Author has written 95 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Monty Python, Spiral, Naruto, Harry Potter, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Grey's Anatomy. Name:Not for you to know Age:17 Grade:12th Hobbies:anime, anime, writing and other random stuff Birthday:June 28th Fav animes/Mangas: to many to list Fav music: Almost every type but rap, R&B and pop(a giant country music fan) Fav movie:Like most movies so can't say fav Fav anime character:...Nobody right now Fav shounen-ai/yaoi couple:JuugoXSuigetsu (at the moment) Other shounen-ai/yaoi couples enjoy: Gaara/Sasuke Itachi/Sasuke Yusuke/Kurama Gaara/Itachi/Sasuke Naruto/Sasuke Suzu/Susumu Tetsu/Susums Tetsu/Suzu Shinpatchi(Sp?)/Sano Tetsu/Tatsu Souji/Tetsu Souji/Hijikata(Sp?) Jin/Touya Gaara/Neji Uchihacest Sandcest JuugoxSuigetsu Naruto/Sai There are more but I can't think of them now it is late Quotes "Holy Hell! Is it okay if I puke on myself?"- "Wee yahoo I'm invinceable!"- "PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"- "There is no one who does not have scars on his heart if there were such a person he would be a shallow bastard"- "I can't trust someone who thinks I'm crazy" "Come on Gimli!"- "As you wiiissshhh!" "Just keep swimming Just keep swimming damnit I said just keep swimming!" "What is it like living in a constant haze of stupidity"- "its an oliphant mr. Frodo!"- "You do't make bombs go boom in your face!"- "You masacured your shirt!"- "A little rain never hurt anybody." "God help us...we're in the hand of engineers." "But John when The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists." "Never run from anything immortal it only attracts their attention." "You ever meet anyone you didn't kill?" "I'm chaos he's mayham. We're a double act." "You know how to use that thin?"(points at sword) "So what do we need besides a miracle?" "Whats real? How do we define real?" "Greed is for amuturs...Disorder..Chaos...anarchy now thats for fun."- "Ugly? What do you mean ugly?" "I was robbed by a sweet old lady in a motorized cart!...I never saw it coming." "Sir! are you classifyed as human?" "listen lady I only speak two languages English and Bad English."- "Pick spot. Shut up. Wait."- "We all know god invented liquar to keep the Irish from ruling the world."- "I think we better split up" "You mean you never had a slinky?" "I have something to say. Its better to burn out, then to fade away."- "All that is gold does not glitter. Not all who wander are lost."- "I ain't heard no fat lady!" "Who's that then?" "Are you suggesting coconuts my great?"- "Death is only the beginning."- "You lighten up, you big trouble, you get in the car."- "Real life is boring" "cross dress to impress!" "Inuyasha did you borrow my makeup without permisson."- "My dog is stupid" "Human's are like slinkys. Though they are not useful, it will always make you smile when one tumbles down the stars." Sango rolls her eyes "You're rediculious ,you know that?" Yusuke:"Alright kids, today im going to teach you how to not get your butts kicked." "You dropped it in the hottub! Do you know what people do in the hottub?""lets think here late hourscouples on their honeymoon you put two and two together!" "No if you want to die Kill yourself" "Too bad I was actually starting to like the jackass" "What kind of creature could make my eardrums bleed" "Kurama is assless he has no donkey"(don't ask watch the YYH commentary and you'll understand) "If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt you would not be without friends." (Anyone who knows this e-mail me if you get it right i'll give you a cookie _) "Bitter crimson tears flow from lifeless eyes and mingle with the endless sands bestowing ever greater power upon the demon god" "Jamie want big boom" "I just love seeing adam in pain" "Sand Sibling's Unite!" "I know you're lonely, Gaara. but you don't have to. You may not believe me but...there will always be people, who will be there for you, who are holding you near and don't want you get hurt." "Remember this Zuko, no matter what happens never forget who you are."-Ursa I am a kuwabara basher I will always spell his name kuwabaka anyone who has a problem with that should leave me the hell alone! I SUPPORT SHOUNEN-AI + YAOI (well most of it their are few i don't like but thats only three pairings all the rest I enjoy) I'm so sad right now Yu Yu Hakusho has ended its just so sad tear tear and Spiral has ended tooand sohas Gungrave its all so sad Most recent show to end:Samurai Champloo Ok i got this idea to put a quote of the week from my friend she hasn't updated recently but i'll try update as soon as i can this week's quote of the week is "Sand siblings unite!" Note:I only write when i'm bored in otherwords when school is in session so don't yell at me during the summer only during the majortiy of the spring fall and winter Summertime Whoot! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I was on vacation and when I got back I found out that my friend Jon had died in an atv accident I spent the last couple of days going to the wake and the funeral so I haven't had much time to put anything on but I will shortly Jonathan Sneed R.I.P- Who You'd Be Today-Kenny Chesney Sunny days seem to hurt the most. It ain't fair: you died too young, Would you see the world? Would you chase your dreams? It ain't fair: you died too young, Today, today, today. Instrumental Break Sunny days seem to hurt the most. Some day, some day, some day. Also, if anyone has a NarutoFan Accont drop by and say Hello I'm Morwain on there. Story Progress and Ideas: Is It worth it?: Working on chapter 2 which will be much longer than the first Never Me With You: Stuck on where to go next but attemptiong to write a third chapter Suigetsu's Travel Journal: Working on Day 10(Chapter 2) more waiting for manga chapters than anything..also delayed for other reasons now... Also shameless self-promation: http:/// my photos view them... |