Hello my Dearest Readers.
I just bought Evanescence's CD and I am completely in love with it. The song Everybody's Fool reminded me of how Kurama is deceiving his schoolmates and mother. While heading home from my friend Jessica's house, I began to imagine Shiori's thoughts and reactions to Kurama Youko (pretending she ever found out, which she doesn't). It's angsty if you follow the lyrics (I know the truth now. I know who you are. I don't love you anymore.) But that's what I like best in anime's and writings; angst, death, a little humor, lots of pain, and one of the most important; HOT LOVABLE GUYS!!!
Lady Hiten

~~ Lyrics ~~

Summary: This fic is Shiori's point of view on Kurama after she learned his secret. DARK!! EVIL!! OOC!! Songfic to Evanescence's Everybody's Fool.

Shiori is REALLY OOC in this fic. It is DARK!!! DARK, DARK, DARK!!! EVIL!!!



~~ Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence ~~

You seemed to be the perfect son. You studied hard, were polite, and were in great physical shape. You seemed happy, yet distant. You didn't seem to want of need friends. Now I know why.

~~ Just what we all need
More lies about a world that.
Never was and never will be
Have you no shame?
Don't you see me you know you've got everybody fooled ~~

You're just what the world needs right now! A perpetual liar who lives a double life! You lie about your life, you friends, and even your reasons for being gone for those trips!

I realize that this is just an imaginary world that I live in! Nothing is real or false to you! It's all just a game!

Don't you feel ashamed?! You have deceived everyone who is close to you! Were they even close? Did you truly love them? Do you love me?

You have even fooled yourself!

~~ Look here she comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh how we love you
No flaws when you're pretending
But now I know ~~

There you go. Strolling down the street to your school. Do you even care about those unfortunate girls who have fallen under your spell? They call you, adore you, and love you! Even men turn to see your calm and beautiful face! It's disgusting how you don't care!

There are no flaws in your performance. You smile so beautifully that it's sickening. A devil like you causes the hearts of the innocent to race! You are despicable!

But I know you now. You are not at all like you pretend.

~~ She never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled ~~

The despair is too much to bear! Shuiichi, my beloved, beautiful son, was never born! He was never alive and never will be! You, a detestable fiend, replaced him before he was even alive!

It is a harrowing betrayal! No one would dare to do such a thing but you! Only a demon like you could have done it!

Yet somehow, you remain a wolf in sheep's clothing. A fox, to be more accurate. You hide from the world in a body that does not belong to you.

When you showed me, you hoped I would accept you didn't you?

'Kaa-san' you said. 'I have something to show you. I pray you will still love me after this,' you had said.

You seemed hesitant, but I brushed it away. How was I to know that a demon had replaced my baby?

I hate you so much it is unbearable!

~~ Without the mask where will you hide
Can't find yourself lost in your lie ~~

Who will hide you now, Kurama? You killed my son to save your life fifteen years ago. Will you do it to another? Will you abandon my son's flesh and possess another?

How will you hide now that I know your secret? Will you leave Japan? You seemed to have been unable to control it since I disowned you. Is it because I hurt you when I disowned you? Are you in pain?

I hope so.

~~ I know the truth now
I know who you are
And I don't love you anymore ~~

Now that you have let me see the true you, the one hidden behind a mask, I cannot stand you! Who would have deemed it possible to love something for fifteen years, and after twenty minutes despise it?

I loved you so much, Shuiichi! But now I know; I didn't know who you were. Most parents can honestly say that they can read their children like an open book, that they know them better than anyone.

I could not.

You never told me anything about yourself. All I knew about you, I learned from observation. I learned that you loved gardening and all forms of plant life. You were an ace student at school with little or no studying involved. You didn't appreciate the admirers that followed you, but you tolerated them nonetheless.

Of course, why should a demon care about them? Why should he care about me?

You claimed that you had tried to leave, but could not out of love for me.

I wish I could believe you. But even more, I wish you had left.

I wish you had left me. That pain would not have been close to what I am feeling now. You killed my son and replaced him. I have 'raised' a murderer.

~~ Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled ~~

You can't understand the perfidy. You have never loved anyone, even though you deny it.

You somehow managed to fool the world.

~~ It never was and never will be
You're not real and you can't save me
Somehow now you're everybody's fool ~~

Now I watch as you leave the human world forever. Tears stream down your face as you say goodbye, knowing I am here. But I do not care.

You were never here. You are not my son. You never will be.

Somehow, after fooling the world, you turned out to be the fool.


And damn you to hell.


You can guess what kind of mood I was in can't you? *Snicker* Actually, I was sick today so my head was all, like...groggy (for lack of better word) though I was happy and sane when I got the idea for this. Actually, I was upset because I managed to gain two thousand pounds by eating brownies at my friend's house. So now I went from being "fluffy" to..... a beached whale!! (Lol) Now, after Lyndsey reads this I'm going to end up owing her more money. *Sigh* Let me elaborate: In an attempt to cure my low self esteem, Lyn has stated that if I degrade myself, I will owe her 25 cents for each insult. I owe her a dollar, because she doesn't know this yet (after reading this she'll know) but I usually berate myself mentally. Hey!! I've defied the authority!! I'm a rebel!! Yea me!!

Anyway, please R&R (and no, I don't mean Rest & Relax. I mean READ AND REVIEW!!!! Thankie, thankie.