Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Hey Duckies. I haven't been around here for a while, but I'm slowly finishing up everything I've started. So then, I'll update here, but if you want things up to date, go to my homepage above (in FictionAlley). Thanks for keeping up with me, mates. Your love gives me life. ~~~~~ PezMaster News ~~~~~ WEREWOLF FEVER: All finished, loveys. Check it out. I dare you. HARRY POTTER AND THE GEM OF GROGONOUS: CHAPTER 8 is up now: "With one of their numbers down and out for the count, Harry and company have little choice of what to do next. The most evident plan of attack? Well . . . they haven’t thought that up quite yet. But a round at the Three Broomsticks might help lighten things up a bit. Of course, that extra light can’t help them beat back the darkness which is marching their way. Someone is creeping in the shadows, and she’s not out to play nice." I promise you, if you keep with it YOU WON’T BE DISAPOINTED!As I have told some of you lucky people out there, ‘The Gem of Grogonous’ takes place during Harry’s 5th year and features appearances by Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Voldemort. Phiona Love may also choose to grace you with her presence, along with another new character in which I am very proud of. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Cheers and All the Best! |