![]() Author has written 10 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Teen Wolf. *WELCOME YOU ARE MY 1, 000, 001st viewer! * *snickers* So...joined Fan-Fiction early Dec 2011 and became addicted to writing! Not the first person to do so and I am certain, I won't be the last! MY stats (if you care to learn them): Female; 41; Still trying to figure out if I would classify myself as a Nerd, Dork or a Geek. Might even be some kind of hybrid... "Gork"?"Deek"? Love: My kid; ALL things Joss-he is a God; reading; WoW; my job (It is the best job!); and Chocolate (mmmm) Dislike: Peas and Banana's and Lasagna Jan 2014- Fics that I am actively working: Out of Time - Spuffy. Post BDF. Buffy trying to come to terms with Spike's death and thinks she is going crazy because she is starting to see him in mirrors. Hoping for eventual time travel. It will have a Spuffy-reunited-happy-ending, but with some angst. Just posted Chapter 3. I also posted this on Elysian Fields (same pen name) where it has been recieved rather well! Writing chapter 4 now. This fic will be 3 parts total and I have already begun to write part 2. I am very excited and hope it is as great as I think it will be! Should have next update up in two weeks! Postcards from Sunnydale - REPOSTING HAS BEGUN. I pulled this fic from the website so I could do a re-write on the entire fic. Expect an update each Monday. I hope it have a more polished feel. I'm The Only One - reverse Spuffy- Buffy is an 18 yr old vampire on the hunt for the duo that killed her mom. Spike (16yrs) is fighting the good fight in SunnyD - he is human (sorta-gotta read more to find out). YAY...Chapter 4 is finally up. I am not an action writer and Chpt 4 was my first attempt at Suspense with some action tossed in. I hope I didn't embarass myself. (Jan 2014) - this is tabled until after I have finished Postcards. Wolf Moon - Clem's demonology gets a name- Luu'sken (LOOSE-Skin haha)Buffy and Oz (Baniel? BufOz? Offy? BuOz? They so need a cool name) I love writing this fic! It takes place post BDF (Big Damn Finale) with some flash backs to highschool (post Lover's Walk) and then after the collapse of SunnyD. It will span about thirteen months, each chapter is a different month. I have a fabulous Beta (Spikes Real Lover). If you haven't already, please give it a read and let me know what you think! Working on chapter 4 (Jan moon) and I have poor Buffy and Oz in coma's...talk about writing yourself into a corner! Be Careful What You Wish For: pure SPN. Sam mistakenly makes a wish. Tag to Wishful Thinking" SPN 4x8. It was a little idea that just wouldn't leave me alone. Chapter two is up and working on chapter three. This fic should only be about three, may be four, chapters long. Other Fics that WIP that I am pulling (will re-post when they are complete): Hero That Was - I love love love this fic and I don't want it to turn out crappy. Synopsis-Spike fears that the prophecy he heard 500 years ago will never come to be. But when he finds Serenity, a girl named River, hope and fear war within him. Does this mean he will find Buffy and can he save her as the prophecy predicted? The One that Got Away - Veronica Mars/SPN- Veronica Mars is on hiatus from the FBI. Her father just died. Sam Winchester hired her father, a long time family friend, to look into a year he cannot recall. He doesn't know that Veronica was part of that year. T for Language. Chapter One was really good and had about twenty-five alerts, but I hated having this out there and no time to actively write it. A Letter to Three Wives (title might change) - It seems that Logan and Duncan have both married now, but their wives have a few unresolved issues about a certain blonde from their past. Sometimes jealousy and insecurity drive us to do the most insane things... eventual Weever. Chpt Two almost finished, but I am not inspired as I was with chapter one. Should be about six chapters total. TY for all reviews and PM's. I appreciate all of the story alerts and faves and I love, love, LOVE the reviews. Also feel free to PM me some of the links to YOUR favorite stories...I like the BtVS, SPN, VM and Firefly X-Overs the best. |