Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. My Sites: Hi! It's been a long time since I been here and let me say this place has change. I'm looking forward to writing again. I took down my stories because I was trying to edit them. I failed. I got busy with work and life. Let me come to the point I suck at editing, I love writing but don't like to look back at my work so I always have grammar and punctuation mistakes. I mostly blame the education system in California and the fact that English is my second language. So if there is anyone out there willing to help a girl out, who feels that they can do an excellent job please, please HELP ME! I will be forever grateful and dedicate all my work to you. LOL! If only I could entice Michelerene back my life would be perfection. If anybody knows where she is or how to contact her, I really wish you would tell her that Roely is looking for her. Anyways, I guess I'm suppose to introduce myself or something. I'm just someone who loves to read and write. Someone who loves Yaoi and anime, especially Naruto and Sasuke. Plus all kinds of books, especially the ones that have to do with zombies. (my weakness ) I'm going to write even if I don't get any reviews, it would be nice to have some input but if not I'm just writing for how it makes me feel. Thank you for reading my profile, Roely R. |
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