Prompt: As lame as this sounds, I am watching Scooby-Doo with my brother. It's not scary, but this came to mind anyways.


"Eep!" The mouse-like squeal brought on a raised eyebrow from Yuki as Shuichi curled into a ball, eyes shielded by his fingers. The writer smirked and turned his attention back to the screen. It wasn't long before his boyfriend let out another shriek. He had peeked. No matter how many times he was spooked by the movie, Shuichi always chanced another look, only to hide behind his fingers so he could spread them later and be frightened again.

"DON'T GO IN!" Shuichi cried, clinging to his lover with a grip that would make a boa constrictor jealous.

He peeked again.


It's been forever, I know, and I wasn't planning on writing these anymore. But I've hit a block with everything else and thought this might help. It's more for me than any of you. That sounds so rude, but it's true. Hope you enjoyed anyways.