Ever stopped to think about the characters, forced to do all those horrendous fanfics?

Consider the Characters

Chapter 7 - Strangely Familiar

Harry's mirror image stared at him, its strange eyes wide. It shook its head and spoke desperately to someone Harry couldn't see.

"No. No. Not this. Anything, but not this. Please, no. You can't do this to me, it'll kill me. I'll never be able to life with myself. Anyone else, anyone but him."

The figure fell to its knees, facing whoever it was talking to, but Harry found he was unable to move his head to look.

"I'm begging you, don't make me do this: just think, think about what you're saying! I swear, I promise, I will do anything but this. Anything. Just don't make me...with my only...my only..."

The figure collapsed on the floor, apparently too distraught to continue. Harry stared down in horror at the man before him. A harsh voice sounded.

"Get up."

The man stood, as though jerked upright by invisible strings, and turned slowly to face Harry. His face was blanched and his eyes squeezed tight shut, as though to block out whatever terrors were to come. James was shaking violently as he took a step towards his son.


Harry's muscles seemed to unfreeze, and he whipped round to see where the noise had come from as his father staggered backwards and sat down heavily on the floor.

Over in the corner of the room stood a young man with a roll of parchment in one hand, looking shocked and holding his free hand to a very red cheek. Lily Potter stood infront of him with her arm raised. She drew her wand and pointed it at his chest.

"Get out."

Her eyes were blazing and anger seemed to crackle around her like a tangible force-field.

"Leave, now, or I'll hex you so you'll never be able to hold a quill again, and curse you so badly you won't even be able to think straight. Get out of my house!"

A flash of red light flew out of her wand, and the man yelped and ran out of the door. Lily hurried across the room to Harry and James, pulled her husband to his feet and grabbed them both in a hug.

"Sorry, I would have sorted that out sooner, but I was cooking and didn't realise what was going on."

She stepped back and looked Harry over.

"Whilst you're here, Harry, you might as well stay for tea. James, nothing's going to happen love." She took her husband's hand and began to walk in the direction of the door, waving Harry to follow. "I've lodged a complaint with the moderators, we shouldn't be seeing anymore incest fics, so don't worry about it. Come have some food."

She smiled warmly and led the two men towards the kitchen, where a huge mound of shepherds pie, cauldren cakes and butterbeer was waiting for them.

A bit different to the others as the main point is in the middle instead of at the end, but I thought it needed rounding off, and wouldn't really work the usual way (and I wanted Lily in it :D ). What do you think?

This is for, if she ever reads it, Hannah: because Harry/James has to be the worst ship :P