Hi, here we go again, I begin even this story for the simple reason then, once 'Try on my World 2 'is over, I'llbegin a sequel that involves both of these two mini-serial.. LOL ;)
Author: Lu
Main Characters: Spike/BuffyDisclaimer: I know these characters don't belong to me
thanks to : my wonderful Maribel ;)
Feedback: I'd like it
Setting: "The Wish" Universe. AU: Drusilla never existed, Spike's sire is only Angel, and Buffy is a cold fighter with no friend and a terrible social and familiar situation. Pretty dark.
Summary: Spike changes his mind and Buffy 's life changes forever.
He didn't understand yet what had brought him to Sunnydale.
He had never liked that town and, if possible, now that the Master had taken possess of it, he hated that place even more.
In fact, he had been extremely careful not to let the Master know about his arrival and he kept his boys as far as possible from the Master's, most of all from his most loyal minions, Willow and Xander.
But there was something stronger than his hate for that town: his obsession for the Slayers.
He had heard rumors about the new one's imminent coming, because she was determined to face and most of all to defeat the Master.
She couldn't even imagine that her redoubtable opponent would be another one: Spike had already killed two Slayers and he couldn't wait to add even this one to his list.
And that moment would have come soon.
After a couple of days, one of his minions told him that he had seen her, patrolling at the biggest Graveyard of the town.
Wishing not to meet the Master's gang, Spike headed there the night after, remaining hidden behind a big tree.
Finally, he saw her: a petite blonde, amazingly strong, who was fighting with an energy and a fire he hadn't ever seen in any other Slayer before.
" So, aren't you gonna tell me where the Master hides?" the blonde asked the vampire she was fighting, before giving him a vicious kick on the mouth.
" I won't tell you anyth.." but a punch on his stomach didn't allow him to finish his sentence.
The girl pulled out a stake and shoved it purposely few inches from his heart, making him scream like mad.
" Let's see if now you can give me another answer!" she teased him with an evil smile.
" Maybe I know wher.." the vampire tried to answer in pain, but she cut him.
" Tsk, tsk, I don't need ' Maybe', I need certainty… " she complained, withdrawing the stake from his chest sharply, making him scream again.
"… as I have the certainty you need this!" she said, staking him right in his heart this time.
" I don't need help, after all. I 'm gonna find him on my own!" she muttered, cleaning her jacket from the dust.
Spike had seen the whole scene, fascinated by her violence and coldness and most of all, by her beauty.
He had never seen such a beautiful Slayer. No, he had never seen such a beautiful girl.
-- Bugger my list! I have other plans for this petite… --
" Really nice show, pet!" he exclaimed, approaching her without letting the Slayer know where that silken voice came from.
And before she could sense someone behind her shoulder, a strong blow to her head make her unconscious.
She didn't fall on the ground for the simple reason that Spike grabbed her, lifting her up in his arms.
" But I'll give you even a nicer one!" he said, departing with her.
As soon as he reached his Mansion, all his minions approached him cheerful, seeing the passed out girl in his arms.
" Spike, you did it! You have captured the Slayer, you're so great, Master!" one of them, the one who had told Spike 'bout her, congratulated with him.
Spike smiled.
" Look at her, guys!" he imposed. " Now, she's still the Slayer, but soon, very soon, she is gonna be your Mistress, my Queen!" he laughed, leaving everyone dumbfounded and he headed to the room in front of him, telling everyone not to disturb him forany reason.
The Slayer awoke with her head in pain. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open her eyes.
That made her guess she was blindfolded.
She tried to bring her hand to her eyes to corroborate her theory, but she found it impossible.
That made her guess she was also tied.
She couldn't use her eyes, so she resorted to the other senses, first of all, the touch.
She felt something soft and silken under her skin, maybe some sheets.
That made her realize that now she was very much less dressed than she was before: someone must have taken off her jeans and jacket because now she only wore her slip and a tank top and that made her feel terrible uneasy.
The room she was in was cold, but not far away she felt a weak heat, maybe there were candles.
In fact, there was a smell of burning wax, mingled to a stronger one of leather and tobacco.
Then, she used her ears: she couldn't hear anything, although her Slayer's sense warned her about a presence and she was sure it was a vampire.
Aware of the fact she wasn't gagged at least, finally she spoke.
" Whoever you are, SET ME FREE NOW!" she yelled, wriggling to try to break the chains.
" Tsk, tsk! You're just arrived and do you already wanna leave? It's not very nice from you…" a male voice exclaimed, the same voice she had heard at the Graveyard before passing out.
That voice that for her had a great, mysterious and dark charm.
She heard the noise of his steps as he approached her more and more, until he sat beside her.
" By the way, welcome to my humble abode, although it's kinda nice and elegant, too bad you can't see it!" Spike chuckled, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand, pleased when he saw her shuddering for the contact.
Something told him it wasn't only for the cold.
" What do you want from me and who the hell are you?" she snapped, trying to ignore his touch.
" I just want what it's better for you, so I can say I'm your savior,because here you are far away from duties, people telling you what you gotta do, bloody innocents to save… here you are, safe and free!" he answered, without breaking the contact between his hand and her cheek, an extremely sensual touch.
" Safe and free! How in the flaming hell can you say such a thing? I'm chained to a bed, prisoner of an ill intentioned vampire!" she struck back.
" How can you say I'm ill intentioned?"
" You are a vampire, that just explains everything!"
He chuckled, shifting his attention to the small part of skin her short tank top bared.
" Anyway, you might even like my ill intentions!" he warned her, drawing small circles with his finger around her belly, then he bent down to kiss it. That sent huge shivers down her spine.
" Don't worry, chains are just temporary…" he informed her. "… if you behave, I'll set you free very soon!"
After saying that, he chuckled once again.
" Which is bloody funny, because my saying ' behave' for you means misbehave, really misbehave!"
Under her blindfold she frowned, but she decided not to mind his pun.
" I wonder why you haven't killed me yet. Not that I'm complaining, of course; I just mean.. you are a vampire, I'm the Slayer and every vamp's ambition is to kill the Slayer, it gives them popularity!"
His only answer, he laughed, puzzling her even more.
" Kill a Slayer? Been there. Already done. Twice, actually!" he answered with a smirk she couldn't see.
In that moment she realized everything, gasping.
" William the Bloody!" she exclaimed between scared and enthused.
" You know me?" he frowned. " Well, I'm glad to be so famous!"
" You are every Slayer's biggest enemy. Everyone fears you… but I don't, I'm not afraid of you!" she said with a sure and resolute tone.
" Fine! 'Cos you have no reason to be afraid of me…" he reassured her, stroking her hair. "Anyway, I'd prefer Spike.."
" Call me Spike, it fits me better: it makes me feel all manly…" he explained.
" Ok…Spike!" she pleased him, confused by his behavior: they were mortal enemies, why was he acting as he was trying to make friends with her?
" Well, it seems that you know me, but I don't know you. What's your name, pet?"
"Uh? B.. Buffy.." she answered even more confused.
" Lovely. But it doesn't strike me as a Slayer name. After all, you're not meant to be a Slayer…" he commented.
" No? So, what d' you think I'm meant to be?" she asked curios.
" Simple: a Vampire!" he answered quietly, bringing his mouth to the girl's ear. " Not any vampire: my Mate, my Queen!" he whispered and he kissed her forehead.
" You're crazy!" she exclaimed, puzzled by his words and most of all by his actions.
After all, he was William the Bloody, the evil and cruel killer of two Slayers; how couldsuch aruthless and wicked demon be so sweet and sensual with her?
She was a Slayer and he hated the Slayers.
" You are not like the others…" he exclaimed, just as he had read her mind, so much that she wondered if she had thought it out loud.
" I saw your fire, I saw your power. You're just fighting on the wrong side: you don't belong to that world. You are a creature of the night, just like me!" he kept talking, letting his hands flow slowly back and forth from her shoulders to the handcuffs that immobilized her on the bed.
" There's already a bit of darkness in you, sweetheart, I can feel it. You just have to give in to it…" he explained while his hand had started caressing her legs, 'til it arrived to her inner tights.
" Give in to me, Buffy!"
Buffy couldn't help moaning for the pleasure those hands were giving to her and Spike noticed that, pleased.
" Anyway, don't you know that Slayers can't be turned?" she warned him panting, trying not to think about his hands on her body.
" You're wrong, pet. There's a way: it takes a Master Vampire, and I'm a hell of Master, and a willing Slayer…" he explained, getting up from the bed.
Buffy didn't like that, but she didn't dare to show him her disappointment.
" I'm not willing, not a bit!" she clarified, wriggling once again to break the too strong chains.
" Not yet… but you will be soon! I'm sure you don't like your life and your fate, I can feel all your loneliness, and believe me, I know what you are feeling…" he amazed her as she heard him walking around her. " Just tell me, Slayer: how many people have ever thanked you for what you did?"
Buffy said nothing, but his words made her reflect.
How many lives had she saved? Countless. And how many people had ever bothered to thank her? None.
She had risked her life to save their stupid ass and no one had ever showed her a bit of gratitude.
Quite the contrary, someone had started spreading rumors 'bout her being strange and hanging around with dangerous people. That made her an outsider from her whole school.
When her parents had heard about it, instead of helping and supporting her, his father had gone away and her mother had started to drink and everyday she blamed her daughter, telling her it was just her fault if her marriage had fallen into pieces.
That was what happened in her former town, but something told her that even there things would have been the same.
Unless she helped them to change… and her passport to Change-land stood few meters from her, watching her with great attention: he could feel her repressed rage. And he wanted her to give vent to that rage.
" Spike?" she took his mind off his thoughts.
" Yeah, pet?" he said, sitting beside her again.
" How does it feel to be a vampire?"
" Well, I'm afraid I can't explain you properly.. you just have to try to know it!" he answered, happy to see her smiling when he resumed stroking her hair.
" Then, tell me: how do you feel being a vamp? What did you feel when your Sire turned you?"
His Sire. He had been so important to Spike. Until that curse, which changed him and brought him to leave alone his Childe.
Spike hated him for that kind of betrayal, but at the same time he missed him very bad.
He already knew that soon or later he couldn't have resisted any long and he would have rescued him from the Master's horrible captivity. But it wasn't time for it, yet.
Buffy cleared her throat to remind Spike he hadn't answered her question.
" What can I say? My human life was so empty and pathetic that being killed made me feel alive for the first time: everything had become so different and better! The desire of revenge and the sense of freedom… are intoxicating. The first days or maybe years, I was enthused like I had never been before! As time went by I was more and more thankful to my Sire for making me what I am now, for learning from him everything I needed to know, for being my Teacher, my friend, my family. Until he left me…" he admitted, growling at the memory.
" I'm sorry!" she whispered, wondering why she felt sad for a demon that captured her with violence and kept her chained to a bed. A demon that, although she hadn't seen him yet, had a great fascination on her.
" Sorry for what, pet? It's not your fault: my Sire had been cursed by a Gipsy who gave him back his soul. So, he stopped hunting, feeding, and after looking at me like I was something revolting, he begged me to forgive him and ran away from me and I've never seen him anymore since then. Now, I've just found out where he is, but I'm not here to rescue him, not now. I have another goal.." he explained, bending down to kiss her cheek. " So, I've spent eighty years completely alone. Sure, I've become stronger, I've killed my second Slayer, I've become a legendfor all the other vampires, I have lots of loyal minions who respect and admire me; but there's still a missing thing, the most important, the only one I really want…"
" A mate!" Buffy ended up his sentence for him.
I hope you'll like it, please show me if you do ;)