Disclaimer: I own neither the series nor the characters. This was heavily based on バレンタインデーとは好きな人の乳首にチョコを押し付ける日の事です by エルファバ.

It was later that afternoon when the Gacha Lovers club came together once more.

"So," Hinata began as he turned to his two clubmates. "Was anyone able to find any clues regarding our culpirt?"

To his disappointment, the two boys just bowed their heads.


"I couldn't find anything."

Hajime wanted to be berate the for their lack fo findings but it wasn't like he had any to show for himself.

"I studied the love appartment with Umesawa-san thoroughly."

"I asked the around the shrine of anyone knew anything and got nothing."

"I investigated the post office but found nothing too."

As one, the three boys sighed. At this point, it seemed hopeless to continue and it made sense to give up. Just as all seemed lost, a sound broke through the silence of the club room. Three, to be exact.

All three took out their phones at once. A single message had been sent.

"If you want to know the truth, head to your rooms right now. Also be sure to go back alone by yourselves or else I will pour chocolate the noses of your friends

From the Chocoalte Criminal"

Hajime's eyes went wide as he read the message.

"Guys, did you get the same message I got?" To confirm it, the three soon showed each other their phone's screens and comfirming it.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know how they got our contact information but this is our chance." Hajme nodded to the others. "It may be a trap so let's all be careful, alright?"

"Yeah." Naegi nodded. "We can't let this chance go to waste."

"That's right." agreed Shuichi with conviction. "This may be what the criminal wants but we should use it in our favor."

"Alright, let's go then!"


Hajime had considered that the message was a trap which was why he had returned to his room, cautious and prepared for anything that could happen.

The moment he walked in and closed the door behind him, he was immediately shoved on the floor and straddled. A sweet substance forcibly entered his mouth.

"Take this! and this! and this!"

Hajime coudl do nothing as Hiyoko shoved the remains of their chocolate into his face, not caring if the boy was breathing or not. Hajie couldn't even say anything as he was too busy not to de from drowning in the sweet substance.

"Take it! Eat it! Swallow it!"

Hajime barely gurggled in return.

"Hoyoko-chan stop! Hinata's suffucating!" His saviour came in the form of a red head as Mahiru pried Hiyoko off him.

"Woah! He's coughing chocolate." pointed out Ibuki. Was that much chocolate supposed to go in a human body?

"Aren't you over doing it?" asked Nanami as Mikan checked on the boy.

"Hinata-san! Are you alright?"

HInata's only response was for his eyes to roll back into his head.

"Hmph! Hinata-onii was the one who thought our chocoalte was harassment. This kind of punishment is only natural!" Hiyoko was anything but remorseful.

"I-I'll do CPR!" Mikan got onto her knees and placed her lips on the brunette, intent on clearinghis lungs. She stayed like that until Chiaki spoke up again.

"Um...is something wrong? Hsouldn't you be removing the blockage?"

Mikan extracted herself, her mouth covered in chocolate. Her eyes were glossed over and her cheeks were pink. "I-it's really sweet."

It only took a second before the other girls crowded around him

When Hajime woke up again, he had to take deep breaths. He wiped his mouth with his wrist but found it wet but oddly lacking chocolate. Also, for some reason, all the other girls had chocolate around their mouths.

Whatever, there were bigger mysteries to be made.

"Wait, why was I suddenly covered in chocolate?" Hajime asked. Couldn't it have been mochi at least? "Don't tell me you guys are the culprit to the chocolate incident."

"Yep." Chiaki nodded.

Hajime opened his mouth but paused, not really expecting them to confess immediately. He expected more of a fight. Actually, now that he was here, here wasn't sure what to do next.


"Well, I wouldn't call us criminals." Mahiru averted her gaze. "It was just a bad accident."

"The chocolate wasn't meant to be harassment." Miakn continued, pushing her gfingers together. "We prepared them for a different reason."

"Like what?"

"To tell you our feelings, of course!" supplied Ibuki shamelessly. The other girls nodded, their cheeks red.


"Does Hinata-onii know what Valentine's day is?

"Of course." replied Hajime . "It's the day where women give the guys they like chocolates to express their feelings, right?"






"W-what's with those looks?" He took a step back. For some reason, their gazes had turned icy cold."

"So Hinata-kun did know." Chiaki pouted, her cheeks inflating.

Hajime nodde. "Of course, what guy wouldn't know about it?"

"Then why did you think our chocolate was harassment?"

"Well, it covered most of my desk..."

"And the packaging?"

"Trash?" Hajikme shrugged which didn't placate Mahiru one bit. "I mean, it was just all too sudden."

"Why didn't you think it was Valentine's chocolate?" asked Mikan."I-is it because my own was too awful?"

"As I said, it was too melted to try besides there's no way that could have been Valentine's chocolate."

"And how could you be so sure?" asked Ibuki, tilting her head.

Hajime smirked as he held his chest high. "You see, I've never received a single chocolate in my life until now! There's no way I'd ever get any chocolates on Valentine's day! Haha Haha Ha..."


"S-stop looking at me with pity!" Hajime turned away. That it was Saionji of all people made it worse. "Anyways, a man like me doesn't need that kind of thing! I can just eat rice cakes anyways. I even prefer those so I'm not sad when I don't get chocolates..."

He defiitely wasn't crying.

No one was buying the boy's spiel. Sighing with a small smile, Chiaki pulled out her newly made Valentine's chocolate and psuhed it into the boy's hands.

"Here, Hinata-kun."

Hajime just blinked in surprise, not fully registering yet what she had given him. "Huh?"

Another box was dropped into his hands.

"Um, I d-don't think it's that good but I tried my best so please eat it!"

And another.

"Jeez, a man shouldn't cry about such a thing."

And another.

"You should be thankful I made something for you so you'd better eat it!"

And another.

"Ahahaha! Eat Ibuki's love love chocolate, okay?"

And another.

Hajime just kept looking up down between the pile in his hands and the girls in front of him. "Is it really okay for me to have this?"


Without another word, Chiaki took hers, opened it, and, pushied one into his mouth, much gentler than what had happened to him earlier. There was intitial resistance but Chiaki was persistant and eventually it went into his mouth.

"Well, how is it?"

Hajime swallowed. The cholate was sweet and smooth with a hint of mint from the green gala omega ship that was part of the piece.

He nodded at the gamer. "It's tasty."

"M-me next!" Mikan spoke up."Hinata-kun, please eat me next !"


"M-Mikan-chan, you mean the choocalte right?! He's going to eat the chocolate, right?"

Mahiru's cries just got a giggle from the nurse. "No...I want him to not just eat my chocoalte but also..."

"Shut up, pig barf! You can't do that!"

"Why not combine both? Ibuki can cover herself with chocoalte later!"

"I won't lose." Chiaki murmurred. "I too can use my chocolate..."

"Stop it! Not you too, Chiaki-chan!"

As the girls continued to bicker, Hajime continued staring to the chocolate in his hands. "Wait a second, are these all really Valentine's chocolates?"

The girls stopped and turned back to him.

Hajime turned first to Chaiki who nodded with a smile. "It's true, Hinata-kun."

"Then...the others..."

"Y-yes." Mikan nodded, her eyes closed.

Hajime turned to Hiyoko who huffed when she realized he was staring at her.

"Hey! What are you looking at me like that?"


"Jeez just accept it." Mahiru crossed her arms, smiling. "Don't doubt yourself that much."

"That's right, Hajime-chan!"

"Huh...so you guys really like me."

To his wonder, all the girls nodded. Great, now he felt like kind of a jerk.

"I see. I'm sorry I didn't think about your feelings." Hajime bowed his head. "I shouldn't have called your Valentine's chocolates harassment."

He raised his hand and looked into each of their eyes. "Nanami, Tsumiki, Koizumi, Saioji, Mioda. Thank you. I also like you guys, too. I love you..."






"...as friends."


Makoto stood in front of his door, wary. Slowly, he twisted the knob and entered the room, his room, with a slink he hoped was cautious.

"Can't you enter your own room in a more dignified manner?"

"Woah!" He jumped and turned to the source of the voice. A cross-armed detective entered his vision. "Kirigiri-san? Why are you in my room?"

"I'm also here!" Sayaka spoke up as she and Aoi, Celes, and Mukuro appeared from the shadows.

"Hey, Naegi!"

"It's rude to keep your master waiting."

"Naegi-kun..welcome back."

"Er..I'm back." He smiled awkwardlya t the girls, acknowledging their greeting before shouting."...Not! How did everyone enter my room anyways? I was sure I looked it."

"With this." Kyoko just held up a key

"How did you even get that?"

"I asked (threatened) the headmastrer to make it." Kyoko smiled, pocketing the item once more.

"You shouldn't say you threatened someone with a smile, Kirigiri-san. You should get along better with your father."

"Hmph. It's still too fast for you too call him father, Cheeky Naegi."

"What...?" Naegi shook his head. He wasn't here to discuss family issues. He decided to ask the girls. "Anyways, I'm not really sure why you guys are here but have any of you seen a suspiscious person?"

"Suspiscious person?" repeated Sayaka as she pocketed one of Naegi's pair of underwear. "What do you mean by suspiscious?"

"Um..." Naegi tried to think about what he knew of the suspect. Sadly, he had only one clue."I guess probably a person who smells like chocolate all over their whole body."

"That's me." said Kyoko."

"That's me, right?" said Sayaka.

"Right here." said Aoi.

"Me." said Celes.

"I... me too." said Mukuro.

Naegi blinked in confusion. "What?"

"Naegi-kun." Kyoko folded her arms and glared at him. "It was us who put the chocolate into your bag."


"Yep! But it was made with love!' Sayaka finished her line with a wink.

"M-me too!" Aoi averted her gaze as she said so. "I put a lot of...affection into it."

"My chocolate had the highest quality ingredients that I got from overseas." Celes announced smugly. "I can gurantee the taste."

Mukuro just nodded without a word, a small blush on her face.

Still, Makoto remained confused. He understoof now that it was them, "But...why did you put chocolate into my bag?"

Kyoko sighed at his reply. "I couldn't imagine you'd be this insensitive that you still can't understand what we mean by it"

"Wait, Kirigiri-san. I think I get it however." Makoto rubbeed the back of his head in confusion. "None of you guys are my sister."




"Excuse me?"


The girls traded confised glances with one another before directing them all to the boy in front of them. Kyoko was the one who spoke up for all of them when she asked, "Sister? What are you talking about, Naegi-kun?"

"Well," Makoto took a moment to remember what he had seen of the packaging he had found in the bag. "Weren't those all Valentine's day chocolates?

"Yup" confirmed Sayaka. "It was a lovingly handmade chocolate."

"Huh." was Naegi's reply. "That's strange."

"What do you mean by strange?" bristled Celes.

"How is it strange that we made chocolate?" Aoi cried. "I can make things besides donuts, you know?"

The only one who agreed with Makoto was Mukuro who bowed her head. "That's right...it is strange for soldiers to make chocolate..."

Kyoko's eyebrows creased together as she glared at her assistant. "Naegi-kun, I'm a woman. I'll give chocolate to the person I like the most."

"Are you worried about the press, Naegi-kun. It's fine! My office is powerful neough that we can crush any tabloids that get in our way." Sayaka raised her phone. "Just tell me when and I can call them right now!"

"Wait, wait." Makoto raised his hands, not expecting the sudden ire of the girls. "I mean, isn't Valentine's a day where sisters gives chocolates to their older brothers? So isn't it strange for Kirigiri-san who isn't my sister to give me chocolate?"

His answer surprisingly did get the heat off him as all the girls did stop. However, they instead now just stared at him as if he had grown another head.

Five sets of eyes bore holes into him, pure confusion reflected in them.

"...did I say something weird?"

"Do you get it, Onii-chan? Valentine's day is the day that sisters like me give chocolates to the brothers they love. Brothers who receive chocolates from their sisters then have to love their sister for the whole year until the next Valentine's day."

"Ah, but there may be stupid women who don't know the truth and would then give Onii-chan chocolate when he's at school. When they do please tell me."

"Welcome back, Onii-chan? How was it? You got five chocolates, huh?"

"Well, take them out. What am I going to do with them? Burn them, of course."

"A waste? What are you talking about, Onii-chan? You should immediately burn the chocolate you get from someone other than your sister. It's common sense."

"C'mon, take them out. Take them out. Take them out. Take them out.

"Take them out!"

"Back in middle school, I didn't know that Valentine's chocolates should be only taken from my sister." recounted Naegi, a bitter smile on his face. "It was hard to repair the mood of Komaru after that."

Crossing his arms, Makoto remembered all the things he had to do to appase her such as petting her head, doing good night kisses and taking their baths together.

"The worst part is that people still gave me every year so Valentine's gets tiring but at least I get to eat Komaru's chocolate." Makoto sighed. "All the other brothers with little sisters must have a hard too today."

"...How awful." Kyoko rubbed her face with her hand. "To think he's been brainwashed this much already."

"It seems that it's necessary to have a talk with Komaru-san." added Sayaka, her tone a bit too dead.

"Huh, I hope Yuuta is okay." wondered Aoi. She did remember he hung out with Komaru sometimes.

"What a troublesome little sister-in-law" Celes sighed.

"Scary..." murmurred Mukuro.

The one that was the most surprised however was Makoto as he noticed the worried looks of the girls. "What's wrong ?"

Kyoko placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes hard and serious.

"I'm sorry Naegi-kun. I'll tell you the truth of Valentine's Day."

About five minutes later and Naegi was wide-eyed in shock. He couldn't believe it but since it came from Kirigiri and was backed up by everyone else, he had to.

"I can't believe all that was a lie."

"Indeed, Naegi-kun." Kyoko nodded. "That was just something cooked up by Komaru-san. In truth there was no such thing."

"But then...why would she lie?"

"It's because she didn't want other people to take her favorite onii-chan away." giggled Sayaka.

"That's right." agreed Aoi. "I mean, it's kinda cute in a way."

"A lie to protect a precious thing." Celes masked her face with one hand. "Not bad."

"Me too." Mukuro looked down and twiddled with her fingers. "I love Junko-chan as well...Komoaru-san's feelings...I understand."

"I see. Then Komaru must have been lonely." Makoto bowed his head in shame. "I'm disqualified as an older brother."

"Yes, yes, that's something to think about Naegi-kun, but aren't you forgetting something more important?" asked Kyoko, her stare more intense than normal. In her hands was now a pink box.


"Hehe" Sayaka took out a wrapped box from her pocket. "It's the chocolate we gave you earlier silly."


"It wasn't harassment! We didn't know it would melt." pouted Aoi as she brought out her own box."

"The meaning of those chocolates, you already understand, don't you?" Celes' was wrapped with black velvet when she held it out.

"Naegi-kun..." was all Mukuro could say as she reached out her modest one.

Naegi stared wide-eyed at all of the girls, his face alight when he saw their chocolates. He fidgeted for a moment, before turning to all of them with a hard determined look.

"I wounder what I should say. Until now I didn't know the real meaning of Valentine's. However, I'd be more than happy to receive everyone's chocolates."

He accpeted each one with a warm smile. He held them up with his arms.

"I'm not sure what kind of thoughts and feelings are in these but I can say this, Kirigiri-san, Maizono-san, Asahina-san, Celes-san, Ikusaba-san. Thank you."

He beamed a warmed smile that threatened to melt the chocolates in their hands.

"I love everyone..."

Kyoko turned her face away, her cheeks pink but her eyes locked on his.

Sayaka clasped her hands together in happiness.

Ashanina fiddled with her jacket, unable to meet his face

Celes giggled, a victorious smile gracing her lips.

Mukuro just smiled back.

"...as friends."


Shuichi took another breath. He had been standing in front of his door for a while now, trying to work up the nerve to go in. He knew he had to o it sooner or later or else

"...alright, let's go."

He palced his hand on the doorknob and turned it.

"I can't run away anymore! The culprit of the chocolate stuffing case will be caught by the Ultimate Detective Saihara Shuichi here and now!"

He pushed forward and-

"Isn't it strange to put chocolate all over your body?" asked Kaede (naked).

"It's warm and nourishing. It feels good." admitted Tenko (naked).

"It sure is sticky though." complained Himiko (naked).

"Well, that's not the only thing he's gonna be eating, kehaha!" laughed Miu (naked).

"Isn't it too hot for the chocolate? It feels like it's melting." wondered Kirumi (naked).

"It's all right! Atua-sama says that Shuichi-kun will like it." smiled Angie (naked).

The door was closed.

Shuichi rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things? He swore he just saw a bunch of his female classmates, naked and covered in chocolate. Maybe, he had been hit by the curse after all?

"Let's check one more time. It may be a hallucination."

He opened the door.

"Ah! Saihara-kun!" Kaede stood up, when she saw him.

"You're right, that is Saihara." Tenko nodded when spotted him as well.

Soon, all the girls had turned their attention.

They stared and he stared back in silence. Nothing happened for so long that the chocolate on their bodies had started to melt as well.

Shuichi turned around to bolt.

'This is bad. This is bad This is bad.'

For some reasons, his instincts were screaming at him that he had to run away and that his life was in danger. The whole world felt too surreal.

If he was caught, he was done for!

A hand grabbed him before he could even take as step.

"I was caught!"

"Jeez, why are you running away, Saihata-kun?" Kaede pouted as the boy struggled in her sticky grip. he was currently on his butt after Tenko had slammed him down.

"Well, it's clear you all were attacked by the criminal!" replied Shuichi. "If I'm caught here, I'll be done for! What kind of crazy person would cover themselves in chocolate?"

"Ahh! Don't compliment me too much!" cried Miu as her body curled at his insult.

"It..wasn't a compliment." Shuichi turned away from Miu to find Angie standing over him.

"Here, Shuichi-kun. Ah!" The detective blinked at the gesture, not understanding what she meant by that.

"I see." Tenko slammed a fist into her palm. "Would that make it chocolate milk?"

"Actually, it'de be closer to milk chocolate." corrected Himiko.

"Then wouldn't her breast be better?"

Kirumi decided to just got for the intiative and she jammed her finger into Saihara's mouth. The boy was frozen for a moment but soon started licking. After a while, she withdrew it, void fo chocolate.

"How was it, master."

Shuichi found himself smiling. "It was pretty good actually."

After an hour of licking and eating chocolate, Shuihi laid on the floor, his stomach full and tongue sore.

"I can't eat anymore."

Unfortunately, the girls were still mostly covered.

"We're not done yet." Angie poked Shuchi who just mumbled back. "There's still much more to go."

"Please forgive me."

"So this is a man's death." Tenko noted as she stared down at the moaning Shuichi.

"Well, I feel tired of this too." admitted Himiko as she looked down on her sticky body. "I feel sticky and need a bath to get this all out."

At that moment, Kirumi exited the bathroom. "I've prepared the bath. It's a tight fit but let's all join in together."

"Woohoo!" Miu wooped. "Dibs at the corner. That's the place you know you'll get the most pressure."

"Hey, Saihara-kun." Kaede squatted down to the boy. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess." Shuichi sat up. A bath sounded great. "Before that though, why were you guys covered in chocolate anyways? Did the culprit get you?"

Kaede raised a blonde eyebrow. "You didn't know? Today's Valentine's day."


"No way, does cuckhara really not know about today?"

"Even if you're a man, you should know about today! Such a thing is impossible!"

"Wait, I know about today." Shuihchi rebutted. "What kind of person do you think I am?"

"Pervert." replied Himiko which got nods from the rest.

"Insensitive." replied Kirumi which got even more nods

"R-rude!" remakrdd Shuichi. A thought then entered his head. "Wait, so could this all have been Valentine's chocolates?"

"He still doesn't get it!" Miu stomped her foor. "Do you have chocolate feces in your ears or something?"

"That's" Shuihchi shook his head and pointed at the girls. "you all must be lying!"

"It's not a lie...Angie's feelings are real!"

"No way! You're saying you don't want Tenko's chocolate!"

"Saihara-kun." Kirumi's tone was gentle bur her gaze was sharp. "Did you perhaps eat too much chocolate?"

"Maybe...he just doesn't like chocolate" suggested Himiko which got a shake of the head from the detective.

"No, I like chocolate and I'm happy to recieve everyone gifts but" Shuichi stood up and gave each girl a once over. Once done, he nodded to himself. "I'm sure that all of you aren't men!"

He then checked the inside of his pants.

"And I'm sure I'm not a woman, either!"

All the girls exchanged looks before huddling togeher.

"Hey, what's wrong with him? Maybe he ate too much chocolate. Also, did anyone else get a glimpse when he checked?"

"Saihara-kun has become strange. "

"This is not good. Atua-sama says we should hit him on the head before it gets worse."

"Leave that to Tenko!"

"Tojo-san, please do something about this."

"Hmm, I believe he's talking about the Valentine's tradition overseas. There, men give women chocolates. Here in Japan, it's the other way around."

The rest of the girls nodded at the maid's knowledge. After a moment, they took to explaining to Shuichi.

"What? Girls are the one's who give gift on Valentine's?"

"That's right." Kirumi nodded, happy that Shuichi undestood her explanation.

"So does the Japanese way also have girls cover my lockser and themselves in chocolate as well?"

"That's right."

"I see...I didn't know. So the chocolate thing in my locker wasn't harassment."

"It's love from us to Saihara-kun!"

"Love..." Shuichi's face went red at the word Kaede had said. He then turned to face all of them, still partially covered in chocolate and nodded.

"Thank you everyone. I misunderstood all of you. It didn't know it was Japanese culture to stuff chocolates with strange smells in the locker or to paint yourself with chocolate naked then chase after me."

"I doubted everyone who just wanted to give me something. "Shuichi bowed. "I'm sorry."

"Even after all that, everyone still loves me being like this. Akamatsu-san, Iruma-san, Angie-san, Chabashira-san, Yumeno-san, Yonaga-san, Tojo-san" He raised up again and looked at each one in the eye. "I also love all of you. Will you all stay beside me..."


"Fuck yeah! It's an orgy!"

"Shuichi and Angie will eb together for a long time."

"Tenko will protect you by your side!"

"Natually, Shuichi is Himiko's assistant."

"You are my only master. I will serve you for a lifetime."

"...as friends?"

AN: Honestly, I was getting tired of having more than five characters in the room. You could tell that I wanted to end myself. Kinda why Saihara's was much shorter than the others. I was like, I can't do this anymore. This is why I dislike harem fics where everyone's there.

One more chapter. I'll try to finish this up tonight.