Author has written 12 stories for Invader Zim, Harry Potter, and Kingdom Hearts. So you wanna know about meh do you? Well lets see. . . .I'll mention a few words that relate to me. Obessive Blonde Ditzy Artist Writer Reader Ruler of Earth and soon the Universe and beyond!! erm um. Smart? ^.~ Perfect. . . . Yes. That sums me up quite well, I reckon. Current Obession: Kingdom Hearts Favorite Character: Riku Character In Which I'm in Love With: Riku (Well I did say I was obessive) Other Likes In These Areas: Invader Zim, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy, Artemis Fowl, Ledgend of Zelda, Slayers (all other animes too)& Lord of the Rings (I encourage you, if you Role Play to drop meh a line. I love RPing and will only be to glad in rping with you. heh.) |