So sorry for such a late post. Life got in the way. Hope you enjoy!

Emma could feel the rage burning through her, her hands sparking with tendrils of magic as her emotions ran amuck, tears stinging in her eyes as the sense of betrayal set in. Her lips thinned and her gaze hardened as she stared Dean down. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded through clenched teeth.

Dean was not one to back down from a fight, and she was clearly not who he thought she was. Despite the hypocrisy, he felt hurt by her secrecy. "Could ask you the same thing, Emma. If that's even your real name," he couldn't help but add; although he regretted it when he saw a flash of hurt pass through her eyes before she clammed down.

"I never lied about who I am, you son of a bitch. I was a bails bond person and I am Sheriff of Storybrooke."

"Oh, yes! You only forgot to mention the monster aspect to your quaint little town. Or is it all your doing...witch?" he spat out, his anger and betrayal getting the best of him. "How could you hide something like this from me, Emma?"

She blinked incredulously, "How could I hide something- Oh, my God, you are impossible! Who are you, Dean? Because you're clearly not FBI."

"Why don't you ask your friend, the mayor. She-" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw the woman is question walk towards them, her brows pulled together.

Emma gaped at her, her anger surging more. "Regina, you know about this?!" she demanded, stabbing her finger at Dean. "You knew he wasn't FBI?" she elaborated at the perplexed look on the brunette's face.

Regina's expression shifted as she looked away, unable to meet Emma's gaze. She cleared her throat, "Yes. I-I knew he wasn't who he said he was. But-"

Emma cut her off with a scathing look, biting her lip to not let her emotions get the best of her. "So you're not working for the federal government? Everything you told me was a lie? Everything we-" she stopped mid-sentence, shaking her head.

"I'm a hunter," he muttered, his own anger simmering to nothing as he saw the hurt on Emma's face. He could already see how much it was hurting her. "My brother and I - we hunt monsters."

She nodded curtly, as if she'd heard all this before. And considering that she lived in a town which was apparently full of magic, he shouldn't be surprised. "Monsters include witches, I take it?" she sassed, but with the way she refused to meet his eyes, he could only imagine how much this was affecting her.

Just then Sam and Ruby stumbled out, looking slightly haggard but otherwise perfectly fine. Dean turned to his brother, subtly checking him over. "You okay, Sammy?"

He shared a look with Ruby, who looked away the moment their eyes met, hugging herself and turning her back to them. "Yeah..." his brother breathed out, his eyebrows pulled together. "What the hell was that? Magic?"

When Dean nodded at Emma, Sam quickly caught on, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Her?" he mouthed, eye brows shooting almost to his hairline. At Dean's nod, "Did you know, back when...?" he trailed off.

"Of course not," Dean hissed.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"What do you mean? We get out of here, that's what we were going to do."

"Yeah, but-"

"Sam, this ain't our problem anymore. They can clearly handle things," he cut him off sternly.

"Oh come on, Dean. Cut the crap. We are staying, end of discussion."

And before Dean could refute him, Sam turned to the Mayor and Sheriff who were silently conversing with Ruby. Clearing his throat, "Um, ladies?" he called, making all three of them turn to him, Ruby avoiding his gaze as Emma and Regina glared at the brothers, arms crossed. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. Perhaps we could talk - preferably somewhere more private?" he tried, smiling reassuringly at them.

Emma didn't look ready to back down but Regina huffed, pulling her coat tighter as she smiled thinly at them. "How about we head to the library?" she suggested, earning a disbelieving glare from Emma. When she realized that the brunette was not going to change her mind, she huffed and turned her back on the group and walked away, despite Regina calling her name.

She heard thudding footsteps behind her and she already felt like she was about to burst, she could not handle-

"Hey, wait up!" Dean shouted, running up to her and grabbing her arm and turning her to face him. But she was too angry and too hurt and too- she pushed him off and pulled her fist back and punched him right in his stupid, lying face.

"Ow!" he grunted, covering his eye. "What the fuck, Swan?!" he demanded. "Are you crazy?!"

She shook out her hand, clenching her teeth. "You lied to me. You lied to me back then and you lied to me now. I was falling for you, and you left me - and all I had was this image in my head of the guy who could've been. And now I find out it was all a lie!" she shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. "Congratulations. You can join 'I-betrayed-Emma-Swan' club. It's a huge one," she spat, her lips curling cruelly.

"Alright. I deserved that. But you lied to me too."

"I found out about all this shit only a few years back, Dean. I never lied to you back then. Five years ago, that was all me! I let you in and you just proved how wrong I was."

"Emma, I'm sorry. I-"

"Don't. Sorry is not going to fix this. Do you know what you've done?" she pushed him back, making him stumble slightly. "When you left me five years ago, I was heartbroken. Do you even know what that means? To think that the fates are always against you, to think of all the 'what if's, to think that maybe if things had happened differently, if we had more time... God," she choked out a strangled sound, running her hands through her hair. "God, I feel so foolish now. I was pinning for a man who didn't even exist," she chuckled dryly, shaking her head. "And now, thanks to you, the only man who ever loved me - really loved me - isn't even talking to me. He is the love of my life, Dean. And all he wants is for me to be happy. That's love." She turned her back to him and started walking away, but stopped after she took a few steps and said over her shoulder. "I wish I'd never met you. Don't ever try to talk to me."

Dean stood rooted in spot, watching as Emma walked away, making him feel lower then shit. His heart clenched painfully, but he schooled his expression before he walked back to his brother, even as her words rang in his ears.


Emma rushed inside her house, slamming the door shut and leaning against it and slowly sliding down. She buried her head in between her knees, trying to breathe normally. In and out. In and out.

She clutched her anchor pendant hard, feeling the edges dig into her palm. She bit her lip, trying to keep her tears at bay. Dean was not worth her over crying over, she tried to convince herself as she blinked back tears. Her eyes wandered over the room, hoping to distract herself when she saw the rose from earlier. She didn't know who left it there, but she had her suspicions. She had been about to call Killian then, but Belle had called and everything went to shit after that.

Maybe I should call Killian, she contemplated as she pulled up his number on her phone. He always knew how to comfort her, and she could do with some Killian-style comforting. Her finger hovered over his name before she made up her mind and called him, pacing as she waited for him to pick up. But - surprise, surprise - the call went to voicemail.

"Ki-Killian, I know that you wanted some space. But something's happened, and I need you now. I love you, so please-" she sighed out, her voice cracking. "Please come back home, baby." She cut the call, rubbing her hands over her face, stumbling as she sat down on a chair nearby. She sniffled, trying to stem her tears, but one slipped past and soon others followed and it was not long before she was full on sobbing, bent double and her hands clutching her pendant like a lifeline.


Killian groaned as he came to, his eyes blinking open as his head spun. He tried to move, but his arms were suspended above his head and his legs were chained, too. That startled him awake, his eyes shooting open wide. He took his surroundings, but there was not much to see. It looked like a cave, somewhere deep inside or underground judging from the lack of light. The last thing he remembered was dropping Henry at the docks, and walking over to Emma's...He sucked in a sharp breath as he remembered what happened next. He growled, struggling in his bonds. If that monster was back, then no one was safe. Especially not Emma. If something happened to her...No, he couldn't think like that. He just had to get to her.

"Well, look who's awake," a familiar voice called from the shadows, making him snap his head up, a low growl building in his chest.

"I should have known you had something to with this, you bastard!" Killian taunted, the toes of his boots scuffing the ground as he struggled in his bonds. "You always were a coward-" the rest of his sentence got cut off as the man in question thrust his hand inside his chest, squeezing around his heart painfully, making Killian cry out.

"Well, Crocodile, you must know that your torture methods could never beat Hades'" he gritted out, smirking despite his obvious pain.

Gold simple looked amused by his comment, pulling his hand out his chest, smirking with satisfaction as the pirate struggled to catch his breath. "Oh, you really underestimate me, Captain. I think we are past physical hurt," he drawled. "And I think my associate agrees with me as well."

Killian scoffed, despite his growing apprehension. "You've tried and failed to vanquish me multiple times, Rumple. Ganging up with that man, that's pathetic, even for you," he snarled.

Gold smirked, "Who says it's you we are after?" Killian struggled in his bonds, growling, "You stay away from Emma, you fucking bastard! I swear, you touch one hair on her head, I will rip you limb by limb."

Gold laughed, turning away and walking away from the enraged pirate, his hand raised in mock-farewell.


Regina, Ruby, Sam and Dean huddled around one the tables at the library, Belle sending a wary glance at the Winchesters. Growing weary of the awkward silence, Regina began, clearing her throat. "So, what do you mean, when you say you are 'hunters'?

"We hunt things that go bump in the night, lady. Ain't more complicated than that," Dean scowled, his arms crossed.

Sam sighed, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "What my brother is trying to say is, we are a group of people who find and hunt things that are supernatural," he saw Ruby stiffen at that, "or you know, dangerous..." he trailed off, his gaze trained on his shoes now.

After seeing her transform, his reaction was less than stellar. And he was now facing the repercussions of it.

"I know this sounds crazy, but this is a wraith, and I can deal with it. And I can't do that if I'm preoccupied with protecting you!" With that she turned to leave, turning her back to him.

Sam started at her with a gaping mouth, his mind and heart racing as he watched the wraith advance on them. He turned just in time to meet Ruby's gaze, her eyes shifting to golden making him stumble back in fear.

She swallowed down the sting of rejection, turning back to face the wraith as she shifted into wolf form. She pounced towards the wraith, her teeth barred and eyes glowing golden, but the wraith slammed her away, sending her soaring through the air and landing hard against the wall, crumpling down.

Sam stared at her eyes wide with concern and maybe, if he was being honest, betrayal. She whimpered, reaching for him, and before he could think about what he was doing, he turned his back to her, pulling the dagger he kept in his coat, ready to attack the creature. And just as it was advancing towards him, Ruby jumped in front of him again, growling and pushing the wraith back, her hackles raised.

She turned back, her golden eyes boring into his very soul, and he swore he could see how hurt she was. He wanted to reach for her, hold her in his arm, and reassure her that he was just shocked. That nothing changed. He just wanted to go back five minutes and not recoil. But the moment was over, and she advanced on the wraith, her teeth barred and growling lowly. Sam shook himself, following behind her, ready to assist her when he saw Dean attack the thing. His panic grew, as the wraith flung Ruby's wolf form away just as Dean's blade hit its mark. The wraith sufficiently distracted, Sam rushed to Ruby's side, who was now back to her human form, her hand rubbing her head lightly.

"You okay?" he asked, kneeling down and brushing some hair away from her face. She closed her eyes, pulling away from him.

She cleared her throat, not meeting his gaze as she replied, "Yeah, just a bump. Listen, Sam-"

"Ruby, I don't care that you're a werewolf. I'm so-"

"It's fine, Sam," she brushed him off, springing up on her feet. "It doesn't matter."

"I- What do you mean, 'it doesn't matter'?" he asked, puzzled. "Of course-"

"Sam, you lied to me, about who you are. How do you even know about wraiths, if you are an FBI agent?" she demanded, her arms crossed. At the guilty look on his face, her resolve crumbled. "You're not even an FBI agent..." she trailed off, her expression crestfallen. But the next moment, she schooled her expression, her lips pursed and eyes cold. "Like I said, it doesn't matter."

He swallowed thickly, reaching for her, but she stepped past him and walked away, calling behind her. "We should go check on the others."

Regina cleared her throat, bringing him back from his thoughts. "Well, forgive me if I'm not too keen on trusting you. Especially after what you did to Henry."

Dean stood straighter at that, ready to defend himself when a voice from behind startled him. "What happened with Henry?" Emma demanded, striding over to the Winchesters, fury evident in her gaze.

"Listen, it wasn't what it looked like-" Dean began but was cut off by Regina's indignant snort.

"Oh, so you didn't attack him with your machetes?" she growled, making Emma's eyes widen.

"You did what?!" she shouted, whirling around so fast, she almost gave the brothers whiplash.

Dean held up his hands in surrender, "Hey, hey. You got it all wrong. We were protecting him!"

"Oh? Were you now?" Emma growled, her hands clenched in fury as the lights in the library flickered.

Sam eyed her warily before answering, "Sheriff Swan, Dean's not lying. We were protecting Henry from a hell hound. Likely the same one that killed Mr. Herman."

All the ladies sucked in a sharp breath, Regina's eyes widening in disbelief. "A Hell hound? But those are things of myth," she stuttered, clearly rattled.

"The- the thing that mangled Sean's body, it was after Henry?" Emma breathed out, her chest tightening painfully. She turned to Regina, her throat thick. "Is he okay?"

She nodded shakily, "He was slightly rattled, but yes. I think he will be. Once he told me what happened, I wanted to tell you right away, about the Winchesters."

"But you didn't," Emma added, her brows furrowing.

"Because you called me. To help Belle," Regina insisted.

"You knew before then, though, didn't you. And you hid it from me? Why?"

"I tried to tell you something wasn't right about them, especially the shorter one," Regina nodded at Dean as he cried out a 'hey!´ in protest. "But you were too stubborn about your feelings for him."

Emma swallowed thickly, "Yes, well. I was wrong to do that, to trust him," she glared at Dean, who glared right back at her. "Whatever is happening in our town, is that your doing?"

"Of course not! We hunt these things, not breed them," Dean snapped.

"Well, they only started once you guys arrived here, Dean," Emma gritted out through clenched teeth.

"And thanks to us, you won't have to deal with anymore bodies like that kid's."

"He was our friend.

"And that thing killed him. We took care of it."

Emma and Dean glared at each other in silence, the rest of them shifting uncomfortably. Belle finally broke the silence, "Well, I guess we should go back home. The wraiths seem to have disappeared. I'll see what I can find about them tomorrow. Maybe this might actually figure out what that earthquake was about."

Emma breathed deeply, nodding at her. "Alright, fine. Call me if you find anything." She turned to Ruby, her eyebrow raised, "You still want these two at the Inn? I can kick them out for you," she shrugged, making Dean snort indignantly.

Ruby looked at Sam for a brief second, reliving the moment he recoiled from her. She would never forget the look in his eyes – fear. Fear of her. She shook her head, plastering a grin on her face, no matter how obviously fake. "No, it's- it's alright. As long as they mean no harm, they can stay. I'll deal with Granny," she replied, nodding politely at the Winchesters before leaving quickly.

Emma didn't miss the way Sam almost reached for her, but she had a feeling that something was going on with these two, more than they were willing to share.

"Thanks, Re- Ruby," Sam smiled tightly at her, pushing his brother out the door, following the retreating brunette. "Appreciate it," he called out to the rest of the ladies as they exited the library.

Emma rubbed her forehead tiredly, when she felt a sharp pain in her chest, making her gasp out loud and stumble. But it was gone as quick as it came, leaving her no room to examine it.

"What is it?" Belle enquired, rushing to her side and grabbing her elbow. "Are you okay? Emma?"

Emma nodded, falling hard on the chair, confusion etched on her features. "What is it?" Regina frowned.

"I just – I felt a sharp sting in my chest, but it disappeared too soon for me to feel anything." She rubbed absently at her chest, feeling the pain still. "It's probably nothing," she dismissed their concern. She stood up, straightening her jacket around her. "Can you um, call Killian? He's not picking up my calls. I'm sure he'd want to know what's going on."

Belle furrowed her brows, confused about her request, but nodded not wishing to pry. Regina and Emma bid their goodbyes, shuffling towards Emma's bug. Regina grunted, pulling the door shut as she got it.

"You should look into getting a bigger car, Swan," she complained, looking at Emma from the corner of her eye. When she simply stared ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, Regina sighed, "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't come to you when I first found out."

It was a long moment before Emma replied, "I wouldn't have believed you even if you did. You were right, I would have let my feelings cloud my judgement. Even after- Even after yesterday, I wouldn't have believed that Dean had lied to me all those years ago."

The rest of the drive was spent in silence and soon, Emma dropped Regina off at her place, driving towards her place, when she changed her mind, having enough of Killian's silent treatment. If he wasn't going to talk to her, she would just have to make him. She was just going to have to fight for him, for them.


Killian struggled in his shackles, his throat hoarse from screaming. He sagged, all his struggling sapping him of his energy. He clenched his jaw, looking around the damp cavern for something that might help him escape.

"You can look all you want, Captain, but you'll find nothing to help you," came a silky voice, making him shudder in disgust.

"Show yourself, coward," he jeered, even as his jaw clenched.

The man came out of the shadows, his robes dragging across the ground, his eyes glowing almost red in the dark. He absentmindedly rubbed the cuff on his arm, regarding Killian with barely concealed scorn. "Oh, I think you're remembering our story a bit differently, Hook," he snarled. "You betrayed me."

"And you want revenge. Original," Killian scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, dear. You have me all wrong. I wouldn't waste my energy on vermin like you," he hissed. "I want the magic of your precious Saviour. And the only way to harvest all that raw energy? It's through her heart." The man stepped closer now, his curls falling on his face, making him look deranged. "And you're going to help me get it."

Killian growled, his eyes wide with fury, "You can't take my heart. Emma put a protection spell on it," he smirked.

"Doesn't mean I can't play with it a little bit," the man shot back, a devious grin taking over his face. "You have no idea what I am capable of, Hook." And with that, he turned his back to Killian, his robes swirling around him as he turned the corner and disappeared, leaving Killian with fear in his heart and his mind swirling with endless scenarios of seeing his love hurt.

"JAFAR! COME BACK AND FACE ME!" his yells echoed against the walls of the cavern, his rage growing as he heard distant laughter.

Reviews are much appreciated! Hope you liked this chapter!

The next one will be the whole FB with Dean and Emma + something else!