![]() Author has written 7 stories for Threads of Fate, Silent Hill, Zoids, Danny Phantom, and Psychonauts. SORRY, WE ARE Hey folks. If you're here, I'd just to like hello, welcome, and apologies. You might be wondering what happened to these stories-- and if you've looked at the last update day on most of them you'll probably realize they've long since been abandoned. For those of you out there who liked them and were interested, I really am sorry, I'm just in no position to ever revisit them. This isn't really a matter of time commitment (although there is that), but of... well, time, but of a different nature. The stories here were begun when I was in high school. I'm well out of college by now, and in the space between them I've not only forgotten the majority of where the plots were ever going to go, but don't think I could ever write them properly again. I've fallen out of fandoms, I've had changes of perspective, I've grown up, and trying to revisit these stories now would be inconceivable. I won't be removing them -- I know some people still wander through and find them afresh and that's really legitimately pretty cool -- but you should be forewarned that they're basically dead. The only thing presently standing on this account that isn't a one-shot or an abandoned fic is the Threads of Fate novelization. This particular story is actually very dear to me, and something whose incompleteness has haunted me for (by this point) most of my life (which is really weird), and will be completed. Such is my vow.
For anything else? I don't know. I can't be certain I won't one day run across another muse that sees me through the end of a story, but life goes on and I can't promise I will, or that I'll have the opportunity to act on them. I still have some stories rattling around in me, but for now, apologies. Thanks to everybody who followed me all those years ago, and the trickle of people who still stumble upon this stuff and like what they see. It meant, and still means, a lot. |