![]() Author has written 60 stories for Gravitation, Only the Ring Finger Knows, Loveless, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, and Harry Potter. NOTICE: You can read updated and edited versions of all my stories at AO3 (Archive of Our Own) under the same pseudonym (I no longer use AFF): http:///users/chochowilliams/pseuds/chochowilliams Ever notice that Flamers almost always leave comments anonymously instead of logging in? They're ballsy enough to talk shit, but not enough to leave a way to get feedback for their BS comment. Cowardly piece of shit. "Whether you are gay, straight, bi, a drag queen or something else entirely, they are just words made up of letters. Nothing more. Nothing less. Words do not constitute a person's worth, his personality, what or who he really is. A person's actions do that. Labels are for packages and you are so much more than that." - Shuichi Shindou, "Wolfram's Bruise" A Little About Me: I have been writing fanfiction for almost two decades starting with "Gravitation" before expanding to "Kyo Kara Maoh", "Loveless", "Only the Ring Finger Knows" and finally "Harry Potter"...I think I listed them all...Now, I focus mainly on "Harry Potter" fics. I will only upload a story when I finish writing it completely. This cuts down on the waiting time and on the possibility that the story will be abandoned or put on hiatus. We each have our individual likes and dislikes when it comes to writing and reading fanfics. These are mine when it comes to HP: The pairings I enjoy are Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter/Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Jr. I have even written for Harry Potter/Scorpius Malfoy. I do not enjoy Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley as I do not like them as a couple. There is just something WRONG about them being together. I felt this from the very beginning. In HP, I do not write or read Fem!Harry or Fem!Draco or Fem!Voldemort. I do write M-preg quite often. I do not write or read (for the most part, though there are exceptions) HP fics where Harry Potter changes his name where even the author refers to him by this name change. I do not like when authors are feeling lazy and refer to everyone by nickname and not just when one character is speaking to another. In HP, I do not like "Herm" for "Hermione". We all know her nickname in cannon is "'Mione". I quite like it. Referring to her as "Herm" makes me think of her as a "Herman" and not a "Hermione". Not very attractive. In HP, I do not like the popular use of Sirius calling Harry "Pup" and Lupin calling him "Cub". I will NEVER do that unless for a very specific reason (like an impostor Sirius appears at Harry's doorstep years after Sirius died and him using "Pup" is evidence that Sirius is not who he says he is). we all know Sirius refers to Harry as "Prongslet" in cannon (as he always saw Harry as James and not as Harry). Lupin using "Cub" would mean he has accepted his wolf, which he never did and I feel he never would had he lived. Strong, independent women who can kick ass are a definite plus, but when they are so dominant and domineering that they turn the men around them into sniveling little submissive bitches (see Wormtail from HP)...No. Not into that. Not attractive. Not cute. In HP, I am not into a Harry that is suddenly 6-feet tall. In the US only 14% of men are 6ft. That drops to 3% for over 6ft. Maybe if he was 5ft-10in at the most...maybe. It's just not realistic. Besides, with the way Harry grew up and taking into account genetics, there is no way he would grow to be 6ft let alone over 6ft. In HP, I am not into stories where a character (usually Sirius) is suddenly brought back to life with no more explanation than the author didn't like him being dead or that he faked his own death or someone (usually Voldie) went into the Veil and retrieved him. I am not into fanfics where suddenly everyone is gay. In HP, I am not into twincest. In HP, I am not into dialogue written how the person speaks. I realize that JK Rowling wrote the series like that but I did not like it then either. In HP, I do not like it when Harry, Voldemort or Nagini are speaking in parseltongue and there are a series of S's. From, "Advice 2: Wheel of Fortune": Saru Mo Ki Kara Ochiru: Even Monkeys Fall From Trees (Nobody’s Perfect) Forgive me for Eyes that wandered to flesh not your own Forgive me Lustful thoughts that drifted far from you Forgive me for Hands that explored lands unknown Forgive me for Those endless nights of solitude Forgive me for A bed that grew empty and cold Forgive me for Unbidden thoughts of doubt Forgive me for My steely tongue that quarreled with my heart Forgive me for Ignoring you when you called out to me Forgive me for Allowing my pride to reject you Forgive me for Hurting you Forgive me for Being weak Forgive me for Being me From, "Advice 2: Wheel of Fortune": Slip Into My Skin I wish you diets that do not work I wish you endless nights of solitude Weaving grooves into the floor I wish you alone in a cold bed I wish you a worried lip I wish you anxiety attacks I wish you unbidden thoughts of doubt As you listen to the ticking of the clock I wish you time trapped in quicksand I wish you a silent partner I wish you a ceramic figurine Shattered on the living room floor I wish you a wash of tears I wish you a screaming floor I wish you a groaning door I wish you rustling sheets As your lungs begin to burn I wish you an unstable bed I wish you a wall of warmth Enclosing you from behind I wish you a heavy vise Strapped around your waist I wish you a spoon But not a fork I wish you a floral scent That you would never wear I wish you a promise As you smile and say my name From, "Advice 2: Wheel of Fortune": I Won’t Soon Forget Moments in time Too precious to lose Very dear to you Hold them close. A butterfly’s kiss Is soft and sweet Lingering there Upon your cheek. Fleeting moments That last forever Are memories That stand out Like a butterfly’s kiss. From, "Advice 2: Wheel of Fortune": If I Say Things Like I Love You If (I wanted to ask you out, what would you say?) I (cannot speak) Say (the things I want to say) Things like (I want to make your mine and) I love you (more than words can say), What would you say? As seen in, "To Be or Not To Be Shuichi's Father": The Wooing of My Intended It has come to me attention That my intention to court you Is not going to plan. Maybe I am being too subtle. For that I apologize. I did not want to be too forward And thus scare you off. That is not my aim. It is to have you by my side. Subtly is the weak link here. Time to change tactics And strengthen my resolve. One must do what one must To win the heart of the Chosen. The possibility is slim, But there is a chance The plan is not the problem. It could be my intentions are. Have they been rejected? Woe be my broken heart. Do not have doubt my love. For my feelings are true and pure. Like a seedling, they grow steadily And only become stronger. They fuel my determination And carry me forward. Or it could it be something else? Maybe my intentions are welcomed- Encouraged even. The possibility makes me heart a flutter And gives me hope It hasn’t been for naught. Until the say it proves to be, The wooing of my intended continues. As seen in, "To Be Or Not To Be Shuichi's Father": The Innocence of Yesteryear There used to be a breeze Swimming through the trees And it sang a song Of times yet to come. My soul was at ease As I danced through the leaves And frolicked amidst the sun With a wish this day would never be done. From, "End of the Day": What Happened After the Rape The night Snape raped Harry, he vanished. Harry left school after the attack and moved into Grimmauld Place with Sirius initially, but Sirius quickly relocated Harry elsewhere when it became clear Harry couldn‘t handle being at Grimmauld. Nobody knew where they were and nobody could come over unless invited. Not long after, he discovered he was pregnant. Many tried to get him to abort it. He refused. Started seeing Mind-Healer Montrose at the insistence of Sirius who couldn’t take watching Harry deteriorate (agreed only because of his baby). Then certain various objects started to appear at Grimmauld Place starting with the sword of Gryffindor, including Nagini. They were identified as Horcruxes by Dumbledore who sat Harry down and told him everything. Each item was subsequently destroyed. 6th year happened as it had in canon minus the presence of Harry and the fact that Dumbledore (who hadn’t been cursed by the Gaunt ring or the poisoned from retrieving the fake locket in the cave) was successful in talking Draco into allowing him to help him. The Death Eaters who infiltrated the school were easily captured. With the help of Draco, there was a surprise raid on Malfoy Manor. Many Death Eaters were captured, but Voldemort and other Death Eaters escaped. Right before the end of the school year, Voldemort appeared at the school. The Battle commenced much as it had in canon minus the Horcrux hunt, Sirius was alive to fight only to die during the fighting, the Room of Requirements wasn’t destroyed by Fiendfyre and Draco was not there as he was watching the newborn Jamey). During the duel between Voldemort and Harry, Snape took a severing curse meant for Harry and died. After defeating Voldemort, Harry collected Snape’s memories and watched them in Dumbledore’s Pensieve after having his hand reattached. Most of Snape’s memories were the same from canon, but Harry also learned that Snape was the one who delivered the Horcruxes. More From the Diary of A Mad Englishwoman She and her first husband, a Lord of some nobility, fell in love with the Orient so much during their honeymoon that they ended up settling down in a small community somewhere in Southern Japan (the name of which was not given). Just as they were talking about starting a family, her husband was called back to England to help quiet a rebellion that had broken out in the Colonies. Less than a year later, she received word that her husband had been killed in action. After a year of mourning, she fell in love with a local man. Three months later, they were married. Forty weeks later, they welcomed their first child, a daughter. She claims in her diary that she had never been more happier in her entire life, but her happiness would not last. Less than eight months later, her husband and infant daughter were found dead by the river near their house. Both had been shot in the head at point blank range. Devastated by her loss, she returned to England and surrounded herself with friends and family. Almost immediately, she began to hear rumors of a prominent Lord having ordered the assassination of his late son’s wife’s new family. She looked into the rumor and discovered that this “prominent Lord” was none other than her late Lord husband’s father. She confronted him and he readily admitted, bragged even, about ordering the hits. He believed himself justified as her “marriage to the Yellow man” was an insult to the memory of his son. He would not allow her to bring dishonor to his family. She brought this information to the attention of the Aurors. The Lord was subsequently arrested. A swift trial followed. He was found guilty. Scandal rocked the entire community when the prominent Lord, instead of being sentence to death by Kiss for the ordered assassination of her husband and infant daughter, was told to pay Reparation: a measly 100 galleons. The Lord went around bragging what money in the right hands could accomplish. Three months later, he was found dead. Many suspected her involvement, but there was no evidence to suggest the Lord’s death was anything other than natural. But she states in her diary that she was the one responsible for the death of her ex-father-in-law. Though she gives no specifics, she does admit to creating the Hasala Tahsil by using a combination of Magics from around the world, including what she’d learned during her time in the Orient. It is an intricate form of magic that involves blood magic, runes, ancient Oriental Mysticism and Voodoo. It has several interwoven levels and is protected by numerous layers of enchantments and wards. Afterward the Circle has completed its work, it vanishes, leaving no evidence of its existence. |