Author has written 5 stories for Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei. Name: J (With that begins, be happy) Age: 20 -About me- I'm bad at English so excuse me... I met this page looking for Fics about my favorite OTP. I like to write, but I usually get stuck with many ideas in my mind. Although I don't like to admit it, I like lemon... I still don't understand why it's called that. I don't have an order to write, I write everything in a txt that then I pass to Word and finally I upload it here... if someone knows how to do this better let me know by private message (Secret message or spy message as I like to call it). I like to write long stories... although I fear that errors will come out, like the paragraphs are not well separated. If I write something that has less than a 1000 words, I consider it something short, and that the public may not like, possibly looking for something well developed. I am usually direct when I write some lemon, they are quick ideas, I already have the couple defined (as if it was not the first time) and it usually takes 1 or 2 days at most to write them, someday I hope to write something with development. I also want to add that as a "writer" I only write things that I would like to read... so don't bother if I only write smut things and that's it. Among the kinds of stories I like to read are: Romance stories, either CharacterXCharacter OR CharacterXHarem (and if possible lemon) Comedy stories. finish... (you expected me to write Stories "something" over and over again, Really?). My Ship's: Charisk-Undertale MakotoxCarl-BlazBlue... I don't know what the ship itself is called, sorry. Hoennshipping-Pokemón... although it is unnecessary for me to say it ... I think. LeonxAda-Resident Evil Rokushi-Kingdom hearts... the more innocent and fluff my support is. Venqua-Kingdom Hearts... again... Specialshipping-Pokemón... again what happens to me... WodahsxGrora-The Gray Garden TogaDeku-Boku No Hero Academia My OTP and the reason I met this page: Naekusaba-Danganronpa... I think I have problems with short-haired girls. Favorite Characters (not a top) Makoto Naegi - Even though Naekusaba is my personal OTP, Makoto is that kind of protagonist that you can easily pair with everyone (even if it's not from the same series) Carl Clover - I like his story in Blazblue and the character is quite cast aside... centralfiction is not over yet. Roxas - Complete 358/2 days without crying. Yosafire - It made me laugh a lot in The Gray Garden. Izuku Midoriya - the same as with Makoto... I'm not up to date neither with the manga nor with the anime... excuse me, but I can't stand bokugou. Will I crossover? I tried to make one ... but the result was not to my liking. Names of Stories with their percentages of these to give you an idea of how much I need to update a story. Danganronpa Fic's -Desperate for some hope - Chaper 2 (70%) Possible rewriting of chapter 1 (Even if it is to fix your grammar) (0%)... yes, I want to complete chapter 2 first. -He doesn't even know that I exist - One-Shot (80%) - Naekusaba. BlazBlue Fic's -Run away - (99%) is practically complete... but I still don't dare to upload it... I don't know if it will. If I'm currently only writing Danganronpa fanfics, but when I'm done with those I'll see what I do with my life ... we read in another update. P.s: |