Author has written 10 stories for Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Age: 20 Nickname: Lux Fandoms: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Merlin, Legend of Zelda, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Marvel Cinematic Universe Challenges: PM me if you take one so I can read and review. Raised a Demigod Recommendations- If Harry is the child of two gods, one is Greek and the other is Roman. Dependent on the previous, Harry switches between camps. Sirius brings Harry to camp and avoids going to Azkaban, either because he is a demigod or solely because he knows Harry's heritage. Harry is a child of one of the Big Three. Harry and Percy get on like brothers Harry/Reyna Will/Nico Harry attends a different magic school or has a tutor at camp until he is forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry learns a different, possibly older kind of magic along with his wizarding kind. Dependent on the previous, Harry finds the other magic easier to perform than wizarding magic. Harry becomes Praetor. Harry has a familiar.Forbidden- Evil Dumbledore Dark Harry Slash Harry Harry/Hermione Harem Harry staying at the Dursleys'Contests: Submit a cover photo for any of my stories. If chosen you will be linked in my profile and I will write a oneshot of your choosing, whatever pairings and genre you want, so long as I know the source content. PM for submission details. Preferred pairings: Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Daphne, Percy/Annabeth, Nico/Will, Merlin/Freya, Arthur/Gwen, Fitzsimmons, Daisy/Lincoln Usually disliked pairings: Harry/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Percy/Nico, Merlin/Arthur, Cap/Bucky, Daisy/Ward Disliked pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Hermione/Snape, Nico/Thalia, Poseidon/Athena, Percy/Athena, Artemis/anyone, Romanoff/Banner (WHY?) Crossover pairings I'd like to see: Harry/Reyna Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Holding a story hostage; "If I don't get _ reviews I won't upload the next chapter" or "If people don't start reviewing I'm going to take down the story." "I'm bad at summaries." If you write that I'm going to lose all faith in your ability to write your story as well. "Summary inside." If you don't put down at least part of your summary then I won't click on the link. Challenges as stories. Challenges go on your profile and/or in a forum, not as a story. Bad grammar Bad grammar in the A/N. You managed to write an entire chapter, I would hope you'd be able to edit your author's note the same. A/Ns in the story. They break the flow. If you think you messed up on something A) look it up before you post, B) if it must be mentioned, mention it before or after the chapter. Guests asking questions in reviews, particularly in oneshots |