Reviews for Carl Clover's Vigilante Think Time
CS Soldier97 chapter 3 . 3/20/2019
I must say that this has been a very good FIC
I did not think the carlxtao existed but it seems adorable ...
I also liked the lambda reaction
Aoi Hyoudou chapter 3 . 1/6/2016
Hmmm...Carl went to the Xblaze universe?
CrackPairingLover chapter 2 . 11/14/2015
Okay...this chapter was much more cuter than the last one.
CrackPairingLover chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
Well...that was cute.
The Unplanner chapter 3 . 10/15/2015
I was going to say something about grammar and spelling errors, or your awesome Lambda characterization, or Bamg Shishigami refraining from speaking in ALL CAPS for once.

All that went out the window when I saw the disclaimer. Technically, I suppose Terumi does own *A* BlazBlue. I need to come up with a few of these funny disclaimers for my own works.

Side note: You got Terumi's being in a band from the EXTEND Gag Reel, right?
Yuvon Silon Rahvok chapter 3 . 9/17/2015
It's actually pretty funny, especially when Carl tried escaping the gravity field. I feel kinda sorry for the guy, random shenanigans are always annoying when they happen to you. Although... why did Lambda scream when she found out who Carl's father was? Regardless, this has been another amusing installment of Vigilante Think Time. Looking forward to more!
Kyo Nekogami chapter 2 . 8/19/2015
I've seen carlxmakoto and even carlxrachel but never did I dream I would see carlxtaokaka.
The Unplanner chapter 2 . 8/16/2015
Carl is one of the best characters to pick to show how insane the Blazblue universe can get, especially in a Gag Reel like this one. Carl himself seems to bounce back and forth between calm, collected, and logical...and one of the craziest members of the cast. Though most of Carl's crazy can be explained by angst. Lots and lots of well-deserved angst.

Tao's crazy cannot be explained, for staring into that abyss allows the abyss to gaze back into you, and you do NOT want Tao looking at you. Case in point: Chapter 1: Tao Drops In.

I'd love to see more of this. Hopefully some other girl enters the fray and we get a catfight...pun totally intended.
rustyfeed chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
This was something... random. He definitely made his life cliche by executing what i'd seen in any form of media a thousand of times. Congratulations, Carl.

Not bad for your first story, too. Was fun to read as well.