"What happened?" Cordelia asked Angel when they got out onto the pavement that led to the front door of the school.

"Sorry, Cordelia. I'm just not in the mood to talk."

"But…Angel? Are you sure you're alright?" The brunette was still worried.

"Yeah, thanks, for worrying about me, but, really, it is not necessary," Angel was ashamed and thought he deserved to suffer again for what he did in the past, not sympathised with when he thought about it.

Cordelia backed away, her face full of concern for her friend, sighed, but refused to shut up, "I know you are embarrassed and God knows how cute you look when you are, but did I not tell you I know everything about you from my divine days?"

"You also told me you can't be with me because of that."

"Yeah, well, you're still my friend. Let me help you."

"You can't."

"Then come to the car. I brought you some blood. You can hardly stand."

"You should see Spike."

"I'm not interested in Spike. Buffy is," she said before she knew what she was saying. From up there she could see everything, even Sunnydale, but now she wasn't sure Angel was also aware of what was happening between his childe and the slayer.

The vampire stopped and faced her, "yeah…it seems so…" he scrunched his eyebrows thoughtfully, then continued the uneventful journey through the Sunnydale streets.

Cordelia kept quiet, as Angel wanted her, but her arm never let go until they arrived to Cordelia's four wheel drive and she handed him the large polystyrene cup of blood.

"Thank you," he tried to smile at her, crinkling his lips in one of the smiles that made her heart moan with elation when she saw them. He opened his mouth to say something, but she could see the hesitancy on his part and she patiently waited for him to open up as she was sure his mind was screaming. What she didn't know was what his mind was screaming.

Because it wasn't anything to do with his past. It was one sentence, over and over again. Stay with me. In the turmoil of the world or his mind, he would always go back to thinking of Cordy and his hopes about their lives together one day.

"We are going to talk," Cordelia stated calmly, her voice not allowing for arguments.

"Don't want to."

"Not about what happened to you when you wanted to talk to Spike. Not about…that. About us."

"What else is there to say? You can't be with me. Maybe a sorry from both parts. Sorry, and sorry all over again. You know what? I'm fed up with sorries."

"It doesn't matter," Cordelia said as she pulled close to him, "we have all the time in the world to figure it all out. I hate to see you suffer."

Angel wanted to express his disbelief, but Cordelia silenced him again with a kiss that both of them had been waiting for a long while and it was even better than they had anticipated. The tenderness, the taste and the sensation was still as they remembered from their dreams. She unbuttoned his clothes, then followed it up with unbuttoning her own.

Angel looked at her curiously, "what are you doing now?" He asked defensively.

"Nobody will be out at this hour. Not in Sunnydale. Too creepy for people to wonder about in the dark," she brushed herself to Angel. In all his years he had never met anyone who could do the things to his body that Cordelia could just by touching him.

"Do you like that?" Cordelia asked with a grin, looking down at him with desire burning in her eyes.

"I need you," Angel growled against her ear before pulling her into the car. They were both eager to touch each other's body's again. When Angel finally pushed himself against her tight opening and slid inside, pleasure and vibrations prickled and flared through their whole bodies.

Afterwards, as they rested in each others arms like they never wanted to let go Angel asked, "what made you change your mind?"

"I was untruthful to myself when I supposed I wanted to be just friends. I was just afraid. But I didn't want to lie anymore."

"I'm relieved you chose not to perjure yourself," they laughed, "what were you afraid of? Angelus?"

"Yes, but now that you know what can happen if you are truly happy, I realised you'd control yourself. Won't go too far if you don't feel safe."

"By the way Angelus… I need to go back to Spike. But thanks to you, I'm able to face my inner demons again," he leaned down and lightly kissed her forehead.

When she opened her eyes, he was gone, but that didn't matter, because he was hers.

The End.