
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Pairing: Harry x Draco

Warning: Slash, MPreg

Damien: 20 (Fiancé issues)

James: 16 (Got knocked up)

Scorpius: 14 (In love with twin brother)

Albus: 14 (Jealous of twin brother)

Lily: 13 (Only girl)

Leo: 11 (Can't get a date due to annoying protective siblings)

Chapter 6

"I need to kill her," Draco struggled against Harry's arms. "She made my baby cry, she doesn't deserve to live anymore."

"Killing her won't solve anything. It will cause more trouble than solve."

"Daddy?" Damien said, "Can I stay here tonight?"

Draco's angry face melted off and was replaced by a concerned parent face, "Of course baby. Whatever you want. Do you want some soothing tea or perhaps some ice cream?"

"Ice cream does heal broken hearts," Harry agreed.

Damien nodded as he took a seat on a covered couch. Wait a second…

Everything was in boxes and the couch was covered.

"Why is everything packed away?" Damien asked confused.

Harry and Draco glanced quickly at each other having a silent conversation. Draco nodded and the two of them sat in front of their eldest son.

"We were going to wait to tell you but I'm pregnant," Draco said smiling. "We're moving to the wizarding world to raise this one. We were going to give you the house as a wedding gift but I guess we're selling it now."

"You're selling the house?" Damien repeated numbly. He started crying all over again.

"We're moving into a different mansion away from Muggles," Harry said. "Now that Leo is gone there is no reason to stay."

Draco sighed and pulled his baby; all his children will always be his baby, into his arms and held him.


James frowned, "They're all looking at me. Do you think they know?" He whispered into Kyle's ear.

Kyle frowned, "They're looking at you because you haven't slept with anyone in a month. They probably think you have a boyfriend and so they need to know who to kill so they can get your sweet ass again."

"What?" James asked concerned.

"You heard me," Kyle said. "They all want this." He slapped James' behind causing the Malfoy-Potter to blush.

"I want it too but I don't want to risk people finding out. My parents don't even know though I expect to be hearing from them pretty soon."

"What do you think they'll do?" Kyle asked concerned. "Have it aborted?"

"No, my parents are against abortion. I would have to carry the baby the entire time." James said sadly.

"I guess, so that would be your punishment?" Kyle asked.

"They will probably pull me out of school and marry me off. They wouldn't like the fact that I would be having a bastard baby." James sighed and frowned. "I would deserve it though. I'm such a slut. I'm going to ask Poppy if I can tell my parents face to face." He stood up and left the room they were in.

Kyle sighed sadly.


James sighed and waited for his parents in the hospital wing. Poppy had contacted them soon after he arrived. Headmaster Dumbledore never told them he was sleeping around if he knew.

James blinked in shock when he saw Damien enter the hospital wing with his parent, reality and dread crashed down on him and he started sobbing like a baby.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I'm sorry Papa!" He sobbed covering his face.

Draco frowned; he already didn't like how this started. "What did you break? Are you okay?"

Damien wrapped an arm around his brother, "I'm sure it isn't as bad as you think it is."

"It's pretty bad," Levi said before closing his mouth quickly and apologizing.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I-I'm," James started, "I kind of got knocked up."

"What?" James didn't like the expressionless face his parents had on.

"You're pregnant?" Damien asked, "I told you slutting around had bad consequences."

"Slutting arou-?" Draco started, "James Sirius Malfoy-Potter, what is the meaning of this?"

"I-I want what you and papa have. You sleep together so I figured that was how you-."

"That is not how to find the person you want to be with for the rest of your life. That is how you get pregnant. And why weren't we notified of this beforehand? Why hasn't Dumbledore told us you were sleeping around?"

"He didn't do it with Damien either," James pointed out. "I mean nothing."

Damien winced at his parents looked at him with disappointment in their eyes. "Is that how you met Hallie?"

"Possibly," He said sadly.

"This is why we escaped the wizarding world. I'm taking you home James, then we are suing the crazy old man and you will attend private school like I originally planned." Draco declared. "I told you sending them here was a bad idea Harry."

"We went here," Harry pointed out.

"That's because Father hadn't created his private school or else I would have went there." Draco pointed out. He grabbed James' wrist and pulled him. "Let's get your siblings."

"It's dinner time," James pointed out.

"Even better," Draco said.

Draco barged into the Great Hall with Harry next to him. James and Damien followed shyly, keeping their heads down.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "To what do I owe the pleasure."

"Don't act all innocent!" Draco spat angrily. "What the fuck type of school are you running here?" He questioned.

"A wizarding school of course."

"I'm taking my kids out of this school," Draco demanded.

Dumbledore gave Harry a pleading look, "Please talk some sense into your husband."

"I agree with him. You hired Voldemort my first year, then never knew about the Basilisk in the basement. I almost died every one of my years here and I still give you the benefit of the doubt. Now I learn that you are letting students sleep together? You are despicable."

"I do not approve of students sleeping together." He said calmly.

"But you don't stop it," Draco growled. "My son is pregnant because of you! And my other son is heartbroken." He hissed. "I don't even want to know what damage you'll cause our others. Lily, Scorpius, Albus, Leo, come on. I'm taking you home."

Harry glared at Dumbledore, "I want all their belongings sent to us. Anything missing is an extra 10,000 on top of the castle."

"What are you talking about?"

"We're suing you for the castle and compensation for making our sons suffer."


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I swear I haven't forgotten you!

Please review! I'll love you forever if you do. Who knows, you could be mentioned in my next chapter for an amazing review.