Disclaimer: Okay, I only know that I own nothing at the moment, but someday, somehow, I shall own Harry Potter! I'm gonna start working on that soon enough…
Harry looked up at the sound that had begun to emanate from his trunk. He set his quill down as he recognized the song; it was his ring tone.
Harry opened the trunk, and began digging his way through until the cell phone was revealed. He held it in his hand, not sure if he should answer it, but all the same. What did it matter anyway? Dumbledore was dead.
He flipped it open and hit the GREEN button.
"Hello?" he said, not bothering to look at the caller id.
"What, no sarcastic insult, or trickery?" said the voice of Lord Voldemort from the other line.
"What do you want, Moldy Shorts?" asked Harry; he was definitely not in the mood for this.
"Just to tell you one thing…"
"And what would that be?" Harry asked, only a second later realizing what it was…remembering.
"PHONE TAG, YOU'RE IT!" he screamed, and hung up the phone.
He did not hear the Dork Lord yell out in anger, but he could imagine. The call seemed to awaken something inside him; it was as though nothing that year had happened. Good bye depressed Harry; hello marvelous ideas!
A Deadly Game of Phone Tag Two
Chapter One
Harry extracted the phone number from deep within his memory, and began to dial the number to the phone company. It seemed marvelous idea number six was taking hold…
Bellatrix Lestrange stared at the large alter she had created. It had a number of candles and roses surrounding a portrait of her master…her love…
"Oh, Voldy…someday I'll kill that dope of a husband and then we can be together at last…" she sighed.
Suddenly, an owl burst into her window, breaking the glass. Bellatrix jumped up, slamming the door of her closet, hiding her alter to Voldy from view. The snowy white owl dropped a package onto her foot and retreated out of the shattered window.
Bellatrix ripped the wrappings off of the box, eager to see if it was another present from her beloved. She revealed a small, black box, but before she could open it. She froze. A jingle was emitting from the gift, The Kirby Paint and Tile Plus jingle…(a/n: JP3—here's a link: http/ go almost to the bottom of the page and, you'll see Paul Kirby. Just read it, okay? Or you could go rent the movie, Jurassic Park 3.)
Bellatrix screamed, completely forgetting that a dinosaur could not possibly be there with her. She ran strait at the wall, clutching the cell phone box so tight that the box crumpled, and (unknown to her) she hit the GREEN button.
She continued to scream, continuously running into the wall until…
"Hey! What the crap are you doing, Lestrange?"
She finally stopped her rampage at the wall, looking around, taking her wand out in a flash.
"I know you're here, bitty baby Potter! (a/n: Melissa, you will not understand that statement. Go down to your basement, take the fifth Harry Potter book, that would be the blue one, turn to page 783 and read the paragraph right before the one with the capital letter "I TOLD YOU, NO!" Did you do it? If not, I shall poke you. Yeah, that was Bellatrix.) Show yourself!" Bellatrix shouted.
"Uh, no, look in the box that you obviously didn't open."
"And what makes you think I will?" sneered the evil/crazy woman.
"Because, there's, uh, chocolate in there?"
"I'm on a diet, Potter."
"Fine! You'll find me if you look there!"
"Oh, uh, okay." Bellatrix (a/n: You know what? I'm tired of typing 'trix' every couple seconds. Now she's Bella forever more.) finally took Harry's advice and actually opened the box.
"What in the crap is this thing?" she wondered aloud.
"Oh Merlin, just ask Voldemort. There's a manual in the box by the way. And ending on this note, I now say, PHONE TAG, YOU'RE IT!"
There was a click. Since Bella could not possibly know what that meant, she did the only sensible thing she could: keep talking.
"What is that supposed to mean, Potter? And I thought you said there would be chocolate! Where is my chocolate! Alright! I'm not on a diet! Please! Give me the chocolate!" At this point, Bella was reduced to sobbing. She wanted the chocolate!
Hours later, Bella finally pulled herself together. She would just get the chocolate later. She suddenly remembered the manual of which Potter spoke after telling her of the chocolate. She retrieved the box from across the room where she had thrown it before hand.
Inside was a small booklet. Bella began to flip through it, pausing here and there to thoroughly read about some of the small device's abilities. Caller id…what was that? She thought this as she read the portion of how to apparently "see who is calling". Perhaps this could work to her advantage…
Address book? How the crap was anyone supposed to fit one in this tiny thing?
"To access your address book…"
Voldemort stared at his cello-phone, wondering if anyone was going to call him at all this summer. It seemed strange, but without the constant badgering of Potter and the others, he felt rather…lonely. Maybe he should call Snape…or Malfoy…no, definitely Snape if anyone.
He dialed Snape's number into the cello-phone and hit the GREEN button with satisfaction. It rang a few times before there was a very garbled "Hello?" was uttered on the other end.
"Severus! How are you?" exclaimed Voldemort, who had become terribly overexcited when he had heard his new best friend's voice on the cello-phone.
"Master, it's four in the morning…" Snape said groggily.
"So? Can't I just call to talk to you anymore?"
"What? No, my Lord, don't you need to plot or something?"
"No! It's my fun hour!"
"My Lord, get off the freaking phone. I need sleep."
"Argh! Leave me the crap alone! I need to sleep!" Snape hung up the phone and slammed it back onto the bedside table.
"My bestist friend has abandoned me!" Voldemort whimpered.
"Okay, so I just have to push this button and then I shall have Potter and then my Master will fall madly in love with me and allow me to kill my dope of a husband! YAY!" Bella said in excitement.
She hit the button.
Harry sat up in his bed as he heard his awesome ring tone going off, glad that the Dursley's had mysteriously disappeared since he had returned to Privet Drive. He wondered where they would now…
"Yellow?" he said into the phone after checking the caller id.
"Potter? Come and fight me like you're not a scared little boy, but it wouldn't help cause you still would be a scared little boy!" Bella shouted.
That's pathetic, she should really work on that… "Blue?"
"What? Potter! Come here and fight me!"
"What are you doing?"
"Stop it!"
"Stop defeating me with color names!"
"AHHHHH!" Bella hung up.
"Wow that was fun. Should try that on Snape sometime…"
Harry pondered on this for a moment, wondering if he should call him now or tomorrow, but he was tired. He'd do it EVENTUALLY! Or tomorrow…which ever came first.
Now I wonder if I should stop here, or go on to something with Malfoy…hmm…I'll call you, Melissa…once I find the stupid cordless………..okay I shall continue.
Snape punched his alarm clock as it went off at eight in the morning. Why did the Dark Lord insist on these early morning meetings? He didn't even have time to get an awesome sausage…thingy from McDonalds!
Snape sighed, and put on his black robes and mask (a/n: People, don't anyone dare remind me that his Dark Mark never burned! I'm coming to the answer soon! Melissa, if you don't get it, you need the fourth book, but I can't remember where it is because I think you hid it. Just go through your room or call me or something because if you don't get what I'm saying, I'm not going to waste these nice peoples' time typing the answer here. LoL, I'm so mean to you about this aren't I?) and apperated to the meeting point that had been set up.
When he arrived, it took a minute to figure out where exactly everyone was, but then he realized, he was the only one there besides the Dark Lord. What is going on? (thoughts, if only I had a thought bubble for these people!)
"Hello?" he said (I pause for a moment to drink my awesome chocolate milk…okay, I'm done) looking around for a moment. "My Lord, what is going on? Where are the others?"
"Why, Sevy, don't you see? I only invited you so we could have bestist friend quality fun time! We're in Disney Land!" Voldy exclaimed. (a/n: I wanna go to Disney Land!)
"Uh…" Snape was left speechless. All he could think was what the freakin crap!
"First on my list is to call Potter! He can get us in the mood to have bestist friend fun!" Voldemort squealed. He extracted his cello-phone in half a second; even quicker than he could extract his wand, and dialed Potter's number into the device. He even hit a button on the side of the phone with a small micromaphone on it.
"911 emergency, what is your emergency?" came a voice from the other end that Snape could hear clearly.
"I'm not having fun with my bestist friend in the world, what should I do?" said Voldy as Snape looked on in horror.
"I—what? What in the name of Merlin are you talking about, Moldy Shorts?"
"I want to have fun with my bestist friend!"
"Uh…may I ask who that would be?" Potter sounded scared, Snape noted.
"Why Sevy Snape of course! Who else would it be!"
"Please don't call me 'Sevy', Master," Snape said, almost in a whisper.
"What was that, Sevy? Didn't catch that," Moldy said loudly.
"Sevy? Oh my God!" At this point, Harry bust out laughing.
(Okay, must stop now cause, I want chocolate, but you people wont notice anyway, so yeahhh)
Okay, I have returned.
"I thought that I was going to get a laugh out of the 911 thing, but, oh Merlin! I will never forget this moment!" Harry choked out through his laughter.
"Yes, I think I'm in a bestist friend quality fun time mood, now. Thank you very much, Potter!" the Dork Lord said in a cheery voice.
"Y-yeah! Oh, by the way, PHONE TAG, YOU'RE IT!"
"Yes, Potter, PHONE TAG to you as well! Come, Sevy! We must meet Goofy before all the lines get too long!" And with that, he grabbed the newly dubbed arm of 'Sevy' and went off skipping to the gates of the park, Snape screaming all the way.
Bella was ready this time. She had a plan as she dialed Potter's number once again. It had an odd sound in it, but she ignored it and waited for Potter to answer.
"This is Station 102.7 and you are caller number 10,800,093! Now all you have to do is answer one question and you win the grand prize! Are you ready for the question?"
"Yes, I suppose so, just after that, give me Potter!" said Bella.
"Okay, here is your question! What is the full number of pi?"
"Pie? There are no numbers in pie! There are flavors you imbecile! There's cherry and blueberry and chocolate and—"
"Oh, I'm sorry. The answer is that pi is endless! But, for being a good sport, I'll give you a constellation prize."
"Oh, okay, what is—"
"Hey! I want my constellation prize! Give it to me now!" Bella shouted. "Give it give it give it give it give it!"
Okay, I finally got the beginning to the sequel! YAY! I hope it didn't take too long…
Reviews would be welcome, even if you want to tell me that it's not as good as the first one, and omg, it's thundering out, I might want to post this now.