Okay everyone, this is my first fanfic so don't be too harsh. Standard disclaimer, I don't own the fabulous characters drawn by the artist known as Maki Murakami. But, my story, so copy it and die…

Sitting up in his chair, Yuki checked his watch 'Good, almost sunset.' Yuki stood up and walked over to the only window of his apartment. Yuki could just barely see the outline of the city through the highly tinted windows needed to keep out the sun's rays. Yawning widely, his fangs suddenly clearly visible, he made his way to the kitchen to get some beer. 'God what a day, I barely slept a wink.' Yuki took a big gulp of beer and grimaced, it never did taste the same after, well, you know.


Yuki looked up at the sound of his mail slot clanging shut. 'Damn, I thought I'd nailed that shut.' Grunting, Yuki stood up and walked over to check and see what had invaded his silence. 'Probably some crazy fan that'll risk the neighborhood to get me a letter.' For some reason, fans never seemed to think of using the Post Office. Bending down, he read off the envelope Eiri Yuki in scrawling letters. Yuki frowned seeing no return address; fans usually wanted him to know their name. Slightly more cautious now, Yuki slit the envelope with his long, impossibly sharp nail. Inside there was a little business card that read simply

Moon Light's Call, a shop for a Night Walker's Every Need

612 Rosemary St.

Open from Dusk till Dawn

Yuki raised an eyebrow, several questions running through his head. 'How the hell did they get my address? How the hell do they know I'm a vampire? And who the fuck chose that stupid font?' Yuki walked over to the trash can and was about to throw it away when he thought 'What the hell, what else am I going to do tonight, write?' Yuki laughed at his little joke, he'd been having a writer's block for a few weeks now. Slipping the card into his pocket, Yuki checked his watch again, it was sundown. Grabbing his coat, Yuki opened his door and stepped outside. Taking a deep breath he started down the street 'Ah what a great smell, that of old trash and week old vomit.' Yuki grimaced, not very happy for once that his sense had been heightened since he'd been turned, leaped onto a roof.

Leaping from roof to roof, Yuki made it to the address in about ten minutes. Jumping down, Yuki peered at the shop. From the outside, it looked like a regular rundown old heap typical of Rosemary Street. Checking for any hidden crosses, Yuki stepped into to the store and was greeted by a bell. Looking around, Yuki saw a few posters advertising blood banks and smirked. Hearing footsteps, Yuki turned and saw a man wearing a full dress suit walking towards him.

"Mr. Yuki?" Yuki nodded his head wondering how the guy knew his name. "I'm assuming that you got our letter? If not, please tell me because I'm horrible at assuming, and well you know what they say about those people…" Yuki raised an eyebrow. "You know, that it makes an ASS out of yoU and… oh never mind, if you'll just follow me, I'll give you La Grande Tour." Yuki shook his head and followed the guy out 'some people sure love to talk.'

Following the guy out of the lobby, Yuki walked down a narrow hallway that ended at a door. "Now listen, whatever you see through this door, has never been seen by mortal customers before. We have a separate shop for them." Opening the door, the man led Yuki into another hallway lined with doors on either side. "Here on the left is our main blood closet, you know extra blood and all. Over here on the right is the blood extraction room, we only have human familiars working in here due to the, er, temptations offered by blood collecting. Over here is our spell and charm department. Just between you, and me they don't work very well, I've always preferred good old booby traps. Next-door is our electronics store complete with the newly developed sun detectors, holy water repelers, and the good old burglar alarms. Over here is our weapons store where you can by all the weapons that you'll ever need, human or demon made. This door leads to our five-star hotel complete with dusk wake up service, complimentary blood, and room service…" At this point, Yuki started to block things out. Yuki looked around some of the doors, trying to see what was inside. Nearing the end of the hall, Yuki turned back to the man just as he was saying "and finally, this last door, is in my opinion, the best of them all" Yuki rolled his eyes. "In this room, is the pride of this building, the "Factory." In here are the specially bred humans needed for bloodletting, pleasure, servants, ect. As a new customer, you may choose one on the house." Yuki raised an eyebrow 'Now, this was getting interesting.'

"And why would I want on of these when I could just get any plain old human off the street?"

"Because Mr. Yuki, these are specially bred into a certain category. For instance, let's say bloodletting. These humans have been designed to have the richest tasting blood, they also have the unique ability to survive on very little blood as well as the ability to regenerate new blood very quickly." Yuki raised an eyebrow; they were starting to sound kind of good. "Impressed? Good, if you follow me, you may have your choice." Yuki walked into the room, and was at once impressed. Inside the room, there was top of the line cells, with white walls, no dirt, food and water slots, and best of all, a one-way mirror.

"Why are they all asleep?"

"Because Mr. Yuki, we like our humans to be pure, since the moment of either their capture, or the point when they turn 15, they are kept asleep. Their new master is the first face they'll see." Yuki was impressed in spite of himself. Walking down the aisles of cages, Yuki looked in on each sleeping human. Female, blond…female, brunette…male, black…male, what the heck would you call that. Yuki stopped looking down at the sleeping form of what looked like a 19 year old who had bright pink hair.

Yay! Done! God, it seemed so much longer when I was writing it! Oh well, next chapter coming soon to a near you! Allrighty then review or die!