Author has written 3 stories for Rise of the Guardians, Big Hero 6, and Tangled. To whom it may concern, I live in Gotham city with my killer puma and twelve or more head monkeys. At least thats my cover story. Formally Twisted Twilight. All my pretty little ships: Tomadshi (Big Hero 6) Honebi (Big Hero 6) Finrey (Star Wars TFA) Zutara (ATLA) Makkora (LOK) Ichabbie (Sleepy Hollow) Monrosalee (Grimm) Brutasha (Avengers) TaserTricks (Avengers) Wolf/Scarlett (Lunar Chronicles) Kai/Cinder (Lunar Chronicles) Danny/Sam (Danny Phantom) Jarida (Merida and Jack Frost) Hiccstrid (How To Train Your Dragon) Arnold/Helga (Hey Arnold) |
chizora (2) CJzilla (26) hystericalcherries (15) Just a Little Spark (56) Kadeana (12) | Karon19 (28) ladyhaha (3) OneRogueAngel (2) potato42069 (12) Power-Of-Heart (4) | Seniya (25) StroodleDoodledFuhn (15) The BatThing (20) Zadien (34) |