Author has written 20 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Weiss Kreuz, CSI, Harry Potter, FAKE, and Stargate: Atlantis. Update 7/16: Been working on publishing original fiction and finishing a degree. Still writing fanfiction, but as of this moment nothing is in a posting phase. thank you. Always looking for someone to bounce ideas with. Please note that if you are leaving an unsigned review (didn't log in) to leave an email addy if you have a question you want answered, i will not post an A/N chapter just for the benefit of one person and frankly frowns on such a thing. if the problem continues i will no longer be accepting unsigned reviews. thank you, Eva New Series Started, Weiss Xander and Demon Magnets. due to their rating they will be posted here as i remember to update. regular updates can be found at http:/// under the penname EvaMcgregor. another story As Long as He Would Keep Him is finished but due to its rating will not be posted here. |