Aya woke slowly. He felt softness under him as if he had fallen asleep on a pile of feathers and silk. The air had a faint scent of lavender over a warm musk he couldn't identify.
Slowly Aya opened his eyes looking around in confusion. The room looked like the sets of old gothic houses in movies he had seen. The canopy bad was set in rich gold and browns, larger in size than any bed he had ever seen. The sheets were satin silk, the mattress and pillows in goose down. A large fire place held a warn fire with a fur rug sitting directly in front of the hearth.
Aya sat up letting the covers pool around his waist. His pajamas had been replaced with black silk that was softer than anything he was willing to buy. Whoever his captures were they had expensive tastes.
He looked up at the tell tale click of the door being unlocked and scrambled out of bed to hide behind a chair. He watched a man in a tailored uniform enter the room, glance at the bed then the chair, and then walked into another room.
Aya waited three seconds before making a dash for the open door.
"Hmmm…" the man said from the other doorway, Aya froze in his tracks. "You're more delicate than I thought. Water not very hot I should think and liquid not solid soap." The man vanished into the room Aya guessed was a bathroom leaving the redhead standing in the middle of the room. Until the man shouted, "Well are you coming to see if the water is to your liking or not?"
Aya jumped then cautiously went to the other room. The man in uniform stood next to a tiled hole in the floor filled with steaming water and large bubbles.
"Well, go on and test it," the man said stepping aside to give Aya his space.
Aya walked to the tub kneeling beside it but careful not to turn his back on the man. He lifted the silk sleeves of his pajamas then carefully put his hand in the water. He glared at the man; the water was luke warm. He fixed the faucet to let only hot water in the tub until he felt the temperature was just right.
"Well then, get on with it or do you need to be washed?" the man asked clearly annoyed. "You never know with humans these days, no concept of hygiene."
Aya folded his arms over his chest redoubling his glare.
"I'll leave you to it then. Clothes will be waiting when you are finished. You may lock the door if you wish but do remember I have a key and keener sense than you." He closed the door behind him.
Aya locked the door for his own peace of mind then curiously looked around the room. The bathroom was large but didn't invite one to sit around in it for hours unless they were soaking in the tub. A radio was mounted on the wall protected in plastic with water proof headphones for convenience. Towels in rich blue sat on a warming rack across from the tub. Under the towels were bath items in various assortments.
After a bit more searching Aya found the toilet behind a small door and took the time to empty his bladder. Figuring he had stalled enough he carefully removed the pajamas and sank down into the water. At first, he simply sat savoring the warmth of the water to relax his muscles; the tile was almost sponge like instead of hard against his body. Once Aya decided he had sat enough he half swam to the other side of the large tub to look over the choices of shampoos. He looked over many until he found on to his liking and washed his hair. Finding a hand shower spray he rinsed out his hair then conditioned. Satisfied with that he unplugged the drain from the tub and looked for suitable soap. He found a type he liked then washed his body standing to raise his hair and body with the spray. Finished Aya grabbed a towel to dry himself off and grabbed another to wrap himself in; then he discovered the robe folded on the rack and wrapped that around his body for good measure.
Cautiously he went to the door and unlocked it. Looking out to make sure he was alone Aya walked into the bedroom. He spotted clothes on the bed, dark blue jeans; black long sleeve button up shirt, black thin undershirt, underwear, socks, and shoes. Quickly Aya dressed before anyone could enter the room. Then looked around the room. He found a closet full of expensive clothes all in his size. Whoever his captures were they had done his homework in the process.
Aya turned as the door opened again letting in the man in uniform followed by another younger man carrying a tray. "You will eat," the man said pointing to the table, "The master has assigned Page as your servant. He will attend to your needs, and should the urge arise also your bed."
Aya glared at the man again but sat down at the table.
The man sneered. "When you are finished the master will see you," with that he left leaving the servant behind.
"You should eat milord." The servant suggested keeping his head bowed. "The master doesn't like being kept waiting."
"Your master can fuck himself." Aya said bitterly. "I was brought here against my will, I don't have to cooperate."
The servant stayed silent unsure of what to say.
"Are you human?" Aya asked scrutinizing the young man.
"No m'lord. I am a lycan just like everyone else." The servant answered.
"Then get out and take the food with you." Aya said getting up from the table and went to the window. He heard the young man hesitate then pick up the tray of food, leaving as ordered. Daylight gleamed across a vast lake surrounded by trees. Aya could see boats on a pier being unloaded of crates. Men milled about as well as a few women. From what he could tell this was likely a fishing village cut off from the rest of the world.
The door opened behind him though Aya didn't bother to acknowledge it. The person or thing was either the man in uniform, come to take him to the master or the master come to tell him why he was here. Either way he didn't want to talk.
"You did not care for the food?" an unfamiliar voice asked. This had to be the master. "The cook can prepare something else."
Aya continued to stare out the window ignoring the man. Maybe if he angered him the master would send him back or kill him.
"My servant tells me you speak." The master said. "you say you are here against your will and therefore I can fuck myself. Given your choice of words of you believe I brought you here to warm my bed? I do not believe my wife would like that much."
Aya chose to ignore that also despite the truth in the words.
"Harik says you are an assassin sent to investigate murders here and kill the murderers." The master continued. "Imagine his surprise when the one you were with tried to kill you. Did you know he was a serial killer?"
"No," Aya answered finally. "Is Harik the one who kidnapped me also?"
"No," the master said, "That was another of my men. He only reported what had happened in the cabin. Another was sent to watch you incase the human tried to do you harm. He also marked you so we could find you later."
"Why?" Aya asked turning to look at the man. The master was easily over six feet tall, brunette with brown eyes. Unlike the blond from that night the master wasn't as muscular, but no less strong. "What do you want from me? To repay you for killing Yohji and sparing my life? Because one of you find me attractive? To make me one of you? I'd rather you kill me then to remain your prisoner."
"You are my guest, not my prisoner." The master said "Our Seers say you are important to my people. That your presence will hold off great evil. If that is true then I will hold you prisoner to insure my people's safety. I do not apologize for that. I will at least make your stay comfortable."
"And if I'm not?" Aya asked feeling used once more. "If I am not your salvation what then? Will you let me go? Or kill me for something I can't help?"
The master ignored him. "Mating season will be starting in a week. We discovered somewhere in your bloodline there was a lycanthrope in your family so the season might affect you. I don't know if it has already in the past."
Aya stared at the master unwilling to admit that was usually where he got in trouble with boyfriends.
"I see it has." The master said, "Like our cousins we mate for life. Only a half human lycan is unaffected by this, which there is currently only one living here and that is Page. And like you he is affected by our mating seasons."
"I am not a whore." Aya bit out angrily.
"You misunderstood me." The master said, "Page is assigned to you because for another to be so is dangerous to you. Should you discover you can't ignore the primal urges he will be safe should you not want a mate. If you do want a mate you are more then entitled to our festivities."
"Why don't you just let me go?" Aya asked uncomfortable with the topic. "I need to go home; they need to know what happened. They need to know what he was doing!"
"If you are allowed to see them, to visit, will you stay and not give me anymore trouble?" the master asked finally.
"More than once?" Aya asked considering the idea.
"You will be accompanied by guards but yes." The master allowed.
"What would I do here?" Aya asked curiously. "Sit around doing nothing?"
"We will go over that at a later time. Your bloodline is still being determined. There were several of our Alpha and Beta males whom took a human mate that resulted in a child we lost track of. Determining your parentage will determine what you are allowed to do." The master answered.
"I want it in writing." Aya said, "I won't agree to anything unless it is in writing."
"I will have papers drawn up." The master said, "Until then will you allow Page to come back and have something to eat?"
"Fine." Aya agreed, turning back to the window.
"Good," the master said, "I will send him in."
Aya listened to the door open allowing Page to enter and the master to leave.
"I had the cook warm the plate." Page said setting down the tray and removed the lid. "I don't know what it is though."
Aya turned to glance at the food to find a simple Japanese lunch of rice and fish. On the side were a few things Aya half recognized but couldn't place. It smelled wonderful though. Sitting down at the table Aya took up chopsticks then paused when he realized Page was watching him.
"Have you been ordered to watch me eat?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
Page blushed, "Yes actually. I am to make sure you eat before I am allowed to."
"What is it tat you eat that you can't have while I'm eating?" Aya asked.
"Extremely rare cooked meat." Page answered.
"Do you eat it with your hands and teeth like an animal?" Aya asked bluntly.
"I'm not a barbarian." Page said annoyed.
"Then why can't you eat while I am?" Aya asked calmly. "Its unnerving to have you watch me eat."
"I'm not allowed to." Page said. "I am only a servant."
Aya set down his chopsticks and sat back in the chair crossing his arms and legs. "You are not my servant. You are here to keep me company I insist you eat with me."
"But-" Page started to protest.
"Go on, I'll wait." Aya said raising an eyebrow in challenge.
Page sighed, "Alright, I will be back in a moment." He said and left the suite. He passed one of the guards in the hall and shared a brief amused smile.
"Your highness." The guard said bowing his head slightly.
"Hush," Page ordered hurrying to the room across the hall. A tray sat on a table waiting for him. He took the time to change out of the borrowed uniform into something more comfortable. Satisfied he looked alright; he picked up the tray and went back across the hall to Aya's room.
The redhead nodded from his position on the chair. Page set down his tray and took the lid off revealing a large stake, a few steaming vegetables and rice.
"Satisfied?" Page asked sitting in the extra chair and cut into his stake with knife and fork.
"Very," Aya said dryly starting to eat his own food. Then asked, "Is the master your father?"
Page paused with his first bite halfway to his mouth. "What makes you think he is my father?" he asked.
"Family resemblance." Aya observed, taking in Page's hazel eyes and black hair. "The clothes, the tray, the fact the guard outside called you 'highness'."
Page smiled then popped the meat into his mouth. "He is my brother." He said swallowing his food. "Our father's first mate died giving birth to my sister. He mourned for a long time then when he became lonely took another mate and since half-breeds are so common I am not shunned for being half human." He smirked, "Now if I was half vampire…"
"Your brother." Aya said slowly. "Is his name really master?"
Page laughed, "His name is Jarod. He just cares about his people. He would do anything to protect them."
"I know." Aya answered leaning back in his chair. "Will he kill me if I'm not the salvation the Seer's promised? Will my worth expire if I have no value to him?"
Page leaned forward. "Even I can smell the wolf's blood in you." He said keeping eye contact. "Even in a bloodline deluded as yours I, a half breed, can smell it. There is only one of our kind that mated with a human that's children's children would still carry the scent."
"Jarod sad they were still looking into that." Aya mused. "Who?" he asked curiously.
"The King." Page said. "High King Vaslar. He had three daughters, one who was lost and never found. She could have very easily been your great grand-mother."
"The High King is that old?" Aya asked.
"Lycans are very long lived." Page said finishing the last of his meal. "Purebloods like thousands of years, full bloods hundreds, half-blood only a few hundred. You will likely be in your eighties before you look forty."
"How old are you?" Aya asked curiously.
"I'm twenty-five." Page answered. "Not counting you, I am the youngest adult here. The others are babies and adolescents."
"Why" Aya asked thinking there would be others the same age with mating season twice a year- if his own reactions were anything to go by.
"We are a small village," Page answered, "Children die, and most others go away for school. The majority will return for the Season and others from other villages will come as well. I can guarantee almost all will strive for your attention if they do not find mates within the first few days. Especially the ones in their first Season and those who have spent many Seasons with no luck finding a mate."
"What about you?" Aya asked.
"I'm not compelled to find a mate. Just to fuck like a rabbit for two weeks." Page said with an amused smirk. "Usually I go to a city for mating season, find a few people to sleep with when the urge becomes too great. What about you? You've gone into Heat what? Six times so far?"
"Three actually." Aya said, "I was in a coma for three weeks, just before the first time, I calculated the solstices, they didn't start until I was nineteen, two weeks before my birthday. The need was suppressed I guess. I usually had one bad relationship after another. Yohji being the last and he intended to first rape me with my sword then use it to chop me into little bits."
Page blinked, "Excuse me?" he asked confused.
"He was a serial killer." Aya said, "No one knew. No one knows either. I need to tell them."
"He was the man Hathorn killed?" Page asked.
Aya shrugged. "If that was the blond."
"If that man is dead then he must be burning in hell." Page said finally. "No one will hurt you here. They wouldn't dare."
"Why? Because my great-great grand father is likely the High King, or because your Seers like me?" Aya asked.
"Because our laws are strict about abuse. In any form." Page said picking up the trays and gave them to a waiting servant. "Would you like to go for a walk?"
"Not yet." Aya said. "I'm afraid of them."
"There is a movie room we could go to, or the library." Page suggested. "There is even a spot on the shoreline that is deserted this time of day."
Aya bit his lip lightly, and then shook his head. "They still terrify me."
"Do I frighten you?" Page asked curiously.
Aya nodded, "Not as much but yes." He admitted. "I just need to get used to this. Maybe I will be fine after the festival."
"Alright." Page said, "Would you rather I leave? Jarod might be able to find a human servant willing to work here. All of our servant are betas."
"Don't you think that's safest since your ruse was discovered?" Aya asked. "Since the point was to insure the person tending to me isn't a person looking for a mate?"
"The servants bring the foot and laundry to me and I bring it to you." Page pointed out, "I am not a spoiled prince who cant at least do that. The point is that such tasks provide jobs. Servants are house, clothed, fed, and paid. Granted they are not paid as much as laborers and crafters but then workers have to pay for housing, food, and clothing."
"That is logical." Aya mused.
"It is," Page agreed, "There are some that don't think it is fair. Most pureblood alphas don't think betas should be paid as much or given high status jobs. They think only alphas should be allowed to excel. Yet we have alphas worthy betas and beta worthy alphas. Its all about birth and genetics."
"So you are an alpha?" Aya asked puzzled.
Page nodded, "Pureblood is based on lineage. I am a pureblood though I am a half-breed. You are an alpha as well. Generally only alphas mate with alphas and betas mate with betas. Then there are the subcategories of dominate and submissive; and those depend on who you are in correlation to another person. Like a boss and subordinate, the dominate lover, parent to child, older sibling to younger, older to younger period. I am dominate to you because you are younger than I am. Do you understand?"
Aya nodded, "Still doesn't mean I'm going to go outside." He assured the man.
Page smiled.
Aya woke with a gasp. Kicking off his too hot bed covers he sat up and glanced at the clock, after midnight. He sat in silence, eyes unfocused as he contemplated why he had woken to such a strange feeling.
As he sat he started to notice everything wasn't completely silent. The night was punctuated by frightened cries and angry shouts. Aya had been here for several nights, with his window open to the cool breeze coming from the shore. In all the time there had only been cheerful shouting and laughter if any notice could be heard this late at night.
Getting out of bed Aya went to the window and looked out. Down at the docks a group of men were dragging something smaller from a boat. At first Aya thought it was an animal for the main festival for the solstice; yet as the creature cried out again Aya realized it was a child.
Aya hurried to his night stand for the binoculars Page had given him. Then he went to the window again to see what was going on. What he saw made his blood run cold. Tossing the binoculars on the bed Aya ran out of the suite to Page's room across the hall. Banging on the door he didn't wait for an answer as he opened the door and ran into the room.
"What is it?" Page asked sleeping reaching over to turn on the bed side lamp as he sat up.
"You have to stop them!" Aya exclaimed grabbing Page's arm in an attempt to drag him out of bed.
"Stop who?" Page asked alerted by Aya's tone and the smell of fear rolling off of him in waves.
"My lord?" one of the guards said from the doorway. "The hunting party brought back a human. They say he killed one of our own."
"I know him." Aya said franticly. "He wouldn't kill unless it was in self defense or someone made him. You have to stop them before they kill him!"
"They wont kill him." Page assured the redhead. "He will go before Jarod for punishment."
"Please Page; I have to know what happened. Nagi will need someone to defend him." Aya pleaded tears making his eyes shine in the low light.
Page nodded. "Get dressed. I'll meet you in the hall."
Aya sighed in relief and ran to get dressed.
"In form the master our guest wishes to speak in the humans defense." Page ordered then went to dress himself.
A/N: Dont expect the other chapters to be posted so quickly, i'm posting as i finish typing a prewritten chapter and with a full school load i dont know how fast that typing will be. the good news is that part one (expect three at least) is finished and is just waiting to be typed. also please excuse any mistakes i have no beta, dont have the time to look for one and am not sure if i got all the really obviously mistakes.
a reminder, the Harry Potter world starts at chapter 4 and stays in that world pretty much exclusively after, thats why i am posting here and not in crossovers. if anyone wants to know where Aya- and now Nagi- are from feel free to ask, but as far as the fandom is concerned no real back ground is needed as i am not really sticking to cannon in either fandom. thanks!