Author's Note, le finale: And that is IT! After one hundred thousand words and just under twelve long years, I am finally checking the "completed" bubble on this story. Who would have thought?!
Thank you to all who have read, lurked, favorited, followed and reviewed. I hope this goes to show: you never have to give up on something. Don't just sit on a finished work because you're afraid - it's better out in the open. Fear should never win. You CAN do things you never thought you could. Great things!
I feel obligated (or greedily gleeful) to mention I did have thoughts for a sequel, wherein Yusuke and co take up the fight and seek to free others from the same bonds they once endured. This sequel in particular largely revolved around the Chapter Black characters as a rival, freedom-inclined "plantation" of brigands operating on their own. Their intentions might have been good, but unfortunately somewhat misguided. In the outline, Yusuke (and Kuwabara!) truly come into their own, with special features by Mitarai, Hagiri, and others. Alas, I appear to have lost these notes. If I ever find them, I'll post them on archiveofourown under a note or something. You can find the link to my username on our profile here.
From my fourteen-year-old-self, who wrote this epic, and my current self - thanks for coming along with me. It's meant a great deal.
All the best, and never stop dreaming,
Free At Last
By the time the sun was fully up, most of the other slaves had awoken. Confused as to why nobody had forced them into the fields yet, they'd wandered up towards the Big House—and been greeted with the astonishing sight of a gigantic pile of rubble and seventeen slaves-no-longer standing proudly on top.
"This is all happening so fast," Yukina whispered, shaking her head in awe.
"I know," Botan agreed, a gigantic grin on her face.
"Don't look so solemn," Kurama muttered in Yusuke's ear as Touya continued a speech to the new not-slaves. "He's been planning this for years. Don't begrudge him his moment. "
"I'm not," said Yusuke, shaking his head, "But it just feels so different. Like—there's nobody to stop us anymore. We can do whatever we want—"
"—because we're free?" Kurama supplied.
Yusuke nodded. "But somehow, it doesn't feel quite as good as I thought it would."
Kuwabara spoke up. "Because freedom's a dish best served with others, Urameshi."
Yusuke grinned. "Can't argue with that!"
"By the way," Jorge interuppted, frowning. "I still don't get it. How exactly did you defeat Toguro, Yuuske? Did you use your Spirit Gun, or—"
"Well," said Yusuke, as he shared a smile with his friends, "I had a little help."
They laughed. As Touya wrapped up his speech, they knew that this was the beginning of something completely new—and something completely theirs to control.
"—and so, my friends, we stand here this morning not as slaves, but as free men and women who have done the impossible. Now we are entering a new era. You may stay and work alongside us or go northwards to pursue your dreams. For there are others less fortunate than us, today—those who are still held under the iron fist of slavery. Realize again how lucky you are—think wisely on your choices before you go! Will you stay and aid us? We have need of you—but nothing in the world can force you back into the slavery you just left. No, you would be our allies, our kinsmen working alongside us for a better tomorrow, that all may enjoy the freedom we have.
"I have a dream of a world without slavery—and today, we've brought that dream one giant step closer. You, me, all of us, we are free! Say it with me:
" 'Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!"