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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Artemis Fowl, Kingdom Hearts, Rise of the Guardians, My Little Pony, Charlie Bone, and Frozen. Update: (8/25/2014) Hey guys, just want to give you guys a update for the stories I am currently working on ('The Memories of Life' and 'The First Winter Spirit'). Right now,I am SLOWLY getting some work done on The Memories of Life'. I am starting classes this week but I will update in the next month. :) Midnight Hey I am Midnight!! I have been in college for three years now and counting. I like to play videogames (whenever i am in the mood). I like to read books (whenever I am not playing videogames). I have been into Anime/manga about 7 years now. Been into comic-books for over ten years now. I love to read (whenever I can) when i am not busy with school/ work or trying to work on a next chapter of my current Fanfic and/or reading others Current Fandom: Once Upon A Time, Game of Thrones, The Flash, MLP:FIM, Marvel Comics, and more that i can writing a book of (Some of my) Favorite TV shows: Dexter,CSI, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Doctor Who (a fan of the classic before the modern), MLP:FIM, ONCE UPON A TIME and a whole bunch more that i can write a book about. (Some of my) Favorite books: Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, Mythos Academy series, The Lunar Chronicles and MANGAS! There's probably more but I'm too lazy to walk ten feet to my bookshelf. 3 Current Working Stories: "The Memories of Life" chapter 1 (editing) chapter 2 (outlining) Frozen/Rotg AU X-over 'The First Winter Spirit'Chapter 1 (editing) chapter 2 (outlining) Pre-Kingdom Hearts 3 oneshot "The Beginning of the End" (writing) (currently on hold) Possible Upcoming Stories: The Little Reaper-A one-shot with my ROTG OC, who is one of Death's Reapers (mention in The First Winter Spirit chapter 1) (also hint of ROTBTD AU Seasonal Spirits) Just Another Night - A shot Doctor Who one Shot, that take place during the 'Time of the Doctor'. The (11th) Doctor look back at his life and the people he met. (DW OC mention) Here I Stand- Just a aftermath (one-shot) at the end of Season 3 of OUAT, When the Queen of Snow comes to Storybrook to seek the man that put her in a jar. (I will be adding some elements of the Snow Queen in this one-shot) Cancel Stories: The Recipe for Love I love talking with people to brainstorm ideas You can talk to me about my stories, suggestions, random chatter to spur my mind, request, anime etc anything really _ Since my best pal is gone, and I have no one to talk to anymore to move my mental cogwheels = Uhm.. I think that is all.. for now. C: Social sites: Sincerely, Midnight info for OC's Kingdom Hearts: The Memories of Life Main Characters Name: Corina Birthday: April 26 Gender: Female Hair Color: Long Black Eye Color: Brown Description: Average height (for someone her age and gender), Her hair is shoulder length but has it up in a ponytail/ braid most of the time, all i know about her clothes is that she doesn't wear skirts or dresses (need some help on what is the best outfit for her wear exspecialy when she is training/fighting). Age:18 (KH2) Family: Cali (mother), Trystan (father), (death is unknown, and was a former keyblade wielder), Ren (twin sister) Weapon: martial arts (still training)/ Dagger History/Bio: She like her twin was born in Radiant Garden, before the Heartless destroyed it when she was not a Keyblade wielder like her father or twin sister. She knows some martial arts for self-defense. She was taught some martial arts at the dojo owned by Tifa's father. Hinata (Ume grand-daughter) helps Corina with her fighting to even after training for the day. When she learned that her twin (Ren) was a keyblade wielder she was overjoyed but also a little bit of envy for Ren at the same time. She try keep those feelings hidden but isn't doing a job at it sometimes. Around the same time Hinata offer to teach her a little magic if Corina can teach her some martials art in return . So she countne to train under Tifa's father from that day on, while Hinata taught her some magic . She dose carry a Dagger around with her when she doesn't need to fight with her hands. Personality:She always the one to watch over others, she often keeps her older sister out of trouble when Ren is in it. She trusts only those close to her, and is often wary of strangers or people that she hasn't known for a long time. However, she is a very polite person in general and can be friendly even if she doesn't wish to be. While she doesn't always show it, she has a fun side in which she likes to playfully tease and joke around. Due to her responsible nature, she refrains from passing the line between responsible and reckless, and doesn't try to even toe the line if possible. This causes her to miss out on a lot of experiences, both good and bad (working on to making her personality better). She is sometimes mad at her sister when isn't taking being a keyblade wielder seriously. She hate it that everything is handed to Ren while she has to work her butt of to show she is something. She hides her envyness from her sister so not to hurt her. When need to vent she talk to Hinata/her mother of how much she wanted to be a keyblade wielder intend of her sister. Name: Ren Gender: Female Hair Color: short Chestnut Brown Eye Color: Brown Birthday: April 26 Description: Average height (for someone her age and gender), Her hair is brown boyish short, (as of KH2) She wears a white shirt with a dark blue vest over it. She wear black cargo pants, wear dark blue Fingerless glove (when fighting/ training), and she also has black sneakers. Age: 18 (kh2) Family: Cali (mother) , Trystan (father) (death is unknown, and was a former keyblade wielder), Corina (twin sister) Weapon: Keyblade that she has trouble summoning her keyblade sometime (for reason unknown but still working on that), Her Spells sometime misfire (once in a blue moon). Keyblade is name Starry Night. (She isn't keyblade Master... well not yet anyways.) History/Bio: She was born in Radiant Garden, before the Heartless destroyed it about 10 years ago. She and her little twin sister lived with their mother even after their world was swallowed into darkness. When she learned she was a wielder (12) she went to Madam (Master) Ume (her father's when he was training to become a Keyblade Master) and one other young apprentice named Kuon. Her mentor was Master Ume for a while but died when Ren was 15. Kuon (19) (who at this point is now a Keyblade Master) begins train her to become a Keyblade Master and to become a better keyblade wielder and hopefully a better person too. (from what i can come up with right now is that Madam Ume saw something in Ren that would make her a 'good' keyblade wielder even Ren doesn't see it right off the bat) ( i am welcome for a better reason if you guys has any) Both she, her sister and her best friend, Hinata help out the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee. Personality:She is a bit tomboyish compare to her other friend, Hinata (not a keyblade wielder, Ume's granddaughter). She is known to be extremely stubborn and aggressive. She makes both friends and enemies easily, and she tends to be a lot of trouble for both. She frequently holds grudges against people, and is not so easily swayed to forgive. She frequently uses sarcasm when she is in one of those moods. She sometimes rushes into situations without thinking, and gets into constant trouble because of it. She is also very curious person. (working on to making her personality better) In battle, She'll jump in without a plan. Also she would not question anything if someone she cares about is involved. She is very protective of what is left of her family (her sister and mother). Fears: Losing the people she loves, Thunder, She fears she is failing as a keyblade wielder, also don't not want to be a keyblade wielder sometimes ( working on a flaw that will suit her better) Quote: “There is no running from the darkness, not when it hold part of who you are.” Supporting Characters (still a work in progress) Name: Hinata Age:20 (KH2) Description: Like her friends, Ren and Conina, she was born in .She is two inches taller than Ren/Corina. She mainly have her hair in a single braid.She mainly wear a dress of some kind when she is not training Rena . But when she is training a simple shirt and pants would do. Hair Color: shoulder length Dirty blonde Eye Color: Hazel Home World: Radiant Garden Quote: “My heart may be tainted by the darkness, but the light of what’s left will never fade away.” Weapon: Magic/wand. In KH2, she chance to a staff because her wand was destroyed after the events of kh1. Family: Mother (dead,killed herself), Father (unknown), Grandma Ume( known as Madam Ume to others) History/Bio: After her mother killed herself (reason will be explain in story btw), her grandma forbid any magic use for being use (except for self defense reasons and not for attacking.) Wanting to be a White Mage like her mother, she convince Kuon into giving her magic lesson in secret. After a while, she convince her grandma (with the help of Ren's and Corina's mom, Cali) to start taking some magic lessons from Merlin. Even afterwards, her grandma had both eyes on her when Hinata practicing her magic. As the years past, Hinata interested in magic grew outside of the basic. She starting looking at some old spellbooks (at a bookstore in Taverse Town) when she came upon a book with some dark spells in it. She had a feeling that this book was something she was looking for all along. She practice the 'dark' magic from the book in secret, when she can. She mainly use her spells are more defensive and supportive but she does use her spells for offensive when she can. Personality: COMING SOON MLP OCs Name: Strawberry Spice Gender: Female Species: Earth Pony Eye Color: Green Description: She's a normal Earth pony who lives on a farm with lher little sister, Pumpkin Patch (who is a changeling), her parents, and her spoil and spoil, Cousin, Beauty Tricks (who is a Unicorn). Note: You can't use any of my OCs without my permission. Pm me if you'd like to use any of my OCs. P.S. I would welcome feedback from anyone of you guys |