Kyoko Kirigiri: ...Regardless, the matter was settled and nobody had gotten seriously hurt. She should count her blessings for a relatively peaceful resolution.

...Like hell. In fact, hell would freeze over before she skimmed over gross details and focused only on the results. That's Togami's flaw, not her own. The "conversation" between Kuzuryu and Naegi had filled in most of the blanks but there were technical aspects that were…off to say the least. For example. Ghosts? Was there really such a thing? Naegi had sounded convincing but there's a difference between a convincing argument and the truth.

"We'll make a deal using your belief in Fuyuhiko as the basis."

"And the terms are?"

"...You believe that Fuyuhiko will dole out your revenge unabated by anything that I can throw t him. I'll prove otherwise...but I only need one thing from you; Proof that I can see/speak with you and for that, I need information that only you two would know. At the very least, a secret that an ordinary person could never find out."

"So, you want a password…an in to prove you can see me. How do I know you won't be using this against me?"

"That would defeat the point. Rather, I'm going to be telling him exactly what happened that day through your own words. However, I'm also going to tell him what might happen to you if he does go through with revenge. There will be no lies here. If I'm right and your brother really cares about you, then he'll listen to me and vice versa. He'll be the one to decide whether to believe me or whether revenge is all that matters."

"You think he's going to choose your side over mine? You're dumber than I thought."

"You've got that wrong, because I'm on your side too. We're friends, Natsumi-san. I'll always do what I think is best for them. You shouldn't underestimate that kind of resolve…after all, that is what allowed Sato to kill you."

"There's limits to how blunt a guy can be, there's definitely something wrong with your brain to say that to the victim's face…oh well, a herbivore like you couldn't tell a lie to save your life anyway. Deal."

"Then I'll just wait around here till they show up. Feel free to watch."

"If you piss bro off, you…might die you know. There's still time to run away."

"...Maybe. But that just goes to show how much faith I have that he won't kill anyone."

"Idiot. Don't blame me when the worst happens. Dying and becoming like this…is torture."

"So, I've heard."

-Peko Pekoyama-

Peko Pekoyama traversed an underground room beneath the statue of HPA's founder, Izuru Kamukura. This was the base of operations for the group She had deemed, The Ultimate Despair. The path on-wards was reminiscent of a dungeon from a dated videogame. No doubt intentionally...that woman was an eccentric to the core. One could never predict what She would take interest in next

Bleak this place may have been, for the first time, Pekoyama entertained the slightest semblance of content being here. Why? Because after today, she would never have to see these walls again.

The assassin made her way to the innermost depths of the basement, where large red doors awaited her.

She pushed them open to find...a courtroom. What poor taste.

An even more disgusting sight was the figure sitting in the middle, adorned in her usual extravagance and that nauseous black/red/white color scheme. Pekoyama's entrance had made enough of a ruckus for anyone in the room to have heard her...and yet She didn't even recognize the swordswoman's presence.

Junko Enoshima sat there one side of a small square table. The fashionista was entranced in a chessboard planted on the table's surface. Had she been playing with someone? Peko couldn't care less; she was here for one thing and one thing only. To gladly announce that the young master was withdrawing from her little circus show.


For the briefest of moments, pearl blue eyes changed trajectory from her chess pieces and met Pekoyama's red. As always, Enoshima's form was immaculate, not a single breath wasted in even the most trivial actions.

"Oh, it's you." She said, disinterest evident on her features.

"I am here to inform you of the young master's resignation."

"Hmm? So Fuyuhiko wants out huh?" Enoshima replied just before moving to the other side of the table, motioning her bishop to take down the pawn she had previously placed there.

Now what would her reaction be? Surely, Peko couldn't be expected to simply leave here with all that she knew. if nothing else she could just force her way out and the young master would bring the full might of the Kuzu-

"Oh, I see. you're free to go." ...Was not the reaction she anticipated

"Excuse me?"

"I said you can skedaddle, sheesh. Can't a pretty girl use her brains occasionally without being interrupted?" Enoshima said, flippantly.

Peko now understood that the Despair was...playing against herself...

"I never imagined someone as fickle as you would ever be interested in a game as intellectually intensive as chess." Peko said.

"Yeah? And I never imagined Fuyuhiko would ever break out of my brainwashing cuz it certainly couldn't be because of you, you're useless! Upupupu." Enoshima mocked.


"Now who's the quiet one? I was just kidding...okay not really. But have a seat if you feel like you're up to playing me in a game."

"I'm afraid I must decline." She refused. "...If that will be all, I will take my leave."

Pekoyama turned around and faced the door. Enoshima putting up no resistance? Was there some trick involved?

"Ah wait, just one thing." There it was.

"As I thought, you would never let betrayal go unpunished." Pekoyama countered, arms already at her blade.

"...What did you think of Makoto Naegi?" The fashionista asked. The silver-haired girl's proclamation may as well have gone unheard.

"May I inquire as to why you'd be interested in Naegi?"

"Oh? Even though I've been gracious enough not to ask for the reasons of your boss' sudden secession? I think I've been quite accommodating today, don't you?"

Strangely so...

Still...her opinion of Makoto Naegi? What an absurd question to ask at this stage. It could all be summed in a single sentence.

Pekoyama's attention was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from the direction she was heading. Soon they were close enough to be identified.

"You are..." She began.

It was a man. Spiky hair, a formal white uniform and black army boots. Most notable however, were his scarlet eyes that mirrored her own.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to see you, Comrade Pekoyama!" His voice bellowed as it always did. This was a place where she would never have expected to meet him, however. Though it shouldn't have come as a surprise that Enoshima would have ensnared even him since they were in the same class.

"Kiyotaka Ishimaru..." It must have been quite titillating for the fashionista to have broken down who was meant to be a shiny beacon of justice in Hope's Peak.

"Ugh, there goes my peace of mind." Enoshima droned "How's it hanging, Taka?"

"It has been hanging well, Enoshima-kun!" Ishimaru said, butchering the phrase.

"That detention group took me quite a while to supervise, though I'm not sure why you requested I do so; is there something for us to gain from Naegi, Fujisaki, Kirigiri and your sister consorting with each other?"

"For fucks sake, it's the same reason I do everything...fuck it, I can put up with this for a few minutes." The Ultimate Despair cleared her throat and then..." It's 30% planning, 20% cuz I love you guys and 50% for the orgasmic despair when I set you all up against each other in a bitchin' killing game. I've already got a simulation started up with those student council fucktards." A grotesque tongue showed as Enoshima took on her punk persona.

Pekoyama thought there was more to it than that. She ordered Ishimaru!?

The bodyguard made an uncharacteristic display of shock " much of this did you plan?" Peko knew about Naegi's circumstances but if what Enoshima suggested held any truth...then she orchestrated it.

"Hmm? You're going to have to e-l-a-b-o-r-a-t-e, Peko. I'm kinda using all my brainpower on this game, ya know." Enoshima moved the knight.

"Ikusaba wasn't the only one monitoring Naegi, Ishimaru was as well - no, from the sounds of it, Ikusaba wasn't aware of this so it's possible he was monitoring them both. That would mean there were no loopholes when keeping track of Naegi's movements." That would also mean Enoshima was perfectly aware of Naegi's attempt to convert her followers, namely themselves.

"Oh that. Still thinking a bit too small though." Enoshima sighed. "I suppose I might as well start from the beginning. Naegi was never the original target, the ones I wanted were Kuwata and Maizono and he somehow just happened to be best friends with both. I couldn't have cared less about some average talentless loser; he was just the pawn I wanted to brainwash and then use to throw the popular duo into despair. Shit, I'd have tossed his ass aside after I was done."

"However, the brainwashing failed. I thought it could have just been delayed. That's when Ishimaru proved useful. With that bullshit detention story, I could create a new environment and see just how his mindset would alter with exposure to familiar, yet so very unfamiliar faces. Chihiro and Kirigiri were chosen at the drop of a hat. Muku-nee was too because I wanted to screw with her and her stupid little crush."

How depraved, Pekoyama thought.

"You and Fuyuhiko coming into the fold was an unexpected boon. My analysis had never even anticipated that... either way, that too was fortunate. Because I've seen now with my own eyes what Naegi is capable of."

In other words, ...

"You used us." Peko said.

The fashionista shrugged

"Yeah so? By the way, I could have stopped him at any time by sending Chisa or Sonia but that would ruin the experiment. Honestly, I had half-a-mind to...until Yasuke-chan sent me some...very...i-interesting results-ahahahahaha!" She laughed. Her attention was no longer on the swordswoman but on some inside joke neither she nor Ishimaru (judging by his perplexed gaze) were aware of.

...Monster. The young master and herself had not escaped; they were let go as of a trade. She sacrificed her pawns for the sake of gaining something even more interesting.

Peko grit her teeth.

Ishimaru looked between the both, confused as to the situation.

...There was something she needed clarified.

"Ishimaru. Are you not ill?"

"What ever do you mean?" He asked, confused.

"That is what you told Ikusaba and Kirigri, was it not? In order to get them to perform tasks you should have handled near the music room?"

"Ah that, Naegi-kun said I should put Ikusaba-kun and Kirigiri-kun on hall monitor duty...I'm not sure why though. Regardless, I should have rejected him but the despair of abandoning my post and forcing it on my classmates was just too much to pass up!"

Peko wanted to laugh. Even a tool like herself should be permitted to find amusement in this bizarre comedy. it wasn't fair otherwise.

"Enoshima, perhaps I shall answer you after all..." Peko announced.

The despair returned her full focus to the swordswoman, anticipating her assessment on the ultimate lucky student. She would probably be disappointed, for Pekoyama's opinion of Naegi could be conveyed in a few words.

"Much like you...he is quite adept at lying."

With that, she left the courtroom.

Ikusaba... she claimed to have developed a will of her own and no longer acted as a tool. Peko wondered if that's true...because from her perspective, Ikusaba had merely changed owners without knowing it.

However, Peko could not blame the ultimate soldier.

After all, even she had been fooled. To think she once believed that Naegi was someone she could let her guard down against... Enoshima was at least an evil that made its stance known.

However. his lie saved the young master, therefore, as far as Peko Pekoyama was concerned, that evil was worth accepting.

-Kyoko Kirigiri-

Kyoko Kirigiri entered the laboratory where the ultimate neurologist, therapist and programmer's team worked. She had used the card Miaya Gekkogahara had 'accidentally' lost to gain access. What she searched for was Gekkogahara's section of the room and where her documents were located.

"Fortunately," she happened to find her drawer unlocked. Gekkogahara-san was, by law and by honor code, not allowed to divulge confidential information on her clients…but even she couldn't help it if, by some chance a renegade deviant broke in and rummaged through her files…

Makoto Naegi, just who are you? He seemed to be capable of dragging everyone around him into his pace and made it all appear for altruistic purposes alone – people just weren't built that way.

Her suspicions had first begun on the first day of detention. Despite that innocent looking face, he had systematically singled out Fujisaki as the easiest target, and then somehow moved onto Ikusaba, next. Before long, they began to treat him like an addiction.

He was someone Kyoko absolutely could not allow herself to get close to…and yet, even she had difficulty pushing him away despite knowing.

Not to mention yesterday. Just when she arrived to see Ikusaba protecting him from Pekoyama. His expression was one she didn't think that boyish face could pull off. Makoto Naegi loved to smile more than anyone she knew...but that time was…absolutely…sinister

Ah, here it was. The file Gekkogahara had told her about.

Document #11037 – Makoto Naegi. Patient at Jabberwock Psychiatric Hospital?


She read through each sentence, paying utmost attention to the details laying within.

June 4th, 2002

-Dr. Miaya Gekkogahara. Age 10. Aspiring therapist whose talent has surpassed most psychiatric professionals at an impossibly young age and has a record of "curing" 23 patients all diagnosed with severe mental illnesses. This does not include her successes prior to any formal training and recognized status.

-Patient Makoto Naegi. Age 8. Background suggests high Intelligence quotient, with enormous latent potential and developed maturity. The patient has recently been diagnosed with psychosis – he claims to be able to see ghosts. Mental illness surfaced at an amusement park where he found in hysterics, screaming he had been assaulted by the dead. The patient's family sought a family therapist several months later however, no success was achieved; the patient remains adamant about his beliefs and has recently developed symptoms of depression. It is imperative to handle the situation with (false) open-mindedness and genuine comfort.

"Hello, Naegi-kun. My name is Miaya Gekkogahara and I'll be your caretaker from now on."

"Miaya…so you're my new shrink, huh?" Patient is skeptical and brash.

"You called me by my given name. Is there a meaning behind that?" Does he disrespect authority?

"Is that wrong? Therapists always to get to know the patient to make work easy right? Talking this way helps makes us seem closer. Well, I'm sure you've done a good check yourself, but I'll help with the charade anyway. Besides, it's not like you're an adult either. You're a kid like I am so what makes you so special?" Hatred for authority theory unlikely. Apathy is probable. Social instability, highly probable.

"I see…then I'll call you Makoto too. As for why I'm working with you, I'm something of a genius in this field and a prospect for being scouted by Hope's Peak Academy down the line. Do you know what ultimates are, Makoto?"

"Yes. And if a kid like you can do this then I'm sure you're really incredible...of course, I'm also certain that the fact that you're closer to me in age will make you easier to relate with and give you a better chance of…curing me than the adults." High I.Q, validated.

"Perhaps. Since you know all of that, I'm sure you know why you're here."


"Will you tell me why?"



"Pointless. You already know and you don't believe me anyway. Don't patronize me." First signs of hostility detected. Patient has developed severe trust issues regarding his illnesses.

"Fair enough but I thought you wanted to 'help with the charade'?"

"Not that one."

"Alright then. So Naegi, could you tell me exactly what led up to that day at the amusement park?"

"…I was separated from my family. I saw him. He attacked me. You know the rest."

Patient# 11037 said nothing else.

June 11th, 2002

"We meet again, Makoto."

"Seems that way."

"There's something I want to ask you, if you're fine with that. The man who tried to choke you, was he the only case in your experience?"

"Yes. Some of the ones I meet are nice, others are difficult…but none of them are bad people." Patient struggles to call his hallucinations 'ghosts'. May either indicate he's slowly coming out of his delusions or he's locking himself up inside his shell. Furthermore, seems to think positively of attacker.

"Some of these people may be dangerous and have even assaulted you...but you think they're not malicious?"

"Just because someone hurts you, that doesn't make them inherently cruel. There could be more to it than that." Patient is emotionally attuned to the pain of others and makes rational decisions. Findings suggest at least partial sanity.

"I agree, let's move onto the next question: Have you ever felt like you don't get along with others?"

"I have…had plenty of friends." Background dictates he was extremely sociable and positive; family was also very supportive. It was unlikely that the patient was compensating for some sort of social stress.

"But Makoto, you're very, very intelligent for your age. Did you ever feel that you couldn't connect with other children on an intellectual level? And what about your grades? Did you feel pressured into succeeding?"

"...Sometimes, I've always been different, and they just couldn't keep up...but I still liked them. I liked scoring high, competition is fun."

August 25th, 2002

"Good afternoon, Makoto. What shall we talk about today, I wonder?"


"Excuse me?"

"It must be boring hearing about me all the time, and I'm definitely bored of talking about myself. Let's talk about you for a change." Patient showed a rare smile.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing very interesting about me to share."

"Unfair. I can't be the only one sharing all my secrets. This should be a two-way partnership." He had a point.

"…I don't even know where to start."

"How about how you got this gig despite being such a reserved and shy person?" …What?

"What brought you to that conclusion?"

"You struggle…or should I say force yourself to maintain constant eye-contact and the same for raising your voice. Don't get me wrong, you're a lot better than the other shrinks. I'm sure you worked hard to get where you are…however, you're not a natural speaker."

"Come on now, don't clam up. It's not like I'm trying to show how annoying it is to be analyzed. That's just 1/10th of the reason - - the other 9/10th is because I'm genuinely curious."

She sighed at his provocations.

"…You're correct. I'm reserved by nature and needed a lot of practice before I could speak to anyone. "

"So, why'd you pick this job. You trying to conquer your fears?"

"No. I just think there's something beautiful and fulfilling about helping others. Moreso, I can't stand to see other people suffer if there's something I can do about it. Why not put my talents to good use?"

For the first time the patient laughed "Finally, someone who gets it! I feel the same way. There are lots of people out there who could use our help." …Our help?

"But I'm trapped in here and can't do anything about it. I envy you quite a lot."

"You want to help people, Makoto?"

"Yup. Everyone has problems they can't solve by themselves and worse, there are some who think they can but really can't. Those are the kinds of people I want to save, before it's too late."

"Too late?"

"Yeah, before they die and regret it after. By then, it's just too late to save anyone." Signs of mental instability…detected.

"I understand."

"That's why I want to leave here…when can I go home?" Not soon at this rate.

She said nothing

September 10th, 2002

"I think that was the first time I ever felt enmity." He began suddenly and without context, but it was her job to pick up on such cues

"Are you referring to your attacker?" She was very good at her job.

"Yeah. Someone I didn't even know wanted to hurt me, kill me. And when he realized he couldn't, he was satisfied watching me shiver in fear." He said, despondently. This matched up with the reports she had received.

"Afterwards, he followed me home." ...This, on the other hand, was new. An opening to follow through presented itself

"Followed you home? This is the first I'm hearing of this."

"I never told anyone else because I wanted to forget. I can't forget and that's why I need those pills." Patient is likely referring to the Insomnia supplements that aid with night terrors. An extreme medication that is meant to be taken in small doses. They can incur sleep within approximately 30 minutes using the right amount. Go further and one may stand for 3 minutes. Higher doses are deemed un-advisable and may cause irreparable brain damage. Even the prescribed dosage will have side-effects, however the patient would never sleep without them, causing the worst-case scenario.

"He couldn't hurt me physically, so he tried mentally. I couldn't tune him out. Whenever I turned, he was always there. I was scared."

"Did this happen while you had been receiving family therapy?"

"Yes." Note to self. Hallucinations did not stop at any point.

"Do you still see him?"

"No. He's gone."


"He caught fire. Watching that was what gave me nightmares." I tried to pursue this point however, the patient was adamant in not elaborating on what he meant by 'caught fire.'

"I want to go home." The patient said, it was a phrase that had become increasingly prominent throughout their sessions.

"I'm sorry but I'm not lying! Get me out of here already!" Anxiety levels rising

"Makoto calm down. I know you're not lying." You've just caught a grave illness. And a very persistent one at that.

"You're lying." He began. "You could get me out of here. You just have to tell them I'm fine!" The patient began scratching furiously at his head

She pressed the emergency button and the restraints came not soon after.

"Let go! Get me out of here!" The patient was tranquilized

February 8th, 2003

"Makoto, do you remember me?"


"I'm Miaya, remember?"


"You had quite an accident not long after our last session a while back, do you remember that?"


She sighed "Why go that far?"


"Makoto this is serious. Had the nurse found you even a few minutes later, you could have died. It took months for you to just regain consciousness."


"Did you want to leave so badly; you'd try to kill yourself? I hope you realize you've now been filed under suicidal behavior. I won't be able to convince them otherwise until you tell me what you were thinking."


"Very well but could you answer one thing? Why did you choose that method?"


"Even if you wanted to escape so badly that you decided on suicide…why would you break your room mirror and mutilate your torso with the shards? You must have been able to think of a less painful alternative."


"That scar won't heal. You were lucky enough that it didn't reach your internal organs."


"Makoto, you won't be able to leave this place for a very long time now."


"You've only succeeded in hurting yourself more. If you wanted to escape, then you should have been more cooperative. At the very least, I could have gotten you conditional allowance outside within a few months."

The patient twitched.

February 15th, 2003

"Makoto, how are you feeling today?"


She had not expected to receive an answer. If the patient had been at a stable level when he was first admitted, he'd fallen to critical levels after the incident. She didn't anticipate any positive response for weeks, possibly months. And none of it was looking good for her credibility. Some of her "colleagues" had gossiped that her magic was wearing off and that "the child was out of her depth after all". Ridiculous, as if she cared one bit about what she told herself, however the reality was that if she couldn't achieve success here, the future was looking bleak. She might even have her license revoked, and then what would she do?

"I've had better days…but not bad."

…He spoke?

"R-Really? I'm happy to hear that."

"Me too."

Her game plan for the day had been thrown off. She had no idea how to approach the situation now besides engage in small talk.

"Sorry, for causing you and everyone else so much trouble." The patient apologized

"It's not your fault."

"It is but thanks for the consideration anyway."

December 22nd, 2003

Many sessions passed and the patient showed great improvement. He no longer spoke of seeing ghosts and his actions all appeared to be that of a sane man. Certainly, the psychiatric committee had been immensely pleased by her progress, as did the Naegi family who were grateful beyond compare.

"Gekkogahara-san." He said. One thing she noted was that he finally started calling her by her last name. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing but, he had told her that it was time to show her the respect she deserved.

It was like he had become a completely different person in the process. The air of intellectual maturity had diminished greatly over time as well. He was just like everyone else now. An ordinary, average boy.

A part of her believed she was happy for his progress, but another felt greatly unsettled by it. Hadn't it been too easy?

"Makoto, this may be our final session. Depending on how I think you're faring, you'll finally be able to go home and on Christmas."

He gave a bright and confident smile. Was any of that real though?

There was only one way for her to check.

"Makoto, a long time ago you told me about your attacker and how he followed you home. What do you mean when you said he burned?" If he was truly cured, then he should not have nearly as much difficulty answering her inquiry as he did before. However, …

"Oh that. Well, from what I remember, he was messing with me and the next, he started burning. I wasn't sure why, but it wasn't a pretty sight. It was the most horrifying scene I'd ever seen, even if it was all in my head."

However, had he been too casual then it would have given him away. Traumas were not so easily forgotten. She had seen neither however; he showed the appropriate amount of hesitation and awkwardness, while still treating it as a footnote of the past.

By all accounts, his condition had been an astounding success…on the surface.

So why couldn't she rid herself of doubt? Even though she (and the board) had already made her decision before this last session even began.

She moved her wheelchair over to him and motioned for him to take her hand.

"Gekkogahara?" He did so and stood out of his seat.

Then they made their way over to the door. After that the halls. And finally, the main gate.

Naegi watched the gate with an awe-filled expression as it opened.

"Makoto, I have one final question before you can say goodbye to this place."

"Go ahead." All that lay before him…was outside.

"Do you think ghosts are real?" Are you really cured?

He gave her the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

"Don't be ridiculous. Of course not."

-"Makoto Naegi"-

We meet again, I introduced myself before, but I think it's only fair you get the full story right at the end. I am Makoto Naegi...and so is "he". It doesn't quite make sense when I put it that way, did it? But it was weird to me too at first. Seeing the dead was one thing but I never thought I'd develop a case of dissociative identity disorder too. Haha. Where to begin…I guess it was all Miaya's fault in a way; she had given me the answer I needed to leave that hell. I was going about it all wrong, there was never any need for anyone to believe me and why should they when I had no evidence? I'd have to be crazy to have thought they'd buy it no questions asked…then again, maybe I am.

Anyway, what I should have done from the start was just give in and cooperate. Society likes it when the masses conform to their standards, realizing that sooner would have saved me quite a lot of grief and I'd have one less scar to worry about. How does the relate to "him", you ask? That's easy, it was at that point where I started suppressing my real self and my needs to match what other people wanted me to be. Everything was so much easier being an average person and all I had to do was put on a mask. However, … Unfortunately, he played the act far too well. Maybe it was because I was too young, too malleable but as a result, that mask ended becoming a very thin layer and seeped into my real face.

The fake began to mix in with the real and before I knew it, the blend had become nigh-homogeneous.

In that regard, it is not appropriate to say we are split personalities. It's more like, we're the same person but the difference is in our priorities. When there's something that needs an extra kick to take care of, that's my role. Otherwise, "I" usually just hang back and let "him" take the wheel. There are quite a few benefits to being as relatable a person as he.

As a result, Mukuro and Chihiro were now his friends. Useful friends.

Chihiro especially had potential to counter the brainwashing video so he was worth keeping around.

It was also thanks to him that Makoto learned Miaya was in this school. When he and Yasuke mentioned her in detention, Naegi almost lost it in a fit of laughter. Luckily, Chihiro didn't suspect anything.

Now then…to business.

Makoto Naegi wandered through the halls of Hope's Peak. Bandages on his neck and beneath his green hoodie on one arm.

Yes, this place was certainly Hope's Peak Academy, but I had never been here before, nor was I supposed to be.

In my hand was a file that I had finally managed to make clean and readable.

Yet another perk. It also helps that "he" doesn't necessarily remember everything I do and locks it behind his subconscious as something that "had to be done", was natural and did not need to be questioned. Was this a side-effect of Insomnia? Who knows but it sure was convenient? He couldn't act out a lie to save our life.

As an example, the file I had…acquired from Yasuke's desk. While the neurologist was in the room, I moved over to read the files the senior had looked over so seriously. I had no idea whether I would find anything of worth but there was this gut feeling I would. After all, Yasuke was a very suspicious person.

And by chance, I found it - That special person's bio. The one he was just going to meet.

I stumbled onto a problem though. There was too much text to read in such a short time and I knew I wouldn't be able to hide it on me…that's why I chose to hide it inside me.

By that, I mean I ate it and then had to throw it up later. He was never putting himself through that kind of pain again. It took forever to recover.

Now then. I input the next password and found it open. Just like with Yasuke's drawer, I had a knack for breaking locks. Luck was good for something it seemed.

Of course, this also means all my successes so far will inevitably end up slapping me in the face, but luck isn't something you can fight anyway.

I wonder if he can understand that. Makoto thought as the final door opened, revealing a lone figure staring back at him from inside the room.

After all, he's said to have all the talents in the world.


He stepped inside; eyes filled with transparent curiosity. How boring.

However, that he was here at all, was not quite as boring. Junko Enoshima had made her way here recently as well and more than likely through manipulating one of his teachers, who he doubted was even alive at this point.

Survival rate: 0%

As expected, Therefore, who was this? A mere glance deduced he had neither physical capacity to break his way in here, nor the dexterity to orchestrate a successful measure against the codes.

If not skill…luck, then.

Nagito Komaeda or Makoto Naegi. Judging by his good health, it is the latter.

Makoto Naegi…

Claimed to be able to see the incorporeal and deemed insane.

Correction. Perceiving the incorporeal is possible by tuning one's brain frequency. It is an ability all children at early ages possess but lose as they age and neither retain memories nor convey their findings. A convenient closed circuit…however, this one's brain frequency did not develop.

Chances of such an occurrence in the world population: 0.00001%

A factor of his luck perhaps?

Unknown to Hope's Peak, he has developed dysfunctional personality disorder.

Extremely manipulative on the level of Junko Enoshima


"Y-You're Kamukura…senpai aren't you?"

He gave no response.

"No answer huh? Your files said you weren't very responsive."

Once again, no reply came.

"You're kinda making things really awkward."

"Be quiet, I have no intention of playing charades. State your business and by that, I refer to you. Not that thin layer mask."

"How awful, you could really hurt somebody's feelings with words like that."

"Humans do not continue to smile when faced with meaningful attacks to their person. Spare me the insincerities." Izuru Kamukura demanded

"The same goes to you; I don't appreciate you dissing that part of me. And you can't really call it a mask when it's practically become my face at this point. And I thought you of all people would understand."

Temporary malfunction – emotions surging

He ignored it.

"But none of that matters I suppose, since I'm the one who barged in here unannounced."

The intruder approached him. He ahoge at a height where he could just barely maintain eye-level despite Kamukura sitting on the bed.

He smiled and then slid his way past the Ultimate Hope. His target was…the bed as he plopped onto it behind Izuru, giggling as he did.

It was such a ridiculous maneuver; he didn't even watch and kept his eyes peeled forward. His posture remained the same while his back was now turned to the lucky student lying closely behind on the bed.

"This bed is pretty hard, Izuru. How do you get a good night's sleep on it?"

"It is sufficient."

"Eeeeh? No way, even my bed is comfier than this. Hey, let's have a sleepover in my room some time!"

"'Do you really believe that will work on me?"

"You need to specify which. I'm trying quite a few things right now."

"Your tendency to call others by their given name for one, is merely an attempt at positioning yourself in a closer position to your target. You worm your way into the lives of others and claim a seat of power in their hearts. By the time they realize what manner of human you are, it will already be too late and will consider you an inseparable part of their daily lives. Calling others informally is an important step in that process."

"…And?" He wanted more.

"You speak informally to everyone because you believe all humans are equal; A sentiment that held all to the same standard and treatment regardless of stature or race."

"Yup, but what's wrong with that? Equality means nobody should ever have to feel worse than anyone else. I think that belief is one of my more redeeming features." He said, happily.

"A matter of perspective; reverse that line of thinking and you are admitting that you hold nobody in your life as special regardless of their effort, achievements…or even emotions towards you."

Naegi frowned. "…No comment. Got anything else?"

"An extension of the first and that is proximity. Physical closeness is just as, if not moreso, relevant than verbal."

And yet, not even Junko Enoshima had dared to act so intimate with him. Naturally, that was because she knew the consequences of pushing him too far. Now then, does Makoto Naegi know it as well?

"Oh? And what exactly is the meaning behind me doing that?"

How insolent "Don't ask questions to answer you know better than anyone else. Your goal is ultimately to create a paradise for anyone you take interest in. Certainly, the uninformed may see it as unparalleled kindness but it is nothing that altruistic – it may have been at first, but those days ended long ago when your emotional receptivity destroyed you. Now, you feed on the sensitivity and emotions of others, because you no longer have any yourself. Makoto Naegi, you are a parasite." Indeed, there was no better description for the one behind him.

"Hahahahaha. You get it, you really get it!" He laughed. "But you know. I prefer a symbiotic relationship than parasitic. It's not like I'm being malicious."

"Perhaps in your actions however your intentions are far from pure."

'To each their own. As for whether it'll work on you… well, no point in trying to sneak attack someone who already knows you're coming. Might as well take the front door."

"An understandable but equally foolish decision. You would do better not 'attacking' at all."

"No, you don't understand." Naegi shook his head "It doesn't matter whether you know about it. "

"You…know, for quite some time, I stopped trying to hide who I am. Maybe I did in the past, but I don't have control of that now. Anyone who looks deeply enough will see right through me. Heck, I told Sayaka outright and even though she didn't take it so well, she stuck by me even when she knew there'd be nothing to gain from it. And even better is that this is HPA, I can cut loose just a little. Nobody there is 'normal' so to speak so I had more freedom to be myself." Naegi said

"Sophism. A lie by omission is still a lie. You entrap them with words so they couldn't abandon you."

"And so? What about that matters? When paradise is already in front of your eyes, who bothers to look further? Few people you know. I suspect Peko has almost figured me out, but she won't care in the end. Ah, Kyoko probably would but there aren't many like her. She doesn't care about the material, she just wants to know, even if she gains nothing from that knowledge. Kyoko is really exceptional." He smiled, praising the meager detective.

How impudent "You presume to compare her to me?"

"Not quite. Kyoko is exceptional but you are even more so. You already know everything and that's why you can do nothing but gain... So why not make use of someone that can do nothing but provide for you? Someone like me for example."

"You believe you can give me whatever I am hypothetically searching for?" Kamukura narrowed his eyes

"Eh? I don't know about that. I'm not such a great person who can guarantee anything but I'm willing to try my best. Sorry if that's all I can offer." "He" Scratched his head.

…He reverted. How tedious.

Immediate assessment: Harmless

"So, make good use of me, Izuru because I intend to make good use of you." The true persona returned.

The instigator changed positions, now sitting side-by-side with Kamukura at an uncomfortably proximity. It was an almost comical scene where the less informed could misidentify the situation and believe the two to be a stoic and bubbly pair of friends.

"I could kill you for your arrogance and nobody would ever find out. You realize this, yes?" Izuru threatened.

"Heh, yes that's probably true. But In my opinion, Hajime Hinata could do that too."

It took a moment for the ultimate hope to respond

"What?" Error. To ask in of itself was a contradiction...because he knew everything.

"What's with the question? There wasn't anything ambiguous in that phrasing; both you and Hinata-san can kill me. Although Its a bit ironic that you're parading about something your former self could accomplish. Do you even remember him? The 'talentless reserve course student' as he often called himself, who traded his dreams, finances and eventually his own identity, all for the sake of talent. Just so he could become you."

"It really such a pity that he'd already signed up for the hope cultivation plan before I could meet him. That way I would have been able to steer him off the wrong path - nothing good could have come from such little self-esteem...and perhaps nothing did in the end." He had the gall to feign disappointment and empathy.

Kamukura had a half a mind to snap his neck...but that would be admitting defeat and they both knew it.

"Do you believe I will rise to your provocations?" Izuru said.

"Fair enough, I admit that was spiteful of me; maybe I wanted to get you back for insulting us."

"You are both one and the same."

The parasite shrugged in mocking

"More to the point, Izuru …if every human on this planet did anything just because they were capable of it then we'd either be living on mars or the entire race would already be extinct. I could have been killed just yesterday by someone much less impressive than you in terms of potential. Don't you see how hilarious that you, who the board tout as the zenith of mankind, would try to prove that to me by doing something anyone could?"

Incorrect. The technology for migrating to outer space colonies will not exist for over a century, even if humans worked to their maximum potential, it would still be quite a few years off. The latter case on the other hand, was for more likely.

That was semantics however for the transparent intention behind his words were that: the world would be a completely different place.

A fair notion.

"You get it right? Whether or not we're capable of something means nothing if we don't do it. A will always supersedes capability. You could have an engine that could power a city but it's useless if nobody powers it on and uses it for that purpose."


"Willpower is greater than raw talent. Am I wrong? You could do anything in this world…but if left alone, would you?"

Insolent indeed.

"You would go this far to sate your incompleteness?" Kamukura inquired.

"Of course. There isn't a single feeling in this world that can compare to the exhilaration I feel watching others cling to hope and overcome adversity. To top it off, greater the hardships, the greater the elation." He giggled.

"Yet again, you use sophistry to hide your true intentions- I'm beginning to wonder if you're even aware that you do it. Flip those words around and all you claim is that anything incapable of exuding what you define as hope and success, is worthless."

"That's awful, Kamukura-senpai. I don't think anything is worthless, even if they can't feel hope...They are simply worth less than those who do."

"In the end, you're nothing but a pervert; everything is merely for your own self-satisfaction."

"Hehehe...who can say?" He finally leapt off the bed, moving to the exit with his back facing Kamukura.

"Let's meet again."

"You really believe your luck will allow you to return here? Wrong, coincidence is called coincidence because it doesn't happen twice. When it does, we call it skill."

"Sure, but I'm not counting on that. If my luck fails me then I'll just use skill. Overcoming all odds by sheer belief…that's what it means to have hope."

Potential assessment: Extremely dangerous

"Ah, what am I saying? There no need for me to lecture about hope to the one dubbed the ultimate hope, is there?" He continued. "Izuru, I don't need you to help me with anything if you don't want to. I just ask that you stay out of the way for now and I'll take care of you later."

"…You mean to deal with Enoshima first."

It wasn't a question.

"Yeah, and it'd be a big help if you didn't interfere with that. Although, you're free to because I won't force you or anyone to do anything." Naegi said

The meaning was left unspoken but Izuru picked up on it regardless.

It's fine if you side against me, I'll just deal with both of you at the same time

Verdict: Target to be eliminated at once

From their respective positions, it would take no less than a second for Izuru to bridge the distance between where he sat to where the lucky student stood and end his fragile life.

It would only take one second, one blow.

And it would probably be the only act of kindness he would ever commit. For there was only one place his path will lead. The same destination Enoshima will inevitably meet, either by the hands of the victims she accosted…or her own.

"See you, Kamukura-senpai." The calculating gaze in his eyes were gone and only the naïve Naegi remained.

…Verdict overruled.

-Junko Enoshima-

How boring. The game she'd spent hours playing had ended in a stalemate.

An utterly tedious, predictable stalemate. What more could one expect from a match against yourself? Identical abilities, Identical thought processes...identical moves...Sooo boring, and she doubted it would be any more fun if she played against the others.

Nobody had what it took to match her, after all and Sonia was the only one who could put up a semblance of a challenge. God knows someone like Mikan might as well bend over and give up from the onset...

"Ain't that right, Mikan?" Junko brought her heel down on the 'person' she'd been using as a leg rest all afternoon. The ultimate nurse was literally bent over and acting as her personal stool.

"O-Ow!" Mikan jolted...

"Isn't what right, Junko? You just blurted that so suddenly."

"Blergh, how can you call yourself my soulmate when you can't even guess what I'm thinking!"

"F-Forgive me for not being psychic!" She begged.

"Yeah whatever. You know I'll always forgive you and take advantage of my generosity; god what a skank you are." She kicked the girl again.

Mikan yelped in response...even though she took pleasure in these beatings. Ugh, what a total bitch! It wasn't nearly as fun when they put up no resistance...not like Mikan was ever anything but easy to start with. That girl was broken loooong before Junko met her; Mikan's cheating mother abandoned her dad (the mom's a slut too, apple sure don't fall far from the tree) and her dad got into an accident at some amusement park and bit the big one. There were no barriers when Junko decided to put the moves on the Nurse.

Aaaah, but who cares about Mikan when there's bigger fish to fry!?...Oh right, she did. That was the absolute truth for everyone she bothered converting to le despair. There was no fun in picking some generic loser to be a part of the team, they needed to have a special kind of potential in them. A potential for delicious despair, just waiting to be awakened. That way, they could experience the same joys Junko did. She especially wanted to share that unbridled bliss with the classmates she loved so dearly yet couldn't bring themselves to love each other. It pained her to see the members of class 78 so estranged. in that regard, Ishimaru had done well for her in bringing the 4 together.

The fact that there were so many candidates out there who just wasted their lives away without tasting the thrill of despair. If Junko had the opportunity, she would plunge the entire world into glorious despair; they wouldn't have to spend the rest of their lives being confined and taken advantage of by rules. A world where everyone would live free and kill hard at their own choosing. That was her dream.

A dream that would soon become reality according to her calculations.

Her calculations were flawless 99% of the time...a few months ago, that statistic was a full-blown 100% until that walking error known as Makoto Naegi reared his head. Among her classmates, he was the one she didn't give a shit about; even Hifumi had a special talent and a special despair just waiting to be realized but him? An utter, mediocre bore.

So why then, was he alone able to stave off Mitarai's brainwashing? The technique usually required a bit of touching up prior however, that would necessitate Junko spending time with that loser Naegi, and she just couldn't have that. Besides, just because the brainwashing was imperfect didn't mean it wouldn't work at all. Naegi should have still been inclined to despair...and yet, all he did after watching the movie was critique it.

It was the first time she had ever been so baffled. In a rage, she physically tossed him out of her room and the rest was history. Muku and Taka took care of everything else like I told them to. I didn't expect much from the "Herbivore experiment" as she called it however, he'd shown progress and made lemmings of Fujisaki and perhaps even corrupted my dear older sister as well.

That much should only be expected of him.

After all. Just thinking about that never failed to cause spams of hilarity in the ultimate despair. That referring to Yasuke's analysis.

Upon seeing that, everything made sense! Why the brainwashing failed and why he was able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time; Fuyuhiko and Peko became the test run to confirm. If he could take them away from her then that would serve as confirmation. It hurt to let go of pieces she worked so hard to obtain but what she'd traded them for had been worth so much more.

Junko would have felt bad if she killed them after they'd done a fantastic job.

Who would have thought that Makoto Naegi's brainwave frequency were on the same depth as my own?

Junko's fingers faintly grasped the Queen on her side of the chessboard as she eyed the enemy pieces; more specifically, its king.

The Ultimate despair knew exactly what path lied before her...

-Izuru Kamukura-

"This is not boring." He assessed the current relating to the relevant individuals in the school...and found they were interesting.

Junko Enoshima...Makoto Naegi.

How ironic.

Enoshima wishes for despair to all yet in her twisted mind, despair is a form of salvation and infecting others with it is an expression of her affection. Naturally, most would believe she is malicious.

Makoto Naegi desires salvation for all in its proper form and is loved by the ignorant for it. His actions are purely selfish, and he loves nary one, he cannot love anyone. Perhaps in that one regard, Makoto Naegi and Izuru Kamukura were similar.

Interesting...for the first time since he gained consciousness, he found something truly funny. Perhaps he can somewhat understand why irony is considered the best form of comedy by the masses

Now then, how shall he play this out to maximize the entertainment? Shall he side with Enoshima and observe the fate of the world she loves so much as it falls into despair? Or Makoto Naegi and observe what would become of him alone?

Kamukura's eyes widened a centimeter. An action irrelevant to an ordinary individual yet utterly absurd by his standards. He who possesses everything this world has to offer...and is restricted by them only now finally feels he has choices? Laughable.

He need not waste an iota of a second thinking of the optimal outcome. The best choice is obviously...

-Kyoko Kirigiri-

And there it was...Kyoko knew now that her worst fears had been confirmed. Makoto Naegi was utterly, truly insane.

Her thoughts moved to Fujisaki's near breakdown a few days back and Maizono's words (which she now realized was a warning) some time before that and suddenly everything made perfect sense.

The lilac-haired girl couldn't help but frown in disgust at the content within Gekkogahara's notes. Just listening to her depictions of Naegi's behavior made her feel like the world had gone crazy. Kyoko had been praised as a genius at an early age but she still acted as a child would. Comparatively, the luckster sounded like some of the more hard-boiled criminals she'd gotten arrested.

And it wasn't surprising. Whatever persona Naegi had borrowed now was toned down in contrast to the notes, however Kyoko could still see fragments of that in his character. More specifically, his tendency to be subtly manipulative and goal-oriented in near everything he did.

In some ways, Kyoko felt a pang of pity for the boy, who was clearly in need of severe mental rehabilitation for reasons out of his control. But sympathy for individuals like this was also dangerous. As evidenced by the fact that what he told Kuzuryu-kun was almost entirely fabricated - Naegi had mixed truths and lies in his argument and had made it sound convincing to her. This was the same person who, merely months ago couldn't even tell a proper lie regarding another's whereabouts.

No, if she didn't treat him as the menace to society he was, then she would already have lost; Fujisaki was proof of that.

In that event, Kyoko would direct her efforts to stopping him...and Enoshima, who she had noticed was involved in some very suspicious activities involving their upperclassmen and was now MIA.

The recent incidents may have hit close to home but for Kyoko, it was still just business as usual. Whether they're a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep forced to become a wolf didn't matter, Kyoko wouldn't rest until she exposed the truth about them.

Because she was...

-Makoto Naegi-

Kamukura-senpai sure was scary. But he was right that Naegi was going to take care of Enoshima-san. She needed his help after all, even if she didn't know it herself.

Mukuro will go a long way in helping achieve that goal, I'm sure.

Naegi chuckled at a memory. Sayaka said Mukuro might like me in a romantic way. He didn't know how much of that he could trust but a part of him wished it wasn't the case. Ikusaba was a nice girl, cute too.

However, I have no interest in such things right now…still, if she did then that would make things easier for me in getting her on my side completely. She'll probably realize eventually but for now, he could play the role of the boy she likes. When all is said and done, he doubted she would be all that sad or angry at him; after all, everything would have been to help her and Enoshima.

What more could she ask for?

Now there was probably someone who had every right to be furious with him beyond belief. I had taken her faith in me and stomped on it. She may not be human but that didn't make her irrelevant. Makoto wasn't the sort of individual who would run away from his responsibilities.

That's why he stopped by the music room.

He slid open the door.

"Hey Natsumi-san. I know you're probably mad a- "

The good-spirited grin he'd worn most of the day faded like mist and was replaced with resignation and an odd sense of loss. In the room's center, were eerily familiar remnants of flame. Just the sight of it made Naegi sweat.

The ahoge scratched at his hair roughly and took deep breaths to calm down.

Scanning the rest of the room, I found the memorial vandalized with crude paint-drawn gestures...again. I approached the item, put it back in place and cleaned it. The upkeep was inefficient with my body shivering and arms moving around dis-concertedly.

A single thought plagued him all the while.

She wasn't human

It's not like I did anything wrong. Nothing Makoto did could have saved Natsumi whereas he'd manage to save the older brother she loved so much. If anything, she should, would thank him. Ghosts, not even one of them have been saved by him. Each and every one of them would speak of happiness only in their past glories in life; all he could do was make them accept their circumstances - you couldn't call that happiness; it was a consolation at best. What they wanted more than anything was a chance to live again, doesn't that mean they themselves thought the living were above them?

What was wrong with him following the mindset the apparitions all shared?

"I did nothing to be ashamed of - everything was for myself hope!" He said, not realizing that he had long finished removing the stains and was now causing scrapes of his own.

A broken smile made its way onto his features as he resolved himself.

Enoshima. Kamukura. And all the rest. I will...

-Junko Enoshima/Izuru Kamukura/Kyoko Kirigiri/Makoto Naegi-

" I'll drown each and every one of them in despair, of course!" The Ultimate Despair swiped her black queen across the board as white chess pieces scattered into the air.

"To play them both. That way, I will be entertained no matter the outcome." The Artificial Hope's stoic mask did the door that confined him upon contact with a blow that would awe even Sakura Ogami. A sinister smirk crossed his lips as freedom in all its abstract glory was merely a few steps away.

"I am the detective." The Ultimate Detective flicked a strand of hair and walked down the path she always chose - one barren of lies and revealed only the truth.

"I will save everyone, whether they like it or not." The Ultimate (Un)Lucky Student showed a broken smile as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Once opened, a spiral of white and black replaced his formerly plain white sclera, as if hope and despair had been crudely mixed.

And that ends Layers. A story about an innocuous but definitely evil Naegi. I hope the jarring switches in Naegi's PoV make a bit more sense when put into context. Look forward to the DISTRUST sequel where he gets into more puppetmaster shenanigans involving a larger cast. Or you can find it on Ao3. If you have any questions, you can message me and I'll answer.

Thank you all for reading.