Konnichiwa, minna-san! I was finished with this, however... I thought that maybe I might write an epilogue. Along with review thanks, of course. Okay, here we go!


Said boy looked up from his ice cream. Normally he would never have gotten any such sweet thing as an ice cream cone, but for Naruto he'd try. Though, Naruto hadn't been exactly pleased when he'd tried to shove the whole thing down his throat in one bite.

Naruto looked embarrassed as he finished off his cone. Sasuke noted with a hint of delight that he hadn't realized the dip of ice cream on the tip of his nose. "How are we going to work... ah... our relationship?"

Sasuke tore his eyes away from Naruto's cute nose with difficultly. "What do you mean?"

Naruto blushed. "I... well..." He seemed to grow frustrated. "Damn it bastard, you know what I mean! Who's gonna be who?"

Sasuke smirked. "Well I should think that's obvious. I'll court you, and when the time comes you can move in with me."

"Oh." Naruto found he liked this idea, except for one problem... However, before he could voice this opinion, He found Sasuke leaning forward. Expecting a kiss, he closed his eyes and waited. All that greeted him, though, was a wet tongue on his nose. His eyes snapped open to watch the smirking Uchiha lick his lips. He narrowed his eyes. What the hell? He thought, confused.

Sasuke caught his baffled expression and the smirk grew. "You had ice cream on your nose."

Naruto's confused face melted into a blank one. He blinked a couple of times before jumping on Sasuke, effectively knocking Sasuke's unfinished cone to the ground. Not that Sasuke was complaining, of course. "Ne, Sasuke?"

Sasuke smiled at the adorable image Naruto made; His head cocked slightly to the side and his wide, clear blue eyes gazing thoughtfully at him. "Hm?"

"I'm not going to be uke."

Now, Sasuke knew that Naruto was a stubborn one. He wouldn't give up without a fight. So he had to find some way to make Naruto take back his words. "But Naru-chan, won't it be nice to have me inside you?"

Naruto scrunched up his face. "I heard it hurts."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow curiously. "Who informed you of this?"

Naruto smiled cheerily. "Neji." he replied.

Sasuke shook his head instead of going into that like he really wanted to. "But after that - the pain, I mean - don't you think it'll feelreally nice?" Sasuke used a free hand to gently stroke Naruto through his pants. "I'll be gentle. I promise."

Still, Naruto hesitated. He nervously glanced down through honey-colored lashes. "But-"

Sasuke shushed him, placing an elegant finger over Naruto's pink lips. "How about this? We'll try it, and if you like it, we'll keep it that way."

Naruto stroked Sasuke's cheek tenderly. "But what if I don't?"

Sasuke sighed. "Then we'll try it the other way, alright?" He tried to be patient. He knew he would never be uke - Naruto would definitely like him seme much more.

...He hoped.

Naruto nodded, his nose bumping against the Uchiha's. "Okay."

Sasuke smiled warmly and placed a chaste, tender kiss on Naruto's cool lips. The blonde tilted his head to deepen it, running his tongue along Sasuke's lips. Sasuke's hands trailed down the boy's back until he cupped Naruto's ass and roughly ground their hips together. Naruto let out a loud gasp and ground down. He felt his shaft hardening and could feel Sasuke's awareness poking his own. He let out a loud moan as he began humping his lover for all he was worth. Before things got interesting, however...

"Sasuke? Naruto?"

Naruto couldn't stop, he just couldn't! Sasuke, however, grabbed Naruto's hips reluctantly and looked up to see Ino giggling madly and Sakura drooling slightly, followed by Lee and Shikamaru, who both looked disturbed and slightly grossed out.

Lee cleared his throat. "Ah, Sasuke-san, Naruto-san, you do realize this is a public park and you are getting many... ah... odd, stares, don't you?"

Sasuke flushed brightly and took Naruto's warm hand in his own. "A-Arigatou. We must be going." Naruto, who had yet to say anything, began pulling Sasuke at break-neck speed to his apartment.

Screw courting. He thought through a haze-filled mind. I like things how they are right now.

...And I plan on keeping it this way. I'm gonna be seme.

And that night as he dominated his Sasuke, as he watched all the different expressions fleet over his lover's face, he had one single lingering thought

I could really get used to this. Meri Kurisumasu, my love.


Heh. I hope this was alright - it was kinda rushed. I wrote it in about twenty minutes, so I hope it isn't too bad. Sweatdrops

Also, I don't know if it snows in Konohagakure, so I just pretended it didn't if it normally does... If you know, could you let me know?

Anyways, If you want to drop another review by, I'll be very, very happy to read it. And now - for the reviewers corner!

Many thanks to:

shuriken17 - I hope I didn't end it too short! I just couldn't force myself to make it any longer. Arigatou for reviewing!

Wingedchilde - I hope you enjoyed it! Aw... blushes Arigatou much for reviewing! And I'll bet you I'll be writing a lot of Naruto fics in the future. Nods n.n

avila7989 - I hope you enjoyed! Arigatou for reviewing.

Snowhearte - Arigatou for the compliment and for the review! Hope you enjoyed.

Marauding-Stripes - I know, I wouldn't take advice from Kiba either. XP I needed to pair Kiba up with someone and I thought 'Well, they do make a good pair!' and I love them together, as well. Arigatou for reviewing and reading - I really hope you enjoyed!

Yuuki Toshi - Arigatou! And yes, I just had to make Sasuke human. Grins Arigatou for the review!

FMA-lover16 - I'm glad I could please. Anou, arigatou for the review.

Jenanien - Oh, I'm glad you liked the end. I thought it might be funny. Smiles Anyways, arigatou for the review!

Gotenfan54 - Thank you! I do like Seme Sasuke for sex and such, but it's always nice to see him show some emotion. And I do absolutely adore a seme Naruto! I love it when he's athorative - especially over Sasuke. Of course! Sasuke can't be cold and 'heartless' all the time! I mean, really, all those times he's stuck up for and saved Naruto, he can't be all that bad, right? Arigatou for the review, and I really hoped you liked it!

Halfdemongirl92 - Naruto doesn't always say 'Believe it!'. I mean, yeah, he says it quite a lot, but personally I don't really think it was needed for this fic. I was trying to make him a little more mature, and I guess I just didn't think that he needed his catch phrase all the time. Though, I'll keep that in mind for future fics. Arigatou for your thoughts! I hope you liked it, despite his lack of 'Believe it!'

YaoiWriter2500 - Ah, bishonen technically means 'hot guy' in Japanese. Arigatou is 'thank you', and Ne is sort of like saying 'Hey' or 'Right?'. Hope I covered that alright. I'm glad you liked. Arigatou for the review, as well. Smiles

Mika256 - Arigatou much for the review! I'm glad you liked it.

whiterose03 - Glad. Arigatou for the review.

Princess Shela - Arigatou much! Smiles n.n

JaganI - Arigatou much!

Yukaishepards - Oh, trust me, you'll be seeing a lot more of me. I've just gotten started writing my Naruto fics. I hope you'll come back to read them, as well. Arigatou much for the review!

Major Alex Louis Armstrong - Arigatou for your compliments! I'm glad you guys don't think I made them too short, because I'm always worried about where to cut off. I swear, I absolutely stink at drama... Anyways, arigatou for the review! I may make another one in the future, so be on the lookout! Laughs

firey Fuu-chan - I didn't know that. I know red and green are the most popular colors for Christmas here in the U.S., though. n.n Sometime I'll be making a NaruSasu fic, hopefully sometime soon, but alas, this one turned out SasuNaru, though I'd meant for it to be NaruSasu. I hope you'll read that one too, though! Arigatou for the review, and a very early Meri Kurisumasu! Heh, I couldn't resist. n.n

If-This-Disturbes-You-Then-Walk-Away - Arigatou for the review! I most definitely will make more fics like this one. n.n I hope you will read them, as well!

Carazon - Arigatou! I'm glad I made you laugh! I love making people laugh. Arigatou for the review!

Phantomsnow - Aw, arigatou for the compliments and the review. I do hope you enjoyed it! n.n

AshyGirl - laughs Of course I'll do more fanfics! I hope you'll read them all! And I'm sorry you don't own me, but my Travis does! Winks Hah hah!

And that concludes my review thanks. I hope you'll review one last time, and I'll see you in my next fic! Smiles

Ja na for now!
