Author has written 11 stories for Inuyasha, Ranma, Dragon Ball Z, and Naruto. Page Name: every writer has a reason for writing and a process in which it works; I've decided to break it down for any body who cares to read it to understand. This is where my page name comes from. Foo (muse) through my muse I get ideas for stories and such and it begins forming in my head (and I tend to start pacing) enemies: writers block, OOCness, indecision. allies: music, books, boredom, converstion. fuel: (my) craziness, ADHD, (over active) imagination. Fa (writer) (me) if I don't have time or am not feeling good or something I will not be able to write. enemies: life, work, Bipolar disorder. allies: not having a life, free time, feeling good, being inspired. fuel: beef jerky, scalloped potato's, apple cider, and far too much more to list. Fie (motivation) without motivation to write and post, my ideas stay only as ideas and never make it anywhere, so unless people care enough to let me know by placing a review Fie will not push Fa to get to work. enemies: lack of reviews, listlessness, depression, laziness. allies: reviews, good mood, intrigue, getting on a roll. fuel: reviews, knowing readers truly want an update! while all three are very important I believe that Fie is the most troublesome; because unless I know people actually TRULY want an update there is no reason to polish a finished product (draft to post) or even type it up for others to read, what's the point if so few people really give a rip! Age: 25 Gender: Female Birthday: Dec, 8 Name: Jenny Occupation: cosmetologist (hair stylist) hobbies: reading, writing, video gaming. place of living: Michigan, a state surrounded by lakes that don't seem to temper the weather. any questions for me or things you want to tell me feel free to PM me. when you leave a review please be signed in when you do so; I like to reply to my reviewer's and I'm not up to leaving my replies in the authors comments at the end of a story and please do review, reviews inspire me and some times helps eliminate writers block. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. I'm am Christin and female but not into yaoi that does not make me a homo-phobe, in fact I'm a homosexual and bisexual supporter (love is love and you can't choose who to fall in love with.) just don't want to see them 'go at it'' (not interested, don't wanna know.) October 4th 1935-June 6th 2016 Robert L Pumfery Like the dragonfly I hope you've found happiness beyond the waters of the living, and know I will forever love you and miss you but cherish all you left behind, and celebrate the life you lived and were blessed with. Rest in peace. |
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