Hey guys, I'm back again! This chapter took much longer than I first anticipated it would because I really didn't know what I wanted to do in regards to the ending scene of this chapter, and once I finally decided what I wanted to do I spent some time decided how exactly I wanted to do it. In all honesty, I'm pretty happy with how this chapter ended up. Last chapter was kind of weak to me, but it was necessary for setting things and characters up for future events - one of these events occurring at the end of this chapter. I hope you guys like this chapter too! Enjoy!

The Unlucky Luckster and the 77th Class - Chapter 14

The bustling mall that Makoto had been taken to was filled with so many people it was suffocating. The bright colours of the myriad stores were in a complete dichotomy to the gloominess that enveloped everyone - pushing past each other in the large crowds with scowls on their faces.

Makoto, however, was not scowling. A wobbly smile barely held together on his face signified to any onlookers that the luckster was well and truly uncomfortable. His arms were stiff at his side - his breath slow, holding it often as if he was preparing himself from an oncoming onslaught.

Yes, Makoto Naegi was on a date.

Makoto stood at the centre of the mall, perched lightly on the edge of the fountain that adorned the area. It's cool breeze helped to calm Makoto slightly - yet one could submerge him entirely under the water and he would still be nervous. Nervous and wet. He'd rather be nervous and dry.

Not being very fashion-savvy, Makoto's repertoire of clothes were limited to his school uniform, and his casual clothes, consisting of his usual green hoodie. Today however, the Kuzuryu clan had graciously(?) provided the luckster with 'adequate' clothing for the occasion. This being the kind of suit one would expect to see at a wedding or such, tie having been done up so tight that what little breathing room Makoto had previously possessed had now dissipated.

He tugged at his collar in a futile attempt to lesson the strain he was feeling. Considering it, Makoto realised that a conversation in regards to his lack of wardrobe options had occurred between him and Sayaka a while back. She had offered to take Makoto out shopping to help him pick out new outfits. When Makoto responded by scratching his cheek and laughing nervously about how he currently lacked the funds to go clothes shopping, Sayaka immediately insisted on buying a new outfit for him herself - much to Makoto's surprise.

He tried to talk her down for a good while, but the idol would have none of it - giving Makoto a sly smirk when he finally admitted defeat. He didn't want to ask his parents for money, considering all of the money they had spent on tutors and equipment for Makoto, preparing him for the academic standards of Hope's Peak as he was finishing up his studies in Middle School.

Sayaka's generosity was another reason as to why she seemed to amazing - so radiant to Makoto. She was a girl so far above him, yet brought herself down to his level out of sheer kindness.

The luckster grew somber for a moment.

While reminiscing about the past, he had momentarily forgot the state their relationship was currently in.

Junko had managed to repeatedly damage their relationship - their friendship strained. Makoto knew that something had to be done to reclaim what was lost. He had to salvage their friendship no matter what - lest he allow Junko to drag one of his best friends into the pits of despair alongside her. Clenching his fists, Makoto vowed he would never allow that.

'Everything happened so fast. It's been two days since what happened with Maizono - and I wasn't even able to talk to her yesterday like I'd planned with the whole kidnapping thing. I'll have to make this date go as fast as possible - but I can't hurt Natsumi's feelings. If that happened I'm sure Junko would see her as another potential target...'

Makoto had become slightly stressed as of late. He was always one to concern himself over the wellbeing of others, and had proven himself adamant and unwavering in the face of Junko and her threat of despair. But it wasn't Junko herself that Makoto was afraid of. It was what she could do - her potential, and the effect she could have on people. She was Makoto's antithesis in every way - Makoto having the ability to spread hope and happiness, with Junko being able to spread despair and sadness.

He was starting to feel on-edge at all times. He had no idea when or where Junko and her despair would strike, or who would be the target. Makoto had laid awake pondering solutions for hours the previous night - but despite his promise to Junko that he would make her feel hope, he had no idea how he would put it into practice. If Junko saw it coming, his hope wouldn't have the effect it normally did on others. Makoto even questioned whether he had the right to make Junko feel hope in the first place. Would he really be any different than Junko if he forced his hope on her in the same way she forced her despair on others? These were the kinds of dilemmas Makoto was currently faced with.

He was well aware that eventually he would have to face Junko and her despair face on, but a new feeling had surfaced within him. He was...afraid. Of course he would never stand down to despair - and he was willing to throw himself into whatever harm may come his way to protect his friends, but the fact was that Makoto was scared. Scared of Junko's unpredictable nature. Scared of what she could have in store for him and his friends. But most of all, Makoto was scared of the possibility of failure on his part. What if Junko poisoned his friends with her despair, Makoto powerless against her ways? What if Makoto succumbed to despair himself? Who then would protect those he cared about?

'No. No, I'm letting her get into my head and stress me out. She won't win. I can't let her win. For the sake of everyone who I care about, I won't back down. Junko Enoshima, I will fight you head on.'

Until now Makoto had operated by waiting until Junko made a move, his plan to fix whatever problems the aftermath caused. Yet, what need would there be for a solution if you fix the source of the problems? He still didn't know if he had the right to try to make Junko feel hope, but in this case he felt that even if he was forcing his ideals onto her, hope was a much better ideal than despair. Without hope, the world would end. Without hope, humans push themselves to seek true happiness. Junko Enoshima does seek happiness. She seeks the most soul-crushing sorrow to have ever been produced. That is her pleasure. That is her 'happiness' - no matter how twisted and warped it may be. If Makoto could make her feel the happiness he is able to feel, then perhaps...

A shout pulled Makoto from his state of deep pondering.

"You're late!" The blonde pouted slightly as she shot a glare down towards the luckster.

Makoto managed a lopsided smile. "But I've been here for half an hour already..."

"A boy who gets to go on a date with me should be at least an hour early! But oh well. Aren't you going to tell me how nice I look?"

"O-oh, yeah you look really nice!"

Natsumi's eyes narrowed as is Makoto's answer wasn't good enough.

"What's with that getup?" She gestured to Makoto's out-of-place clothing with a slight grimace.

Makoto stammered to think up a respond. He didn't want to point any fingers at Fuyuhiko's decision - a decision he was very firm and proud of.

"I-I just thought that I should dress up nice for you...?" He peeked at Natsumi through half-closed eyes in anticipation of her response.

'Please don't yell at me please don't yell at me.'

"Hmm..." She appeared lost in thought in regards to Makoto's choice of clothing.

"Well whatever. Let's get going."

'I'm safe...' Makoto exhaled in relief.

"Gah...these bags...so...heavy..."

Makoto barely managed to choke out those words as he slowly and begrudgingly trailed behind Natsumi as she dipped and dived in and out of stores that Makoto didn't even know existed.

The pair were about to reach their next destination when Natsumi stopped Makoto.

"Hey. Come in with me for the next one. You're going to tell me how good I look in the clothes I try on." The luckster blinked.

'Oh yeah - we're on a date. I almost forgot.'

It seemed as if Natsumi realised the same, explaining her sudden shift in attitude.

She practically dragged poor Makoto into the store - but since his body was now made up of 95% bags, she just pulled on the nearest handle. To someone who wasn't in the know, they would assume that the luckster was a cluster of bags, yet underneath it all a very mentally and physically exhausted Makoto resided.

Much time passed. Makoto had no idea if it was dark outside yet. Eventually, Natsumi was ready.

"So? What do you think?"

She wore what Makoto could only describe as clothes. This is because they were very nondescript - a skirt and a top. Normal. Though the price tag would betray that notion.

Makoto thought for a moment. He knew that she didn't actually want his opinion - she just wanted him to say what she wanted to hear.

"You look..." His mind raced - desperately considering what word to use - the one word that would placate the young Yakuza.


Nice. He went with nice.

It was almost as if Makoto's blood stopped flowing as he waited for a reaction. Time froze.

A whisper - barely audible, could be heard from Natsumi. Makoto had to lean in slightly to hear.


'She's mad at me but also blushing at the same time. Huh. I didn't know that was possible. But at least she's happy?'

The moment passed and Natsumi grabbed the outfit Makoto had so vehemently complemented her on, taking it to purchase.

"Okay, I'm bored here. We're leaving."


"There a problem with that?"

"Not at all!" Makoto was a man who valued his internal organs. He knew that if he made the Yakuza princess mad then those organs were essentially forfeit. His stomach churned at the thought.

Natsumi noticed Makoto clutching his stomach with a raised eyebrow.

"You hungry?"

'No I'm really really not. More like terrified. I might throw up.'

Of course Makoto knew he could only think that, not say it. He continued to adopt his 'whatever makes her happy' line of approach. He reasoned that it had worked so far - he was still alive and all his body parts were in their rightful place.

"S-sure am...haha...why don't we look for a cafe as we walk?" A cafe also means more people Makoto realised - much safer than the alleyways the pair were passing by. Alleyways in which someone could disappear and no one would ever know.

The luckster inwardly yelped as he continued along, trying his best to push negative thoughts out of his mind, focusing on whatever small beacon of positivity he could find in this situation.

The best he could come up with was 'at least I'm not dead.'

As the couple strolled down the street, Natsumi's focus on the clothing and apparel on offer in nearby stores, two heads peered out from the darkness of a nearby alleyway.

"Young master - why is it we are here? Do you not trust Makoto?"

"Of course I trust him - that guy couldn't hurt anything. And if he did I'm sure he'd cry about it for god knows how long. I'm here to make sure this thing goes well - Natsumi is my little sister, and this is Yakuza business."

"Yakuza business?" Peko quizzed, narrowing her eyebrows slightly.

Fuyuhiko grinned. "If things go well you could be looking at the newest addition to the Kuzuryu clan."

"Ah." Peko hadn't considered the prospect.

'Makoto's fluffy hair available at all times. Yes. This date must go well - at all costs.' Steeling her resolve, Peko's face became serious, resuming her observation with a sense of purpose.

And on the other side of the street in a similar alleyway...

"Junko - why are we here? You said something about Makoto?"

"Yep. He's on a date."

Mukuro's stoic expression cracked momentarily as a look of rage peered through, before returning to an eerie calm.

"...and we're going to make sure it goes as terribly as possible."

"I will do all that I can to assist." Mukuro, now having spotted Natsumi walking (as she saw it) dangerously close to Makoto, bore her eyes into the back of the blonde's head.

"Wow - I can almost smell the murderous intent coming off of you. Oh, wait no - that's just you smelling awful as always."

"But I just showered before we-"

"Blah blah blah less talking more ruining."

"Y-yes Junko..." Dejected, but not deterred, Mukuro stood by her sister as she devised a plan to break the potential couple up before anything could come of the date.

Makoto had never been on a 'date' before. He had been on things that one could constitute as a date - but nothing so official. Despite the fact that what he was doing was exactly the same as almost every other time he would go shopping with a girl, he couldn't help but feel the air surrounding the day held much more pressure than all of the previous times.

His hands were clammy - causing him to open and close them every few seconds. He felt like a self-conscious bundle of nerves - a far cry to his usual cheery self. Perhaps the worst part was that he didn't even know Natsumi. He found it odd how a girl that he had never even spoken to before seemed to take an interest in him.

Of course - Makoto was now aware of the rumours surrounding him within the reserve course. Tales of Makoto's kindness and the antics he would get caught up in (mostly due to his bad luck) made him somewhat of a celebrity in this block of Hope's Peak - with the students having no way to really interact with him unless they were in the main course. Perhaps this was what this was, Makoto pondered. Mere curiosity from Natsumi's end - which meant that this wasn't really a 'date' so to speak, but the meeting had just been given that label.

Thinking about his situation this way made Makoto calm down considerably. He still didn't know what Natsumi was really like - which added an unpredictable element to the day, but Makoto did enjoy getting to know people. Even the most prickly people like Togami or the most reserved like Kyouko had their walls broken down by him (yet Togami wouldn't admit this if his life depended on it).

The date continued, but Makoto couldn't help but notice that something was off. Things would almost go terrible, but would right themselves right at the last possible second.

For instance, the couple made their way to a rather expensive cafe to chat for a while - mainly because Makoto was about to drop from all of the bags he was being made to carry, and desperately needed a rest. When the waiter made his way over to them to serve their drinks, he seemingly slipped on nothing, but miraculously, the drinks that he had tossed up in the air as he fell landed perfectly on the tray he was holding.

Makoto could've sworn he saw a split-second glimpse of someone before the waiter fell, and once again as the drinks flew up in the air. Realising that was very unlikely, he chalked it up to his fluctuating luck.

Despite their drinks being completely intact, Natsumi still yelled at the waiter, berating him as Makoto watched on apologetically, slightly afraid.

From a nearby booth Fuyuhiko sighed in annoyance.

"What the hell was that?"

Peko, who had returned to her seat moments prior, scanned the cafe in search of someone.

"Someone here purposely aimed to make that waiter fall. I managed to fix the problem they caused, but they could strike again."

Elsewhere, Junko Enoshima looked down on her sister with a look that could only be described as 'pissed off'.

"Mukurooo?" She spoke in a sing-song voice, eye twitching slightly.

Mukuro twitched. Junko was not pleased.

Natsumi took a sip of her juice, setting it down as she studied Makoto for a few moments - Makoto himself oblivious as he sipped on his drink in silence.

Natsumi broke the silence.


"Hm?" Makoto responded with head tilt, straw still in his mouth.

Natsumi paused for a moment, as if considering her words - something that Makoto felt was uncharacteristic for the girl.

She picked up her drink, holding it listlessly, her attention focused outside the window situated next to her seat.

"Pretty much everyone in the reserve course acts like you're a celebrity." The way she said this was confusing for Makoto. He couldn't understand her intentions. Did he hear...bitterness...?

He decided he needed more information before he drew such a conclusion.

'That's what Kirigiri would do anyway.'

Makoto finished his drink before he responded.

"They do? Why?"

Natsumi's attention was still not on Makoto. She looked like she was thinking deeply about something. As if she was far away from him, yet close enough for him to touch.

"Don't get me wrong - the majority of the reserve course students detest the ultimates, but you - you represent the hope of a completely average person making it into Hope's Peak."

Makoto was going to ask a follow up question, but felt it right to wait and see how Natsumi would continue.

"In actuality, that's what drew me to you. Your talent is luck right? Well if I'm near you it stands to reason that I'd be lucky too, right?"

"Ah, um...I don't think it works that way. Besides I really have more bad luck than good luck whichever way you look at it..."

Natsumi clenched her fingers around her glass. It was on the verge of breaking. As was her patience.

"Are you saying that you won't share your luck with me...?"

Makoto was confused, his voice almost a whisper.

"Share my luck? I don't understand...why would you need luck? Do you perhaps...want to enrol in the main course...?" A shot in the dark, but Makoto could see in Natsumi's eyes that he had hit his mark.

He proceeded. "I don't think my luck will help you - it's not something I have power over anyway. U-um, besides - I bet if you work hard enough you'll be able to accomplish your goal!"

The luckster tried to inspire some hope into the girl across from him. Her expression showed that he was unsuccessful.

"What would you know about that!? You're in the main course! You made it to the place I want to be in more than anything - and the worst part is that you made it there by luck!"

Makoto knew he needed a new approach, fast. A few people on nearby tables were beginning to watch the pair. If being optimistic wouldn't work, then Makoto would have to appeal to Natsumi's personal nature - and Makoto knew exactly where to strike.

"Would getting into the main course by luck really satisfy you? I don't think so. From what I've seen, you're a very proud person. I don't think your pride would let you receive something so easily - something you didn't work for. That wouldn't put you on equal footing with Fuyuhiko."

Natsumi's pride seemed to be what had most of the power over her, Makoto hoped that

"So that's supposed to make me feel better? It doesn't change anything. All that matters is that you're there and I'm not. And by the looks of it I never will be..."

Tears began to form around Natsumi's eyes - Makoto reaching an unsure hand forward, retracting it as her anger grew more fervent.

"I tried so hard to be recognised. I did everything I could, but they still say I'm not good enough! Where do you get off talking like you know me and what I've been through when no one in your life has told you that you're not good enough!? You have everything you could ever want - a place in the most prestigious school in the world, everyone wants to be your friend, and you even have my brother paying more attention to you than he does to me!"

He was stunned. No counter-argument or even so much as a response formulated itself in Makoto's head. How could it, as Natsumi had told the truth, and Makoto knew this.

Seeing that Makoto had no rebuttal, Natsumi continued to speak, this time her tone was much calmer, but held feelings of strain.

"If you can't help me, I'll have to go to her."

'Her? Who could she be...'


'No. No it can't be...'

"She told me you'd be of no use. I should've listened to her from the start."

Makoto's heartbeat began to increase at an alarming pace. He could see Natsumi beginning to fall right in front of him - her hope slipping through his fingers.

She stood up, eyes hidden from Makoto. If he had to guess, he'd assume she was crying. She ran off. As she passed Junko unknowingly, the fashionista giggled.

"Well, looks like the date ended up ruining itself. I hate it when things go exactly as I thought they would. So boring. Step your game up Makoto."

She motioned to Mukuro to follow her out of the cafe, Mukuro staying still for a brief second, her focus on Makoto.

"Ah -"

'It didn't work. I couldn't give her hope.'

Makoto sat there in a trance for a few seconds, devoid of thought.

'N-no - I can't give up! I have to protect everyone from her! She - she can't have her way, or else she'll-'

Makoto was having a panic attack. In the middle of a cafe. Everyone around him was staring at him after the spectacle that had occurred prior. The luckster promptly stood up from his chair and quickly made his way to the bathroom.

A few splashes of water against his face managed to slightly calm him down, but Makoto was still having trouble controlling his breathing.

The recurring nightmare that Makoto thought himself rid of flashed in his mind. He felt faint - his world spinning. As he slumped to the floor in a haze, he heard the door of the bathroom open.

"Christ Makoto, the fuck happened?" Fuyuhiko aimed the question at no-one in particular, the luckster already passed out in front of him.

Evening had come - this was the time in which most Hope's Peak students would return to their dormitories - or in the case of the reserve course students, their respective homes.

One of these students, Sato, was making her way out of the Hope's Peak dorms, having spent most of the day with her close friend and Class 77 member, Mahiru Koizumi. After seeing she got back to her room safely, (Sato's overprotectiveness of Mahiru manifesting in this way) she began her trek home, crossing past the water fountain, its illumination being the only source of nearby light.

After walking for a while to reach here, Sato contemplated taking a quick rest on a nearby bench, but was stopped as she heard a sound. A laugh, of sorts.


From the shadows, she made her presence known.

"Oh Satoooooo~" Junko's sing-song voice purred in an overly-innocent manner.


"Thats right! Queen Junko has arrived!"


"You dare doubt me peasant? Ah, my bad - slip of the tongue. I totes wanted to talk to you!"

She gave off a harmless smile - betrayed by her words. Everything she said was venomous - poison to those who had the misfortune of being her victim. She had mastered the act of whispering sweet nothings to people - gaining their trust and assuring them she wanted only the best for them - when in reality, her duplicity showed in her chuckles upon receiving a new pawn.

Sato put her guard up.

"Why would you want to talk to me?

Junko's smile began to change. It transitioned from harmless, to distorted, frightening. Piercing.

"I have something I think you're going to want to hear..."

As with her smile, Junko's tone changed too, becoming low and ominous.

"...about your dear friend Mahiru."

Junko threw a photo on the ground in-front of Sato. The girl hesitated at first, but a small 'go on' from Junko prompted her to take a step forward to examine it.

What she saw broke her.

The photograph depicted Mahiru Koizumi - bruised and slumped over.

Sato opened and closed her mouth a few times - lost for words, barely able to process the information Junko was providing her with.

"When - when did this...? I saw her today! She was fine half an hour ago!"

The blonde feigned shock.

"I have no idea! But it happened. What are you gonna do?" Junko shrugged.

"She'll be okay. She's currently in the hospital. Well, I say 'okay' but really who knows what kind of internal damage she could have. Ahh, poor girl." Junko didn't even pretend to care this time, but Sato didn't even notice.

"Who...WHO DID THIS!?"

A blind rage swept through Sato. She ground her teeth together, practically growling from the sheer force of anger she felt.

"Oh I think you know who."

"She wants to get into Hope's Peak's main course reaaaaal bad. I guess she thought that if she got rid of one of the students, she could take her place."

Junko leaned in close to Sato, eyes sharp and cruel.

"Know anyone who fits the bill?"

Realisation hit Sato like a truck.

"Th-that Bitch...she'd always...she'd always try to...Mahiru...I have to protect her..."

"It's a bit late for that, don't you think? I mean, look at her." Junko thrust the photograph back into Sato's face, the girl wanting to look away, but her eyes remained locked on the photo. Every time she would give the photo a once-over, she would find a new wound on the body of her best friend. It was breaking her.

"THEN WHAT CAN I DO!?" Sato screamed in sheer desperation. Sheer despair.

Junko smile grew as wide as it could.

"Easy. Get revenge."

"See, I'm pretty sure I told you to 'rough her up good'. All I see here are a few bruises. Where's the blood!? The cuts!? The scars!?" Junko was very vocal of her disapproval. Also very physical - roughing her sister up in frustration.

"You missed your chance to inflict some real despair on that Ma-whatevershe'scalled chick!"

Her eyes narrowed.

"You weren't holding back on purpose, were you Mukuro?

"...of course not!"

"Did I just hear hesitation?"

"N-not at all!"

There was a pause. A bead of sweat fell down from Mukuro's forehead.

"...well whatever. The job is done, and really it's my fault for expecting more from such a pathetic sister. You made sure she didn't see your face, right?"

"O-of course Junko! Just like you said!"

Everything was progressing smoothly.

"Get up Makoto."

The luckster woke to the interior of a limousine. It didn't take long for him to piece together who it belonged to. He looked down. His suit was gone - replaced by his usual clothes which had been forcefully swapped prior.

He looked up.

Fuyuhiko sat across from him, Peko only a few seats down.

Makoto couldn't tell if he was concerned or furious with him. The Yakuza didn't break eye-contact for a second.

"Get out. There's a lot of things I want to talk to you about, but like damn am I gonna get any coherent fucking answers from you right now."

To come from Fuyuhiko, Makoto could tell this was an extreme courtesy. He was willing to bet that if it had been anyone else, Fuyuhiko might've reconsidered allowing their head to remain attached to their body.

The luckster nodded in appreciation, breaking the uncomfortable eye-contact as he opened the nearest door, and stepped out into the night.

The limo sped off, Makoto's tension not lifting until it was out of sight.

As he traversed the campus on his way to his dorm room, Makoto thought about why he had woken in such a place. The last memory he had was of him passing out in the bathroom. The mere memory made him pause for a moment in order to calm himself.

'They must've been following me from the start. It stands to reason - Natsumi is his little sister after all. I know if Komaru went on a date I'd want to make sure she was being treated right. Don't think I'd follow her though..."

By the time he finished piecing his theory together, Makoto was close to his room. He approached the final corner that separated him from the rest that he so desired. His body ached from all the bags he had to carry - he could only imagine how long it took for Fuyuhiko to transport all of them to the limo.

Makoto turned the corner with a sigh, looking up and stopping dead in his tracks.

A glimpse of blue flashed in the corner of Makoto's eyes.

There, across from his room, a girl leaned against the wall. She was unmistakable.

Sayaka Maizono.

The dim light above them accentuated her natural beauty, making her look like some sort of holy visage paying the luckster a visit.

Makoto took in a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for the coming confrontation.


The idol appeared shaken as she whipped around to face the one who had called her name.


'It's now or never I guess...'

Makoto strode over to the idol, newfound resolve pushing his earlier worry out of his mind for the moment.

"Listen, about Junko-"

Sayaka visibly took a step back once that name was uttered.

"She...she said you hate me..."

"No, that's wrong! She lied!" Makoto desperately attempted to convey the truth to the shaken girl.

"But still...that you two kissed...I..."

The mere recollection made Sayaka look ill. Her usual bright and smiling face contorted into a scowl - emitting a foreign feel to it for all who were familiar with her.

"What's so wrong about the fact that Junko and I kissed?"

'Apart from the reason that it was completely against my will and super scary...' Makoto thought.

"You...you're serious?" Sayaka's expression became frightening. Her eyes were wide open, but unfocused and without the usual life they contained. She was looking right at Makoto, but it was if she didn't even see him standing right there in front of her.

"I'm sorry if I did something to annoy or hurt you - but I just can't see a correlation here. It's probably me being dense, but as long and as hard I think about it, I just don't know..."

Makoto couldn't even finish before she exploded.


"S-Sayaka, what are you-?"


"Y-you're wrong! It's not like that between us, I swear! I was just getting to know her and-"


"Love her!? Wha- no! Sayaka, what's going on with you!? Why are you-"

It hasn't set off anything in Makoto's mind when he first heard Sayaka mention Natsumi, but now reflecting on what she had said, it struck a chord with Makoto. Something didn't add up.

"W-wait...'followed me since Middle School'? Also Sayaka, how did you know about Natsumi...?" Makoto questioned in a shaky voice.

"Ah...ahh..." Snapping out of her rage-like trance, Sayaka immediately realised her mistake.


The idol looked up to the luckster with a fearful expression - knowing what Makoto would say next, but begging - pleading him in her mind to not say it. Anything but that.

"Are you...stalk-" She wouldn't let him continue. She wouldn't let him make such a mistake. He just didn't understand. She would make him understand.

Sayaka slammed Makoto into the wall as she kissed him. He yelped - trying his hardest to pull away. This wasn't right. None of this was right. The girl in front of him wasn't the Sayaka he knew - but a emotionally manipulated pawn of Junko Enoshima.

The strength of Sayaka's grip was astounding. Makoto was nowhere near someone who one would describe as 'strong', but the sheer pressure Sayaka placed onto Makoto's wrists as she held them above his head with a single hand was so powerful that Makoto couldn't break free. It was like a vice.

"It's fine if I do this right!? That thieving bitch has already done it twice in front of me already - it's my turn now! You're mine and mine alone Makoto!"

A small voice came from the boy as Sayaka leant back in, all but preventing him from speaking.


In a split-second, Sayaka pulled away from Makoto. For a few moments, she didn't move or speak. She simply stared at Makoto - dumbfounded.

"Help? Makoto, did you just ask someone for help?" Sayaka's voice became low. Threatening.

"You mean to say you aren't enjoying yourself?"


"So she's dug her nails this far into you. My poor, sweet Makoto, don't you see what she's done to you? She's infected you."

"Sayaka, no! You're the one who's been..." Makoto stopped. She wasn't listening. It was if she couldn't even hear a word he said.

A dangerous red nail stroked Makoto's cheek lovingly.

"Don't worry. I'll save you from her."

Her eyes.

Those wide, engulfing swirls.

The once beautiful cerulean pools that glistened with hope, now a murky maelstrom that held no light - only darkness.

Makoto wanted to scream - he would have were he not so entranced and paralysed with fear.

Those eyes.

Those were the eyes of...

...someone in despair.



"I love you, Makoto..."



Time for some context for Sayaka and what I'm trying to do/convey with her and her role in the story so far:

I see Sayaka as a very emotionally unstable girl - in part due to the cut-throat industry she's in, which no doubt takes a huge toll on her emotionally and psychologically. As a result I feel that Makoto would be someone who she inevitably latches onto due to his unconditional kindness which could lead to her feeling like she 'needs' him no matter what - and feeling threatened that her form of stability may be taken from someone else.

She is aware of Kyouko's feelings for Makoto, but doesn't view her as a threat, as the prospect of Makoto getting together with another girl was something that she always refused to accept, and never even considered it. After she saw the thing with Junko at the sports festival, behind the scenes Sayaka has been breaking down - which I might expand on later. So as a result of Junko's actions in the dormitory hallway two chapters ago, Sayaka has been pushed over the brink.

I do feel that Sayaka is a very fragile character, and that's something I wanted to put forth mainly in this chapter, in which everything culminates much like how Sayaka snaps suddenly in the game and attempts murder.

So yeah that's pretty much my thought process and justification of how and why Sayaka is the way she is here.

Moving on from that, you should head over to archive of our own to check out the story there, as I'm able to easily reply to any comments there, which would be great so I can answer any questions or reply to any criticisms or opinions you guys have.

I'd love to hear from you guys on both this website and AO3, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this chapter - as we're starting to get into pretty deep and potentially dark stuff. Do you like this direction? Hate it? Also, we're close to the release of V3! Please remember to not spoil anything - even after the game is out, as it doesn't come out at the same time worldwide. Thanks a ton for reading, and I'll see you all next time. Peace out!