![]() Author has written 14 stories for House, M.D., Ouran High School Host Club, X-overs, and Harry Potter. Bonjour! I have changed my penname, it used to be ilovgregoryhouse(ILGH) but I've changed it to podge17 because gregory house isn't the only one I love anymore. Actually i'm mad at him. My name WAS going to be just podge, but someone had took it so I had to make it podge17. Just call me podge. UPDATE: I finished Deathly Hallows!!!! ~7/22/07 First off, I would just like to say this: Milo Ventimiglia is AWESOME! Without him we wouldn't have our favorite nurse! Okay, continue reading... Hi my name is Paige (crap! My alias is RUINED! I'll go have a cry over it later, but for now, onto the profile!!) I'm 13, and I live in the sunny, sun-filled, sun-shiny, sunshine state! (a.k.a. if you don't know, FLORIDA) I have attempted to write FF's for things OTHER than House, such as Surface, Ouran High School Host Club, Harry Potter, and..err...no, actually i'm pretty sure that's it. That's a very sad number. But, anywho, for some reason the only time that I feel like I can write anything good is when I write House fanfiction, because my other ones turn out like CRAP!!!! K, the FF's I read(and sometimes attempt to write), are as follows: House, m.d., Surface, Ouran High School Host Club, Harry Potter, and Heroes. hat's about it. I occasionally look at an Indiana Jones and Guardians of Ga'Hoole fanfics. The dreaded infamous notorious glorious meddling pesky ships. SHIPS i tell you. Wow, I used a LOT of adjectives. Anywho, onto the ships! House: Huddy. It's the only thing I'll accept. Surface: Er...Miles and Caitlyn. I haven't watched an actual episode in about a million years because it was CANCELLED, so...yeah. Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Sirius/ ME!!!!!!!!!!! SIRIUS BLACK IS MINE! HE IS NOT, IN FACT, DEAD, LIKE SOME OF YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED. HE WAS ACTUALLY TRANSPORTED TO ALASKA WHEN HE FELL THROUGH THE VEIL AND IS JUST A LITTE CONFUZZLED ON HOW TO GET BACK. SIRIUS BLACK IS MINE! YOU ALL HEAR THAT? MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!!!!!!! SIRIUS BLACK! SIRIUS BLACK! SIRIUS BLACK ! SIRIUS BLACK! SIRIUS BLACK! mmmm...sirius black...-drools- Ouran High School Host Club: Well, lets see - Mori/Haruhi - nah, he's WAY too good for her Kyouya/Haruhi - Psht. Yeah right. She's too poor for him. Kaoru/Haruhi - HELLNO! He's mine! Hikaru/Haruhi - HELL NO! He's mine too! AND my friends! Hunny/Haruhi - He's like, a 6 year old boy who just happens to be 18 by some unfortunate mishap. That would be just gross. Tamaki/Haruhi - He can have her! Hey - I have an idea, they could be stupid together! So, that basically nixes everything with Haruhi because I hate her guts. OH! The pairing I enjoy with Haruhi is as follows: Haruhi/Extremely Violent Death Pairings that I don't mind - hate: Hikaru/Kaoru - I don't particularly relish it, but it's alright. Kyouya/Tamaki - Haha, this pairing is funny, go right ahead. NO MORI/HUNNY, IT IS WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! (then again, so is the twincest -coughhikaru&kaorucough) AND NO KYOUYA/RENGE EITHER! Guardians of Ga'Hoole: I was originally Gylfie/Soren, but then Soren hooked up with Pelli, so... Soren/Pelli Grank/Siv - yes, even though she's DEAD. Coryn/Kalo? I don't know, in the book it said how Coryn was thinking how beautiful Kalo was, even though they're different species... Heroes: No ships for Heroes, none at at all. Well, except for CHARLIE/HIRO because that was SOOOOOO CUTE! But since, ya know, Charlie's dead and all it wouldn't work out. OMG WHO SAW THE FINALE?! Bennet's name is NOAH. HOLY CRAP. My currents: Current Favorite Artist: Mika Current Favorite Song: Without Love by Seaweed, Penny, Link, Tracy, and The Dynamites in the broadway show Hairspray Current Favorite Character: Sirius Black Current Favorite Actor/Actress: Milo Ventimiglia Current Favorite Fandom: Harry Potter Current Favorite Movie: Barefoot in the Park. Sweet movie, peeps. Current Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling. Well, either that or Prisoner of Azkaban. I'm deciding at the moment. Current Character I Hate: Bellatrix Lestrange. DIE!!! A Few Words on My Stories: Life Lines - COMPLETE! My first story. Quite proud of it, but definately not my best work. I put it all on word and the whole story was 73 pages. Daaaaaamn! Down Deep and House, Alone - Dear god, I'm ashamed of the sequel. I think I ruined my planned trilogy. I really don't want to write the sequel, but I'll do it for the fans. It's the least I can do. I'm not saying it'll be soon. I'm just saying it'll probably take a VERY long time... A Broken Hallelujah - I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I wrote this when I didn't care about House ships, but now I hate Cameron with a passion, and I really REALLY hate House/Cameron, and I would delete it, but people put it in their favorites, so... Memoirs of a Suicide Mission - This story scares the shit out of me, it's really weird. But I still like it. Kinda. The Ultimate Showdown redone - Me and Lizardz94 are very ashamed of this. VERY ashamed. Shining Marauders and The First Generation: No Happy Ending - Not a lot of people read these, and I was disapointed about that, because I think this is some of my best writing in these HP oneshots. Quotes: as said by me, friends, or characters on TV or Books. You might find some from FanFictions. Enjoy! --"Liz: You know, I'm tempted to eat you right now. Me: You know you'd miss me if you ate me. Wow! That was a weird sentence." -- "Harry is a DWEEB!" ~ Liz -- "Woah, Courtney, keep your hands above the table, remember what I said about masturbating?" ~ me, or something like that. -- "exploratory tendril" ~ Kelly -- "I'm not impatient, you're just not complying!!!!" ~me. -- "Never is just 'reven' spelled backwards." ~House, House m.d., 3x19 --"Man is a narcissistic species by nature. We have colonized the four corners of our tiny planet. But we are not the pinnacle of so-called evolution. That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food. Remaining alive headless for weeks at a time. Resistant to radiation. If God has indeed created himself in his own image, then I submit to you that God is a cockroach." ~ Mohinder Suresh, Heroes, 1x1 --Hiro: I've broken the space/time continuum! Ando: Good for you. Hiro: My clock. I made it go back one second using only my mind, my thoughts. Ando: Too bad you're not paid by the hour. ~Heroes,1x1 --Angela Petrelli: Oh, gah. Love is overrated. ~Heroes,1x1 --Peter: 'Empath', whats that mean? Claude: It means you're a pain in my ass, mate. ~ Heroes,1x13 --Claude: Right now, your abilities only show up as a reflex. Autonomic, like swallowing. That's a dog's trick. Making it a conscious choice, using it, that's what makes you more than poodle. Peter: Is insulting me really gonna help me learn how to do that? ~Heroes,1x14 --Ando: Your father looks angry. Hiro: My father always looks angry. Ando: But your sister looks hot. ~Heroes,1x14 --Peter: Thanks for almost getting me arrested. Claude: A little more focus, you'd have had some cash and fresh lipstick. I never said it'd be easy. In fact, I think I said repeatedly it'd be crap. ~Heroes,1x14 --"I spend a lot of time moving around people's homes, their bedrooms. You get to know people if you see them when they think they're alone. You see them for what they truly are: selfish, deceitful, and gassy."~Heroes,Claude 1x14 --"People suck, friend. Every last one of them. Never forget that." ~ Claude, Heroes,1x14 -- Peter: I'm trying! Claude: And when you've left New York a smoking wasteland, we'll put that on your tombstone: "Here lies Peter Petrelli. He tried." ~Heroes,1x16 -- (after Simone died) Isaac: How am I supposed to pretend this didn't happen? Candace: Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you shot her. Twice. ~Heroes,1x18 --"Go up his rear and get a smear. Which reminds me, kinda feel like a bagel." ~House, House m.d., 3x4 --Wilson: I treat patients for months, maybe years, not weeks like you. House: I'm taller. ~House m.d., 3x21 --Cameron: Are you okay? --Wilson: She’s a friend. -- "My wife died because she signed a consent form I didn't want her to sign. Died." ~House, House m.d., 3x19 -- "And Dr. Storm Cloud rained all over the differential and killed the beautiful little baby." ~House, House m.d., 3x17 --Cuddy: Did you give corticosteroids to speed the baby’s lung development? --"You can't shoot everything down, Chase. You're not me." ~House, House m.d., 3x17 --"Did you come for my feelings? ‘Cause I left it in my other pants." ~House, House m.d., 3x15 House: A little whorish to kiss and stab. --Tritter: Merry Christmas. --"You know how people say you can’t live without love? Well, oxygen’s even more important." ~House, House m.d., 2x1 --"He’s all better. You know, I get it. That people are just looking for ways to fill the holes. But they want the holes. They want to live in the holes. And they go nuts when someone else pours dirt in their holes. Climb out of your holes, people!" ~ House, House m.d., 2x19 --"Why do I have the feeling you’re plotting world domination?" ~ Wilson, House m.d., 2x19 --"There was even and occasional spontaneous sing-along every now and again. This was usually incited by Sirius, who had a tendency think that life was a musical of which he was the unquestioned star."~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 3 by Kihin Ranno --"And let me tell you, you have seen nothing until you've seen Mrs. Potter in a nightie." ~ Sirius Black, All Kidding Aside, Chapter 4 by Kihin Ranno --"Why, Remus Lupin, that was positively vulgar even if it was just repeated. Whatever would your mother say?" "Nothing I expect," Remus responded lightly. "She's still trying to regain her speech from the time you remarked on how often my parents, and I quote, "must have done the naked pretzel" given my mother's... ample assets." ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 5 by Kihin Ranno Sirius leaned over, holding his wand over the parchment to get a better look at it. "What do you suppose McGonagall is doing in Dumbledore's office at this time of night?" "I don't know," Remus said, a bit louder than he would have liked. "But please, please don't speculate." ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 6 by Kihin Ranno --Remus looked at him as if he had just sprung a second head that bore a frightening resemblance to the Headmaster. ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 6 by Kihin Ranno --Sirius sighed testily, rolling over on to his back. "You, Remus Lupin, lack fun. It does not exist in your body, which by the way is very pointy and pokes me in very unlikely places. You were born without a funny bone, I'm sure of it." "Don't be ridiculous," Remus said, realizing seconds later that requesting this was akin to asking the world to please stop turning just so he could have a few more hours of daylight. "No, it's not in there," Sirius insisted. "I have never seen you accidentally knock your elbow against the table and then launch into a flurry of curses that lands you in detention." "That could be because I don't treat hitting my elbow as if I've just been gutted and filleted with a rapier," Remus said, walking back over to retake his seat next to the unupset inkwell. He trusted that Sirius had grown bored of molesting him for the time being. "Just think of how much better your life would be if you did treat hitting your elbow as if you'd just been gutted and filleted with a rapist," Sirius said sagely. "Reflect on that, oh funless one." "You said rapist on purpose." "Yes," Sirius nodded. "Yes, I did." ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 6, by Kihin Ranno --James longed for a shotgun. Lily's father had shown James his shotgun when they'd all met over the Christmas holidays, and James had been utterly terrified of both the man and his weapon at the time. He now saw the practical uses in owning a shotgun and very much wanted one. ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 7 by Kihin Ranno Remus looked offended. "I do not get pant-y about books." "You have an unnatural affection for them," Sirius insisted. "I am going to contend straight away that you never ever have children ever because you will forget to feed them.” “I would not forget--" Remus began, slightly insulted. “No, you really would,” Sirius maintained. “You will be too busy organizing your books and stroking them inappropriately and whatever else it is you do when we leave you alone in the library.” “Like reading?” Remus queried. Sirius nodded. “Yes, you crazy man. Anyway, I can just picture them now, all emaciated and wearing the remnants of potato sacks. They’ll up at you pathetically and they will tug at your tweed and say…” Here Sirius trailed off in order to widen his eyes into a look that he thought made him look very innocent and pitiable. Remus thought it just made him look frightening and attempted to look away, but the voice Sirius began to use demanded his attention. “Daddy! Daddy! We are ever so hungry! Please bring home food with you instead of that Dickens book you've been salivating over!” “Because so many starving children use the word salivating,” Remus muttered. Sirius ignored him and pressed on. “But you won't feed them because you've got a hard on for Dickens. And if that's not the best double entendre I've ever made, then I'll jump off the Astronomy Tower." ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 7 by Kihin Ranno -- "-Married people don't have sex. Silly, silly Moony." "Where do the kids come from then?" Sirius pointed to the ground. "Hell, of course. -" ~ All Kidding Aside, Chapter 7 by Kihin Ranno You're goal in life is to be boring," Sirius reminded him. "Actually, my goal in life is to get you to stop insisting that my goal in life is boring," Remus corrected. "But that IS boring," Sirius maintained, throwing his arms into the air.~All Kidding Aside, Chapter 8 by Kihin Ranno --'Oh, and earlier, a Prefect said "FUCKER IN A HANDBASKET!" when a Third Year stomped on his foot for some reason. He saw me looking and told me not to repeat that, so I have decided that I will greet everyone tomorrow by yelling, "FUCKER IN A HANDBASKET" and running away very, very quickly.' ~All Kidding Aside, Chapter 9 byKihin Ranno --"Stupid Sirius," James muttered crossly. "Stupid Remus. Stupid Moony and Padfoot and their stupid, senseless feud and their stupid... faces and--" "James, I think you've made your point," Lily said, looking and sounding very tired. "You understand that they're stupid, then?" James asked, still frowning. Sirius rolled his eyes from where he and Remus were hidden some ten feet away, saying, "Could I throw a rock at him?" ~All Kidding Aside, Chapter 10 by Kihin Ranno --Sirius appeared insulted. "I can be subtle." "Sirius, your idea of subtle is leaping out of a cake completely naked except for some poorly placed glitter."~All Kidding Aside, Chapter 10 by Kihin Ranno My stance on SLASH: I don't despise slash. I really don't. I've just sort of stopped caring about the slash. It used to be such a big issue for me, but now, it's not. BUT - I don't support slash ships, I only support canon ships. I'll read a slash story if it's just implied in the background, or if it's an interesting plot that's WELL-WRITTEN and it actually MAKES THE SHIP WORK. So, yeah, that's my thingy-ma-jig on slashyness. Copy and Paste If you know someone who needs to get run over by a bus, copy this into your profile. If you have ever been so obsessed with something that now everyone is scared of you because of its effects copy this into your profile. SIRIUS!!! HOUSE!!! If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, then weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile! 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile. Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen, loop-de-loop-ride, wfea, PotterPhan21, Alucard's Vampiress, podge17 If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile. No laughing. It's happened. If you've ever burst out laughing in a quiet room, copy this into your profile. Heh...my bad. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile. ditto. My best friend is insane! If you agree, or if you have an insane friend, then copy this to your profile. This belongs to Liz, Courtney, and Charlie. You guys are just...well, I'm crazier. That should make yourself feel better. Put this in your profile if you didn't know the Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star had the same tune. It took me till I was like, 11 to figure this out. 92 percent of American teens would die if Abercombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this in your profile if you would be the 8 percent that would be laughing your ass off. Hehe! DIE PEOPLE! For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you just what you find so interesting about the eraser. Crazy is when you have an hour long sob-fest, then start singing and dancing when your favorite song plays. Crazy is when you do or say a totally random thing, like "do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" or start having a thumbwar with yourself (I find that I am a very tough opponent). So if you're crazy, copy this onto your profile. Don't laugh. I actually do have thumb-wars with myself. I also arm wrestle with myself. If you think that those stupid kids should just give that God-forsaken Trix rabbit some Trix, copy this into your profile. Oh GOD, JUST GIVE HIM SOME DAMN TRIX ALREADY!! If you think that those kids in the Lucky Charms commercial just need to get their own damn cereal instead of chasing a little leprachaun all over the place for it then copy and paste this into your profile. Really! If you don't watch Laguna Beach or the O.C. or The Hills religiously, never have, never will, and are proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile. The only shows I watch religously are House, m.d. and Heroes. DON'T DIE PETER! If you have music in your soul, post this in your profile! If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile. (') This, over here, is my amazing candle. I am lighting it to commerate the deaths of those 32 lives that were lost at Virginia Tech. !eliforp ruoy otni siht etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI If you are against fur coats, clothing, boots, ect,and the people who kill the animals don't use the meat, copy this onto your profile. I like cheese. I have seen purple cows. If two gooses are geese, then why aren't two moose meese, or when two foots are feet, why aren't two footballs feetball? Milk tastes good. People call me crazy, but I'm just random! If you're random and proud of it, copy and paste this in your profile! If there are times when you want to annoy someone just for the heck of it, copy & paste this into your profile. Not only do I want to, but I DO annoy people for the heck of it! If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile If you don't have a problem with homosexuality, copy this into your profile. If your a CHOC AHOLIC -TALK AHOLIC -OR A-SHOP AHOLIC If you like animals, give one a home if you can. If you already have or can't but want to spread the word, copy this onto your profile. Yes! Save the animals! I already have three dogs, a bird, and lots of fishies. So new animals are out of the question for me. Our snake recently died, our other bird, Belle, flew away, and another bird, Rosie, we gave away. Previously, our Boy Bird Coco we gave to my grandparents and was re-dubbed Pumpkin, and when my grandparents went out of town we watched Pumpkin, who prompty mated with our girl bird Daisy,(and this was while Belle was still there, but Belle was immature, so he had never thought about getting it on with Daisy), so Then Pip-Squeak, Zinnia, and Marigold were born. But Pip-Squeak, the oldest, died. We don't know why. Marigold was still away, we gave away Daisy, you know what happened to Belle, and so we still have Zinnia. We also used to have five aquariums of fish, but then we cut it down to one big one in the house. I also used to have a hedgehog named Quilliam who was adorable, but ended up being too much work so I gave him away. But now, at least, I'm not scared of getting stabbed my hedgehogs. Beleive me people, it doesn't hurt. So, thats just fairly recent. We are an animal family. Paste this in your profile if you know someone who is fighting, survived, or who has died of cancer. My grandma survived skin cancer. She had the melanoma one, which is the worst kind. I remember when I was little I never understood why she wore wigs. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. Obviously. I like these little copy and paste things. If you do to, then copy and paste this in to your profile. I do. If you support werewolf rights, copy & paste this into your profile. Whoot! I SUPPORT YOU REMUS - ALL THE WAY! If you believe teenagers are steryotyped, put this on your profile. Hell yes. If you like singing songs at random points in the day, copy this into your profile. I started singing a song about having sex in my head while I was taking a HUGE exam one time! Actually, I sing in my head all the time during tests...And the number of time I sing out loud, well... If you have ever run into a glass door, copy and paste this into your profile. NO LAUGHING. If you have ever had done something or said something that made perfect sense to your real friends and only caused your "peers" to look at you strangely and roll their eyes, copy and paste this into your profile. Oh all the time. Sometimes even my friends don't get what I'm saying. Just because 'Laugh like a butterfly' means perfect sense to me doesn't mean I'm off my rocker, right? Okay. That was a stupid question. If you like claymation movies (e.g. Wallace and Gromit, Corpse Bride) copy this into your profile. The Nightmare Before Christmas!!!!! I think that falling in love with non-existent people like characters in books or movies is perfectly normal. If you agree with me, copy this into your profile. Guilty. My past imaginary flings consist of Gregory House, Indiana Jones, Butch Cassidy(k, so he's real, BUT the movie version is what I'm talking about!), Hikaru Hitachiin, Peter Petrelli, and Sirius Black(not the fugly old man version, the young hot version before he went to Azkaban. And dear jesus, who else thinks that James Walters and Gary Oldman are fugly?) If you and your friends have a nickname, title, or anything else for each other, copy and paste this in your profile. Heh...Okay, so I might have adopted the name Padfoot...not telling you guys who I've dubbed Moony, though...There was another person who that werewolf rights one above applied to! Heh... If you think that they chose crappy people to play Remus and Sirius in the third movie paste this in your profile. Gary Oldman lives up to his last name and David Thewlis looks like Hitler. Next! If Padfoot lives on, copy and paste this into your profile. I'm in denial. So sue me. Wait - I take that back. My money! In a poll, 40 of people said that Sirius Black was their favorite Marauder. If you are one of these people, copy and paste this into your profile. Ooooh yeah! I voted in that poll too. I con-tri-bu-ted!!!!!!!! Now, please enjoy my writings! I work hard on them! Well...some of them...(shhhhh!) I would also like to add that I've created a quiz all about the Marauders! So if you read Harry Potter then try to see if you can pass this extremely difficult quiz. Because I made it hard. Update: The only person who has gotten 100 on the test has been...me. The Highest Score following is 70. Can YOU beat the record? Take it and spread the word! http:///quizpage.php?quizname=070420195511-137143& yeah, so that's it. Godspeed, soldier! I found this on Katelyn Autry's Myspace page and I quite liked it, so I'm putting it on my profile. “Feeling the struggle and feeling the pain…and going through it and not stopping when it gets tough just work harder when it gets hard be stronger, be tougher. When you want to give up don’t give up work harder. When you wanna stop don’t stop just work harder and keep going and get more determined and get past it and move through the pain and don’t stop…that all I can think of to do" |
Community: | MoonyKins, Wormy, Paddlebrains, and ProngsiePoo...Oh yeah. And Lils. |
Focus: | Books Harry Potter |