Spock came into his quarters to sounds of quiet whimpering, as a mate and soon-to-be father he was instantly on alert. He walked around the slight screen to his sleeping area where he found his bondmate, Jim, stroking over his swollen stomach.

He had watched in awe in Jim's body making this new life within him, growing every day. Jim was large with their child, just over seven and a half months pregnant. During the day, Jim had constant energy, but when it's time to wind down Jim sleeps hard. Well, when he can.

"Baby," Jim crooned to his belly. "You have to sleep now, I'm so tired."

Their child had developed enough and can do somersaults and kicks, much to their delight. But when Jim winds down for the day, Baby kicks his kidneys and other internal organs. They haven't named their child yet, they don't want to induce any karma on their child just yet. They had both been acquainted with Murphy's Law these past months. Many scares for Jim with the baby, and Spock terrified because he couldn't do anything but watch.

That was why Dr. McCoy was personally taking over this case and had almost every day checkups on Jim. Jim teased his friend mercilessly about becoming "Uncle Bones" but he was grateful nonetheless.

But this was something Spock could do. Despite the exuberance over Jim's pregnancy, the baby has Vulcan genes and with it, Vulcan strength. Jim often had to visit Dr. McCoy in regards to his bones and organs because Baby was just so strong. Unfortunately for Jim, Baby slept during the day on the bridge and was more active and awake at night, when Jim was trying to get some sleep. Spock approached his bondmate quietly.

Jim looked up and found Spock. "Hey."

"Good evening, Jim," and Spock leant down to kiss his mate and stroke a hand over his swollen belly. He rested his hand there a minute, delighted when the baby kicks his hand.

Jim moaned a bit. "Ow," he muttered. He rubbed gently over where the kick hit his abdomen. "Baby is nearly as strong as you are."

Spock's lips twitched as he got ready for bed, pulling on a sleeping robe. He settled behind his mate and lifted up Jim's shirt to see what damage the baby had done today. Jim's belly was relatively okay, no damage to the skin of his stomach. But the softer skin near the kidneys was blue and purple, but not hot and swollen. So Jim will be okay.

Spock curled around his mate and Jim snuggled in, moaning quietly at the heat of Spock's body that felt so good right now. Spock reached over and Jim could instantly tell that this hold was different from the affectionate caresses. Spock's eyes fluttered shut as he attempted to telepathically soothe the baby to a more restful state.

"Sleep, little one," Spock uttered for Jim's benefit. And Baby moves slow down to the more restful turnings that Jim was used to.

Jim sighed deeply, Morpheus' pull dragging him to his dreams. Spock tucked his bondmate and him in; keeping an arm around Jim and a hand on top of his belly where he could feel the turning of the baby. He nuzzled the back of Jim's neck and felt complete as he joined his family in slumber.