AU stories for Gogo Tomago x Tadashi Hamada from Big Hero 6, prompt ideas from froggydarren's prompts on tumblr.
#1: oh my god I'm so sorry my dog usually doesn't jump up on people like this I have no idea what their deal is but also hey there'
In which Mochi is cute, but also a temperamental jerk.
GoGo stretched her arms lazily as she walked back to her where her bike was parked, the sun already beginning to cast long shadows onto the empty street. She'd just finished her last delivery of the day, and was more than ready to get home and have a hot shower.
She was almost to her bike when a slight motion to her right caught her eye. A Calico cat was padding towards her along the top of the wall she was next to. It was a very round cat, with a tiny bell hanging off a green collar jingling lightly. GoGo watched it come closer until it stopped just before her and stared rather intently. She had to tilt her head up to stare right back - thanks to the height of the wall, she was slightly under its eye level.
Though she wouldn't readily admit it, GoGo was kind of a cat person. Not that she had time for any pets at all, really, but if she had to choose, cats were low maintenance and still cute to look at. Plus, she could relate to the whole "anti-social, hot-and-cold" personality pretty well.
A minute passed before the cat broke the staring contest, looking down disinterestedly to sit and lick at its paw. GoGo got a bit closer to the wall, tentatively reaching up to stroke under the cat's chin. It purred a bit, and GoGo got more comfortable, petting between the ears and stroking its back. The purring intensified, and the cat nudged her hand with their head. How spoiled, GoGo thought. Cute.
At that moment though, a voice suddenly called out. "Mochi! Where'd you go? It's time for dinner!" A guy, rather tall and wearing a baseball cap, rounded the corner.
"Mochi!" He exclaimed upon seeing the fat cat, then paused, smiling a little when he saw GoGo, who found herself in another staring contest. The boy's eyes were warm brown and under the cap some stray black hair was peeking out. Something about his face was just...very welcoming. As cute as his cat. She banished the thought as fast as it came to her.
Feeling stupidly flustered, whether from being caught showing so much affection or something else, she looked away first. "Oh, sorry, is this your c-"
What happened next was a blur. One second, she'd been turning back to Mochi. In the next, Mochi had taken a flying leap at her face.
"Ow! Holy-what the hell!" Claws dug in at her shoulders and she struggled to grasp the moving bundle of fur attached to her head. The guy had run up now and was trying to help her dislodge Mochi's front paws and collar, which were tangled in her hair. "Mochi! Get off! Bad cat-stop it!"
Mochi yowled and resisted the guy's efforts to lift him from underneath his arms, wildly flailing his paws and catching GoGo's cheek with his hind leg as he was finally pulled off her. She felt a stinging pain and pressed a hand to her face, seeing blood when she drew it back.
"I'm so sorry! He's never done this before, I don't know what happened!" He was busy juggling the writhing cat in his arms until he looked up and noticed the cut on her cheek. "You're bleeding!"
GoGo frowned, which pulled the cut painfully. "Yeah, good eye there. Look, learn to train your pets better, oka-" She froze when she felt his fingers gently brush her face, his head bending down slightly to get a better look. Mochi had settled into being a grumpy ball of fluff in his other arm.
"It's not too deep, but it should be properly cleaned and disinfected. My house is just a block over, I can help you treat it."
"Woah! Personal space, buddy. Ever heard of it?" GoGo slapped his hand away. "It's fine. Besides, I don't even know you, I'm not following you into your house." She thought the harsh attitude would deter him, but he only grinned sheepishly.
"Sorry about that. I actually live above the Lucky Cat Café; my aunt owns it. You can just sit at one of the tables or something, if you don't trust me. There's still customers around. I really think you should treat it, though." His smile turned into something softer, and GoGo wasn't sure what to say. She knew the Lucky Cat Café really was around there, and her helmet would probably irritate the cut...
What sealed it though, was his smile, and how genuinely trustworthy it was.
"Alright." She breathed out. "Lead the way." Cat-boy (she decided to deem him, what with all these cats) grinned and started walking, Mochi swishing his tail idly. GoGo followed with a slight distance between them.
"So, you like cats?" Cat-boy asked as they turned the corner.
"I don't mind them when they're not attacking me." He laughed.
"Sorry again. He's never done that before. Normally you won't find a lazier, more relaxed animal." They both looked down, where Mochi was innocently rubbing his head on cat-boy's arm.
"Yeah, well. We were doing alright until you came by, I'd say. And stop saying sorry. Unless you made him attack me just so you could take me back to your place under false pretenses." GoGo joked dryly.
Cat-boy chuckled a little, and GoGo was surprised again at how he seemed to understand her words didn't hold any real malice. It normally took people longer to realize when she was being sarcastic.
They were partway down the next block now, Lucky Cat's weather vane in sight. "So, cat-boy. Got a name?" She wanted to know more about him, suddenly.
"Oh yeah." He turned to look at her. "I'm Tadashi. Tadashi Hamada." He stuck out a hand. GoGo looked down at it, then at him again.
She put her hand in his. "GoGo." He smiled wide, warm, and she let herself smile back, just a little.
A/N: My interpretation of these will follow the general prompt but I am going to change some things around to fit my ideas.