Author's Note: I need a beta for this =/ This chapter has not yet been beta-ed.
This story is loosely based around my other Durarara story, Fairyride's set-up. It is not necessary to read Fairyride to understand this however. This is merely a fangirling outlet. However, Fairyride will give better clearance on the OC, their relationship and...basically all the basic background XD
~Psychedelic Dreams~
Dream One: Psychedelic Drugs
"I tried making sense of it, and then I realized I should be trying to make sense as to why I was even trying to make sense... "
"I-I'll see you l-later then." Kumiko smiled shyly at the taller man beside her.
Shizuo nodded at her as the both of them came to a stop in the center of the overhead bridge. It was still relatively early in the morning, and the horde of Raira students that usually took this bridge to school had yet to arrive.
An awkward sort of silence fell over them. Kumiko looked down at the ground with a heavy blush and Shizuo looked up and around, unconsciously scuffing the tip of his shoes against the concrete.
"W-well…" Kumiko tried to break the silence. "B-Bye…?"
He ran a hand across the back of his hair, rubbing it in slight anxiety before awkwardly bending down and placing a quick kiss against her cheeks.
"Bye." He muttered quickly before turning around and walking off.
Kumiko placed a hand over her flaming cheeks, smiling as she walked the other way towards Raira.
Shizuo paused on his way off the other side of the bridge to turn around and look at the back of the retreating girl. A tug lightly pulled on the side of his lips, bringing it up as he watched her sway down the stairs in a giddy trance, hands still stuck on her cheeks.
As he walked off to his work with Tom, Shizuo thought about things.
Though he may not look like a thinker, he thought a lot during the times where he actually had peace, when the louse or some other sad bloke was not trying to make a misery out of his life.
Sadly, those times came rarely as the louse loved messing with him (and now Kumiko). And being a bodyguard for Tom, he met a lot of people that he loved to punch (and did) the hell out of.
Now was one of the rare times that he had time to think.
He lit a cigarette as he walked. He was aware that Kumiko, now an almost graduate senior at Raira Academy, did not like cigarettes and smokes. But she accepted the fact that it was a part of him and though she expressed feelings about wanting him to stop sometimes- that it was killing his lungs- she did not actively nor openly try to get him to stop.
She understood that it helped him relax, even a little bit.
Since he met Kumiko, things have changed a bit. Their friendship was weird and rocky at best initially, and it was mostly filled with her bringing him baked confectioneries for god-knows-what reason. He didn't mind it, although at first he was confused as to why she was doing it.
Overtime, their friendship had grown to the point where there was this tangible attraction between them.
It was…horrifying, at first.
She was still a student and he, he was a 24-year old man.
There was surely something written about this in the laws.
And yet it could not be helped. Kumiko had been so willing to accept his flaws and despite having accidentally hurt her on more than one occasion due to his explosive anger and strength, she never held it against him. She just smiled at him shyly like she usually did, even as her arm was wounded in a sling and bandages wrapped her head.
Shizuo was grateful to her. Extremely so.
No one had been willing or able to just accept him like that for awhile. No one since Kasuka, Tom, Celty, Shinra, Simon, Mairu and Kururi and Kadota and his group.
And no girl had been ever so willing to love him.
There had been a few, back when he was younger, but they all left at one point or another- unable to handle his difference no longer. It was damaging and harmful, so he did not blame them.
But Kumiko just accepted it. She was wary of it at first, but she now accepts his strengths and his flaws just like how she accepts the fact that the sky is blue.
It is what makes him who he is, so she said. And she would not want it to change- even if she did not like nicotine, she had jokingly added.
Things were rough and full of uncertainty initially due to their age differences and Kumiko's status as a student. Celty and Shinra had been willing to help them along ("Since we have so much love-love experience that can be passed on to you~!" Shinra had sung before Celty punched him).
Kasuka is also supportive of their relationship, and appreciated Kumiko for accepting his elder brother just like that.
Tom constantly teased Shizuo about it but he was outwardly happy about their relationship.
The Orihara twins, whom Kumiko still babysits occasionally, just kept making dirty jokes about it. But Shizuo knew they meant no harm….though he wished they would stop sending those dirty emails and links to porn sites on their cells. He had to deal with a fainting Kumiko when she innocently opened up one of the sites Mairu sent.
Kadota and his gang were also supportive of their relationship, though Kadota did warn them to try and keep it low profile lest the news got out. It would make great tabloid feed if people found out the great Heiwajima Shizuo was currently associated with a girl, a student no less.
As for Erika and Yumasaki….fucking shit, they loved the good hentai manga material. Yumasaki even excitedly showed Kumiko his novel that was based on them and Shizuo had happily ripped it up upon seeing the R-rated material.
But like the twins, he knew they meant no harm. They were just….a bit too excited and over involved in potential manga stuffs.
The flea on the other hand….
Shizuo had tried to keep his relation to Kumiko secret, to no avail. That flea had the ability to fucking suck out information from anywhere.
When he found out that Izaya knew, he instantly tracked the flea down and tried to send him to his grave right there. The bastard was sure to let the authorities know about it and get him jailed.
Yet for some reason, he didn't do that. He escaped him (yet again, fuck!) that day, but said that he won't let the authorities know about his clearly "ephebophilic and pedophilic relationship with sweet, little babysitter-chan~"
Bloody blood sucking leech.
It has been nearly three months now, and the flea stuck true to his word. But Shizuo was still suspicious and ensured that he got nowhere near Kumiko….to no avail. Kumiko still spoke of seeing Izaya around when he was unavailable.
The both of them had decided to take things slowly, following Celty's advice- which made infinitely more sense than Shinra's who was highly into getting them off on a honeymoon. The guy was on crack, definitely.
Celty advised them to move things along as they come and not force it; their relationship was different, and…well, Shizuo was definitely a unique person. So things will not be as easy or normal like every other relationship.
Out of everyone who tried to guide their relationship and advise them (such as Tom, Mairu and even that leech), Celty was the one they listened to due to her own unique status and her relationship with Shinra. Of course, Shinra wasn't exactly a normal person either with his job and all, but it was good enough.
Celty understood the dynamics to an extent, and had compared Kumiko and Shizuo to her and Shinra- she admitted that it took her a long time to realize her feelings for Shinra and his for her, and to settle into it.
In a sense, Kumiko and Shizuo's current relationship was a bit like Celty and Shinra's. Only difference is that Shizuo possessed a head and Kumiko was no evil underground doctor.
But as Celty suggested them to, they took things slow and kept it under the hood. He walked her to school on certain days, but this was done early in the morning, at least an hour before her school actually begun as there were less people about. And even then, they took the more roundabout route.
They usually met up somewhere in Ikebukuro, most commonly at Russia Sushi, whenever she was free of babysitting or homework, and he had a break from work. Tom would sometimes join them in getting lunch or dinner.
Occasionally, she would drop by his apartment to do her homework there instead of her tiny little rented room. They usually had take-out food in those cases, unless she decided to make some burnt eggs and overcooked rice. It was strangely funny that she could bake wonders and not fry an edible egg.
The first time she visited his apartment was...hell. Shinra had effectively kidnapped her and brought her there, claiming that it was healthy for their relationship. Shizuo had promptly kicked the doctor out of his home as the lecherous grin on his face was blatantly obvious.
Things had been strange, tense and awkward at the time though they slowly got used to it. He invited her over more often- usually with Celty- and overtime, she started visiting on certain days on her own accord.
Celty approved of their progression with a giddy thumbs-up.
It has now been three months since they decided to make things work out between them, and things were progressing slowly but smoothly.
Kumiko will graduate from Raira in a couple of months, and after her 18th birthday, things can be less secretive and quiet between them.
Shizuo has not been this happy for quite a while. He usually just trudged through the day, with the occasional outbursts of anger and friendly visits from Celty, Shinra and even the twins. Now he actually looked forward to something in the day.
He still loses his temper often, though less so whenever Kumiko was around. The last time he lost his temper around her, she had been admitted to the hospital.
He did not ever want that to happen, ever again.
Many left him due to his disability to control himself. And true, he did not find the point in trying to control his temper and strength, especially when he couldn't do it anyways.
But that did not mean he will not try when it involved her.
If he could help it, he never wanted her to leave like the others.
His cellphone ringing broke Shizuo out of his trance. Silently, he pulled out his cell and answered it.
"Hey Shizuo! Can I ask you for a favor?" Shinra's voice drifted to him.
Shizuo's brows twitched. "If it involves taking my blood, no." He told the doctor bluntly.
"No, no. It doesn't involve that this time. Please drop by my apartment when you're available! I prefer it today though, if you could."
"Just what the hell is thi- Oi, oi- Shinra!" He yelled into the phone but the doctor already hung up.
Flipping his phone shut with a 'tsk,' Shizuo proceeded to report in to Tom.
Shinra could wait.
"It's great to see that you can make it, Shizuo!" Shinra greeted as the man walked into the apartment, right after Celty.
"I only came here cause Celty brought me." Shizuo said with a huff. He stalked into the living room before crossing his arms and turning a glare onto the doctor.
"Now what is it? I don't have time to waste on you."
Shinra grinned slyly. "Why not? Are you so eager to go pick up Kumik-chan from schoo-ow,ow,ow,ow!" Shinra cried as Celty pulled on his ear.
[Just get on with it, you pervert!]
"But Celty…." Shinra moaned pitifully. The dullahan merely crossed her arms and tapped her foot.
With a resigned sigh, he walked off to do…whatever he needed to do.
Shizuo rolled his eyes and threw himself onto the couch. "Just what is it that he needs me for anyway?" He jerked a thumb in the room Shinra went into.
Celty shrugged. [He just told me to bring you here.]
Shinra walked back into the room with a vial of….something, in his hands. "Here, drink this."
"…the fuck is that?" Shizuo said with disgust as he looked at the green swirling liquid.
"Ahaha…I know it isnt much to look at but this is pretty important for my research! I cant ask anyone else to drink it since they may die from it." He explained with a smile.
Celty typed furiously. [So Shizuo might die if he drinks that?]
"I'm asking Shizuo to drink it precisely because he won't die~" Shinra explained calmly with a smile. "Shizuo has an amazing body surpassing human capabilities, so I am confident that this will not effect him like it would a normal person. And Celty doesn't have a head so I can't ask you to do this for me….but I don't want my Celty to be part of my experiments anyway~!"
[That is beside the point! What if he really dies?]
"He wont. Why wont you believe me, Celty?" Shinra bemoaned with faux heartbreak.
"I am not drinking that." Shizuo said bluntly, cutting in on their conversation.
"What? Why not?" Shinra's head whipped around with alarm and disappointment at Shizuo.
"It looks disgusting."
"It can't be helped! Please, just one sip! I need to see the effects!" The doctor clapped his hands together in pleading.
"No." Shizuo started to walk out of the apartment.
"I'll give you two tickets to Disneyland so you can take Kumiko-chan there!" He followed after Shizuo but the other man paid him no heed. Pssh, he had his own money to buy tickets.
Desperate, Shinra tried one last ditch. "And get Izaya out of your way for the day you go~!"
A pause in Shizuo's footsteps. And then he turned around to face the doctor.
"Get that flea away from me for at least a week."
"Deal." Shinra all too happily obliged as he passed the vial to a grumbling Shizuo.
Lifting it up to his nose, Shizuo took a wary sniff only to pull back instantly.
"The hell? This stinks."
"Just drink it," said Shinra with a sigh. His excitement quickly came back as Shizuo lifted the vial.
The green liquid disappeared down his throat.
"Bleaah." Shizuo gagged for a moment, disliking the bitter taste in his throat. He passed the vial back. "Here."
Shinra took it, though he watched Shizuo warily for any changes.
Shizuo just stood there before him, staring at him blankly.
"Do you…feel anything?" Shinra asked cautiously.
Celty watched from behind Shinra.
Shizuo shrugged. "I don't feel any-" He started swaying.
The great Heiwajima Shizuo promptly collapsed onto the apartment floor.
When Kumiko walked out of school that day, she was shocked to find at least 18 missed calls from Shinra and 4 unread messages from Celty. She rarely got any messages on her phone or calls, so this was certainly…weird.
And she assumed it must have been an emergency too...obviously.
She opened the messages from Celty first off.
[Kumiko! Come over to Shinra's apartment right now!]
[Are you still in school? Reply when you see this!]
[Please reply or call Shinra back!]
[It's an emergency! Something has happened to Shizuo]
Her heart dropped when she read the last message. And then panic set in.
She quickly dialed Shinra's number but just as she was about to click the call button, she got another message from Celty.
[I'm picking you up! I'm almost there!]
Not a moment later, the unmistakable black bike sped around the corner.
Straying students yelped and jumped out of the way. Some instantly took out their cellphones and started snapping photos. For a brief moment, Kumiko worried about being seen with Celty in such a public area like this, where people could easily identify her. But the worry fled when she thought about whatever could have happened to Shizuo.
She came to a stop before Kumiko, quickly tossing her a helmet. Kumiko secured it around her head before getting on, knowing all too well Celty's tendency to just drive off without warning.
Immediately, Celty made a sharp U-turn and went back the other way, heading towards Shinra's apartment.
"What happened to Shizuo-san?" Kumiko screamed over the roaring wind.
Celty merely shook her head in dismay. Worry set into Kumiko's heart, and she did not complain like she usually would as Celty drove faster.
When they finally arrived, Kumiko wringed her hands nervously as Celty opened the door.
What happened to Shizuo? How can anything ever happen to him? Shizuo is invincible!
Her heart pitter pattered against her ribcage for the duration of the whole ride, and Celty herself felt it pounding against her back.
The apartment door slammed open as soon as Celty inserted the key and turned.
"CELTY!" Shinra looked absolutely relieved at the sight of Celty.
"The house is being destroyed! He—Kumiko-chan!" Shinra cried upon noticing her presence and engulfed her in a hug.
"I am so glad you're here! Please, you've got to stop him!"
"W-What's g-going on? What h-happened to Shizuo-san?"asked Kumiko as Shinra pushed her in.
"I…I can't explain. Rather, it's too hard to explain. But you've got to stop him!" A crash resounded from inside the room. "He's destroying mine and Celty's love nest! Oof!" Shinra doubled over in pain when Celty roughly jabbed him in the gut.
Without another word, Celty lead Kumiko in but stopped short of the living room entrance way, where a couch lay broken.
[This is going to be surprising so don't freak out, okay?]
"Uh…" When Celty merely awaited Kumiko's confirmation, the girl nodded her head in apprehension.
Is it…that bad?
A voice from within which Kumiko recognized roared. "I'll fucking kill you!" A glass table flew by, one which Celty caught in shadows before it shattered.
The noises suddenly stopped, but resumed not a heartbeat later.
"Celty-san is here. Can you two please calm down?" A serene voice drifted towards Kumiko from beyond the living room, out of sight. It was light and lilting.
"But I'm not doing anything. He started it." Another voice this time. This one had a marked lull to it that was charming, to say the least.
Kumiko took slow steps towards the living room, wary and unsure. Why…did the voices sound like Shizuo but was also distinctly not Shizuo?
Pausing tentatively, Kumiko glanced at Celty who only shrugged her shoulders and encouraged her to go in.
"Bastard, I'm gonna make your grave right here!" And then Shizuo's voice, the one that she knew, loved and was familiar with.
Kumiko stepped into the living room and nearly died.
What. The. Hell. Is. This?
Her eyes widened to the size of saucers, her breath hitched and she could not move nor hear anything.
She could only focus on the sight before her and even then she could not register it properly.
What the fuck is this?
Three Shizuo's stared back at her. A astounded Kumiko stared back at them.
No wait, not three Shizuo's. Three Shizuo look-alikes stared back at her.
No, no, no, no, no-! One was clearly Shizuo. The one with the angry glare and a wooden chair in his raised arms. That was Shizuo. The one in the bartender uniform. She would recognize him anywhere.
And the other one, no -two- yes, two. They were not Shi- oh wow. They are Shizuo.
No. No, no, no, no, no! That was not possible.
But her eyes were not deceiving her, even as the telltale signs of water pricked at them. She wanted to cry. This was so confusing.
This is downright horrifying.
Finding out Celty really is headless was one thing, but seeing her new beau split into three was another.
The Shizuo furthest away from the other two, dressed in loose slacks and a t-shirt that appears to be Shinra's, noticed that she was about to cry. He turned towards her direction and Kumiko took in a sharp intake of breath at the action.
W-what d-did t-this…p-person w-want?
"I know this may be a bit…confusing and difficult for you right now, but please, there is no need to cry." He said calmly with a light smile.
Holyyyy—She can't handle this.
He looked and sounded exactly like Shizuo. But Shizuo did not speak like that! Shizuo was gruff and blunt and, and—oh, God.
The Shizuo in the middle blinked and smiled, suavely running a hand through his hair before casting her a charming smile that showed off pearly white teeth. He wore jeans and a black t-shirt that also appears to be Shinra's. "There is no need to cry. Here, I'll help make you feel better-"
"Don't you fucking touch her!" The real Shizuo growled threateningly.
Shinra came up from behind the stunned girl with a nervous laugh. "Some things…happened, when you were in school."
Celty moved forward and proceeded to apprehend the two Shizuo's that was about to go at one another. The third one merely shook his head and smoked on his….pipe? Shizuo smoked cigarettes but a pipe?
"You see, I was experimenting on altering personas of people. And I had to make sure that my findings did not harm people so I had Shizuo test it out for me." Shinra gestured to the three Shizuo's. "Only…things turned a bit extreme. It must be because I used a bit of Celty's shadow in the concoction that resulted in such a duplication."
Shinra did not even notice that Kumiko was hardly listening, still unable to process the sight before her.
"But rest assured, Kumiko-chan! They are still Shizuo, in a way~ Merely just stronger physical manifestations of his different personalities." Shinra tried to smile his way through this chaos. "It's kinda like personality disorders, where the personalities are not created but rather the various personalities take on more dominance and strength….only with physical separation, rather than remaining in one body." He added the last part quickly.
"So, don't worry! They are quite safe! And I'll find a way to piece them all back together."He whirled towards the girl and patted her on the shoulders. Kumiko stared pass him, completely unseeing him.
"I don't want to join back with his barbarian." The middle Shizuo flicked his head, effectively getting his smooth golden hair away from his eyes.
"You are definitely not part of me, you bastard!" Shizuo growled, pulling against Celty's restraints. "Celty, let me go." His voice took on a low and deadly level.
The last Shizuo sighed quietly. "It does not help if you guys keep going at each other. This isn't our house, so let's keep damages to a minimum." His eyes turned towards Kumiko who still had yet to move. It looked like she stopped breathing too. "More importantly, is she alright?" He walked towards where she stood.
Shinra waved a hand in front of her face but received no reaction. "Kumiko-chan?"
Kumiko swayed, and before either men can do anything, she promptly fell to the floor in a dizzy heap.
This is based on my take of their fan-given alternate personas( Tsugaru and Delic).
Hurrhurr. Been having this idea swirling in my head for some time now, and decided to write it as a way to procrastinate studying for exams. This is loosely based around Fairyride's story set-up: how Kumiko and Shizuo met, how their relationship grew etc But everything beyond that is NOT part of Fairyride….this story is a bit more fun and crack-ish and really does not have much of a logical basis (srsly, how do you split a guy into three bodies?) XD But who needs logic when it comes to fangirling?
Still, this is an outlet for my fangirling needs as there is not enough physical tension in Fairyride (yet) and I really want to try writing more of that. So I guess this is a practice spot lol
I mean, helloooo, three versions of Shizuo vying for Kumiko's attention? Damn, I wanna be her.
This story is open to suggestions and ideas of what kind of sexy/cute/steamy/amazing/add-some-other-physical-attraction-word-here you want to happen. Want a make-out session on the elevator to Shinra's apartment floor? Say it. Want kidnappings from class to engage in some frivolous acts on school grounds? Type it up~
This story as of yet has no real end in sight and will just be a place for me to practice my romance writing (really, I couldn't write a hugging scene without blushing myself so I need the practice), to have fun, for you guys to have fun with what occurs, and to abuse Kumiko with lots of testosterone.
And so…review please~ Reviews = more updates ;D lack of reviews usually means no one is interested so….story will drop off the face of the earth DX
Read and Review please, always~!