Reviews for Opposites Of Attraction
Karol 38 chapter 18 . 4/19
Have you abandoned this fanfiction? I ask this because it is marked as complete even though it is not finished.
Butterfree chapter 9 . 2/28
This story is really, truly, amazing. I tell you xD Wolfram is so slick, and Yuuri is the biggest sweetie pie in the meantime. I'm honestly really awe-struck by how well you're handling this hypothetical path that their relationship took if they were not forced into becoming fiances right away. It feels a lot more natural. Without the pressures of titles or pride in the way, they're left with time to fall in love naturally. Yet of course, Wolfram is still Wolfram and knows who he wants so takes him, and poor Yuuri is left at his mercy. It's hilariously wonderful and you're handling their dynamic so well. They're in-character yet diverge from their canon selves in an intriguing way. Great job with that!

Also, I really love the contrast between Charles and Yuuri that you're painting here in how they go about their affections for Wolfram. Charles eyes his body constantly. Yuuri is almost solely focused on his eyes and expressions. Charles speaks of looks all the time. Yuuri values heart. All of Charles and Wolfram's interactions are focused on physical intimacy and him coddling him. All of Yuuri and Wolfram's interactions have been genuine heart-to-heart talks and actually communicating. Charles is selfish and thinks of him as a possession. Yuuri treats him like a person and wants his happiness first. It's no wonder who Wolfram fell for so quickly while the other was left in a stalemate for decades. I love it when romances are treated in this way such that their reasons for falling are shown so effectively rather than simply narrated or told. You're doing an amazing job with this and I can't wait to keep reading!

~ Queenie
Hana0094 chapter 18 . 2/7
OMG I love it so much, you are so talented and the manner you
Describe the relationship between Yuuri and Wolf is so cute. I hope you will update soon.
XZanayu chapter 18 . 12/29/2019
What a cliffhanger! Please continue!
Raza chapter 18 . 9/6/2019
Please please please ! I'm waiting for the end ! I love the Wolfram/Yuuri couple here !
Meel Jacques chapter 17 . 6/15/2015
Awwwn Yuuri is back! *-*
Meel Jacques chapter 16 . 6/15/2015
I wanna see blood and pain. Hahahahaha
Meel Jacques chapter 15 . 6/15/2015
Hahaha it is funny.
Meel Jacques chapter 14 . 6/15/2015
Ohh. It is awful!
Meel Jacques chapter 13 . 6/15/2015
Murat and Shinou? Hahahaha
Meel Jacques chapter 12 . 6/15/2015
Bitch! Ò.Ó
Meel Jacques chapter 11 . 6/15/2015
Yuuri is starting to know and like Wolfram deeply
Meel Jacques chapter 10 . 6/14/2015
Man, you are bad. How could you? It was the first kiss!
Meel Jacques chapter 9 . 6/14/2015
Meel Jacques chapter 8 . 6/14/2015
Wolfram, stop that! You have to love Yuuri! Ò.Ó
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