Disclaimer: I own neither the series nor the characters. This was heavily based on バレンタインデーとは好きな人の乳首にチョコを押し付ける日の事です by エルファバ

It all began on an urge.

Later, when he would be thinking where everything went wrong, Hajime Hinata would blame that single moment he had thought to go the bathroom after the first class in the morning. Perhaps, if he had held it in a longer and instead left at lunch break or even did it before classes started, all of it could have been prevented. Maybe, going to the bathroom then passing by the school store's gacha machine was just the wrong thing to do today. If only he had noticed how tense and fidgety everyone else was earlier, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

But no, he hadn't done that and now had to pay the price.

The incident began right as the tall student reentered the classroom that morning. He had not only relieved himself but also gotten a new item from the coin machine. He was even in a relatively good mood today so it was with a smile on his face did he walk back to class.

Only to be greeted with a horrid sight that wiped said smile off.

"W-what the-!"

Even by the classroom's door, he was already able to see that something was wrong.

Now, Hajime knew there were those in the class (Komaeda) who didn't like him or even those who just didn't like people in general (Saionji) however this felt different. This felt much more personal than his fellow classmates.

He had returned to find his table heavily vandalzied. It was like those types of bullying one would find in an anime or manga or Shindol doujin with just as much sticky fluids. Both the top and even the inside of his desk was covered with dark brown liquid. By the smell, it was (thankfully) only Chocolate although Hajime didn't dare risk tasting it. Worse was that there also looked to be plastics and paper around as well.

"Those must have been what held the chocolate." muttered Hajime aloud as he noticed how some liqueid still seeped out fo the wrappings. He wanted to examine further but he didn't want to touch the stuff. He was always more of a japanese sweets guy anyways.

The culprit was obvious.

Hajime looked around to find no sign of a white haired menace. In fact, he could even recall Komaeda hadn't even popped up for homeroom in the morning. For the kind of guy to skip today was rare in itself.

"Well, if Komaeda, isn't here, then I'll just look for him and or the culprit myself! Just you wait blackened! I'll find you and make you clean up this desk! You too Komaeda!"

And it was with tha self-proclamation, did the student rush out of the classroom, eager to find his would be aggravator (Most likely Komaeda). It was with such eagerness to dispense justice that he didn't even notice the group of his classmates who were silently watching him accross the room.

"Hinata-kun...idiot." huffed one Nanami Chiaki as she watched the boy leave the class room. Her cheeks were puffed as she held curled hands to her chest in frustration.

"I'm sorry! My chocolate must have been awful enough that he ran away!" cried Mikan. She rubbed the tears away from her eyes with bunched up fists. "It's all my fault!"

"Your reasoning's out of focus, Mikan-chan. You're not at fault rather it's that Hinata! Doesn't he know that today's Valentine's Day?!" In fact, Mahiru had even not-so subtly told him last night to dress better than normal for today. "Didn't he notice how Kazuichi has been non-stop staring at Sonia-chan? Although, I guess that may be normal for that guy..."

"Is he an idiot or something?! Who would mistake Valentine's choco for harassment!" Hiyoko was ignoring how the chocolate had melted and was now all over the boy's desk. "I bet if he knew it was from me, he'd be licking it up right then and there! No, he'd better or else I'd make him!"

"Ibuki blames his seating arrangement." The musician pointed with both hands to the fact that Hajime's seat was indeed next to the window where the sun was on full force...even if it was still mid-February.

"It hurts that he couldn't accept my feelings." Chiaki slumped down on her seat, puling the hood of her jacket over her head. It had even been her idea to have them all place it at the same time on his desk. She just had to be feeling particularly shy today.

Mikan did the same. "Uuuu. I bet he would have just found my chocolate a nuisance anyways. Maybe, it was better he didn't notice.

"You're both wrong! It's that dull Hinata whose to blame!" Mahiru spoke up as she tried to raise their spirits again. "You guys should have more confidence. You tried so hard to make it, remember?"

The two nodded but didn't reply. It was true that all the girls of the class had gotten together to make their respective Valentine's chocolate. So far it seemed Sonia was the only successful one if Soda's earlier wail was anything to say about.

"Whatever! I'm going to get whatever remains of my bag then force it down his throat! Miodo, help me get it!"

"Aye Aye!"

Ibuki followed the stompping Hiyoko as they both made their way to the desk to see what they could salvage out fo the melted mess.

"Wait a second! You'll get your clothes dirty if you're not careful!"

Mahiru then followed suit leaving the two girls slumped in their corner. After a moment, Chiaki turned to the crying Mikan.

"...Let's go too."

"...Oh, okay."


To catch a Luckster, one needed a Luckster. That was Hajime's goal when he made his way to another classroom to get the aid of one of his friends.

"Naegi, you here?"

No soon did Hajime arrive then when he saw the shorter boy sitting at his desk. For some reason, the usually cheerful Makoto was still and silent, a faraway look in his eyes. Hajime made his way to his friend and shook his shoulder.

"Oi Naegi, you okay? What's with that face?"

"Ah, Hinata-kun. Good morning." The boy blinked, seemingly shaken out of his stupor. He turned to Hajime with an obviously strained smile on his face.

"Yeah. Good morning too." Hajime greeted back before going back on track. "Did something happen."

"Look at this." That was all Makoto said as he opened his school bag wide for show.


Hajime gasped even before he was able to see the dark insides. He already knew from the overpowering familiar smell. Indeed, Makoto's bag looked to have been filled with chocolate. All his books, notebooks, and other things he kept in there were no doubt stained with the sticky substance.

At least Hajime knew he could get his desk wiped off. But Makoto's bag was basically unusable at this point with how there was practically a pool of the stuff.

"Everything was normal when I had entered the classroom. I left my bag on the desk then went to the toilet. When I came back, it was like this..."

Hajime clenched his eyes in frustration. To think, he thought he'd be the only victim. How selfish of him! "So, even Naegi was hit..."

"Wha...don't tell me, Hinata-kun was also..."

Hajime met Makoto's fearful gaze with his own pained one. "In my case, my desk was covered with chocolate."

"How awful..." Makoto shook his head, looking to have been more hurt at Hajime's predeicament than his own. "Who could have done such a thing?"

"I don't know." replied Hajime. "I'm currently looking for the culprit myself. Is there anything else you noticed?"

"Well..." Naegi took a glance into his bag again, wincing at all the things he'd need to replace. "There were a few things that look like wrapping, I think, but it's all too, uh, chocolatey to really say anything conclusive."

"I see." Hajime nodded. "Well, I need to do some more investigating."

"Wait, Hinata-kun." Naegi stood up, dropping his bag which made a sploosh as it landed on the floor. "Can I come with too? I want to help out!"

"That's fine. In fact, that's why I came here in the first place. To ask you to help out." Hajime placed his hand on Naegi's shoulder. "Still, if you're feeling too bad about your bag getting hit, you don't need to force yourself."

"Honestly, I still feel awful about it. I mean, that bag's been with me since I arrived at Hope's Peak. not ot mention my notes, homework, books." Naegi looked at first distraught but then he raised his head and there was a fire in his eyes. "That's exactly why I can't let the damage continue! It's enough if it stops with me!"


"Let's go! We'll catch them before they can hit anyone else!"

"Right!" Smiling at Naegi's determination, Hajime cheered as they both left the room.

As the two would be detectives discussed possible clues, the actual Ultimate Detective was tackling a bigger problem, mainly, what had just transpired.

It honestly was just bad luck.

For some reason, five girls of the class had converged by Naegi's desk at the same time the Luckster had left for the bathroom. There was a stand-off, a tense moment of silence between all of them (plus Asahina) on who would leave first. Everyone wanted to be the first to give their chocolates and be Naegi's first one for the day.

The five-way stare wasn't even courtesy. It was the demand to move before being moved.

Thankfully, Sakura was close by and so many a hammer and knife were hidden away. The Fighter told them all resolve their challenges peacefully and so it was decided they would all stash it into Naegi's bag.

What none of the girls had taken into account as they were all too busy thinking of Makoto's reaction was that Naegi had forgotten he had brought a sizable amount of heating pads in his bag, mainly because Hifumi had warned him that the coldest day of the year was coming up.

And so closed bag with heating pads led to a puddle of feelings.

"We...may have made a miscalculation." Kyoko massaged a temple with one gloved finger. In hindsight, leaving all their chocolates in a warm bag wasn't the best idea. At the time, it was the as she believed her chocolate along with its wrapping wouldn't lose to any of the other girls as all of Naegi's preferences had been perfectly researched to get the best possible result.

"I knew it would've been better to give it directly." pointed out Sayaka. She had already guessed that something like this would happen and had been the one to suggest to give it face to face all at once. This was ignoring (more like knowing) that if they did, she'd be the clear stand-out as the Ultimate Idol.

"It's because some people were too embarassed to give it." Celes not so subtly pointedly blamed the other three. Although, she actually preferred leaving it, she had gambled that only Maizono would want to give it face to face so voted for that knowing it would lose. Sometimes, one needed to show one could stand up to an idol. "I ordered high quality choclate from that Princess even!"

"Yeah, it's my fault. But, you know, it's really embarassing!" Aoi averted her gaze, guilt laced on her features. It wasn't like her not to just give it but she had suddenly started feeling shy about doing it in front of the other girls. Also, she wasn't sure the girl next to her could do the same.

Ikusaba Mukuro just blankly stared at the floor. Her face was blank but she was clearly dejected. She had worked so hard on her chocolates. All those rations she covered with the sweet were now wasted.

Kyoko sighed once more as she stared at the ruined bag. Most people, herself included, would have been furious, but Naegi put it aside in order to search for the "culprit" who was standing right here.

He really deserved some chocolates.


But they could eat the others' chocolates as snacks during their next study session where she'd let him copy her notes to replace his ruined ones.

Kyoko turned to her future snack dispensers. "We'll apologize later but for now there are more important matters to attend to. Let's try a different approach."

Then, just as she said so, all of them brought out identical looking packages that they had all dropped into his bag earlier, the back-ups they had all prepared in case something like this would happen.

One didn't go after Naegi Makoto and not be prepared for this sort of thing.

No one needed a repeat of last week's birthday.

"This time, let's give it directly, right?" Maizono guessed which got a nod from the detective. "Is that fine with everyone?"

"We might, as well." agreed Celes as she folded her arms, chocolate on hand. "Is that fine, Asahina-san? Ikusaba-san?"

"Ugh?! But...Wait, let me prepare for a moment." Aoi took the moment to try to pump herself up and clear her head.

"It's no problem...it should be okay." Mukuro held back a salute as she replied stiffly.

Seeing everyone agree, Kyoko nodded as she folded her arms over her chest.

"First, we should think about when we'll give the chocolates and then what we'll say." Kyoko turned a steely glare to each of them. "Also, while we'll be doing it as a group, it's still every girl for herself. Just remember how bad we did on his birthday."

"Let's do it then! Oh!" Sayaka shouted the last part with a raised fist which Kyoko followed silently.

"Oh! Oh!" Aoi matched her cheer, with two fists.

"Oh!" Mukuro saluted.





"So, I was thinking about the motive of the criminal."


"And that it's possible the next victil would be-"


While the two boys were discussing the case as they walked through the school, they suddenly heard a loud noise. They quickly exchanged glances before immediately taking off in the direction of the sound, the shoe lockers.

They both knew they were getting closer because of the smell in the air. The closer they got, the stronger that sweet chocolate smell became. However, there was another smell mixed into it, one that was disgustingly sour.

"What is that?" asked Hajime, willing himself not to throw up. Makoto didn't reply, his face turning a sickly shade of green. However, the luckster did speak up when they finally got to the center of the new incident and found a single body laying on the ground.

"Saihara-kun!" Makoto rushed to the prone body, trying to ignore the awful odors in favor of pulling up the prone body of his friend. "Are you alright?"

"You...guys...?" The Ultimate Detective had seen better days but he was barely conscious. Just really out of it and close to heaving. Actually, if Naegi had looked closer, there was a puddle of bile to suggest that Saihara had the moment he opened the locker.

Leaving Shuichi to Makoto, Hajime turned away from his two underclassmen to the source of all this. The pungent aroma seemed to come from the locker in front of him and, just as he guessed, it too was covered in chocolate. Every crevice was covered in the stuff including Shuichi's shoes.

"How awful." was all Hajime could comment. He couldn't even get closer as the smell got even worse. He pitied no one who would have to clean this mess up. He was only thankful the previous attacks were not as bad.

"Hinata-kun." Hajime turned to see Makoto holding up Shuichi by the shoulder, both looking pale. Hajime immedaitely sluing the other arm over his, even if it meant he had to crouch down due to their difference in height.

"Let's go."


Together, the gacha lovers club left the shoe lockers, intent on heading to their club room. First things first was to get their friend some help. The criminal must truly be laughing at them from the shadows.

That wasn't too far off, actually.

"Ahaha...ha...How do I say this..." Akamatsu Kaede awkwardly pushed her fingers together, unsure of what to say on what had just transpired. To think that everyone had decided to leave their chocolates in Shuichi's locker was one thing, but for him to puke and faint was another.

"What's wrong with that guy! How could he just puke from my chocolate! I'll cry!" Actually, Miu was already crying.

"Isn't it because you mixed in your love juice?" How Angie knew that was better not thought about. Or maybe the inventor was just that predictable.

"Ah, but didn't Angie mix in blood in hers?" countered Himiko who was at least there when the Artist made her chocolate.

"Yumeno-san put in her nails while Tenko put in her hair!" boasted Tenko next to the witch. "None of those would affect the smell at all."

"I had added saliva so it wouldn't affect the taste, as well." That kind of consideration made Kirumi truly the Ultimate Maid.

"Wait! What are you guys doing with your chocolate!?" All five turned to Kaede who was looking at them with a wide-eyed expression.

"Oh, Idiotmatsu. Don't tell me you didn't put anything in your chocolate?" asked Miu as if it was normal to do so.

"I did!...my feelings."

"Puha." Angie half-scoffed half-laughed at the pianist. "Atua-sama also says it is common sense to put something from your body into the chocolate."

"That's only normal in Angie's island!"

"Nope, it's actually normal here at Hope's Peak." corrected Himiko with a self-assured nod. "Jeez, even I knew that."

"Since when!?"

"Tenko heard it's been a tradition since the school was founded."

"What a horrible tradition!"

"So our actions weren't wrong." nodded Kirumi.

"You're wrong as a person!" Kaede took that moment to take a few deep breaths, not used to retorting so much. Normally, that was Shuichi's job. Also, maybe it was the lack fo oxygen in her brain but-

"Fine then! I'll do it! I'll make mine over!" Kaede nodded to herself, determined to fix her mistake. "THankfully, that time of the month has come up so I'll have plenty of blood to spare."

As all of them left the locker room to head to the school's kitchen, the source of the information on such a tradition was all but forgotten. If Shuichi only knew, he'd have punched Kokichi a foot shorter.


Shuichi woke with bearly eyes. He tried to look around and immediately noticed he was on the couch of the clubroom. Nearby, a smiling Makoto looked over him.

"It seems he's awake, Hinata-kun."

This was said just as Hajime walked into the room,wiping his mouth with tissue. "Ugh, I think I threw up all of today's breakfast."

He gave a nod to Shuichi which the detective returned. It took a few more moments but eventually Shuichi did remember what happened.

"I can't use my locker anymore. What should I do."

"Why not catch the criminal and force him to clean it up?"

Shuichi looked up from his seat to Hajime. "Criminal?"

"Actually, Hajime-kun and I were also attacked." Naegi averted his eyes.


"They covered Hinata-kun's desk while they flooded my bag."

"How awful." Shuichi's eyes went wide at Makoto's words. That ruled out Kokichi as the Leader didn't extend his pranks to those outside of his class.

Also, Class 78 was closer than most other classes and going after Makoto just led to his whole class going after you where it just became a matter of when they'd find you and what they'd do. Class 77-B would be more relaxed as their own luckster may even offer to help however you'd then have to deal with the cyclone that was their homeroom teacher.

Now that Shuichi thought about it what the hell was wrong with his class in the first place?

The Ultimate Detective shook his head. Now wasn't the time for those thoughts.

Hajime continued, "And so, Naegi and I decided to look for the criminal of this chocolate stuffing case. I've thought about it and there's a good chance the person who hit all of us was the same criminal. It seems that only the people at our club were attacked."

"I see..."

"Hey, Saihara-kun. Do you want to join our investigation?" Makoto asked. "With your abilities as a detective, I'm sure we'd be able to find the perpetrator faster."

"Saihara. This has become a personal attack on our club! Let's catch this guy and break this chain of sorrow!"

Shuichi sighed before rasiing his head. Really, they shouldn't have even bothered asking. "I understand. I'll join in then. I need to find out why anyone would do such a thing."

The three friends shared smiles, their chests warm knowing they all had each other's backs. The gacha lovers club were now united more than ever.

"Saihara-kun...thank you!"

"Yosh! We'll definitely cath the culprit with our own hands."

"Let's put an end to this!"


AN: Happy V day everyone. I was mulling over doing a Naegiri fic or this but then flipped a coin on it and this one won.

So in the original, the chocolates didn't melt, which, let's be honest, is a hard buy even if you give them MC denseness. So I had it all melt haha. It just made more sense than them being suspiscious of a bunch of wrapped chocolates.

Tsumugi was originally part of it but she didn't really do anything so I cut her as juggling six people is bad enough. What she put into her chocolate washer tears as peeling her skin would be too painful. You could pretend she's there if you want. Honestly, I wanted to cut all of them down to three but some jokes wouldn't work as well.

Anyways, this will be rather short. I'll be updating as I finish so you can expect new chapters every few hours or so.