Read 1st those of you who are wondering about Dark Side of the Light then jump onto where my bio's at and there's a very good explanation. well.... hop to it! Luv ya to all those who care!!
WARNING: Slash material. Meaning two beautiful guys doing the nasty. So those of you who are offended just turn your rear around and read someones heterosexual story instead. Thank You and Good Bye!!!!!
DISCLAIMER: Definetly not making money off of this so why sue lil old me? My gyrl Rowling owns these characters but i definetly own the plot and whatever new spell i conjured.
Authors Note: If story is to be archived then ask me please. I'll say yes just drop mke an email so i'll know and give you more slash or whatever when i make more.
Ron laid awake in his bed thinking while waiting. Just recently he realized Harry had been sneaking out in the middle of the night to come back early in the morning. He had yet to confront his friend, no his best friend, on what was happening. Peering through his curtain, Ron was able to catch Harry 'in the act' sorta-speak.
Hair in every which way, glasses on crooked as he tried to untangle a leg from the blankets, and robe gaped open. That was how Harry looked and that's how Ron always seen him except the blankets usually never attacked his friend. It wasn't until Harry turned so his front faced Ron whose eyes were open wide. Harry quickly closed his robe tightly around himself before walking out the seventh year dormitory. Ron sat back down on the bed trying to comprehend what he saw.
Harry - in leather - not just any leather but the smooth, shiny, second skin, black leather! A silk dark green shirt that was buttoned to the color with a silver tie.
As quickly as possible Ron jumped out of bed, snatched the invisibility cloak that he knew was under Harry's bed, and rushed out after his best friend. Little did he know his worst Nightmare was to come true.
Harry was quiet. He had to be if he wanted to live, 'cause if the Gryffindor's let alone his best friends find out he might as well turn back time and let Voldemort kill him than the other way around.
The portrait door swung open and closed with a soft click. "Out again I see. Can't you two get enough of each other." Chuckled the portrait of the oversized woman who was fanning herself. Harry smiled and blushed before walking away. He didn't have the Maureders map since his long-time lover insisted to add danger to spice up the relationship more; wasn't it enough he had Voldemort on his back for most of the relationship? Wasn't that enough spice?
Rounding the corner, Harry took the shortest path to his destination ignorant of the fact he was being followed by his curious best friend under the invisibility cloak. Finally Harry made it to a plain wooden door; the Room of Requirements. Removing his cloak he draped it neatly over one arm and strode inside closing and locking the door behind him.
Inside, it was a mix of comfort and romance. There was a lit fireplace with Cinnamon and Vanilla scented candles on the mantel; a bear skinned rug was in front sprinkled with white rose peddles while an oversized overstuffed lazy-boy sat half on half off of the rug; in the corner was a king sized bed with thick comforters and more white rose peddles mixed with red.
"Finally. What took you so long?" asked an amused Draco as he leaned forward from the lazy-boy so he can glimpse at Harry.
Harry smiled as he watched Draco remove his reading glasses from his face and place it as a bookmark in the book in his lap which closed. "Had to wait for everyone to be asleep. Started thinking Ron was up but I didn't hear a sound." Harry took his leisure time to waltz up to his lover whom was eyeing the leather pants, near drooling.
"If I didn't know any better I would say you're trying to get me hot and bothered." Draco dropped the book over the side of the arm of the lazy-boy.
Shrugging his shoulders, Harry came in front of the white blond hair young man who was stretching his legs from the Indian sitting position. "Well - it is our anniversary. Thought it would be fun to get you all hot and bothered."
Draco slid forward in his seat so his legs dangled over the edge. He reached out pulling Harry closer by the tie. "Bold Potter. Wearing muggle clothing and Slytherin colors. You must love me to stab your house in the back." Draco pulled Harry closer so his lips skimmed over that of his lover.
"Mmm." Harry moaned. "I love you more than house pride Draco." Draco moved his lip to skim down Harry's chin to the throat. "More than air, more than magic, more than -" Harry moaned as Draco latched onto a sensitive spot on his throat, sucking gently.
Pulling away Draco smiled, satisfied that he left his mark on the Gryffindor. "Tell me you love me more than them love." Draco asked as he moved off the chair so he slid against Harry's aroused frame.
Harry's eyes closed for a brief moment as he savored the touch before he opened his eyes and gazed lovingly into his partners eyes. "I love you," Harry bent slightly so he could lift Draco by the back of his knees so the slightly shorter white blond wrapped his legs around his dark hair lover. "I adore you," Harry carried Draco over to the bed while running open mouth kisses and gentle bites on the Slytherin's throat.
"Say it Harry. Say that you love me more than them." Draco asked as he was lowered gently on the bed with Harry between his legs.
Taking the paler hands in his, Harry twined their fingers together and lifted them above the Slytherin's head, grinding his lower half against the flushed boy as he in turn pushed up. Harry could control his orgasm and he was determined to bring Draco off before himself.
"Please - Harry -" Draco begged as his legs tightened around the teasing Gryffindor.
Harry lowered the rest of his body so he could crush his own lips to the submissive mouth below him. Tongues clashed as they tried to devour one another. Draco wined and whimpered in protest as Harry moved away press their cheeks together as Harry's hot breath tickled his ear.
"Harry - god -" Draco's hips moved erratically as he neared orgasm.
"I love you more than them Draco." Harry gently bit down on his lovers earlobe just as the Slytherin arched his back and screamed: "Harry!"
Harry continued his grinding as Draco writhed under him, riding out the last of his orgasm.
"I love you Harry."
"I love you to. I love you so much." (a/n that's so sweet. i think i'm gonna cry : )
Ron had fallen asleep and woke in time to cover his exposed legs with the invisibility cloak. The wooden door opened and he was anxious to see who Harry was seeing. Was it Cho, Luna, Ginny (the only possible explanation he would be hiding it form his best friends)? Whoever it was Ron never ever expected to see his enemy, Draco Malfoy.
Horror stricken he watched as Harry leaned down to kiss Draco just as the Slytherin finished tying something around the other boys neck. They departed with a quick I love you; Harry one way and Draco another.
Ooh - what'll happen next? Well let's just say it's not all that pretty. *sigh* everything bad always happen to my Harry.
THANKS 4 reading. Reviews always welcomed even the nasty ones. If you want your notes commented on in a timely manner than email me. but also have it on the review. Copying and Pasting is fairly simple. THaNK YoU and GOoDNiGHt!!!!