Angles180 Degrees

A/N: ooooooooo :o, new story! Btw, I am going to keep updating 'by the riverside' and 'looking for a fairytale', but veeeery slooooowly! Read and review!

Chapter 1: The Angles

Math class had always been the most boring for him, mainly because he was so exceptionally good at it. The numbers would move around in his pretty head and the answer to a problem would appear instantly. It was as if the questions were solving themselves. There was no effort involved at all and this is what he loved and hated. It was boring yet convenient.

Most of the students were in the room and the teacher was still not there. As was expected. His math teacher was always late. Always. All the students were chatting away carelessly about the latest gossip and the newest fashion trends. The progress with the girls and the hottest pick-up lines. All except for two.

A pale hand lazily turned the page of a boring book as green eyes silently watched it. The boy let out a sigh as did the girl but for two completely different reasons. He turned to stare at the clock directly behind her and she adjusted her impossibly pink hair to make sure it was neat as he looked.

The most handsome boy in the school and the prettiest girl. They seemed made for each other yet he paid no attention to her whatsoever.

The face of the clock read nine o'clock. Fifteen minutes after class had already begun. Where was that tardy teacher anyway?

They made eye contact and the girl quickly turned away. The boy turned back to his book in a sluggish manor and put it in his bag, which occupied the empty seat beside him. He was not an imbecile. He knew she was staring. He knew how a lot of girls, as well as a few boys, would stare. But never would he return the stares they gave. At least, not in the way that they gave their stares.

The most sought out bachelor in the entire school, always being watched. As he walked down the hall, he'd often hear his name come up in the conversations of new sophomore girls. As he ate lunch in the cafeteria, he would turn his head and find a whole table of people turning theirs, only moments before having their eyes glued on to him.

Already one week of the new school year had gone by and still, none of this had changed from the year before.

Now all he wanted was for class to start so that the green eyed, pink haired girl would have something else to occupy her gaze or at least so he'd have something to pay attention to. This was a farfetched hope for two reasons that he knew of. Number One: By the way things were looking, the teacher would never arrive. Number Two: Even if class started, he knew that she wouldn't care. She'd just keep on staring at the back of his head, which, though he wouldn't show it, freaked him out and made him feel exposed.

After another few more minutes, the teacher of the class, the ever so late Mr. Hatake, finally walked through the classroom door and asked for everybody to return to their seats. He quickly took attendance and hastily apologized for being so late for class.

"I spilt coffee on my perfect white shirt on the drive over and I had to go home to change."

Nobody ever believed his lame excuses.

Mr. Hatake started the class while Sasuke pulled out his textbook and Sakura continued to stare at the back of his pretty little head. Yes, it was a normal day just like any other at Konoha High.

He walked down the empty halls in a hurry, his blonde hair glistening under florescent lights. Classes had already begun. Finding the office was hard enough but finding his classroom was going to much tougher as all the doors in the huge and unfamiliar building were identical and the numbers which labeled them were small and faded on the blurry window of each door.

The map that the secretary in the office had given him proved to be quite useless as none of it was labeled. Finally, he had found a school map like one in a shopping mall with a star that said 'you are here' and, to his gratitude, with every room labeled. He memorized the path that would lead him to his room quickly and began the journey up the stairs, left at the second hall and the fifth door to the right.

Outside the door, he contemplated on whether or not to actually go in or to run away from it all while he still could. He ended up picking the first choice. Not knowing what to expect, he turned the knob of the door and walked straight in, hoping, always hoping, for the best.

The door suddenly opened and in walked an attractive young man. Of course, in her eyes, her emerald eyes, he would never be as attractive as her dear Sasuke. There was a small and shy smile on his face as he walked to Mr. Hatake's desk and whispered something into his ear. The boy handed him a mall slip of paper and Mr. Hatake, after reading what was written on it, nodded in return. He smiled again and turned his head. The girl could have sworn that she saw his eyes rest on Sasuke for at least five seconds before scanning the rest of the room. Finally, his eyes laid upon hers and he seemed to visibly flinch. At that moment, she realized that by then she was subconsciously glaring at him.
The staring match had lasted for quite a while. Both boys stared at each other silently, but in the end, he had come out on top. Of course, he knew that the new boy would be the first to turn away, nervous and easily intimidated in a new environment. But strangely enough, he didn't want the match to be over. In fact, he was certainly disappointed when the boy turned away. He wanted to look deeper into his entrancing eyes, get a clearer look. As they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. But why was it that he wished to look into his eyes and nobody else's? That was a question that he left to himself unanswered.

"Class," Mr. Hatake said suddenly, "Please welcome our new student! Introduce yourself, young man!" He patted the helpless boy on the back.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto," the boy said, flashing everybody a wide grin that seemed much too big for his face. "Nice to meet ya!" He wasn't shy at all.

"Good work, boy!" Mr. Hatake said amused, "Go take any free seat."

The boy scanned the room quickly and his eyes rested on the seat beside Sasuke's. He walked up to it and frowned at the bag that occupied it.

"Do you mind?" he asked Sasuke. They locked eyes again.

Sasuke smirked.

"Yes, yes I do. His name is Bob and he has feelings too, you know." Bob the bag. Catchy enough, right?

"Excuse me?" the new boy was annoyed now. Sasuke took note of his short temper.

"Sasuke!" Mr. Hataki said strictly, which was quite unusual of him. He was always laid back and relaxed.

"Fine, fine." Sasuke said as he removed Bob from his seat and placed him under his own desk.

The boy took the seat, unaware of the many pairs of jealous eyes that glared at the back of his head. All the while, he and Sasuke kept their eyes locked. The new boy hadn't blinked yet. Finally, after a couple more minutes of staring, Sasuke blinked and turned away. Amazing, he had lost that staring match.

Indeed, it was just another normal day at Konoha High.

A/N: Sorry, I had to rush the last few paragraphs: my sis needed the computer bad! Anyway, read and review, please!