Reviews for Finally The Attention
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2014
This fic contradicted itself completely. In every chap naruto says he is lonely and then intrdouces us to people who support him all the time, seriously what the hell is wrong with naruto he doesn't seem to be grateful with the people who are supporting him and also insults them by saying he is so lonely. Sasuke is trying to help and all naruto do is blame him. There are ninjas who support and he is like i am all alone in this world. I grew to hate naruto in this fic.
jusia chapter 16 . 8/18/2013
I would never that ill say that my favourite character Naruto is such a pain in ass in this story. He's so annoying. My percentage of hater for him is slowly increasing with every next chapter lol.
silferdeath chapter 27 . 8/21/2011
the last chapter was so sweet xD

KilaIesha a.k.a Gaara'sGirl12 chapter 27 . 6/10/2009
/that w very good! I really liked it!
Emerald Gaze chapter 27 . 5/7/2009
nice it was a very good story with drama, horror, emotion, and some slight humor it was really good i mean it and i enjoyed reading it one thing i'd like to point out though in the last chap where u said henge for a clone thats worng. henge changes apperance so u can look like someone else. its kage bushin that allows them to make clones. but back to the main subject i think i'd recomend this if anyones ever looking for a good sasunaru!_!
Brie92 chapter 27 . 3/1/2009
aw that was so super cute!
yaoicraze chapter 1 . 2/29/2008
this is one of my fave storiez
shirilyle chapter 27 . 10/6/2007
great story
AnimeSnowStorm chapter 27 . 9/26/2007
i loved it, it is one of my favorite stories!
zoebabii328 chapter 27 . 6/27/2007
oh GOD plz dont tell me there's another baby!

well w.e as long as they know what they're doing this time. i guess so since they'd be older and already went through all that crap - like 22 ch. of that crap!

but i thought it was the sweetest thing in the world when they both said, "You're gorgeous," at the same time.

zoebabii328 chapter 26 . 6/27/2007

its a nice ending but i wanna see naruto back to normal too

and you just HAD to add in the Kyuubi loving Sasuke lol

really though, just make a whole other story for that!

id SO read it
zoebabii328 chapter 24 . 6/27/2007
aww poor baby!

it was so sad when I read that he said no and he had no happiness in him

but everything going to be okay ... right?

plz plz PLZ be because this is upsetting and i cant wait to find out the ending ! :D

btw, you DONT suck as a writer lol

ur amazingly talented
Guest chapter 23 . 6/27/2007
aw crap ... caught in the mangekyou sharingan!

okay you HAVE to go to and what Fun with Akatasuki (9 and then ep. 0 and then the X 1 Teaser for next season) because in it, Itachi is blind because of his overuse of sharingan and its the most hilarious thing!

when soemthings THAT funny i start cackling and when i saw that in ur story i started cackling\

even when he's blind he'd still use if for everything! lmao he keeps thinking its sasuke when its really a toilet or TV that he's burning up
zoebabii328 chapter 21 . 6/27/2007


Bo fucking Kyuubi!

I'm sry but what Sasuke did was weird and I think HE should be the one apologizing


go away Kyuubi this isn't your story!
zoebabii328 chapter 20 . 6/27/2007
aww its so cute im laughing!

with many things including relief

naruto is being babied :D
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