Discaimer: I do NOT own Star Trek or anything related to it. Believe me, I've cried myself to sleep over this every night for quite some time, but I still have yet to find a way to overcome this. Oh well, perhaps in my dreams.

A/N: I'm not really one for writing, at all really. It is NOT one of my strong points. Anyway, I just liked this idea so I decided that it was worth a shot.

McCoy worked on his project diligently, laughing to himself as he finally completed his work of art. He slipped the PAD beneath his arm and proceeded to make his way to C-Deck. On the way he ran into the man he was looking for.

"Spock," he said with a gleam in his eye, "would you mind taking this to the captain? I've got a minor crisis in the sick bay that I need to attend to." Spock gave a slight nod and took the PADD the doctor offered him.

"Any specifics I need to inform the captain of concerning the contents of the message?" Spock asked.

"Just tell him that it is from an old friend."

Spock nodded and made his way to the captain's quarters. He buzzed and entered the room at Kirk's "Come." "Here is a message for you Captain. It is from an acquaintance of yours, I believe."

Kirk took the PADD. "Thank you Mr. Spock," and as the commander turned to leave Kirk added, "Stay a minute would you, Spock? I would like to speak to you about some changes that Mr. Scott has proposed we make to the transporter. This will only take a minute."

"Certainly Captain, I will wait."

Kirk looked at the PADD. A virtual card was displayed with 'To a Special Guy' scripted quite elegantly in red. Taken by surprise, Kirk glanced at Spock before proceeding to look inside the card. Inside was a rather mushy, but standard poem written in the same script as the front of the card. Kirk was more focused on the more personal message written in plain black ink.


You are the captain of my heart.


Dumbfounded, Kirk looked up from the PADD again. This time his eyes met Spock's.

"Have you finished reading, Captain? We may move on to the issue concerning the transporter, if you wish."

Kirk simply grinned and moved towards his commanding officer.

When Spock exited the captain's quarters some time later his was greeted by a laughing McCoy. "How did the captain like the little message you gave him?" McCoy asked.

Spock handed the doctor back the PADD and replied, "He appeared to find it quite enjoyable, I believe. He also asked me to inform you to report to him immediately. Thankfully you are already present. Now if you will excuse me, doctor, I have business to attend to on the bridge." With that Spock left and McCoy turned to Kirk's door. "Damn, I only wish I had a picture of his face."

He entered Kirk's room without announcement and only to have his jaw drop in surprise at the sight of Kirk hastily tugging his shirt back on. Kirk coughed awkwardly. "Uh, hey Bones, What's up?"

McCoy simply covered his face with his hands and marched out of the room. "Damn that pointy-eared bastard! I think I'm gonna be sick."

A/N: Win? Epic Fail? Comments and criticisms welcomed. Hey, I'd even accept flames.