Once again I must tell you I don't own the rights to Zim... But I do own a hand made plushie that I made myself because I'm an obsessed fan-girl. Thank you Jhonen!!!! I love Zim and I love you for bringing him to this world!!!!
Broken bodies scattered the ground. Some still twitched lying face down on the pavement. The casualties of war, these children, had never seen such carnage on a dodge ball court before. Only two warriors remained standing, each with red rubber ball in hand, ready to fire their weapons at any given minute. A green face sneered evilly across the court to leering spectacled eyes. Dib held his ball tightly, waiting for the right moment to strike. They stood each other down, human and alien, both scanning for a weak spot in which to attack.
With a quick agile toss, Zim heaved his sphere at Dib's head. Readily, Dib bent to the ground, the ball nearly grazing him, his own projectile still in hand. The human rolled over back to an upright position and regained his glare on Zim who was fetching another ball from his side of the field.
"Your attempts to outlast me in this childish game are laughable Dib," Zim spat holding up another ball. "Soon red rubber victory will be mine!"
"That's where you're wrong Zim!" Dib yelled back, "Man kind will prevail!"
Zim snorted out a light chuckle before sending another ball flying. Dib somersaulted out of the way and scrambled to his feet still clutching his weapon. He was waiting for the right opportunity to fire, watching Zim rush for another ball. They paced each other running until Zim halted, reaching the last on his side of the court. He knew Dib was reluctant to toss any balls across the line so this ball had to count, the human had to be taken out.
Shouting the Irken war cry, the mighty invader launched his last round of ammunition at his pale foe.
This was the moment; leaping and throwing at the same time Dib fired his ball outwards at Zim. The green one saw it coming and hoped away. A sudden pain in his side filled him with dread. He hit the ground in a painful belly flop scraping himself the gravel. A red rubber ball bounced steadily next to his head until it calmed itself and rolled away. Lifting his head wearily Zim looked up at a shadow casting over him. A shadow with eyes that reflected the sunlight over head down upon him.
"Another victory for earth." Dib smiled kicking Zim lightly with his foot to get him to sit up and better behold his defeat. Zim grunted, moving to upright himself, spitting out some gravel that had gotten into his mouth when he fell. He could still feel the sting of the enemy's ball in his side.
"After a defeat like that sometimes I wonder if you're still a threat to man kind." Dib laughed, "What invader can't even win a stupid game of dodge ball?"
"This game is not important Dib." Zim retorted, "Its outcome has no impact on my plans for this planet."
Dib just sneered gazing down at his rival.
"Face it Zim, no matter what you do, no matter what you plan, I'll always be there to stop you. And I always will because you're no match for a superior human being."
Dib may have gloated longer but the school bell rang and being the nerd he was ran to get to class, still laughing at Zim's defeat.
Zim wobbled to his feet, the laughter still thick in the air.
"Laugh all you want now Dib," Zim hissed, "You won't be feeling so superior for long." He chuckled to himself, "No, you won't be feeling very big around me at all."
Broken bodies scattered the ground. Some still twitched lying face down on the pavement. The casualties of war, these children, had never seen such carnage on a dodge ball court before. Only two warriors remained standing, each with red rubber ball in hand, ready to fire their weapons at any given minute. A green face sneered evilly across the court to leering spectacled eyes. Dib held his ball tightly, waiting for the right moment to strike. They stood each other down, human and alien, both scanning for a weak spot in which to attack.
With a quick agile toss, Zim heaved his sphere at Dib's head. Readily, Dib bent to the ground, the ball nearly grazing him, his own projectile still in hand. The human rolled over back to an upright position and regained his glare on Zim who was fetching another ball from his side of the field.
"Your attempts to outlast me in this childish game are laughable Dib," Zim spat holding up another ball. "Soon red rubber victory will be mine!"
"That's where you're wrong Zim!" Dib yelled back, "Man kind will prevail!"
Zim snorted out a light chuckle before sending another ball flying. Dib somersaulted out of the way and scrambled to his feet still clutching his weapon. He was waiting for the right opportunity to fire, watching Zim rush for another ball. They paced each other running until Zim halted, reaching the last on his side of the court. He knew Dib was reluctant to toss any balls across the line so this ball had to count, the human had to be taken out.
Shouting the Irken war cry, the mighty invader launched his last round of ammunition at his pale foe.
This was the moment; leaping and throwing at the same time Dib fired his ball outwards at Zim. The green one saw it coming and hoped away. A sudden pain in his side filled him with dread. He hit the ground in a painful belly flop scraping himself the gravel. A red rubber ball bounced steadily next to his head until it calmed itself and rolled away. Lifting his head wearily Zim looked up at a shadow casting over him. A shadow with eyes that reflected the sunlight over head down upon him.
"Another victory for earth." Dib smiled kicking Zim lightly with his foot to get him to sit up and better behold his defeat. Zim grunted, moving to upright himself, spitting out some gravel that had gotten into his mouth when he fell. He could still feel the sting of the enemy's ball in his side.
"After a defeat like that sometimes I wonder if you're still a threat to man kind." Dib laughed, "What invader can't even win a stupid game of dodge ball?"
"This game is not important Dib." Zim retorted, "Its outcome has no impact on my plans for this planet."
Dib just sneered gazing down at his rival.
"Face it Zim, no matter what you do, no matter what you plan, I'll always be there to stop you. And I always will because you're no match for a superior human being."
Dib may have gloated longer but the school bell rang and being the nerd he was ran to get to class, still laughing at Zim's defeat.
Zim wobbled to his feet, the laughter still thick in the air.
"Laugh all you want now Dib," Zim hissed, "You won't be feeling so superior for long." He chuckled to himself, "No, you won't be feeling very big around me at all."