Author's Note: Well, well, well. I'm back!! School is
almost over and summer is approaching. I thought this
time was the best time to start writing again.
Hope you enjoy the sequel. The other story got too long that
I keep on forgetting the characters, and what was going on.
HAHA! But I hope the sequel will be just as funny, random,
and eyebrow-raising just as before. Oh, and by the way,
sorry for not writing for a while!! I'll try to write
more often for this story!! -crazy2
THE STORY BEGINS......................
As Harry made his way down the hall, he heard something from behind him.
There was a clucking noise. He quickly turned around and screamed.
"ANGRY CHICKENS!!" Harry yelled out.
He ran… and ran…. And ran….and ran……and ran some more. He tripped and
landed on the ground. The chickens were getting closer….
Harry Potter quickly woke up from his nightmare.
He found himself in his four poster bed in the boys' dormitory.
Then, he heard a clucking noise and this time he was not dreaming.
CLUCKCLUCK Suddenly, a chicken came in…. following someone he was not expecting.
It was Kim! (a.k.a. crazy2) "What are you doing here?" he asked.
She replied, "It's my evil twin! I can't return to the normal world!
She keeps on writing this story! And right now.. We're in a sequel!!"
Harry gasped, and woke up Ron. "Ron! Ron! Wake up!"
Ron grunted and said, sleepily, "Wha…?"
Harry answered, "We're in great danger! Kim's evil twin is now writing a sequel!"
"No!! Do we have to go through that humiliating truth or dare game again?" Ron asked.
Kim and Harry shrugged. "I don't know what her plan is… but it must be evil since she is my evil twin."
A hour past, and it was 7 in the morning. Kim, Harry, and Ron went to the Great Hall for
some breakfast. They met Hermione there, who was already talking to Parvati and Lavender.
"Hold on, I have to get my cloak from the common room." Lavender said, just as Ron, Harry, and
Kim got to the table.
As Lavender was walking out of the Great Hall, she tripped and became unconscious. Everybody
shrugged and continued to talk to one another. When Hermione saw Kim, she said, "Oh no…."
Kim answered, "What?"
Hermione said, "Why are you here? Why aren't you in the normal world?"
Ron looked over at the Slytherin table to glare at Draco. Draco made eye contact with him and he
raised his eyebrows. Ron screamed and stuffed his face with chicken.
Kim said to Hermione, "My evil twin trapped me here… she's writing a sequel." "No!! Let's hope
we don't have to go through that humiliating game again." Ron nodded, still stuffing his mouth with
hope you liked the first chapter.. now REVIEW!