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![]() Author has written 13 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Wizards of Waverly Place, and Barbie. Hi, just so ya all know. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer SPUFFY RULES! I'm a huge S&B fan. Angel can go kiss himself. Couples I can stand are Angel&C Angel&Darla and just a little Angel&Darla ஜஜ SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE MUSIC ஜஜ ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ Shut up and Enjoy Music. Enjoy Life. Enjoy you. Somewhere there's a hell for boring writers Your my best friend. If you smile I smile, if you cry I cry, if you jump off a cliff... I sure will miss your emails. We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall I'll pick you up… after I finish laughing. Some people just need a high-five... In the face... With a chair. WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL?? Try it without looking at answers 1) Pick your favorite number between 1-9 2) Multiply by 3 then 3) Add 3, then again Multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get the calculator...) 4) You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number…. 5) Add the digits together Now with that number see who your ROLE MODEL 1. Einstein 2. Nelson Mandela 5. Bill Gates 6. Gandhi 7. Brad Pitt 8. Hitler 9. Spike is the BIG BAD 10. Ronald Reagan Stop picking different numbers. I AM YOUR IDOL, JUST DEAL WITH IT!! 1. Spike 2. Buffy Summers 3. William (Yes, I can choose Spike AND William) 4. Anya 5. Willow Rosenberg 6. Xander Harris 7. Cordelia Chase 8. Tara 9. Dawn Summers 10. Angel What would happen if number 1(Spike) woke you up in the middle of the night? Hey! I can't tell you THAT! I would have to rate my profile M if I told you what's going on in my twisted mind. Number 3(William) walked into the bathroom while you're showering? Me: Hey, want to join me? (I am not a slut. Well, only for Spike... or William... or James Marsters. But that's it!) Number 4(Anya) announced he/she's going to marry 9(Dawn) tomorrow? After I woke up from fainting I'd ask her if she's ever MET Dawn. (What? She's a brat) Number 5(Willow) cooked you dinner? I'd eye it suspiciously, wondering if she was magically drugging me. But then I'd eat it. (Hey, Buffy does!) Number 6(Xander) was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? I'd try to not giggle at his tubby gut. (Love you Xand, but get on a diet!) Number 7(Cordelia) suddenly confessed to be part of your family? I'd ask her how the hell someone related to me could like Conner? Number 8(Tara) got into the hospital somehow? I'd make sure I was there for her to talk to. (Hospitals are BORING! And I'm sure she'd do the same for a friend.) Number 9(Dawn) made fun of your friends? I'd probably make her cry with hard fact on how much she sucks. Number 10(Angel) ignored you all the time? Who me? Why in the world would I care is the poofter wants to talk to me. He's probably mad about the way I answered the first and third questions. Bloody dork. Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1(Spike) do? Hmm. Save the day before taking me back to his crypt. I shall not mention what happens once we're there. You're on a vacation with 2 (Buffy and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? Uh, leave me 'cause I stole Spike from her. DOn't worry though, Spike finds me and saves me. It's your birthday. What does 3(William) get you? Hmm. A poem about me. (Bet you didn't expect that from my twisted mind) You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4(Anya) do? Anya's an EX-demon. There's nothing she can do to help either of us. But, Spike once again comes and saves the day. You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5(Willow) do? Tell me some of the stuff S=she and Xander did. It'll be so much worse that I'll feel so much better about what I'm about to do. You're about to marry number 10(Angel). What's 1(Spike)'s reaction: Spike: Hey! Your mine. Why the hell are you marrying Peaches? Me: I don't want to! The stupid question is making me do it. But it never said I must go through with it. Take me away from the sham Spike! I love you! You got dumped by someone. How will 7(Cordelia) Cheer you up? She'd simply tell me that Spike only left me because he's SO in love with Buffy. And, I still have William! (William, mmm, yummy!) You compete in a tournament. How does 9(Dawn) support you? Well, all she does is bitch. I suppose she could round up the gang to come and cheer because being a teenager, she's unable to do anything but complain. (hey, so am I. But it's true, I do complain a lot.) You can't stop laughing. What will 10(Angel) do? something to kill the fun. Probably shake his head at me and tell me that the world is going to end, so I better go stop it from ending while he watches. What a hero. (eye roll) Number 1(Spike) is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? Have you seen him? he's A Greek god. So beautiful... And what a hottie. Mmm, Spike... Spike naked... Spike naked with-x-x-x- HEY! I can't finish THAT! Will number 5(Willow) and 6(Xander) ever kiss? Of course! I love them as a couple. To bad Willow's gay. I would love them to date! Number 6(Xander) appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What do you do? Really? Well I guess anythings possible. I would make William have a really long talk with him about respecting women. And if that didn't work, I'd have Spike get rid of the little problem. Who would want a castrated player? Could 1(Spike) and 6(Xander) be soul mates? No, because Spike is either mine or Buffy's. No one else get MY vampire. Plus, I hate Spander. It's too improbable. An Xander is an asshole. You had a haircut and 7(Cordelia) can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? One of three things is happening. One, I have a hot haircut that is making her jealous. Two, she's willing to turn lesbian because I'm so damn hot. (Sorry Cor, I don't swing that way. But if I change my mind, you'll be the first I call) Three, I got a bad haircut. (Damn, that's the real answer, isn't it? Damn) Number 8(Tara) thinks he/she’ll never get a girl/boyfriend. What will you tell him/her? I'd take her hands and tell her that there is no way someone so sweet and and caring can go to long without a person to love, and be loved by. Plus, I always thought Tara was pretty. Number 9(Dawn) is too shy to face you and confesses their love by sending an email. Now what? After wigging and possible fainting, I'd go see her and tell her that, despite the fact that I don't hate her, and even like her, I'm not a lesbian. But I would be super nice about the whole thing and put it a lot better than I did here. It takes a lot for a person to tell you how they feel about you. I would never be cruel. Ever. You spot 10(Angel) kissing 1(Spike). How do you react? I'd realize Angel made his own Spike-bot. Spike always said Angel was gay. But who can blame him for making a Spike-bot? Who doesn't want one? 1(Spike) accidentally kicked 10(Angel) Riiiiight? I'm sure it was an "accident." Good one, Spike. Please tell me it was in the crotch. Oh, I bet Spike found the Spike-bot. Maybe Buffy would like two Spikes. I know I would. You notice that 3(William) and 4(Anya) have been inside that hotel room for MORE than a few hours. What are you thinking? That slut better not lay a hand on MY man! Number 4(Anya) is bored and pokes 10(Angel). What happens after that? Angel goes off to brood as I laugh my ass off. (Got to love Anya for that!) 2(Buffy) sent a message to his/her Bf/Gf but 9(Dawn) got it. What would happen? Dawn gets emotionally scared by the ... stuff Buffy sent Spike. We get a tub of ice-cream and watch a horror movie while pigging out on pizza. (Hey, I've decided I kinda like Dawn. Plus, who would leave her alone after THAT!) 6(Xander) noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday party Smack Spike on the shoulder for messing with the invites I sent out. I of course make sure Xander is there and has a nice big piece of cake as sorry gift. |
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