"

"To put it simple... Due to Naruto-dono's circumstances, we realize that we need more than one piece to bring him back. But just the pieces only is not enough, it also must has a certain amount of power to restore his body. And knowing how powerful Naruto-dono was... we need a huge one."

The last man beside the angel was the one who explained it, and it makes my anger rise how he pointed it out like that.

"So what? You want to say that what i did was pointless?"

"Hah... kid, listen, we are NOT the bad peoples here, so stop thinking we are one. And for your question, yes. That's why we want to help you to putting our power in your evil pieces"

I felt uncertain and suspicious at the same time.

At that time, i decided to look at my sister to see what she thought about the situation, slightly felt guilty when I met her hurtful eyes.

"It's fine, So-chan. They can be trusted. Also... I'm... sorry for never know about your feeling all this time. That's why, let me help you too."

Looking at how my sister support me despite after i hurt her... i was happy.

"Thank you... Onee-chan. Also... i'm sorry, i said it too far."


My sister happily hugs me and i didn't mind it. At least, something good happened.

I looked at those peoples again and thought that they are people I could respect.

But, I still doubt them about one thing.

"...why... why'd you want to save him?"

Why they want to help me?

I facing at them one by one, asking for their answer.

"... at least... it's what we could do to repay him. Even if he would annoyed after this"

It was the fallen angel.

I actually curious about the later, but decided to dismiss it as I thought that he just someone who wants to repay his debt.

"I already lost my father... and i don't want to lose my grandfather now."

That made me blinked. My butler who has looks in his early thirty was actually that old?

"We, a fellow pervert always help each other"



That's decided it. I made a mental note to stay away from the one eyed old man in the future.

"He still owe me to repair the Olympus that he destroyed"

"Well... Naruto hid my Vajra and damn like hell i would pass this chance to ask him about where it is"

...that was stupid reason.

"And Onee-chan would hope that with this event, she would raise Sona-chan's love flag."

"Nee-sama, stop that. It's disgusting"


People that I could respect? Scratch that.

Peanut gallery? Sounds better.

"Well, the question is... what about you, Dragon God?"

After the fallen angel said that, everyone became tensed as they looked to the sky.

Curiously, I followed their gaze and saw a young woman who floating in the air.

She has long black hair, milky white skin and beautiful gray eyes. The woman wore black dress with ribbon on top of her head, and holding unfolded black parasol.

So pretty yet cute at the same time, the woman looked like a living doll.

I saw how the young woman going down slowly, before walk ignoring us to the side of Naruto and gazing at him with longing face.

"...Naruto... Onii's wish was to regain his 'end of journey'."

'Onii' she said.

'Was she Naruto's little sister?' was my thought that time, before I dismiss it for a moment when the woman continues.

"...Sacrificed so many things just to get closer to that stupid wish, throwing so many chances to start a new life, and push himself to keep striving forward... Those are part of many things that make me admire him, admire this stupid partner of mine..."

The feelings behind those words were so full.

The sadness, loss, anger, proud, and... Love...

I can see all of it on her bittersweet smile.

So warm... Such emotions that can't be compared to my selfishness.

Then what the woman said next bring a sudden change in the atmosphere.

"...And for anyone who interfere it..."


As if walking on frigid night at arctic, her words were so cold.

It freezing my body, fears filled my heart.

Even so, I stood still and resolved myself that this kind of fears was not even close to my determination to bring my precious person back.

"... don't be mistaken, i also tried to bring Onii back to live before. But, no matter how hard, i failed to do it."

Turning around, the woman gives me a piercing gaze to every one of us.

"...That's why, I'll help. The world without him is a boring world after all."

I let out a sigh that i never know i held it, the other around me was no better.

'Just who is this woman?' was my thought.

The fondness when she speaks about Naruto was so great for a sibling.

I admired her for a second, at her devotion towards my butler.

"...And the little kid over there..."


But then, that admiration crushed in instant.

"...Remember this. Onii is MINE and only for to be MINE... And i will ensure that it WILL happen. Even if i have to drag him, kidnap him, or even rape him until his mind break."

Admired person?

Scratch that.

Another weirdo?


And it's not over, because what she said make the stupidity started that time.

"Whoa... now that would be hot. Being raped by the Dragon God... damn, you are a lucky one aren't you, Old fossil."

"Now now, Odin. Don't be fooled. Remember, she was an old man in the past."

"Oh, shut up you Azz. I know what I'm talking. She is a girl now, and that's all matter"

It's started by the one eyed old man who gives a salute, before the fallen angel reminded him.

"You sure you're not start to become senile, old man"

"I'm sure. I'm not the weirdo who wears aloha shirt in underworld after all, Indians"

"Uh huh, i can see that perfectly with BOTH of my eyes, Cyclops"

Then the person with aloha shirt joined and start making ruckus.

"Maa maa, please don't start fight in here"

"Just stop it, Michael. You know fool they are"

The angel tried to become a mediator, while the man beside him snorted arrogantly.

""Hah! At least we are not the one who has his weapon being stolen by a brat.""

"Why you..."

"Oi wait wh-!"

The fallen angel dragged when the men start brawling like kid. Except the angel who clearly failed to make them calm down.

I swear my eyebrows twitched at the peanut gallery that time.

"...Onii... Onii..."

The way that young woman ruggedly breathing with red face didn't help it.

"Ah... Siblings love. What a great scene, right So-chan?"

Something snaps inside me after my sister hugged me affectionately from behind.


Yep. I... really said that.

"You four, stop fighting like brats! You pretty guy, be man up! You woman, get away from him! And Nee-sama, stop pushing your Boobs to the back of my head!"

I throw the box with evil pieces in it to the fallen angel and give him my best glare.

"There. Start to charge it with your energy already!"


"Geez... and i am supposed to be the kid in here."

I ignored how they look at me in bewilderment, before they start to gather around.

"Such a scary little girl, right Michael?"

"Yes Zeus, Ojii-sama seems has his 'influences' in her too."

"I hope Jii-chan didn't corrupt her too far already"

"You say a pointless thing, Azazel. It's Naruto-sama we are talking about"

"The aloha-guy is right. Still... this girl, she totally would be an S in the future"

"No Odin-Jii, i think my So-chan would an M. She is a Tsundere."

"...a rival... i won't lose to her."

""Good luck, Dragon God""

"...I'll do my best"

I still remembered what they said that time, and the way they whispered it loudly just increasing the fuel my anger that time.


""Hai hai""

I let out a tired sigh at how they kind of remind me of Naruto himself.

"Ah, So-chan."

My sister coming in her cheerful attitude. It seems she already turn back to... normal.

I want to ask what she wants, before i could do that, she put a barrier around Naruto's body and me.

"Here, this will keep you safe."

I also want to ask about the barrier, but stopped when I saw how serious my sister was.

"Listen, Sona. What we are going to is dangerous for you. So don't ever think to going out from here until we done, okay?"

The difference when she call my name, and how serious my sister that time only made me just nodded and watch her back to the peanut gallery.

Then what happened next made me realize, that those peanut gallery was actually bunches of strong beings.

I saw how they floating in the sky, before imbued their power to the box.

Even if I can't feel it, I already knew how strong they are just by looking what happened around me.

Slowly, the ground around me splitting apart, the sky became darker, thundering sounds can be heard, destructive lightning bolts descending, then numerous drip of water drenching the place around me.

Heavy storm formed in there.

It IS weird for such weather appeared in underworld.

And thanks to my sister's barrier, Naruto's body and I were fine from the unnatural phenomenon

"This is bad, the pieces will break!"

"I'll handle it, just focus to put your power more. This kind of amount still not close to his ten percent of his power!"

"Damn, just how powerful Jii-chan was!"

A sense of unpleasantness formed as I heard how hard they are trying, while I just could sit and hopping for the success.

Then it's finally ended.

After descending from the sky, my sister came and dispelled the barrier before give me the box.

"Here... So-chan. It's... it's your part now"

Even with rugged breath and looked so exhausted, my sister gave me a comforting smile as if telling me not to be worry.

I looked at the other one by one.

They also have rugged breath and looked so exhausted.

Even the one eyed old man, he was sprawling on the ground.

"I understand."

I nodded to show them my grateful, before took the box and went to Naruto's body... no, the only thing that left from him was his head.

I open the box and looked all the pieces with only one thing that crossing in my mind that time.

I must not fail.

I started putting all the pieces on around Naruto's head and ready to chant the incantation.

But before I could do that, a powerful force in form of mixed golden and dark pushed me.

After some distance, i finally stopped my body who skidding to the back.

The force was so powerful.

My little body felt so hurts.

It told me that I should let it go.

Yes, my body can't handle it.



But not my mind, not my will to bring him back!

The first step came from my stubbornness.

"My name is Sona Sitri!"

The second step came from my sincerity...

"Here i plead to you, Uzumaki Naruto!"

The third step came from my courage...

"Bring you body and soul, and come back to this world of the living!"

The fourth step came from my determination...

"In the name of my Queen, my Bishops, my Knights, my Rooks, and my Pawns..."

And last step... was from my feelings...

"Please... once again... come to my side... AND BE MY PRECIOUS PERSON!"

And then... A pause...

A silence formed in blink of eyes as everything stopped.

As i saw the mixed energy was gone, my mind blank for a second.

The thought of failure crossed in my mind.

"No... Way. I-"

Only for something more powerful blows me to the back.

Fortunately, my sister saved me before took me out from that place.

While she carrying me, that time, never thought i could see another side of my sister.

Unlike me who wrapped in my sister's demon energy, her body was trembling, the color of her face was pale, and eyes that filled with anxious.

After some distance, i finally saw what happened and can't be helped shocked at the display.

A large pillar that made of orange light formed from where Naruto's body was, and it keep expanding and going upwards to the sky.

The sheer of power, how sturdy it looked, and its huge size...

It's not exaggerating if i said the energy was looked like a pillar that connecting the sky and the ground that time.

Warm yet cold, comforting yet frightening, safe yet vulnerable. Each those feelings mixed just being near it. Such a emotion that makes my mind blank when felt it.

Fortunately, it didn't last long.

Just few seconds after that, the pillar was become smaller and smaller until its form changed to something like a cocoon.

I called my sister and motioned her to go where Naruto was.

There's hesitation on her face, before decided to do what i said.

At some distance, i could saw the peanut gallery was already in there, surrounding the cocoon with face that shows hope and expectation.

I landed in front of them all, but the moment my feet touch the ground, the exhaustion finally kicked in.

As the lights on the cocoon dimmed down, my body wobbled then falls to the ground.

I ignore my sister who shouted to me

I ignore my evil pieces that clattering to the ground.

That time, the only thing that i focused was the boy who standing in front of nine unknown figures.

He was clad in familiar torn black and white uniform, multiple bat wings out from his back, spiky sun kissed blond hair, glowing purple eyes that shimmering to blue, and the unusual three whiskers-like mark on his cheek.


That was what I said, before darkness surrounded my vision.


When I woke up, the first thing what I saw was my parents.

They were happy and start apologized for forcing many things without considering my feelings.

I also told by them that I was unconscious for three weeks.

My sister came after that, getting happy and excited with her usual childish persona, then promised to me that she will come straight to home and playing with me after her job as Leviathan done.

I was happy to hear that, but sadly, it becomes annoying later.

And then... he came. With the other nine behind him.

"You looked like when lose in our game and had to running around this home only clad in your underwear, Sona"

"And you looked like a snot-nosed brat now, but still with that habit of yours to harass people, Naruto."




We laughed at our usual playful banter, something that we always did when no one around.

"Heh, still the same Sona huh..."


A moment silent formed between us.

Actually, it's just because i didn't know where to start.

"Well, I think it's the time I explain the situation like i did to your parents and sister."

"...i understand..."

He offered an explanation for what happened to him, but I know better for not expecting that he will explain it in detail.

"I will start it when i fought... several people-"

"Heh, didn't you mean thousands of-"

"Shukaku, not now."

"... meh, suit yourself."

One of the nine people, Shukaku interrupted the conversation before stopped by Naruto.

I was curious about those unfinished words but decided to let Naruto finish his story first.

The real reason he came there, to the underworld was to lure several peoples and eliminate them all.

He already made an agreement with his friends first, for no one interrupt his fight because of some circumstances.

When I ask what is it? He didn't give the answer.

I tried to ask another question, why he choose the place at the Sitri clan territory? The answer was because he just coincidentally found a 'good' spot.

Naruto also told me about how he died, it was because his body finally given up after fighting the last enemy.

My sister who knew something wrong in the territory was going to his place, but before stopped by those peanut gallery who observing the fight. Thus why my sister was in there.

After his fight ended, the peanut gallery tried to resurrect him but failed, until I came and... He didn't need to tell me because i already know what happened that time.

"And that's explained how I'm in here. Now, I'll explain something about OUR situation."

He move aside and motioned those nine people behind him to me.

"First, you have to know that the me who before being resurrected has body that constructed not just from one soul. Thus when you using all the pieces, it also resurrect them. The second is... here, open it."

He showed a box.

I took and open it, before surprised when i saw it was the pieces that i used to resurrect him. I know for sure it was mine after sensed a faint of my own energy from it.

"We already asked the one who made these pieces, 'how it didn't absorbed by us?', but even he himself never know such a thing can be happened. We also had tested if we had the pieces' traits or not, and the results was positive. And that means..."

"... What is it?"

"... We... are your peerage. I don't know it's legal or not but the fact you still has the pieces; it means you could gain another full set of member. And that would make you the first devil who has two set of servants."

I was happy that time, to know i could have two full set of pieces...

"But the problem is..."

Yes, I already know the news was too good for me, so i'm not so surprised when he says...

"We don't want to serve you."

A light nudge stirred her eyes, makes a blurry image of a person appeared, before revealed it's just one of the maid in Sitri's house.

"Ojou-sama, it's morning already." Said the maid as she waiting her master to wake up.

Sona rose from the bed and rub her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Last night, Naruto-sama asked me to wake you up this morning. "There's something that i have to do," is what he said." Explained the maid as she starts undressing her mistress to wipe her body, only for halt it when Sona raised her hand stop the maid.

"I will do it by myself, just put my clothes and schoolbag in there" pointing the corner of her bed, Sona saw the maid complied it before give her a bow.

"Then, if you excuse me, Ojou-sama," continued the maid as she walks out from there.

Sona saw the maid closed the door for a moment, before start to undress and wipe her body with towel and water that already prepared in there, then wear her summer school uniform.

As she buttoning her shirt, a thought about her dream last night surfaced from her mind.

Sona turned her head to a painting in the wall near her bed.

[ The First Peerage ]

Was what written on its frame.

The picture itself shows a younger looking Sona who sitting on a throne at the center, wore royal black dress with a crown on top of her head and a pendant on her neck.

Next to her is a younger looking Naruto in butler uniform holding a medal shaped in roman number ten in his arm.

There are also several people behind her, wearing the same butler uniform despite the difference in their gender, and the same medal but with number one to nine in each their hand.

"First peerage, huh..." a lone voice out from the young woman's mouth.

Still half-dressed, she walking closer to the painting then look at it for a moment, before took it away from the wall.

There is a safe behind the painting, Sona who familiar about it released all the seal then put the right combination. The safe was opened later and showing a familiar box to Sona.

The Sitri heiress opened it and took a familiar pendant of light orange sword and staring at it, just... staring at it before a sense of determination growing in her heart.

"I... I can't always run away from it."

At the same time the Sitri heiress put on the pendant, it was glowing for a second, sending a signal that make several peoples in several unknown place showing several reactions.

-In unknown Hospital-

A sand-colored hair woman who wore nurse uniform flashed a sadistic smile as she attending a patient.

"I... is there something wrong, Ichihara-san?" asked the patient with wary smile.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing."

Less than a second, it was back to charming smile.

-In unknown School-

Standing near a window is a blue-haired woman who has feral grin on her face as she watching the sky with her heterochromia eyes.

"Umm... Nii-sensei." called a student from behind.

The woman turned back as the smile turned to playful one. "What's wrong?"

-In unknown Inn-

Walking in a hall with cold eyes is a maroon-haired woman, before it was warmed when saw a person.

"Ohayou, owner."

"Ohayou. Also, just Sanzaki is fine."

"I understand."

Greeting as a courtesy, the woman flashing a motherly smile to the person.

-In unknown Office-

In front of a schedule board, a light red-haired young woman looking at it with a gaze that not has a single emotion on it.

"Uuu... manager Yottsuba, I'm tired~"

Closing her eyes, the young woman turned with comical angry face. "Stop complaining and do it again! Remember this, a road to be an idol is never easy!"


-In unknown garden-

A cute emotionless silver-haired short girl reading a book under a tree with a small grin that not suitable for her stoic face.



The grin was vanished as she looking at the one who called her, before she stood from the ground, dusting her skirt, then walking quietly to the one who called her.

-In a classroom-

Sitting in the center of the room is a white-haired girl who has sad smile on her face.

"Mou, Roku-cchi, are you listening?"

"Eh? Ah, I'm sorry."

It quickly dissolved to lovely smile after her classmate called her.

-In unknown Family restaurant-

"Then, One set of special lunch, coming right up!"

"Oo, don't forget one extra smile, Nana-chan."


A smiling green-haired young woman in maid uniform walking to get the order, hiding her wide smirk behind the tray that she holds.

-In unknown alley-

Looking at several downed thugs in boredom, a frown marred on pink-haired young woman's innocent face.

"This year, huh..."

"You... damn... Hachikuji..."

The young woman loot at the last thug who fell unconscious, before took her school bag from the ground then continue walking indifferently.

-In unknown apartment-

A ginger-haired girl was drawing something with serious face, before she stopped for a second then sighed loudly.


"Kuugami-sensei, i come to take the manuscript."

"Eh, today?!"

The girl speeds up her drawing as if chased by a death god.

-And in front of a school gate-

A rather familiar blonde-haired man sweeping the ground lazily as several students passing him.

"Ohayou, Namikaze-san." A random student greeted then passing him.


A few seconds he looked at the student with half-closed eyes, his left eyebrow twitched.


Before continue to sweep the ground.

Back to the palace of Sitri clan, Sona put on the rest her school uniform.

With zip up the skirt, tied the ribbon, wore her glasses and pick up her school bag, she ready to go from there and meet her vice-president before set out to Kuoh Academy.

"And i swear, I'll get their acknowledgment this year..."

Twisting the knob, Sona Sitri out from that room.

"I can't believe it! That blonde bastard...!" a sudden remark came from Tomoe, annoyed after heard what happened to Rias and her engagement was all planned by her nemesis.

It's not like she cared enough for the Gremory's heiress, but as a normal high school girl who put their love live on first priority, even she will put up an objection if somehow got engaged with some jerk.

"Calm down, Tomoe" ordered the student vice president with her usual calm demeanor.

"But Fuku-Kaichou, don't you find it frustrated to worry over nothing because it's all part of that man's plan?!" continued Tomoe, still annoyed how everything was according to her school's janitor plan.

Kusaka Reya takes a step and interrupts the conversation to calming Tomoe. "Um... you know Tomoe-chan, i also kind of annoyed by that, but everything were turned to be okay and isn't that is what more important?" said the treasurer of Student Council.

"Not you too, Reya..." groaned the red haired girl as her ahoge limped. "Hah... i guess you're right."

On the street to Kuoh academy, several students in that place saw something rare in there.

A group of the Student Council from their school walking in a group.

It's not like they never saw them in the school, but the sight of every member walking in a group made a different aura in there.

"Still... to think that Hyoudou won against a high class devil..." trailed off Saji with rather serious tone.

"Well, it's not that surprising, He got a help from Naruto-sensei after all," commented Yura Tsubasa.

"She's right, Genshirou-senpai. Besides, you heard what Kaichou said before, that Hyoudou-senpai sacrificed his arm to get power boost," explained more Nimura Ruruko to his secret crush.

"Maa, but don't you find it's kind of romantic? For suddenly barge in an engagement party then fight a high-class devil just to get your precious person back, right Gen-chan?" Hanakai Momo gives her thought about this conversation.

"Ah, um... yeah" said Saji with wry smile at the sudden different subject.

"Hmm... didn't Kaichou also mentioned about her own engagement?" questioned Reya who remember about it.

"If I'm not wrong... it was canceled too, wasn't it?" said Tsubasa who also remember about it.

"Maa, maybe it was because of Naruto-san?! You know, like what Hyoudou did," said Momo excitedly.

"Kyaa! Never thought Naruto-senpai would do that," squealed Ruruko with shaking her fists.

Tomoe who saw it dropped a bead of sweat as she saw how the other female student council members that squealing or giggling in front of her.

That, and Saji who failed miserably to change the topic because it's too hurt for heard her crush being paired with someone else.

"Then in the future... looking at the sunset, Naruto-senpai who carrying Kaichou like a princess proposed her to marry him." said Ruruko excitedly.

"Kyaa! And then, and then, on the first night of the wedding... kyaaa!" trailed off Reya before she squealed again.

"Oi oi oi, keep your fantasy in line, will you?" deadpanned Tomoe as she heard Reya move the story to the next stage.

"Ne, ne, Kaichou, was something like that happened to you?" asked Ruruko to the person directly.

"It's not true, right Kaichou?" and this from Saji who put his hope on the "yes" answer.


"Uh... Kaichou?" called Ruruko as she saw the Sitri heiress that seems focused on something else.


"Kaichou?" asked once more Ruruko before she exchanged looks with Saji.

The others also seem confused about their student president's behavior. The short black-haired woman seems quiet since this morning.

Even after they coincidence meeting each other and greeted her, their King just nodded and just continue her walk as she fiddling a pendant.

Usually, their Kaichou become more expressive if heard or discussing about their school's janitor.

Be it big or small thing, she always say something about the blonde.

But now... she just quiet like that.

"Kaichou, are you okay?" asked Tsubaki worriedly as she put her hand on her King's shoulder.

"Eh, ah... yeah, I'm fine. What are you talking about?" Asked Sona after looked like woken up from a daydream.

"Aha, ahahaha... we just wondering if your arranged engagement was also canceled because of Naruto-senpai. And then, make a vow to married after your goal to make school..." trailed off Ruruko as she saw the disbelieve face and heard hopeless sighs around her. "Ah... sorry, forget about that," said the girl sheepishly as she scratching the back of her head.

A rather soft smile presented at the brunette from Sona, before she continues walk.

"Well, about that question,-" said their student president with her back facing them. "How to say it... ah, that's right," then Sitri heiress turned still with that smile. "It's impossible." was what she said before contnitue walk leaving them.

The other who heard it usually just took the answer as a joke or an insult to the blonde.

But somehow... that hollow smile made it sounds different.

"Let's go," said Tsubaki to her juniors as she also walk following her [King]. "Don't worry, she gonna be back to normal later."

The others complied it before continued walk behind the Sitri heiress again.



Sona knows she caused this awkward situation.

Well... it can't be helped to answered it like that because the feelings about the dream from last night still lingering.

Let out another sigh, she twist the knob to the student council room then went in as she hopes the paper works could distract the stress in her mind.

"Yo, took you long enou-... hee, what a rare sight, to see you all came in one set."

Sadly, the cause of her stress was catching up to her first.

Sitting on the corner in comfortable manner while watching TV is Naruto, greeting nonchalantly with his usual half-lidded eyes.

"What are you doing in here, blonde bastard?!"

"Morning to you too, Tomoe-cchi. How's you antenna, i hope it still could give a signal to your brain?"


Walking closer to the blonde is her [Knight]... her other [Knight] who already doing their usual banter.

"Hah... well, Good morning, Naruto-sensei"

"Osu, Tsubasa-kun. Ah, that's right. Could you spar with Mitt-chan later?"

"Hai, Sensei."

This one from her [Rook]... Her other [Rook] who greeting Naruto as her one-sided teacher.

"Ohayou, Naruto-san"


"Ohayou, Naruto-sama"

"Os-wait, what's with the sama thing?"

"Fufufu, what are you talking about, didn't i always calling you with that?"

"... Really?"

"Maa, maa."

Two of her other [Bishop]s, Hanakai and Kusaka greeting the blonde with their antics.

"Senpai, move a bit. I want to watch this one."

"Go away, you troublesome woman."

"Boo, Senpai, you're mean."

"Ohayou, Namikaze"

"Ah, Naruto is fine, uh... Santoryu?"

"Saji! It's Saji! Since when my name turned to a sword style?!"

Her [Pawn]s... her other [Pawn]s also greeting their janitor, Nimura with her whine, while Saji who Tsukkomi-ed Naruto's habit to messing around.

"Ohayou, Naruto-dono"

"Oh, Megane-ko. How's your doing?"

"I'm fine."

And her [Queen]... both of them.

Sona watch the blonde who smiling and chatting with her second peerage, she focused on the blonde with bitter gaze, before staring the ground as a thought of uncertainty flashed in her mind

Was it a mistake to put on the pendant?

Sona forcefully shook her head to dismiss the thoughts.

No, it's not a mistake.

Even if with the incomplete second peerage, she has to get it... her other peerage's acknowledgement... a bet that she made with him, to extend his contract with her.

Because she can't waste more time, she don't have many of it anymore.

After finally found a way to extend the contract... she has to do it this year or she will lose her precious person.

... But... what if she failed...?

"Your old habit surfacing again, Sona."

Raising her head, she saw Naruto who stood up before walking closer as her second peerage look at them with various expressions.


"Nothing, just want to ask something."

"Like i said, what?"

"You... are you sure can win the bet? My offer to finish this-"

"Stop it." Sona quickly interrupt the blonde with heavy glare on her face, didn't need to hear his offer to complete the contract between them, telling her to give up.

"How many times i should say it? Don't ever mention that stupid offer again. I still have time. Until the last second before it annulled, i won't give up to gain their acknowledgement then extend our contract."

She want to, but she mustn't flinch when he look at her with that eyes, a gaze that piercing her soul to see what is in her mind.

She makes sure to look at his blue eyes and show her determination to him.

"I see." As he passing her, Sona let out a breath that doesn't know when she held it. "Ah, that's right." her body tensed when the blonde stopped. "Want to hear some advices?"

Slowly, she turned around. Sona was expecting to see a frown, cold gaze, or many negative looks from Naruto.

So how surprised she was when saw soft, yet bright smile from the blonde.

"Don't be worried too much, don't shoulder everything alone, and don't think unnecessary things."

Didn't trust her words, she only could nod at his advices.

"Atta girl." Was what he said while give a pat, before closed the door.

Sona quickly opened it back and tried to chase the blonde, only for stop it after saw his figure that no longer in her vision.

Slumped down, her body can't stand it anymore...

Her mind can't stand it anymore...

Her heart also can't stand it anymore...

As she ignoring the shouts of her second peerage, Sona Sitri remembered the continuation of her dream about her personal butler, her guardian, her savior, and her most precious person.

A tense atmosphere formed between young Sona, her family, her butler, and the nine people behind Naruto himself.

"What do you mean by don't want to serve her? Don't you feel grateful for being resurrected by my So-chan?!" said her sister, Serafall Leviathan as she look at the ten people including Naruto in anger.

"We ARE grateful. But no, we DON'T acknowledge her to be our master." Said one of the nine.

"... and what about you, Naruto-kun?" asked her sister while she only could look at the resurrected man with hope.

For he will stood on her side.

"I... Sona, like you, i also have a goal that i have to... i WANT to achieve it badly. I'm tired you know... really tired." Said Naruto with helpless smile.

No... She didn't like the way he use that tone as if he given up on everything.

"Then... tell it, I'll help you to achieve it!"


"Anything, I'll do anything! That's why... don't leave me... please... i beg you."

"... Really? Anything?" asked Naruto that she replied it with furious nods. "...are you sure...?"

She doesn't care if she will lose anything, as long as she can be with him... her saviour from a feeling called lonely.


A silence, there was Naruto stood still as he thinking about it, before nodded in agreement.

"...i understand. Then," paused Naruto, as an orange sword appeared out of nowhere on his hands.

"With this empty shell of the great sword [Kanou], I'll make contract with you." the sword glowing before it shape was changed became a pendant.

"For ten years... i promise that this Uzuma... No, Uzumaki was no more. I promise that I, Namikaze Naruto, will obey every your orders except everything that could change the result of the contract." He move closer then put the pendant on her.

"And then, at the day our contract annulled, you must..." with dazzling smile, he gently held her hands.

She was a fool for thought something happy will happened.

She was a fool for thought something fantasy will happened.

She was a fool... for thought what he gonna said was a sweet promise of marriage.



What he actually said was...

"Kill me."

Slumpled down, crying in the hall is Sona Sitri, hurtful by her own mixed feelings.

As she remembers how gentle when he gave her the advice, the young woman letting out tears of confusion as she begs someone to give her an answer...

"It's so unfair, Naruto..."

"How it become like this...?"

"Just what you want me to do...?"

"To Save... or to End your meaningless life?"




Totally... different from previous chapters, was't it?

By the way, there is a picture how the Bijuus in their Human form looked like. It's on my profile, on the bottom part. I hope you like it. If not, please give your input.

And here's for the Q and A... even though i only got from one user.




1: When will you reveal what kind of being naruto is?

A : Hmm... shouldn't it was revealed that he is a Devil on chapter 4?

2: Will naruto know sona's parents before he meets her, or will he just pop up from nowhere?

A: That's... quite confusing question. Anyway, it should be answered by read this chapter (though, not to the details).

3: Will naruto have a harem or will he just have one girlfriend?

A: Like my motto, 'You listen, You will understand', so it's up to the reader.

4: Is naruto pretending to be an insane agile or is he just pretending to make his enemies underestimate him to think he is just weak?

A: Neither, i guess. Naruto in this Fic is someone who will react depend on the situation. It's like... If he thinks it's a serious matter, then he will become serious. If not, he will just messing around. To put it in vulgar way... Naruto, will you mind?

Naruto: Gotcha. Ahem, "I'm a freakin more than God-like powerful, why i have to be bothered by some weaklings" is that... enough?

A: Yep.

5: How do you make such an stories with this much epicness in it?

A:... uhh... not sure if this story is epic, but i just write it with putting standard [common sense] for people and not make the characters too OOC or point the differences between the others. Basically, make it fit, not compare them.

That's all i guess.
