No profit made.

Hum, hum...Well, I wrote it a few months ago. It was supposed to be published instead of To Get Married Sooner...but I ended up postponing it :X but finally, I decided to give it a try and see how it'll work! influenced by the original first-narrative story.

In this fanfiction, Yuuri didn't slap Wolfram, the fiery petulant mazoku. But it doesn't prevent Wolfram from challenging Yuuri. Let's see how things will go between them!

So, that was it! How could he make me feel like a hangman in a half-second?? I nearly slapped Angel across his beautiful face – that I rather punch if it was not so beautiful, matter-of-fact- but an explosion seemed to have occurred. Just in time to save this beautiful pale cheek from my hand. My wrath died in the next second.

" What is it?"

" Anissina!" growled eagle-eyed Gwendal, whom I avoid to look into the eyes, as his face blanched faster than you'd have time to say 'yes'. Anissina? Who's that? I scratched my hair in surprise, wondering who- or what- succeeded in scaring the scariest Mazoku man that Gwendal was. That who- or what- must be a freak. A genial freak. Maybe should they give me some tips about how to make me respect from that man that had, so far, looked at me as if I was nothing more than horse's shit.

Yes, that was what I represent to him. Horse's poop. I can tell you my ego had been quite broken down. Swatted away by the reverse of his big hand.

I sighed, forgetting my earlier ire and turned a questioning eye to Conrad. The latter, whose smile would make a crowd of girls die with joy, and I suddenly felt so self-conscious because I'll never, never have such a luck, just softly chuckled and reassured me:

" It's nothing, your Majesty. Anissina is one of our most...active scientists. She's Gwendal's childhood friend."

" And a very fine majutsu user," added as delicately as a breeze in summer ex-Queen Celi. She was the phantasm number one of every man normally constituted " You will meet her soon, your Majesty." She winked at me.

" Don't worry, Gwendal," my teacher-to-be, Gunter, said as he gripped Gwendal's shoulder with a gentle hand. " I'll go tell her to calm down for tonight. She shouldn't make such a fuss the night of your arrival, Your Majesty," he addressed me with his enchanting smile before he left the dining-room.

It's impossible to be surrounded by so many good-looking men at the same time, around a royal lunch, in such a huge medieval castle...Unless you're part of a cast for the next blockbuster of Hollywood. That's likely what is happening to me. Or not. My head hurt me, is taken in a sort of dangerous vertigo.

How could an average young Japanese teen, like ME, arrive in a new world and be proclaimed as the new Demon King? Was I really destined to such game-like stuff? Was my fate to rule over this country I know nothing about? It kind of feels like a bad joke, worse than the one about three guys trying to dive my head in the toilets. Ew. And however, that happened, to me, too. Seriously, was there an alliance against me, today?

" Huh!" Beautiful blond face suddenly cut the short silence that had followed after Gunter's departure; his green eyes- as green as the leaf of a tropical tree- peered at me with such dislike and despise that I couldn't help but feel nausea. His high-pitched voice made him sound, funny enough, like an angry baby lion. " You, you face of a mongrel, you dare to pretend to the throne of Shin Makoku without any knowledge of our history and culture! Ah, we'll see how it' ll work but don't you even think you'll have the task easy; I make a guarantee of myself to make you have your hands full!"

" Wolfy, Wolfy," intervened Celi, after sipping a bit of her red drink " for the moment, Yuuri is the new king, that you like it or not. You know that no one can disobey the orders of the great one! You're insulting his Majesty, here, so you're contesting Shinou's decisions. You do know what happens to people doing so, don't you?"

I swear his blood left his body to reach his angelical face to stay there. What a humiliation to be treated like a two-year old boy! But,come to think of it, until now, I have never seen Wolfram embarrassed at being treated and cuddled like a good mother's son. On the contrary, he seems so eager to please her!

Mister Heaven Creature just quietly sat back down in his chair, threw me another glance of dislike- and took back his silver fork to eat again. But, as I was still staring at him-because he looks like an a-Gyah! Not that word, okay??- like a thorned demon, he raised up all at once and tossed his handkerchief on the table.

" I apologize, mother, brother, for my premature leaving, but I can't stand him..." had he just spat when he said ' him' ?? " I will finish my dinner in my chambers!"

He wheeled around and left the dining-room. I stared, my mouth wide open, at the door that had just shut down behind him. I can't believe it. This guy...has really a serious ego problem. A major one. What a pain in this ass, this pretty kid who had dared to speak ill of my mother and...okay, Yuuri, calm down, calm down. Breath! I don't want to be remembered why I wanted to slap him but he better not insult my mother like this again!

Conrad let out a sigh and smiled sheepishly for a brief moment before saying:

" Wolfram is extremely proud of his lineage and...his Mazoku blood."

" I see that well enough," I said, still in shock.

Gunter, Conrad and even Celi told me I was the king to be of their beloved kingdom. But for Gwendal and Wolfram and for many other people who threw at me stones and other dirty things when I first came here, I'm not fitting their expectancies.

I tried in the end not to waste what remained of my good mood by enjoying my meal and listening to Celi's theory of free love, even if mister grumpy-glare was dining with me tonight.

Oh my Goodness! I'm feeling so eerily lucky! I blinked twice.

My bed was really what you call a king-size bed. A bunch of people could sleep in that large mattress. Long, green curtains surrounded the wooden frame. There were three blankets; one in satin, one in linen, the third and last one in velvet. A long pillow lay against the headboard. And I was tired like hell.

" YATTAAAA!!" was my first cry as I jumped in the bed, arms stretched up in the air. I landed with a soft 'poof' noise in the middle. Flipping on my back, I swayed my arms and legs like I would to do a snow angel. I took in deeper breaths.

" That's the best part of being a king. Having a huge bed for myself!" I so loved it.

This, however, didn't make me forget I had just left my world, my planet and my family. For how long? Two or three times I had to pinch my cheek to remember that I wasn't dreaming at all! I keep my fingers crossed in hope I wasn't worrying my mother, and my father...and Shouri at all. Conrad had told me my parents already knew.

Great. Just great.

Jeez. What kind of parents leave their child in a total ignorance about such an important issue?

I sat up and headed for the chair at the other corner of the bed. A set of blue pyjamas had been set down on it. Its texture felt soft and comfortable under my fingers. That must be a high-quality fabric. At the moment I was removing my white shirt, thus let me bare chest, a soft knock on my door reached my ears.

" Who's it?" I tempted, frowning.

" It's me Conrad, your Majesty!" I heard then. Relief washed over me and I told myself a little of company of that young, sweet man with his dazzling smile that surpassed the sun in term of brightness, wouldn't hurt me.

" Come in, Conrad!" I said, overlooking the fact I still hadn't slide my pajamas shirt on!

He slowly opened the door which made a screeching sound, and his head stuck out in the bedroom.

" Maj...oh, I didn't know you were taking off your clothes..."

" Nah, Conrad, it's okay! You can still come in"

He did as I shuffled with my pajamas top. " What's going on?"

" I wanted to ask you if everything's alright and if you need something."

" Uh...I think...I think it's okay, for now."

" Oh, and I also wanted to inform you: Wolfram is challenging you tomorrow." Conrad's face was my own reflection as a bored expression plastered upon his usually soft features. Seriously?!...What was up with that guy? Did he want so much to take my place as the next king?

" Gunter and I refused to put you in such a position, but Gwendal agreed and thinks it's a way to know if you're worth our thr..."

At that very moment, a commotion was heard, in the corridor, followed by women's cry of surprise, and a very beautiful blond boy whose wonderful green eyes would wake up the dead, made his sudden apparition in my bedroom.

" Just to t........" he trailed off, stared at me, and the super cute winner-look of his face vanished at the same time. I stepped back, feeling a shiver running down my spine, my hairs standing on end. My eyes bulged out when a red powder spread across his face. I could expect anything coming from that small energetic ball.

" W-w-what is that? You're naked! How insulting!" I quickly hid my upper body with my blue shirt. "You think you're home already? How dare you? Tomorrow morning, I'm challenging you!" he tapped at the long weapon at his hips " I would challenge you in a swords battle but you're a total dimwit, so I let you choose your weapon! I shouldn't give you too much mercy, but I can't let you die too easily so thank me for my generosity, so wake up early and get ready! The battle will be set in the court" he peered into my eyes:" Right, understood?"

As my obvious sweatdropping answered for me, a rather large smile made its way on his face full of satisfaction and he put his hands on his hips:

" Ah! You're feeling scared already? Good! It's nothing compared to what I'm preparing for tomorrow! Don't feel too relaxed, you may regret it later!" Can someone tell me what I have done wrong to him?

He stood there, for a few more seconds, to be sure that I had seen well the insolent smirk on his face, then whirled around to exit, his pride sending my tranquility ablaze. Once alone again with Conrad, I finished to dress and let myself fall on the big bed.

" Is he serious? Can't we cancel this...fight?"

Conrad glanced away before looking at me again. I had a really bad feeling.

" Even if I'm the ex-Queen's son, Gwendal and Wolfram belong to Noble Families. And they both agreed on challenging you."

That answered my question as I could only nod, thinking of the angel-looking boy... who would rather see me in a jail cell than upon the throne of his kingdom.


Poor Yuuri XD