I owe you all an explanation. I've been a royal prick not bothering to update or even give anyone a hint as to what is going on. Life is going on, and I'm sure you can relate. My biggest issue as far as the fanfic is concerned, is a lack of keyboard. Sorry everyone, but it's impossible for me to write a full chapter with only my thumbs on a smart phone ~
either way, hopefully somewhere down the line here a proper writing device will present itself into my life and I will finally, after years, (which if you've stuck around that long, fucking kudos and my commendations to you), this ridiculous story that come to be will finally get it's happily ever after.
Also, a few other fanfic idears have been Bubbling in my mind. For some reason I've had an itch to write a harrypotter fic, pairing: barty crouch jr/ hermione, even though I know next to nothing about the fandom :D
and also something involving matt smith (doctor who)
I haven't the slightest clue when all of these updates will occur. I just wanted everyone to know that I'm here and I has been watching *maniacal laughter*
please don't hate me. MrEeee is doing his best to hop back on track and all I can ask is for your forgiveness. *bows*