![]() Author has written 13 stories for Supernatural, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Pitch Black / Riddick. Please check out my NEW Live Journal (Feb 2013) for re-edits of my stories. I've really given them a good old polish, starting with the oldest as they needed more attention. Please visit (its open), and if you also have Lj please add me there - my Live Journal To contact me about stories, updates, reviews you don't wish to share here, or just generally anything fanfiction related drop me a line anytime on - my twitter General : My name is Rachel, I'm 23, I was born and raised in Sheffield (England) I graduated from Uni with a 2.1 BSc in Psychology in 2010 (now the real world! SCARY!) and am currently working in retail whilst studying Counselling at night college, in a few years when I have enough money (thanks Cameron/Clegg for the fee rise!) I will go back to Uni and do my diploma to qualify as a Counsellor...at the moment my focus is on college and saving for my wedding...so basically I am a highly stressed individual! Me & Fanfic: When I have the time i have always loved to write things, anything that comes to my mind...I started reading fanfic a few years ago, then decided to try and write some myself...I originally started writing in 2007 a Supernatural fanfic trilogy based around Jo and Dean...I created this account when I was brave enough to start posting it, but I had some epic problems with the story when halfway through writing the final installment my computer crashed and I lost everything. Trust me, now I back up A LOT! It really upset me, to the point where I couldn't bare to rewrite it or even think about it, so I didn't...I started writing other Supernatural centred things, but never posted them, as it didn't feel right, because Back in Black wasn't finished... Meanwhile I started writing Buffy fanfiction on SpuffyRealm (-my profile on SpuffyRealm) and then I bit the bullet reconstructed Back in Black from my original paper notes and posted everything back on here. THIS fanfic profile on is the only place you can view all my stories in one place for now, but I'm in the process of making an Lj and loading everything on there (link at the top) for safe keeping. However I'm using this opportunity to give everything a re-edit, as I think my writing has improved over the years and rather than cringe at my old stories I thought I'd give them a tidy up so I can be proud of them... As for new stuff, currently I'm working on a story called Where is My Mind? (Spike/Buffy) which I'm putting nearly all my time and effort into. There's a short story below by the same name that I'm expanding if you want to get a flavour for it, and any update info will be on my Twitter...so watch this space as they say... Other Interests: As far as past times go, I love TV&films, my fav show is a hard contest between Supernatural and Buffy. I love other cult shows too such as Firefly, Angel (Joss is Boss) etc, I also get really easily addicted to american TV shows such as House, Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, Bones, my new love is definately New Girl (slow to get into, but now I absolutely adore it)...I love to laugh so in that respect I love watching Mock the Week and Never Mind the Buzzcocks great English comedy at its best (mocking the people we've been told we shouldn't)...as well as stand up comedy, I've been a huge fan of Eddie Izzard since i was young, I also like Armstrong & Miller, Mitchell & Webb, Bill Bailey, Ricky Gervais, Russell Brand, Billy Connolly, Peter Kay, Tim Minchin & Frankie Boyle... My fav films include, The Crow, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Grosse Pointe Blank, Desperado, The Matrix, Fifth Element, Cruel Intentions, Dangerous Liasons, Blade, Drive, Colombiana, Serenity, From dusk til dawn, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, Queen of the Damned, Twilight: New Moon, A Scanner Darkly, RED, Kill Bill (v1), 300, Dark Knight (and now Dark Knight Rises!), Resevoir dogs, Deathproof, Top Gun, Hot Shots, A Few Good Men, Lethal Weapon (all 4), Die Hard, Road Trip, Van Wilder, Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Hudson Hawk, Spaceballs, Team America, South Park The Movie, Big Lebowski, Parole Officer, Death at a Funeral (Original English version), Scott Pilgrim, then theres the chick flicks, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Officer and a Gentlemen, Dirty Dancing...etc When Im not writing or watching movies I'm either having fun, fun, drunken times with my friends (actually after having recently undertook a booze free January this may be less of a hobby in the future), travelling around England to see the ones who've moved away, going to my local rock club, or singing and spending time with my amazing fiance who I literally couldn't lve without. He is a true inspiration in my life, he's the optomist to my pessimist, he's generous and kind (to the point of altruism) and has brought me out of my shell and given me the confidence to do things I couldn't have even dreamed of. |