Disclaimer: Joss ownseveryone but Melissa. She's my bitca. :) Although, if he wanted to give em Spike, I wouldn't complain.

Author's Note: Due to the explict nature..smutty goodness I have omitted a majority of the sex scene. If you'd like to read it in it's entirety, email me and i'd be more than happy to send it to you!

Written by Kara Wright

Chapter One

Spike walked down the sidewalk of Main Street. A heavy wind whipped at his neck. Pulling his collar up, he continued his pace. Buffy was right, he couldn't stay fixated on a relationship that had crashed and burned in his face. It was over! How over? He and Drusilla over. That is making a statement.

But, Buffy had confused him. "I'm not ready for you to not be here." Spike mocked her accent, "What the bloody hell was that supposed to mean? Why should she want me to stay? The First has a bleeding bomb sittin' in the house. Obviously waiting for the right moment to set it off!"

Spike quickened his stride. Just a few more yards. The Bronze was in full view now. He was going to find a girl and connect. Really get sparks going!

The Bouncer at the door held out his hand. Spike reached into his jacket and pulled out a five. With a nod, the large man motioned for him to step in. Spike did so and scanned the massive crowd of clubbers, or Sunnydale residents, for lack of a better term.

He casually made his way towards the bar. The bar tender smiled. She was always on her shift when he came in. She really didn't mind, either. He would always come in alone and leave…the same. She would do anything for a chance to be with him.

Spike sat on a bar stool and waved her over. She rushed in front of him. "Regular?"

He nodded and sighed. Still skimming the crowd with an anticipation that felt strange to him. Like he didn't want it, but he still had to do if for the sake of it. For example, bungee jumping! The bar tender returned with his glass of whiskey. Always a double Jack with no ice. Whoever he was, he could hold his liquor. He consumed up to eight of the bastards before asking for singles. And then, he would just change to beers! It was kind of admirable. And hot. Really hot. Like an I-want-to-rip-his-clothes-off-and-ride-him-on-this-very-bar hot. But alcohol consumption and bar tenders are like a sock to foot attractions.

She slid the glass across the marble bar. "Just call me over if you need anything." She turned and started to walk away.

Spike pressed his lips and tilted his head to the left. "Luv?" she returned to his section. "I've seen you here for a while. I never introduced myself. The name's Spike."

"I'm Melissa. Call me over if you need anything, Spike." Melissa walked away. Spike. His name was Spike? OH, MY GOD! He just got promoted from hot to the sexiest man alive. There have been times when getting his drink, her entire imagination runs like a hamster in a wheel. Over and over and over, she has had some very erotic thoughts at the beer tap. There was even a thought involving the beer tap, for Christ's sake! One that frequents her conscious randomly throughout her days of single life.

Spike found her. This was the girl. He had seen her working every night. She was sweet and funny and sometimes reminded him of Buffy. This was a difficult thing to do. He could build something with her. A relationship maybe. That, or a one night stand that will quickly be forgotten. What the hell. "Melissa?"

A few seconds later, Melissa was making her way to him. Spike looked at his glass. He hadn't drunk any of it. Quickly, he downed the entire glass and shook his head. Melissa cocked an eyebrow. "Wow. I knew you could drink but- wow!" Spike gave her a cute half smile.

"Melissa. Tell me, pet. When do you get off?" Spike asked. She chuckled to herself. 'About the time you walk into the bar' she was shocked. Completely and totally bewildered. Did he just ask me out? He did. He did! Finally, I can stop masturb—thinking about him.

"I get off in about thirty minutes, actually. Why?"

"Would you like to get coffee? With me."

Melissa smiled, "Absolutely. I'll come around and get you when I punch out. Okay?"

Spike gave her a quick nod.


Melissa walked around the bar and tapped Spike on the shoulder. "Ready?"

He turned around and got up. Spike put his hand out for her to grab. Melissa intertwined her fingers with his and walked out of the club.

The both of them walked quietly down the almost empty streets of the town. Neither of them said a word until they got near the café.

When they got to the Espresso Pump, Melissa wasn't thirsty for coffee. Neither was Spike. She was beautiful and he would glance at her every few minutes or so.

Melissa had the same feeling rushing through her, only when she glanced, it was every few seconds for several minutes. God, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes, defined cheek bones, that mouth. It was all good for her as far as looks went.

They sat on the bench in front of the entrance. "So, do you live here in town?"

Spike shrugged. "Been here a while now. Only a few years."

"I haven't seen you around much. Only when you come to the Bronze. Which is usually really late." Melissa started to inch closer to him.

Spike thought about his answer for a while. "I really, really, really don't like to go out during the day." How bloody stupid was that? It had to be up there in the "Idiot" column.

"That's cool. I like it better at night, too." Melissa put her hand on his leg and stroked up his thigh stopping at Spike's hip.

He wanted her. Badly. But a part of him didn't want to go through with it. There was the fact that he was a vampire. Buffy was also a big factor. He didn't want to let her go. Let her slip away. He loved her so much, that inside, it killed him in more ways than possible. What he did to her before he left was monstrous. And it was not how he wanted it to be. But, after all, he couldn't be with her. In any form. She would never let him touch her again. Ever. He had to move on.

"Tell me something, what is a lovely woman like you doin' with no significant other?" Spike was in fact curious. Very curious.

"I got out of a bad relationship, a few weeks ago. He—Oh, you don't want to hear this." Melissa put her hand over her eyes and laughed.

"Go on."

"He was sleeping with my friend. Or, at least I thought she was. She was the friend bangin' my boyfriend." Spike couldn't help but laugh. "I just haven't felt like dating anyone else in a while."

"You shouldn't be alone, a pretty bird like you."

"That's where you come in. You're the ice breaker." Melissa's hand stroked the seam of his black jeans.

"Melissa?" she perked her attention to what he was saying. "Would you like to go to your place?"

Her eyes widened. "I--" She looked down and up again.

"We don't have to-Unless you'd--." Spike added.

"Oh, hell yes. I live right over there." She pointed to a long strip of apartment buildings two blocks down.

When they got to the door, Spike stopped. Looking at his feet, he thought again. Buffy was in the past. This girl is the now.

Melissa unlocked the door and looked at him. "Come in."

He was relieved that she had invited him in, instead of just assuming he would join her.

Spike walked inside. His hands shaking. Palms sweating. This was probably one of the only times this has happened. The last time, a certain Slayer jumped his bones in a collapsing house and that was ground breaking at the least.

He followed her to the back of the apartment, which was probably the bedroom.

Melissa turned and stared. Spike did the same and took a deep breath. He was going to get over her, whatever it was going to take. Spike took her face in his rough hands, bent his head, and kissed her, a shaky sigh of a kiss, then pulled away. Her lips were soft with an exciting warming sensation.

They were both equally confused. She wanted more, so did he. It was just hard…metaphorically speaking, of course. Melissa had to be the first to ask. "Do you want to stop? I mean, we don't have to do this." Spike looked at her as if he was hurt.

"No." He put his finger under her chin, tipped her head back, and put his mouth on hers, a quick, smooth move, that had never been used on her before. Spike moved a step closer, his body coming up against hers, and she automatically sank into it, into him. Melissa could feel his erection on her stomach.

His hand went to her breast and she shivered. He was so smooth, all easy confidence. It was like he knew exactly what she liked and how she liked it. She put her arms around him; let her tongue respond to his. His mouth cruised beneath her ear, his breath hot and moist and becoming labored.

"Spike?" Melissa whispered. "Do you have something?"

Spike started to kiss her earlobe. "You don't have to worry. I'm sterile." He continued to kiss her. She put her hands through his platinum hair. Making his way back to her lips, he slipped his free hand underneath her shirt and unclasped her bra with his thumb and forefinger.

Melissa pulled back and ran into the bedroom. Pulling off the rest of her clothes, she saw that Spike was working on his own clothing. "Stop!" She yelled. He immediately halted and gave her a questioning look.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"I want to undress you." She gave him a wicked grin. She was completely in the nude. Not a flaw on her body. Everything was absolutely well groomed and toned. Melissa walked over to Spike and started to pull off his shirt. The black material lifted off of his pale figure. His abs were so defined she could have washed a shirt on them. Spike lifted his arms. His top went over his head and fell to the floor. Kicking his shirt to the side, Spike moved closer.

Melissa kissed his collarbone and started to work her way down his chest. Spike's muscles started to tense the further she got. Reaching his waist band, Melissa took his zipper in her mouth and pulled it down, releasing the pressure that had been building since she started feeling up his leg.

She unfastened his button and slid them down his slender and muscular legs. No underwear and she liked it.


She wrapped her legs around his waist as he ground deeper into her. Each thrust was a different kind of pleasure. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest. He continued to move his hips against her. She could feel him stretching her at the center. Her sex was ablaze. Spike reached down to massage her clit. Turning and twisting it until she was mad with arousal. "Oh, God! Don't stop. Spike, oh…" Titling her head back, Melissa came. Her vaginal walls tightened, clamping his cock. She scraped her nails down his back, crying in pleasure. Spike tried to keep going but was shut down by his own climax. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of anything but the sex he was having. Yeah, right. "Buffy!" A look of shock spread across his face. Did he just—Oh, God.