Chapter 3

Spike kicked the old trashcan that was standing by the door,

"Yeah that's right take it out on the trash, bad trashcan," Dawn said smiling

"Leave it Nibblet"

"Okay what is it Spike why the kicking of the can"

"Ask your sister and tall dark and broody in there," he pointed to the living room

"Buffy and Angel, no I think you got your wires crossed they are so over"

Spike shook his head "News flash Dawn they are so not"

Dawn slipped her arm around him "Spike Buffy loves you I'm sure of it"

"Yeah she loves me so much that she is making out with captain forehead"

"Is she" Dawn pushed past Spike to see into the living room. "No she isn't they are just talking" she answered sounding disappointed

"Probably whispering sweet bloody nothings to each other I bet" he sat on the counter and lit up a cigarette much to Dawn's disgusted look.

"You know they will kill you"

Spike smiled at her "already dead pet remember"

"Yeah I know but still," she said feeling stupid

"You know I bet they are going to find some sleazy hotel somewhere," he said shaking his head.

"Oh Spike for god's sake Buffy and Angel are just friends, what is up with you"

"Your sister is," he snapped

"Are you two still sleeping together?" she suddenly asked

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that" he thought staring at her "Dawn I think that's private

"But I know all about you and Buffy, everyone knows all about you and Buffy" she answered sighing

"I didn't know our thing whatever you call it, was common knowledge "Spike looked at her feeling agitated

"Look you and Buffy have been on and off more times then I have had hot dinners"

"Not hard pet you're really thin" Spike answered looking her up and down.

"Don't change the subject," she snapped "do you love my sister or not"

"You know I do"

"Then fight for her, if you think she wants Angel show her you are better"

Spike shook his head "not that easy Nibblet Angel and her have history"

"Well so do you, she has been through more with you then she ever did with him right, I mean you died for her"

Spike sighed, "Wasn't only her it was for everyone"

"Okay you came back for her," she said getting annoyed

"No I came because of some magical forces"

Dawn slapped him round the face

"Ow what's with you bloody Summers women and slapping me" he said rubbing his cheek for the third time that week

"Because you ask for it," dawn snapped at him

"Hang on I don't remember saying slap me" Spike answered sarcastically

Dawn went to hit him again but he grabbed her arm

"Okay Nibblet once you get free, twice you get it back," Spike, said looking into her eyes.

Dawn snatched her arm away "Look I'm sorry it's just you can be so thick at times"

"Cheers Pet" Spike said feeling hurt. He jumped down of the counter and stubbed his cigarette out in the sink "Now I'm going to get my slayer back

" he opened the kitchen door and stood looking in utter horror, as he saw Buffy and Angel kissing. He felt the anger rising in him.

"I bloody knew it," he said

Buffy stopped kissing Angel and stared at Spike, "Oh no, Spike I'm sorry"

"Forget it pet, I'm through with playing games" he shook his head and walked back into the kitchen. They both heard the backdoor slam.

Buffy looked at Angel then noticed the horrified look on her sisters' face.

"Buffy how could you" she shook her head and walked into the kitchen. Again, they heard the backdoor slam.

"That went well "Angel said sighing.

Buffy broke away from Angel and sat down, she put her head in her hands "what have I done"

Angel sat beside her concerned "it just happened Buffy no ones fault"

"It was my fault Angel I wanted you," she said looking at him

"Are you sure it was me you wanted or just something to cling to"

Buffy shook her head confused "I don't know any more, I just saw you standing there and all these feelings came flooding back"

Angel held her hand "go find him its him you want not me"

"How can you be so sure, when I don't even know?"

"Because the minute you saw his face you felt bad, that's how I know you want him not me Buffy"

Buffy sighed, "What would I do without you"

"Live your life with Spike and be happy, coming here I have complicated things I'm sorry"

She shook her head "you know I think you have made it easer for me" she kissed him on the cheek and stood up. "Are you going to stick around?"

Angel shook his head "not sure, I will go and see Giles talk to him see if he really needs me" he looked at her "now go before you change your mind"

Buffy nodded and grabbed her coat "thank you" she said then walked out the door.

Spike kicked the wall "Bitch"


Spike glared at Dawn "Not you Nibblet your bloody sister"

Dawn nodded and took his hand "Sit down" she asked him gently

He did as he was told and ran his fingers through his bleach blond hair

"He smiled at her "you know I'm starting to think I picked the wrong sister"

She blushed at that "well thanks"

Spike nodded and took out a packet of malbro cigarettes he lit one up and watched as the back door opened and Buffy walked out.

"Spike we need to talk" she said staring at her little sister "do you mind Dawnie"

Dawn stood up and glared at her "If you're going to break his heart do it quick" she said then walked in to the house.

Buffy shook her head then sat down on the step "Look what you saw in there wasn't what it looked like"

He cocked his head "Oh so you tripped and fell on his lips" he answered sarcastically "Come on pet I wasn't born yesterday"

"Okay maybe it was what it looked like, but I just got caught up in the moment"

"Spare me the details love saw it with my own eyes this time" he stood looking at her. "Cards on the table Buffy, do you want him back," he asked nervous of what she going to say.

Buffy sighed, "No oh I don't know" she ran her fingers through her hair "I have missed him I won't lay but Angel and I we could never be like we were"

Spike shook his head, her words cutting into him like knives. "So what now then" he asked her

"I don't know" she looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes "Spike he was my first"

"Yeah don't I know it pet" he stubbed his cigarette out and walked over to her "Look I'm fed up of being used Buffy; you do this all the time"

"I do not," she snapped at him

"No you silly bint I don't meant sleep around, just you know hurt me"

She bit her lip "I'm sorry okay but you and I we are complicated"

"Only because you make it that way," he snapped at her

"No I don't"

Spike sighed "so teasing me' 'then walking off is normal in your world is it"

Buffy glared at him "I don't tease you"

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that slayer and you might just believe it" he stood up and looked at her "I'm going blow got stuff to do at my crypt"

She shook her head "we need to sort this out"

"It's sorted love you go back to your honey and snuggle with him. I suddenly feel very tired," he said then walked out of the gate.

Angel looked up as Buffy walked through the door "well" he said

She shook her head sadly, "he thinks we are together"

"Muppet" he shook his head "I will go and talk to him"

"No leave it for now, let him cool down" she sat down "we need some time apart any way"

"You know that's not true, Spike is just hurting right now" Angel took her hand "you need to figure out what you want"

Buffy nodded "its Spike it is but god" she slammed her fist on the counter "he so annoys me sometimes"

"Welcome to my world" he smiled at her "But it's Spike and love him or hate him I wouldn't want to change him"

She stared at him realising he had a soft spot for the bleach blond vampire. "You care about him don't you?"

"Yeah I have known him half of my undead existence Buffy he grows on you" he again smiled "not only that we fought along side each other in LA and he had my back all the time"

She saw the tears in his eyes, and it was obvious he was tracing old ground.

"You miss them don't you," she said referring to his friends that had died.

"Yeah course I do, I mean I miss them all especially Cordy" he hung his head down. "But she comes to me every night so it's not all bad"

She looked at him confused "do you mean in a magical way"

"No in my dreams that's all" he tried to smile at her but faulted

"I guess I'm lucky," she said shrugging

"Yeah you don't realise how lucky you are, I would give anything to have Cordy back in my arms, and at least you have that chance"

She slipped her arms around him "if I had one wish that would be it," she said feeling sad for her former lover.

He smiled at her "thank you Buffy it means a lot that you have excepted her"

"Hey if she made you happy as I know she did then who am I to bitch," She winked at him "besides high school so over"

They both laughed, just as the door opened and Giles walked in. "Oh good you're both here", he looked around "where's Spike

"He is at home we had a row" she answered

Giles shook his head "well we need him here two vampires are better then one"

"Spike said that" Angel interrupted

"Good then we need him, so Angel would you be so kind as to fetch him for me," Giles said

"Angel stood up and looked at Buffy" Ok" he said

She nodded and he left.

"So what is going on with you and Spike?" Giles said giving her the concerned father look.

She sighed "long story Giles"

He sat down "I'm listening he said.