Reviews for Red & Blue
Rebekah Cox chapter 21 . 9/20/2018
PPPPLLEEASE carry on writing this this is EPIC
nertooold54 chapter 21 . 7/23/2018
I wish there was another chapter dealing with Wash's secret and Simon's betrayal.
10percentofnuthin chapter 21 . 12/28/2017
Hey, this was a really nice story. Even though there was a long pause between start and finish. I really believe you should continue writing. Hopefully without the long pause.
More Rayne in the 'verse is always a good thing...
kurtainkid chapter 21 . 11/15/2017
Overall, good story. Feels incomplete, though. The Zoe/Wash/River secret thing is unresolved and the story feels like it just ends. Hope you're writing a sequel to tie up loose ends.
GraysonSteele chapter 21 . 9/30/2017
Well done. I hope you continue this story or begin a follow up.
supercode chapter 21 . 9/26/2017
Nice. I hope you write a sequel with more Rayne action!
TheResistance chapter 21 . 9/24/2017
Very good fanfic, I so wish you would keep it going! :( :( :(
Loving-mal chapter 21 . 9/18/2017
You are a talented writer, I love this story, and if I'm honest... I want more!
Wicked.Onna chapter 21 . 7/24/2017
Great story I love how it worked out I hope there's more look forward to reading it if there is because this was well written and well done all around
Cowgirlcadet1701 chapter 21 . 5/23/2017
Even though it's something that's never even entered my brain before, Jayne and River falling in love is so cute! Can't wait to read more.
Judging. All Day Every Day chapter 21 . 5/4/2017
Please tell me this isn't the end, please continue
FiBeeN chapter 21 . 4/28/2017
This story in NOT complete! That's a pretty low trick marking it that way.
brankel1 chapter 21 . 3/28/2017
Wicked.Onna chapter 21 . 3/27/2017
wow just found this and fell in love with it, it's well written and great character development hope you update soon
Irishbrneyes chapter 21 . 3/26/2017
Thank you for continuing this story! I'm loving it, and can't wait for the next installment.
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