Back to That Time
A/N As you guys can see I moved this story from the drabbles of UMM, and now it's presented properly :D
To those of you still reading UMM and seeing this this is the last of this story I'll be putting here, it has its own place among my stories now and you should seek further updates there :D Thank you and Sorry for any confusion :D
Part 34: Shopping
The rest of the day consisted of Kagome and Sasuke gathering their things, what little the snakes had left behind, and moving them to their new home. The house was a great deal larger than the apartment, and felt, for the most part, empty.
And so, Kagome decided that they would go out and get things to fill the house, Sasuke didn't object as she drug him out the door. She had many ideas for every room, and couldn't wait to get shopping, but with what was said, she wasn't about to go out alone.
She happily wrapped her arms around his, going on about the ideas she had for the many rooms. She was pretty excited, she never had a house with someone before.
"Would you mind if I had a small shrine built in the back? I'd like a place to kind of just...pray for my friends, you know? They're all still back there..." She trailed off, having happened to glance off and noticed that everyone, absolutely everyone stared.
"Don't mind them, Kagome." She jumped at his voice and frowned, lowering her voice.
"I don't like it...It's the same way some villages would treat InuYasha or Shippo..." She said. They stopped as he dislodged his arm from hers, gently sweeping her under it, holding her close to his side.
"You're too sensitive, it's fine." He assured her and she nodded.
"Okay. much can I spend?" She asked, and he chuckled
"A shrine is fine, but keep it close to the house. I have the money, get whatever you want." He said and she nodded as they made their way towards a shop.
"Sorry, we're closing now." An older gentleman said, closing the door in their faces. Kagome shrugged and moved on to the next one, skipping slightly ahead of Sasuke before entering.
"Good afternoon!" Kagome called out to the shop keep, and receiving a smile in return.
"Good afternoon, miss, what can I get for you?" The man asked, placing down the box of nails and hammer on the counter and removing his gloves. Sasuke walked in and the man seemed to stiffen. She smiled.
"Well, I'd like to have some furniture made..." She said, and began giving the carpenter details, watching him fidget under Sasuke's gaze. She eventually sighed. "Sasuke, stop glaring at him!" She snapped, causing the carpenter to jump. Sasuke crossed his arms, giving a grunt and looking away.
Kagome's eyes softened and she walked over to him. "No one is going to trust someone who's going to look like they want to kill them all the time." She said, kissing his cheek as she turned back to the carpenter. His eyes had gone wide in shock.
Kagome smiled. "He wont hurt anyone with me around, if you wouldn't mind spreading the word, we'll make sure to come back with more requests. After all, I have several more pieces of furniture I'd like." She turned to Sasuke for confirmation and at his nod, she turned back to the shop keep with a smile. "We've got several rooms to furnish, you know."
As they went over the details in depth, Sasuke took a look around, watching as people rushed by, or stopped and stared for a moment before running off.
This was not a good idea. He should have let her come here with Naruto. She had always loved the marketplace...